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Post Info TOPIC: Abney Hall Park, Cheadle

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Abney Hall Park, Cheadle

Thanks Rob, I found a running trail and cycling trail last week. I also spotted photos of the information board.

I wondered whether there was anything more specific.
It looks like there isnt so Ill have a wander using the running trail map.


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Mike Crawley wrote:


Mike Crawley wrote:

As a slight tangent, is there anywhere to download or otherwise obtain a map of Abney Hall Park.  I know where it is and where the car parks are (or at least were) but the last time I visited I couldn't find any obvious footpaths


I guess thats a "no" then


Hi Mike,
a simple Google search and then tap on images brings up plenty of maps of the place.



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Mike Crawley wrote:

As a slight tangent, is there anywhere to download or otherwise obtain a map of Abney Hall Park.  I know where it is and where the car parks are (or at least were) but the last time I visited I couldn't find any obvious footpaths


I guess thats a "no" then


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Tony Coatsworth wrote:

Posted on the Stockport Nature Facebook page. Doesn't look 100% pure Gadwall to me. Any opinions?

Hi Tony,
never an easy task to try to ascertain whats in a hybrid, if indeed it is a hybrid. This one does look to be one in my view, for what its worth.
My initial guess in my own mind was a 3 duck combination of...
(Gadwall x Mallard) x (Pintail)
But then after a bit of browsing I found this image below which is ...
(Gadwall x Wigeon) x (Pintail)
That would be the closest I can come up with.

-- Edited by Rob Creek on Thursday 21st of March 2019 07:26:24 PM


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agree, Tony, that head doesn't look quite right


As a slight tangent, is there anywhere to download or otherwise obtain a map of Abney Hall Park.  I know where it is and where the car parks are (or at least were) but the last time I visited I couldn't find any obvious footpaths


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Posted on the Stockport Nature Facebook page. Doesn't look 100% pure Gadwall to me. Any opinions?


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3 Ring-Necked Parakeet and a Woodcock today


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At Least 8 Ring-Necked Parakeets on here today. 

-- Edited by Simon Gregory on Tuesday 30th of January 2018 02:13:35 PM


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4 Ring-necked Parakeets in the park, the invasion continues...also a smart pair of Goosanders on the pond by the café, but otherwise nothing beyond the really common species


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My first walk round here for a while, between about 10 and 12. It is a funny old place, some superb habitat but it seems a bit hemmed in by the motorway, with roaring traffic on two sides. I did see some nice birds though. Best were 2 Woodcock flushed out of some boggy stuff a little bit off-piste from the footpaths. It was so obvious that there might be birds in there, and to be fair it looked good for Snipe too, but I didn't push on further once I had disturbed the Woodcock. One of them flew off in the open and the rich russet colour was clear to see.

Also seen a couple of Siskin, male Great Spotted Woodpecker and a lovely male Kestrel. The 'wetland' area in the middle of the park was completely bereft of birds. It looks great, but you sense the area is too small and disturbed to hold much. I might be wrong of course.

As I walked back over the motorway I decided on a whim to peruse a track dropping off the road towards Stockport. As I looked across a Buzzard flew up and circled up into the air, then out of nowhere there were 3 in the air together. Then the first one swooped down to me again and perched in a tree about 25 yards away. Stunning views of it for 30 seconds or so before it flew off again. Ants in its pants clearly.


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A singing Blackcap in the car park at 10:00, also two Nuthatches. A Swallow flew over the pond.


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19/12/2012 - 1 Kingfisher by the stream near the waterfall this afternoon. Very quiet around the park otherwise with activity suppressed by the horrible weather.


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Blue skies but crisp weather (07.00 - 09.10)

Following a rumour of 2 Hawfinches in the park on Sunday 1st Apr:

Great Spotted Woodpecker 3 (display)
Bullfinch 3
Blackcap 3
Chiffchaff 2
Jay 2
Mistle Thrush 1
Song Thrush 2
Treecreeper 1
Nuthatch 3-4 calling
Plus sundry Wood Pigeons, Blackbirds, Robins, Chaffinches, Blue/Great/Long-tailed Tits

Cheers, John


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03/04/2012 - 1 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker calling near the hall at 2pm


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Wenesday 2.00-2.30pm
A quick look round while trying to amuse my daughter on Summer holidays.
Only birds of note in this time were a Sparrowhawk circling overhead and then a Buzzard doing the same.

My blog: The Early Birder

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22/08/2011 - 7-8pm:

1 Buzzard - independant juv
1 Stock Dove
2 Chiffchaffs
1 Blackcap
4+ Goldcrests
1 Jay
1 Nuthatch
2 Treecreepers
c50 Goldfinches


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Early afternoon:-

Buzzards still in same area as yesterday.

1 in same tree as yesterday and 1 on ground beneath which soon flew off and up into an adjacent beech tree. A third bird was heard but was out of sight mewing/calling almost contantly. An adult then flew in from the east with a 'kill' in its tallons and a Sparrowhawk mobbing it.

When the adult decended towards the juvenile birds the mewing/calling intensified and they all followed the adult out of sight behind the large beech tree. After about 20 minutes trying to locate them again an adult bird took flight and disappeared towards the west. The juveniles were later seen flying back to the original 'perching' tree and again 1 dropped down to the ground and out of view. A fantastic 40 minutes of great birding activity

Only other birds of interest were more Mistle Thrushes and a Song Thrush with wings spread sunning itself on a footpath which only flew off when I approached to within 1 metre of it.



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This afternoon :-

Fishing Pond

1 Canada Goose
2 Moorhens with chicks
2 Coots with well-grown chicks
7 Mallards


Many of the regular parkland birds with the highlights being:-
Several groups of Mistle Thrushes including young.
2 Jays.
4 Buzzards sat in the same tree - 3 fairly close together; 2 very downy juvenile looking birds and 1 with a more mature appearance, which were constantly calling out and looking up towards the 4th bird - an adult, which was sat higher up the tree. The Buzzards were actually seen in Tetrad SJ88U but Abney is also covered by the neighbouring Tetrad SJ88P and are often seen overhead in both. This is my first confirmation of Buzzards breeding in the area after many years of suspecting that they must be a local breeding species.


-- Edited by Rick Donkin on Monday 25th of July 2011 06:59:24 PM


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This morning :-

Fishing Pond

1 Grey Heron
1 Moorhen with chick
2 Coots with 3 well-grown chicks
5 Mallard


Many Goldfinch with young begging for food
Greenfich, Bullfinch and Chaffinch
Juvenile Robins
Wren with young
2 juvenile Blackcaps with adult
3 Buzzards overhead
Carrion Crow feeding young
8 Woodpigeon including 2 youngsters
Chiffchaff singing
A few Nuthatch calling
Many Blackbirds, Blue and Great Tits with young.

Many of the new scrapes have completely dried out with little activity.


-- Edited by Rick Donkin on Thursday 14th of July 2011 02:07:42 PM


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04/07/2011 - evening wander:

1 Grey Heron
1 Moorhen
2 Coots - plus well-grown chicks
1 Stock Dove - at nest site
1 Great Spotted Woodpecker
1 Song Thrush
2 Blackcaps
2 Goldcrest - plus well-grown juvs


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11:30 to 12:30 on a very windy day with the predominant sound being the wind through the trees - making it difficult to hear any bird song

Feeding station
1 Chiffchaff
Several Chaffinches
1 Wren

2 Coots with 3 chicks. Female seems to have started buiding another nest right next to the existing one
1 Moorhen
Pair of Mallards with 4 chicks
Small family of Goldfinches

Wetland beyond football pitch
1 male Reed Bunting
Robins, Blackbirds, Great and Blue Tits and a couple of Dunnock.



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09:00 for quick visit.

Feeding station
2 Chiffchaffs singing
1 Willow Warbler
1 Reed Bunting

2 Coots - 1 still sat on nest
1 Moorhen
14 Mallards - plus 10 Mallard chicks.
1 Grey Heron



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This afternoon:

Feeding station
Several Blackcaps singing away - 2 Males seen
1 Chiffchaff
2 Willow Warblers
1 Whitethroat
1 Bullfinch
1 Song Thrush
1 Reed Bunting

2 Coots - 1 sat on nest
1 Moorhen - being harassed by the other Coot
3 Drake Mallards



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18/04/2011 - 8-9.30am:

2 Coots
2 Moorhens
13 Canada Geese
9 Mallards
1 Buzzard
1 Sparrowhawk
1 Stock Dove - in cattle field within the park
2 Treecreepers
8 Jays
3 Nuthatches
2 Coal Tits
3 Goldcrests
4 Chiffchaffs
2 Blackcaps
4 Bullfinches
1 Reed Bunting


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16:00 to 16:30 Fishing Pond: 2 Coot - with 1 Coot sitting on a now complete nest! 1 Moorhen 2 Canada Geese 11 Mallard 8m/3f Great views Chiffchaff quietly feeding away low down in Alder. Rick.


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10.45 - quick ride around the park: 1 Lapwing overhead by the weltands/feeding station area. Most of the usual suspects. Fishing Pond: 2 Coot and 1 pathetic excuse for a nest! 1 Moorhen 2 Canada Geese 6 Mallard 5m/1f 1 Grey Heron Fairly quite really. Rick.


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01/04/11 - 1430hrs.

Back to reality;

Hall pond:
1 Coot
2 Canada Geese.

At the feeders highlights were:
2 GSW - Both over.

All of the action at the feeders appears to be behind the benches away from the feeders in the Hawthorn hedges,

Central path to Waterfall:

2 Goldfinch
1 Nuthatch.


-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Friday 1st of April 2011 05:20:12 PM


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Thursday 31st March 2.40-4.10 Just minutes earlier I had seen my first Chiff Chaff of the year at Ladybrook Valley, and low and behold I see two more here. 1 Blackcap around the feeders (also my first of the year)biggrin.gif 1 Goldcrest 1 Treecreeper 1 Sparrow Hawk (which made everything else go missing for 10 minutesdisbelief.gif) 1 Nuthatch (many others calling) 2 Coot 2 Canada Geese 1 Buzzard (over) 2 Kestral (over)

My blog: The Early Birder

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28/03/11 - 1330 Plenty of Smalls especially Robin, for some reason, (Unless it was the same one stalking me)omfg.gif 1Grey Heron 2 Coot (nesting) 2 Moorhen 3 Chiffchaff (all located near to feeders) 1 Grey Wagtail 2 Pied Wagtail 1 Goldcrest 2 GSW (both over) 5 LT/Tits Andy


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20/03/11 - 1400hrs to 1500hrs. Quick hour around the wooded ponds and fields today. Sadly, no Bins and a limited time, so not the day spotting as I wished.
Excellent venue though. smile.gif

3 Heron
2 Coot
1 Moorhen
2 Mistle Thrush
3 Nuthatch (All seen in trees behind the waterfall)
4 Mallard
Great and Blue Tits (More than you could shake a stick at)



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Adam Jones wrote:

Saturday 12th March 8.00- 10.00am

Another cracking morning with the highlight being 12 Waxwings.

12.45 to 13.30
Just returned from quick visit - didn't see your post of the Waxwings beforehand, Adam, and only a matter of time before they turned up at Abney this year - well spotted. Didn't see any myself.

Around 40 Redwing and 30 Goldfinch in the 'private' area next to the scout hut, and 2 Coot on the fishing pond determined to see off a 3rd Coot, nearly drowning it in their vicious attacks to get it off their patch.

Fisherman landed a massive Chub as I was leaving.


-- Edited by Rick Donkin on Saturday 12th of March 2011 02:02:54 PM


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Saturday 12th March 8.00- 10.00am

Another cracking morning with the highlight being 12 Waxwings. Could well have walked straight past and underneath them if it wasn't for their unmistakeable call. They moved from trees on the motorway side across the wetlands towards the football pitch. No sign of Brambling, but there's always next time
Other birds seen this morning were:
1 Goldcrest
2 GSW (as a pair)
2 Treecreeper
5 Nuthatch
2 Bullfinch
3 Reed Bunting
10 Song Thrush
5 Jay
3 Heron
1 Cormorant (over)
1 Raven
2 Greenfinch
4 Goldfinch
4 Chaffinch
20 Mallard
2 Coot
2 Canada Geese
3 Wren
Lots and lots of Blue and Great tits, Blackbirds, Robins.

My blog: The Early Birder

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Thank you.



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Late news for Sunday the 6th when a Brambling was at the feeding station at Abney Hall 10.20am.

Info thanks to Tony O'Mahony


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Phil Hampson wrote:

This is sounding an interesting site, haven't been there for 45 years! Is there car parking and how is it accessed please. Are the scrapes/wetland/feeding station easy to find?



Abney park best accessed down Newlands Rd at the side of Daniel Maxwell Car Sales on Manchester Rd - just after the traffic lights at the George and Dragon. There is a car park on the right just after the railway bridge and fishing pond near the Scout Centre and changing rooms/Park managers office. Scrapes are beyond these buildings to the left of the path. Beyond the footy pitch is the area where the snipe were last seen.

You can also access the park further down Manchester Road on the right from Cheadle, or coming from Parrs Wood turn left after the motorway bridge opposite the Crematorium. Another car park is then on the left soon after you turn in to the park. From here you can follow the path to the top, or via a second pond, Motorway on your left, then path through the trees and on to the wetlands area with the feeding station - where the Brambling has been hanging about and seen again this morning.

Continue along the path and you will come out at the top end of the new scrapes and you will see a raised board walk to the main path through the park. You can view SMBC website - but it does not have a map; Google Stockport Council - Abney Hall Park. You will probably need to spend up to 2 hours to get round and have a good look.

Other sightings this afternoon pretty much as Saturday, but no Goldcrest/ Raven but:-

2 Buzzard overhead joined by a 3rd which appeared to fly out of the tall trees by the motorway across from the wetlands feeding station area.


-- Edited by Rick Donkin on Sunday 6th of March 2011 06:26:19 PM


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This is sounding an interesting site, haven't been there for 45 years! Is there car parking and how is it accessed please. Are the scrapes/wetland/feeding station easy to find?




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Adam Jones wrote:

Saturday 5th February 8.30-10.00

My first visit to Abney Hall and mightily impressed I was. Don't know why I've never ventured here before as it's only 10 minutes away. Really wanted to see the Brambling or some Snipe but drew a blank on both. Any tips on where to possibly look for either would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Adam,

The Brambling has been seen aroung the 'Wetlands' area on the northern edge by the motorway around the feeding station/benches and info board. Last seen by Nigel Troup on Fri.

Snipe have also been seen in the past in this area - but most recently 6 were flushed on Weds 23rd Feb in an area on the southern side of the path from the new scrapes beyond the football pitch looking from the Scout Centre and changing rooms.

My visit today from 15.00 to 17.00 did not turn up either the Brambling nor Snipeno.gif.

Highlights, however produced:

At feeding station;
Reed Bunting 1m/2f
Coal Tit, LTT, Blue and Great Tit
Dunnock, Robin, Chaffinch and Bullfinch
Raven high over flying northbiggrin.gif - first this year and first for Cheadle area for me.

From path by new scrapes;

3 Jay and many Carrion Crows
Mistle Thrush 4
Song Thrush 1

Scout Centre/Car Park

30 Goldfinch gathering in tall trees with Redwing.



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Saturday 5th March 8.30-10.00

My first visit to Abney Hall and mightily impressed I was. Don't know why I've never ventured here before as it's only 10 minutes away. Really wanted to see the Brambling or some Snipe but drew a blank on both. Any tips on where to possibly look for either would be greatly appreciated.
Highlights were:

1 Treecreeper
1 Greater Spotted Woodpecker
3 Grey heron
1 Bullfinch
1 Reed Bunting
1 Nuthatch
6 Song Thrush
2 Mistle Thrush
3 Wrens
7 Chaffinch
5 Redwing (over)
Lots of LTT and Blue and Great Tits

-- Edited by Adam Jones on Sunday 6th of March 2011 07:46:38 AM

My blog: The Early Birder

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Male Brambling appeared briefly in ivy-clad trees at the back of the benches overlooking the feeding area. This was my first in the Stockport area since 2003.

Plenty of Chaffinch around, also Great and Long-tailed Tit, and several singing Song Thrushes.

Two Buzzards circled for a short while and two Cormorants passed over, bound for Rostherne.


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A quick half hour just before school run this afternoon - Brambling not showing but 4 Reed Buntings in view at same time - 1 m/3f.



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John Rayner wrote:

Paul Dewey wrote:

Rick, didn't have brilliant view but felt it was a winter male.

I saw it on Thursday morning when it was showing quite well as I arrived at the feeding station, in bushes to RHS. It eventually flew across the station and I lost it to the LHS.

I thought it was a winter male beginning to moult into summer plumage with the black on the head just emerging.

Cheers, John

Thanks Paul and John,

I did have my suspicions that it could have been male, hence the query. I never really had a clear view of the back of head - mainly front view but well hidden by folliage, and didn't latch on to when it flew across the feeding station - much quicker and younger than I ambiggrin.gif.

Cheers guys,



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Paul Dewey wrote:

Rick, didn't have brilliant view but felt it was a winter male.

I saw it on Thursday morning when it was showing quite well as I arrived at the feeding station, in bushes to RHS. It eventually flew across the station and I lost it to the LHS.

I thought it was a winter male beginning to moult into summer plumage with the black on the head just emerging.

Cheers, John


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Rick, didn't have brilliant view but felt it was a winter male.


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Paul Dewey wrote:

Late post for Wednesday as no time yesterday.

After a txt from one of wardens spent some looking for a Brambling that had been reported at feeding station, which duly appeared, but did not visit tables.

Between 14.00 and 15.00 today Brambling in hawthorn bush to left of feeders but not easily visible. Looked like female but could have been first winter male. What did you make of it Paul? Did you get better look?

Also 3 Reed Buntings - 1m/2f and a lot of the other stuff seen by Paul.



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Late post for Wednesday as no time yesterday.

After a txt from one of wardens spent some looking for a Brambling that had been reported at feeding station, which duly appeared, but did not visit tables. Also had 5 buzzard over the hall, one missing a primary so might be interesting if seen elsewhere. Also had a Sparrowhawk with missing primary as well. List as follows.

Mistle Thrush
Song Thrush
BH gull
Blue tit
Great tit
Coal tit
Long tailed tit
Reed bunting
Gt spotted woodpecker
Carrion crow
Canada goose
Buzzard 5
Sparrowhawk, 3 sightings at least 2 birds


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Post for yesterday , 27/02/11 pm ...
It must be about ten years since I had a proper look around Abney Hall Park, and I was pleasantly surprised at the wealth of potential habitat there ...
Birds seen included ...
Coots ,moorhen , mallards and BH gulls on fishing pond
Several blackbirds ,song thrush,robins and wrens throughout the park..
We put some seed on the tables overlooking the M60 slip-road ,and spent half an hour watching from the bench..
Two buzzards over towards sewage-works .
Plently of Blue and Great tits visited the tables..
I was busy watching a flock of about twenty siskin, feeding in nearby Alders, when my missus said " Is that a reed bunting ?"... sure enough, a lovely female reed bunting, spent about five minutes taking seed off the table .. well spotted Jane!!
Also seen one female chaffinch ,two greenfinch and four goldfinch ..
Dozens of woodpigeon , magpies and a single heron near the new scrapes ...
Cheers Chris

Stockport Borough year list 67 ..latest GCgrebe (Roman Lakes),reed bunting (Abney Hall )


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6 Snipe flushed during clearance work in wetland area this morning.

Also 2 Jays and 6 Carrion Crows to add to yesterdays sightings.



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A walk round the park this afternoon.

Near and on pond on Newlands Road:

Treecreeper 1
Mallard 8m/4f
Coot 2 - just started nest building on one of the rafts in middle of pond.
Moorhen 2 - trying to muscle in on the coots raft - but no joy.
Canada geese 3
Siskin 3
Goldfinch 8
Blue, Great and LT Tits

New Scrapes:

Grey Heron 3
Grey Wagtail 2

Elsewhere in park:

Great Spotted Woodpecker 3 (1 definitely male)
Mistle Thrush 5
Song Thrush 1
Redwing 12
Bullfinch - heard only
Chaffinch - male & female
Nuthatch 6+
Wren 5
Woodpigeon and magpie - many

Got talking to the Park Manager (a friend of mine) to ask if any Snipe around, as I haven't seen any for a while. He said he flushed about 10 just before Christmas last year whilst working an area on the other side of the path from the new scrapes. More work will be carried out again tomorrow in the same area - so I will pop down before they start their work and watch to see if any are flushed again.



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Walk around the Park mid morning.
Deadly quiet - only saw Blue Tits, Goldfinch, Carrion Crows, Blackbird and Robin.
Mallard, Coot, Moorhen and BH Gulls on fishing pond.


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12.30 to 14.00 today.
A flock of 38 Redwing caught my attention for a good half hour - they really are beautiful birds!
Also 2 Heron by the new scrapes and plenty of Blue, Great and Long-tailed Tits.
Many singing Robins and Blackbirds but nothing else of note.

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