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Post Info TOPIC: Salford [other wildlife]

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RE: Salford [other wildlife]

Banded Demoiselle along the Irwell near Exchange Quay this Lunchtime 


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Hi Dave,

As it's been a hot summer (relatively) the long-winged morph has been fairly abundant this year, which enables them to colonise wider areas by flying, and this is how they colonised the UK in the first place.
In a normal year the vast majority are flightless and so their spread is much slower. Until now the closest I'd heard them was the west Midlands.



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James Richardson wrote:

At least 2 Roesels bush crickets chirring along the Irwell by peel park today. Im from Kent and its a familiar sound there but Ive never heard them this far north west before.

Hi James

Interesting that, as during this week I thought I heard one on Parsons Meadow in Wigan, but dismissed it and didnt hang around. I hadnt heard them since working at Sandwich Bay in the 1990s, but distinctive as you say. 




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At least 2 Roesels bush crickets chirring along the Irwell by peel park today. Im from Kent and its a familiar sound there but Ive never heard them this far north west before.


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Small Tortoiseshell and Painted Lady in Peel Park just now


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Banded Demoiselle on the small grotty pond in the Blue Peter Garden at Media City this morning.


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Hey Steve, I've just seen a male Banded Demoiselle near where I saw my green one last month, and it was a similar size to that creature, so I think you might be right, given the notes I see about flight periods and habitat preferences too. Nice one, thanks for the suggestion


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Following on from this, I was on the forecourt of the Renault showroom on Trinity Way this afternoon when a mature male banded demoiselle flew past, almost landing on my car. The Irwell is the nearest water body. Maybe your green one was a female/immature, Simon. 

-- Edited by Steve Christmas on Thursday 6th of June 2019 07:53:35 PM


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I saw a damselfly on Friday 17th May on the Meadow at Salford Crescent, that looked to be an Emerald, pretty big and a stunning green colour. No idea if this is a bog standard or decent record, if anyone has a view let me know?


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On a single patch of Michaelmas daisies along River Irwell near littleton road was swarming with pollinating insects including 5 small tortoiseshells - seen more today than I have all year âș

Z Barrett

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Three terrapins seen in lake at Clowes park, higher broughton this afternoon

Z Barrett

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I saw rabbits there once earlier this year, though what an odd place to see rabbits!smile

Z Barrett

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Three rabbits feeding on the grass verge opposite Weaste ETW between Coronet Way and Pacific Way at 22.15 on Wed. 23rd Sept.


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Friday evening on Worsley Golf Course found a dead Hedgehog. When i turned it over it's rear legs had been bitten off. This can only have been done by a fox. This is the second dead one i've found this month, the first one had clearly been ripped apart. As much as i enjoy seeing foxes this is becoming an issue in the light of the Hedgehog situation country wide !!!

Gary Mills

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Singles of Holly Blue, Brimstone, Comma and Speckled Wood at Dukes Drive, Monton today


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At this exact time in September 2011 I witnessed a huge eruption of St Mark's flies in Derbyshire where I was working.
This confused me because St Mark's flies are supposed to appear in late April/earlyJune. However, they were definitely St Mark's flies, so
perhaps, Mike, you've observed something similar.


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Mike Savage wrote:

Stopped to have a look at Weaste WWTW and as I was leaving spotted something odd happening above a big Poplar just west of the works - a smoke-like motion which turned out to be some thousands of flying insects - guessing a swam of bees? Have seen something similar with blackflies near Lough Neagh but didnt seem right for this location


Mike, as a beekeeper, it would seem extremely unlikely for honeybees to swarm at this time of year - summertime is swarming time, when the colony size is on the increase, and bees swarm due to lack of space (among other reasons). At this time of year the colony is shrinking, and the queen laying rate on the decrease. Other bees don't swarm. That said, I haven't any positive ideas as to what they may have been. I haven't seen any flying ant swarms for a few weeks locally?


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Stopped to have a look at Weaste WWTW and as I was leaving spotted something odd happening above a big Poplar just west of the works - a smoke-like motion which turned out to be some thousands of flying insects - guessing a swam of bees? Have seen something similar with blackflies near Lough Neagh but didnt seem right for this location

Mike S


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RE: Salford [other wildlife]

Hi Gary
The young Roe deer was actually in my works yard. Two BT engineers who saw the deer running down Liverpool street wisely managed to divert it into my yard to stop an accident happening on the road. I locked it in along with two police officers who were passing and rang the RSPCA. The deer was breathing fast and was panicking and even charged us a couple of times with its little 8" antlers at the ready. After 40 minutes it had calmed down a bit then decided it could squeeze out of a gap between the gate and fence and off it went. The RSPCA turned up two minutes later so missed all the fun. I found the deer a couple of hours later hidden away in some bushes nearby so if it stays there till dark it should be safe. It was good to see one so close.

Dave Thacker

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It's that time of year again when Deer to start to make appearances. A very young Deer was spotted causing chaos on Liverpool Street this afternoon (near to where you work Dave Thacker if you're reading this). Fortunately the animal was cornered by police in a yard and the Rspca were called. On the minus side there have been a number of fatalities around the motorway network this week.

Gary Mills

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Mink seen swimming in the Manchester Ship Canal at Weaste

-- Edited by James Walsh on Tuesday 28th of May 2013 08:59:43 PM


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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Although this isn't specific to Salford, it's getting into deer sighting season with a sighting of 2 in a Monton garden last week and probably one of the same running along Monton rd. Sightings are up in places like Bury and Bolton, unfortunately road casualties are on the increase as well.

Gary Mills

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Saw a Vole briefly on Pomona today


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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Just watching a Bat flying, I'm at Albert Bridge near The Mark Addy in Manchester.


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My mum and dad saw a brimstone butterfly on their allotment in Eccles yesterday.


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A Fox was trotting down Cross lane this morning at 6.25am. It was in great condition and was not bothered by me stopping my car and having a good look

Dave Thacker

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Tuesday 12th March

Mink on MSC viewed from Halfpenny Bridge (Woden Street)


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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Delighted to see a lovely Fox trotting near Salford precinct in the early hours


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Last weekend while wandering on the mosslands I was given four freshly shot Wood pigeons which have been waiting in the boot of my car for the Fox which visits my workplace. This morning at 5.55am he finally turned up as I arrived at work. I gave him all four birds, he hid three in the undergrowth and then spent 10 minutes removing the feathers from the remaining bird before eating it.

Dave Thacker

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A Cock Pheasant which decided to head butt my car on Astley moss this week became a breakfast for a hungry old Fox this morning outside my workplace in Salford. It meant that the Fox did not go hungry and I kept all my sandwiches for once instead of sharing them again.

Dave Thacker

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A Fox ran in front of my car on Liverpool street last night as I was leaving work at 9.20pm. It trotted off down West Egerton street. This morning probably the same Fox was waiting for its breakfast in the undergrowth outside my works as I arrived at 6.20am. A tin of dog food warmed him up

Dave Thacker

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One Mink this morning along the Irwell at The Cliff


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Fox along the disused railway line nw/of Weaste ETW

3 Pipistrelle Bats, Pomona


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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Two Mink seen swimming in the Irwell near to the Princes bridge this morning at 7.20am, seen by a workmate of mine.

Dave Thacker

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Weasel by Manchester Ship Canal, in the Lange car park, in the area known as "Weaste Point"


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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And tonight I finally saw a fox myself!! Just near Abito/Copthorne Hotel on Clippers Quay :))


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Also, an adult fox near Etap Hotel/Frankie and Bennys seen many times by my colleagues :)


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Bunnies on Broadway, Salford Quays :)


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A Mink on Salford Quays, Wharfside Promenade by Sam Platts Pub

-- Edited by James Walsh on Tuesday 3rd of July 2012 08:11:06 PM


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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The Fox which occasionally waits outside my works gate was there again this morning at 5.55am. I'm beginning to think that he is psychic as when he visited last week and as well as today I had my favourite roast chicken butties with me. I gave him two which went down in a flash, then two more when he gave me a really sad look and finally my last two as he came within 2m of me. He really is a beautiful looking male fox and in great condition, after he finished eating he trotted off down Liverpool street leaving me starving.

-- Edited by Dave Thacker on Tuesday 29th of May 2012 08:02:20 PM

Dave Thacker

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Dave Thacker wrote:

Great work Melanie
Don't forget to check your welly warmers for ticks

will do..gulp!!


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Another sighting of a young Deer in the centre of Salford early this morning by a workmate of mine as he walked near to where the Flat Iron pub use to be. I wonder if it is the same Deer reported by Gary Mills a couple of postings below.

Dave Thacker

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Great work Melanie
Don't forget to check your welly warmers for ticks

Dave Thacker

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Melanie Beckford wrote:

Wonderful, big Hedgehog dicing with death on Tetlow Lane this morning. Managed to get him, picked him up with my Welly Warmers, put him in a lined RSPB bag and put him to safety
10 minutes late for work but my boss understood...

Well done Melanie



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Wonderful, big Hedgehog dicing with death on Tetlow Lane this morning. Managed to get him, picked him up with my Welly Warmers, put him in a lined RSPB bag and put him to safety
10 minutes late for work but my boss understood...


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Report of a young Deer stuck in the compound of one of the blocks of flats near to Churchill Way, Salford this afternoon, The Rspca were contacted who advised to leave it alone as the mother may be close by. Not entirely sure about that, i mean, what was she doing, shopping at T J Hughes. There seems to be the usual increase in deer sightings at this time of year from area like Prestwich, Whitefield and Higher Broughton. I think the deer managed to escape but i wouldn;t hold out much hope for it down there. Fingers crossed.

Gary Mills

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As I arrived at my workplace this morning at 6.05am a dog Fox was sat just inside the bushes next to my work gates. I went and got some dog biscuits which I keep in work and "borrowed" two eggs from the canteen. He was a bit wary at first but eventually came and started feeding. I also put out a bowl of water and one of my cheese and onion butties which it also ate.

At 12.20pm it was still hidden in the undergrowth next to my gates so I went and got a tin of dog food and l placed it just inside the bush.

I checked again as I was leaving tonight at 7pm and it was fast asleep and all the food was gone

The Fox was in great condition but it absolutely stunk . I'm sure that I have fed this one before probably about 4 weeks ago and its good to see him again

Dave Thacker

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i had a mink swimming across the ship canal straight towards me next to samuel platts,salford quays,cheeky little bugger even came to within 4ft away from me on the path & was not even bothered i was stood there, until i chased it away.


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Early Tuesday morning at 1.45am as I was leaving Salford Royal hospital I watched a Fox digging for worms in the hospital gardens beside Stott Lane. She watched me as she carried on digging for about 10 minutes before she trotted off towards the old A&E.

-- Edited by Dave Thacker on Wednesday 7th of March 2012 08:15:33 PM

Dave Thacker

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Heart in mouth moment yesterday at 0915am. Saw a Roe deer run out of Tallyman Way towards Agecroft Road. Fortunately traffic was very slow moving and the deer managed to get across unscathed towards the country park.

Gary Mills
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