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Text alerts subs are once again up for renewal for those who wish to continue with the service or for those who wish to join for the first time too of course.

The price remains the same as it has for there past thirteen years (as it really been running that long!) as do the payment options but please feel free to drop me a line for further details if necessary or check out the posts below.



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Another year passes and with it, renewals (and new subscriptions too of course) for the Manchester Birding text alert service for October 2023 to October 2024 are welcomed via the usual methods (please private message me if you need any details etc) and at the usual price of £10 for that period. It all continues to go towards the running of this forum and the website and is both really helpful and much appreciated.


More details for anyone new to the service can be found within this thread below or you can private message me by all means.







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Rob Smith wrote:

Hi Ian

I would like to join the text service, details pse


 PM sent Rob


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Hi Ian

I would like to join the text service, details pse



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Renewals for the next year (October 2022 to October 2023) are now invited and the price remains, for the tenth year running at £10. I must stress that this is not profit making, hence the lack for need for any price increase over that time, and merely contributes to covering the costs of running the website and forum, both of which are hosted on professional platforms and highest security servers.


Payment options and more details can be found within the posts below on this thread but if anyone needs any further information they only need to contact me and I'm more than happy to discuss.


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Hi Anthony, the posts in the thread below have all the information you might need but just drop me a private message and I can send you the final details and get it sorted.

Cheers, Ian


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Hi Ian

I'd like to join this text service. How do I pay/join? 



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Bank details please Ian.


David Shallcross

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paulderrig wrote:


Hi Ian,

 Please could you send me the bank details for subscribing to your Text Service      


 Many thanks  

             Paul Derrig 

 No problem, check your privates messages Paul.


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Hi Ian,

 Please could you send me the bank details for subscribing to your Text Service      


 Many thanks  

             Paul Derrig 


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Subscriptions are once again due for the forthcoming October to October period, still £10, and can be payable to me via bank transfer, Monzo or cheque; please just contact me for any details as necessary.


New users are welcome and further information about the service can also be found in the posts within this thread.


My thanks as always to those who have supported this website and forum by using the service though (and indeed finding and contacting me with those all important county rarities!), its importance in helping keep them running for their now 15th year cannot be underestimated.


All the best, Ian





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My sincere thanks as always for the assistance with the Manchester Birding website and forum by those who subscribe to the text alert service which continues to go towards the yearly and monthly (website and forum respectively) financial cost of running them; it’s really appreciated. Despite the lockdown, both the website and forum have continued to be very well used and appreciated (the latter still running around half a million views per month) and that's brilliant to see, so thanks to you all.


The next year’s subs are now due for those wishing to continue with the text service, still £10 for the year and can be payable as you wish, including bank transfer. If you wish to use the latter method just drop me a text and I’ll send you my details. 


New subscribers are off course always very welcome and full details can be found within this thread but just get in touch if you have any queries.


Thanks again and all the very best,




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Bloody hell, these years pass faster and faster...

The county rarity text alert service continues to be available to all and whilst it is not, nor is intended in any way, to replace any of the excellent national news services, its usually clearly first for county news and tries its best with National and North West megas too. Its costs but a fraction of the price too and continues to contribute directly to the running of this forum and the Manchester Birding website.

There's loads of payment methods available, so if you need any further information just drop me a line but do read the posts below too as they may contain the information you need.

Cheers, Ian

p.s. more (many more) county rarities would be nice too...


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Its seems incredible that this, admittedly modest text alert service, has run for some 10 years now but it continues again this year, to report county rarities, rare and scarce NW birds and national megas amongst the occasion other bits and bobs. Whilst I wish there was more to text out more of the time, I am of course reliant on those in the field finding the birds first, so let's hope this next 'text year' sees lots more decent birds found.

Anyway, my sincere thanks to those who assist with the continued financial running of this forum and the website via their subscription to the service and I hope you will all continue to do so but it is as always, open to new subscribers and at £10 for the year I am told it has never not been worth it. Subscription runs from October to October and payment is by cheque, cash or bank transfer and I welcome any queries to do with the service to be sent to me by private message on here or by email or text (my details are on the Manchester Birding website).

Cheers and let's get out and find those birds!


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My thanks once again to all those birders who have supported the running of this forum via their Manchester Birding Rarities Text Alerts subscription which contributes directly to the cost it incurs.

Whilst it hasn't been quite as busy a year for rarities as I would have liked in the county at least, we can only hope our concerted effort in finding those little gems brings more in the forthcoming twelve months. Either way though, the Manchester Birding Rarities Text Alerts subscriptions require renewal by the end of October for those wishing to continue or indeed wishing to join for the first time and the fee remains the £10 per year it always has been.

Further information on the service can be found within this thread or I'm only too happy to discuss it with anyone who has any queries etc. Payment can be made via cash, cheque or bank transfer.

Thanks once again,



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Is your contact address still the same Ian,it may be worth putting it on here ,so subscribers can send the subs, now the main website isn't available with contact details

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Thursday 22nd of September 2016 07:02:23 AM

A very good point John!


42 Green Avenue
M29 7EH


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Is your contact address still the same Ian,it may be worth putting it on here ,so subscribers can send the subs, now the main website isn't available with contact details :)

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Thursday 22nd of September 2016 07:02:23 AM



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With another year slipping by text alert subscriptions are now due for those subscribed. I'd just like to thank you all for your essential support again for the year just gone, its hugely appreciated. Please note than the text alert service remains open to anyone and details of it can be found at the bottom of this thread.

For those interested, the Manchester Birding website (website, not this forum which is actually a separate entity) is not dead as such, despite it not currently being available on the web. The software I used to build and run the site (build well over 10 years ago I might add) is now so out of date that the website hosting company can no longer support it. I had begun transferring most information from the website to the forum anyway and will continue to do so but its takes time (I don't have a lot of) and ideally requires a new computer that I'm hopefully imminently buying. I'm also still discussing possible options with the hosting company too. So, nothing will be lost regardless, I still have all the articles, trip reports and site guides (the latter of which many need updating anyway) and they will appear soon enough, please just bear with me.


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Just a reminder to subscribers of the Manchester Birding text alerts that those wishing to continue receiving the alerts should contact me ASAP to let me know that they intend to do so otherwise subscription will cease at the end of October.

Thanks once again for all your support.


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Where has a year gone... confuse

Subscriptions are now due for those wishing to continue with the text alerts or indeed anyone wishing to start using the service. Please see the details within the post below for further information but note that the link to pay via PayPal on this forum no longer exists so it's cheque, cash or Swarovski optics as payment for the time being winkbiggrin

Huge thanks to everyone who uses or has used the service as its is those contributions which go towards the running on this forum. Now bring on the rarities so I can get texting!


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Text alert subscriptions are now due for those already receiving them (subscriptions run October to October) and of course it remains open to anyone not already subscribed but who wishes to get all the county rares sent to their mobiles as they occur plus lots, lots more.

Thanks to all those who have contributed so far and whose support in this way goes to keep this forum running.


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Annual subscription to the text alerts are imminently overdue so I will take those who have not contacted me already to say they will be renewing (and have not already renewed) as not wishing to subscribe anymore.

My thanks to you all though for you support in the twelve months just gone and I sincerely hope the service has been useful and has been worth a tenner.

The Tenner was worth it for one bird last week the Great Grey Shrike, the next 12 months is a Bonus, well worth it for anyone who likes to see all the local rarities particularly ,but also national rarities. without them I would miss most decent county birds as I haven't got internet on my phone :) thanks for the last 12 months. smile

I only joined the text service a week ago Ian and it's been worth it already just to know what's flown into the British Isles. The American Robin and the Lesser Kestrel for example.


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Annual subscription to the text alerts are imminently overdue so I will take those who have not contacted me already to say they will be renewing (and have not already renewed) as not wishing to subscribe anymore.

My thanks to you all though for you support in the twelve months just gone and I sincerely hope the service has been useful and has been worth a tenner.

The Tenner was worth it for one bird last week the Great Grey Shrike, the next 12 months is a Bonus, well worth it for anyone who likes to see all the local rarities particularly ,but also national rarities. without them I would miss most decent county birds as I haven't got internet on my phone :) thanks for the last 12 months. smile



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Annual subscription to the text alerts are imminently overdue so I will take those who have not contacted me already to say they will be renewing (and have not already renewed) as not wishing to subscribe anymore.

My thanks to you all though for you support in the twelve months just gone and I sincerely hope the service has been useful and has been worth a tenner.


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As I have had a few enquiries of late for the Manchester Birding text alert service so I would just like to reiterate the following: -

For only ten pounds a year users of the text alert service receive texts for all Greater Manchester county rarities (and any which fall only just outside the county boundary usually), north-west England megas, National megas and any other sightings or information of particular interest.

Whilst the Manchester Birding service does in no way attempt to replicate that available from any of the (excellent) major national bird information services, it is just as quick for the information it provides, whilst practically always being much quicker for county news.

Subscription runs from October to October but for anyone joining before then this year I will put them onto the alerts immediately so they won't miss out on any of the texts, for no extra cost.

All funds from the service go towards the running costs of this forum.

Anyone interested just drop me a private message or email smile


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Dave Agnew wrote:

Would like to join the birding text service if possible. How do I contact you? What is your email?
Dave Agnew

See the who's who page on the main Manchester Birding website for my contact details Dave smile


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Would like to join the birding text service if possible. How do I contact you? What is your email?
Dave Agnew


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Payment for the text alert service can now be made via the secure community funding link at the bottom of the forum homepage.

Please note though that payment must be made in US Dollars as the forum hosting company is in Canada and despite trying they cannot adjust to pounds sterling (even if you actually click the currency over to pounds).


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Please note that subscriptions for the text alerts are now due (the system runs October to October). Could all current users or those interested in joining the text group, please forward payment to me by the end of October, otherwise it will be assumed that you no longer wish to receive the texts.

My sincere thanks to all those who have enjoyed the texts in the past year and I only hope they have been on use. All funds from the system go to contribute (and they do only contribute!) to the monthly cost of hosting this forum without which my wallet would be well and truly exhausted


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I have for a good few years now operated a rarity text alert system for county rarities within Greater Manchester. The system was originally offered to those birders who contributed with the Manchester Birding website in some way, usually those who sent in images, bird sightings and the likes. With the rapid expansion of Manchester Birding though so the number of users and contributors has grown and it seems only fair to offer the text alerts out to a wider audience now.

The text alerts do not claim nor intend to take the place of a pager or Birdnet's excellent Twitter service but do offer rapid county news and much more. The price for the service is only £10 a year and proceeds go to funding the increasing cost of running the ever more popular (and thanks very much by the way) Manchester Birding forum which comes out of my own pocket.

Anyone interested should contact me privately (by email please) for full details.

Thanks as always,


-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Tuesday 6th of September 2011 10:48:59 AM


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This forum is dedicated to the memory of Eva Janice McKerchar.