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Post Info TOPIC: Wigan Flashes(other wildlife)

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RE: Wigan Flashes(other wildlife)

Otter on Pearsons Flash today


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Otter on Horrocks Flash yesterday.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Otters  on Pearsons flash lately  ,pair together on Pearsons 


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22nd March 2023.

Two Brimstone butterflies on path towards Hawkley screen from Scotman's Flash.

At least four Common Frogs in water below Hawkley screen.


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Butterflies : Lots of Speckled Woods, 2 Brimstones, 1 Gatekeeper (Looking very shabby) and 4 Meadow Browns.

Dragonflies : Lots of Common Darters and Southern Hawkers, 6 Brown Hawkers and at least 6 Migrant Hawkers.

Also 1 Emperor seen over Horrocks Flash. The only damselflies seen were several Common Blues alongside the canal towpath.

I can't recall seeing such an abundance of dragonflies anywhere previously, although today's large hatch of winged ants may

have proved an attraction for them. At one point I had 4 male Southern Hawkers flying around me simultaneously, one of which

was seen to catch a hoverfly. An alder alongside Pearsons Flash held large numbers of Alder Leaf Beetles.

A small Common Toad was seen alongside the towpath.

John Williams

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Morning walk.

Butterflies : 8+ Peacocks (Mainly around Pearsons Flash) and 2 Brimstones.

Also 1 Alder Leaf Beetle.

John Williams

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A bat which I guess to be noctule based on size was hunting in the open clearing towards the far end of Hawkley Hall High School 2pm today until disturbed when a magpie made a dart at it. Bat got away and departed in direction of Ochre Flash


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Singles of Common Blue and Peacock butterflies were amongst the numerous Meadow Browns and Gatekeepers in the cleared area to the South

of Pearsons Flash, the patches of flowering Knapweed seems a real bonus for them here.

2 Common Darter dragonflies and a couple of Common Blue damselflies were the only Odonata species seen.

John Williams

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Saturday 3rd August 10.00-13.30

Pretty muted for birds but some superb insect life. Loads of dragonflies, Brown Hawkers and Common Darters plentiful, saw one very nice Common Hawker, a Ruddy Darter and a couple of Black-tailed Skimmers as well as a probable Emperor and another Hawker that looked like a Southern, but I am not totally confident with them so couldn't be sure.

The Butterflies were superb, the celebrated Painted Lady invasion certainly true, 20+ along the canal but the highlight of the day was walking over the bridge and heading away into the light woodland and meadows south of Pearson's on that side of the canal. As I walked down through a big patch of thistles and cow parsley and such, the buzz of insects was so loud and there were easily 50 Painted Ladies along with Gatekeepers, Common Blues, Peacocks and Red Admirals, in about 30 square feet around me. A Brimstone was a nice treat too. There would have been a few hundred of the Painted Ladies in the whole meadow I reckon, superb. There are at least 3 separate meadow patches down that track and with the sun out it was bliss.


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Butterflies :

Painted Ladies- 18 along the towpath by Scotsmans Flash, 13 feeding on Knapweed

flowers near Turners Flash, plus 2 more near Horrocks Flash.

Peacocks and Gatekeepers abundant, 9 Speckled Woods, 2 Small Whites and 1 Brimstone.

Dragonflies :

3 Brown+ 1 Southern Hawkers, 2m Black Tailed Skimmers, 2 Common Darters

and lots of Common Blue Damselflies.

John Williams

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Odonata: No dragonflies were seen, lots of damselflies though.

Common Blues were abundant by Scotsmans and Pearsons Flashes.

A few Blue Tailed were noted alongside Pearsons, or along the towpath opposite Ochre Flash.

2 Emeralds were on the tall vegetation by the willows on the walk along the towpath on the walk down to Horrocks Flash.

A single Azure was sat on a willow alongside the towpath opposite Bryn Marsh.

Singles of Common Blue and Brimstone butterflies were seen, as was a 2-Spot Ladybird.

A few large mayflies were doing their aerial dance by Pearsons Flash.

2 "Oedemira Nabolis" type beetles were on flower heads alongside the towpath.

John Williams

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Friday, 1st February 2019. At approximately 11:00 hrs.

Fox walking along a frozen Horrocks Flash. It had probably been feeding on a dead Mallard duck which I spotted on the ice at the other side of the Flash.


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Painted Lady at Horrocks Flash today


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2 Ruddy Darter on the canal towpath by Horrocks Flash today, few other dragonflies active due to breeze, but included 1 Banded Demoiselle on the canal. Brimstone also there.

This morning a Banded Demoiselle at Westwood, just a few hundred metres off the River Douglas.


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A young Hedgehog was at Horrocks Flash this morning, looking lively and healthy 


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Pearsons Flash area

1 Common Toad and 1 Weasel.

Horrocks Flash

Lots of Fly Agaric toadstools by the towpath

John Williams

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Along the towpath between Poolstock and Horrocks Flash

3 Brown Hawker dragonflies and 2 Common Blue damselflies.

1 Common Blue, 1 Gatekeeper and numerous Meadow Brown butterflies, with one of the later almost taken by a Brown Hawker. A single 5 Spot Burnet Moth on Red Clover by Pearsons Flash

-- Edited by John Williams on Sunday 24th of July 2016 01:18:20 PM

John Williams

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Friday 15th Jul - Water Vole at Horrocks Flash


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A Weasel and a male Orange Tip by Scotman's Flash today


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Scarlet Elf Cup on fallen branches by Pearson's Flash today


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Brimstone by Turner's Flash today


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Moth sp Nemophora degeerella in woodland at Horrocks Flash this morning


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Keith Williams wrote:

I walked along the canal yesterday at 11.30am from Lily Lane, Platt Bridge towards Horrock's and was surprised to see a bat flying round behind the houses, halfway to the railway bridge.

I presume this is unusual but am no bat expert. Small bat, possibly a pipistrelle?



Probably is one of the Pipistrelle's Keith but as to which one you'd need echo location equipment to measure the call.


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I walked along the canal yesterday at 11.30am from Lily Lane, Platt Bridge towards Horrock's and was surprised to see a bat flying round behind the houses, halfway to the railway bridge.

I presume this is unusual but am no bat expert. Small bat, possibly a pipistrelle?




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1 Migrant Hawker above Pearsons Flash

Also a freshly dead Smooth Newt on the towpath by Horrocks Flash.

John Williams

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Hi David I did think I had seen a post with a black rabbit but couldn't remember where, I didn't realise we had two threads for Wigan flashes,


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Hi Bernard, I also saw a black Rabbit at Horrocks Flash, on August 2nd. I thought I'd posted it and a check showed there are two Wigan Flashes (other wildlife) threads, which I hadn't noticed. Never seen one at the Flashes before, but have on occasions elsewhere.


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A jet black rabbit near horrocks flash, never seen one this colour in the wild before.


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5 Brimstone this morning between Bryn Marsh and Ochre Flash, along footpath from canal to Park House Farm
Also on a circuit from Welham Road to Bryn Marsh 32 Speckled Wood, 10 Peacock, 5 Gatekeeper


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Water Vole today on the margins of a footpath at the south end of Scotman's Flash, then scurried in to a ditch


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a short distance off the Flashes, a Brimstone today at Westwood Lane


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At least 4 brimstone butterfly's, saw 4 near pearsons flash walking down + 2 when walking back that may have been the same ones, plenty of peacock and tortoiseshell,


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Singles of Red Admiral and Small White today, plenty of Migrant Hawkers around the site


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A single Oxeye Daisy still in flower along the towpath near the railway bridge

John Williams

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6 Southern Hawker dragonflies along the canal tow path between Pearsons and Horrocks Flashes, 1 chased a Caddis Fly over the canal, but stopped the attack almost at the

point of contact.

1 Small Tortoiseshell butterfly.

1 small clump of Toadflax still in flower along the tow path.

John Williams

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Nettle-tap moth by Scotman's Flash today


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2 Roe Deer by Bryn Marsh this morning
Southern Hawker and 12+ Speckled Wood in vicinity


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3 Vapourer moths at north end of Scotman's/Pearson's this morning
Migrant and Brown Hawkers also active


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A very bright Brimstone along the path by Hawley Hall School/Reedbed this afternoon.


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A Fox at Horrocks Flash this afternoon, followed by a watchful mob of Black-Headed Gulls
7 Green-Veined White and 1 Peacock there


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Friday 20th: Brown Hare on Rainford's Tip, seen from Bryn-Wigan train

-- Edited by dave broome on Sunday 22nd of April 2012 07:34:26 PM


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Tawny Mining Bee at south end of Scotman's today
200+ Perch in the pool where the stream from Turner's Flash to Scotman's emerges from under Moss Bridge
a good number of Roach or Rudd visible in the channel in front of Bryn Marsh viewing screen


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6th April, in flower at Pearson's Flash: Marsh Marigold, Skunk Cabbage and either Scented or Scentless Mayweed
molehills near Scotman's


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Brimstone seen from Hawkley feeding station
Comma, Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell were also seen in the general area.

Sadly I failed to locate a 'Cabbage White' for a forum member who shall remain nameless

-- Edited by Karen Foulkes on Saturday 24th of March 2012 08:00:20 PM

Only the obsessed understand!

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at the SE of Scotman's today, 100+ Perch in a pool on the brook where it emerges from under the canal at Moss Bridge
Rabbits near Bryn Marsh, should keep the local Buzzards happy
Marsh Marigold in flower at the Hawkley feeding station


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10/03/2012: Horrocks Flash
1 Mink on canal, trying to get at a Brown Rat that was hiding in a hole in the canal banking.
1 Frog swimming in the canal.


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Horrocks Flash 04/03/12
30/40 frogs spawning in a small pool next to the railway,located by sound ,a first for me

cheers geoff



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Weasel by Horrocks Flash 14th Feb


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1 butterfly seen on Saturday. I suspect it was probably a Small Tortoiseshell, but it flew very high!

Only the obsessed understand!

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Fox calling loudly near Bryn Marsh this evening

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