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Sunday 31st July 2016, 10.30am

Juvenile Wheatear moving between Lees Hill and Higher Bank


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Saturday 30th July 2016, 8.30 - 11.00am

Around Lees Hill - a few signs of movement.

1 juvenile Pied Flycatcher, being harassed along the fence wires by Meadow Pipits
1 juvenile Wheatear
1 juvenile Green Woodpecker, noisily feeding between the rocks
20+ Willow Warblers, some feeding in the trees with Coal Tits, but mostly in the bracken
c 100 Swallows feeding, with a couple of smaller groups through southwest
1 House Martin
1 Kestrel
2 juvenile Pied Wagtails
4 Linnet over
4 Goldfinch
Several Chaffinch
1 ragged Cormorant circling over towards Lower Swineshaw
Dozens of Meadow Pipits


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Originally posted today by Paul Bayley:

Red Kite just south of Hollingworthhall Moor being harassed by a Lapwing. 15:30 Tuesday 19 Apr.


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3 male Ring Ouzels showed this morning. I've just been back 2.20pm and three people are stood half way up the slope under the tree the were frequenting.

-- Edited by Tim Wilcox on Tuesday 19th of April 2016 02:52:52 PM


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Tues 19th April. 07.00 - 10.30 hrs.

Ring Ouzel. Def 5 (3M+2F) possible 9 ?
Wheatear. 4
Green Woodpecker. 1
Little Owl. 1
Curlew. 1
Linnet. 3
Meadow Pipit. Abundant.

Lapwing pair bombarding a Carrion Crow.
Quite a few Swallow around the barns & stables ..... was told that they had only just arrived this morning.

Nuthatch calling at Hollingworth Hall Farm.


-- Edited by Roger Baker 3 on Tuesday 19th of April 2016 01:19:31 PM

Blessed is the man who expecteth little reward ..... for he shall seldom be disappointed.

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This afternoon from 1pm -
Ring Ousel - at least 5 (2f+ 3m) around the quarry area.
Curlew 8 .
Kestrel 1.
Mistle Thrush 2.
Wheatear 2.(only)
Red-legged Partridge 3 .
Pied Wagtail 2.
Meadow Pipit 5. (Only)
Chaffinch 3.
Greenfinch 1.
What I didn't see or hear was a single Nuthatch from Lanslow green farm onwards, very odd .

-- Edited by phillipskelly on Sunday 17th of April 2016 10:23:41 PM


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Saturday 16th April 2016, 8.00 - 9.30am

Lees Hill, Middle Bank, and Pack Saddle

9 Ring Ouzels. Difficult to count, as they didn't fly together, despite moving around constantly. Almost certainly an under-count.
9 Wheatear, again a minimum count
4 Curlew
1 pair of Pied Wagtails
Skylark singing


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Thursday 14th April 2016, 8.30 - 9.30am

Middle Bank and Ogden Clough

6 Ring Ouzels at Middle Bank. A Sparrowhawk tried to take a male Ouzel from the trees, which put up the other birds, and they all flew off noisily towards Arnfield.
1 male Wheatear
1 female Sparrowhawk
1 Kestrel
At least two pairs of Curlew
1 pair of Pied Wagtails
1 Green Woodpecker yaffling in Ogden Clough

-- Edited by David Walsh on Thursday 14th of April 2016 01:26:50 PM

-- Edited by David Walsh on Friday 15th of April 2016 10:55:19 AM


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Saturday 9th April 2016, mid-morning, sandwiched between the weekly tour of Brushes Valley.

Eastern side of Lees Hill, Middle Bank, and up on to Pack Saddle

3 Wheatear (1m, 2f), all arrived at 10.30. My first of the year.
8 Curlew, in Ogden Clough and along Pack Saddle
1 Lapwing
Pair of Pied Wagtails at Middle Bank
Several singing Skylark
1 Green Woodpecker
2 Mistle Thrush

-- Edited by David Walsh on Saturday 9th of April 2016 09:23:45 PM


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3 male Ring Ouzels at Middlebank this evening. 


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Saturday 19th March 2016, 8.30 - 10.00am

Higher Bank, along the county boundary above Ogden Brook, to Arnfield Flats, then back to Brushes.

1 pair of Stonechat, displaying, the male singing, between Higher Bank and the brook.
At least 4 Curlew in the usual fields.
6+ Lapwing, with more just over Ogden Brook, in Derbyshire
3 Skylark singing
c 10 Meadow Pipits


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Saturday 12th March 2016, 8.30 - 9.00am

Middle and Higher Bank, as part of a tour of Brushes Valley (see other thread)

4 Curlew, a welcome sight and sound
8 Lapwing
1 Kestrel
1 Raven
4 Meadow Pipits
1 Reed Bunting singing


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Tuesday 9th February 2016, 9.45pm

Hobson Moor Road

Tawny Owl calling from Landslow Green


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Wednesday 23rd December 2015. PM.

Very quiet.

Mistle Thrush. 8.
Carrion Crow. 10 +
Jackdaw. 100 +
Chaffinch. 1.
Goldfinch. 3.


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Thursday 17th December 2015, 10.30am

Hobson Moor Road, to Moorside Farm

40+ Redwing around the treetops towards Hall Farm
1 Raven over towards Shaw Moor
Several Rook feeding in the fields below
1 male Bullfinch calling from the beeches at Landslow Green was the only finch seen or heard


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Thursday 3rd December 2015, 10.30 -11.00am

Hobson Moor Road, as far as Landslow Green

Desperately quiet. The only finches around were a couple of Goldfinch at Landslow Green
13 Rooks in the company of Jackdaws, picking through the fields
Robin, Wren, and that was it!


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simon ghilks wrote:

Unless I'm missing something, the Beeches have failed to produce any Mast this year so probably going to be a poor season for Brambling up there.

I've visited Landslow Green a couple of times recently, Simon, and struggled even to see any Chaffinch


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1/11/2015 7:30 - 11:00

1 Raven
few Rook
1 Kestrel
Tawny Owl, heard being mobbed by a Jay
2 Goldcrest
few Meadow Pipit
150+ Fieldfare with a few Redwing feeding near Moorside Farm, also Great Spotted Woodpecker, Bullfinch and a few Starling and Chaffinch in the same field
c100 Pink-footed Goose over at 10:00 heading SE

Unless I'm missing something, the Beeches have failed to produce any Mast this year so probably going to be a poor season for Brambling up there.


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Saturday 24th October 2015, 7.00 - 8.30am

Lees Hill and Middle Bank

None of last weekend's excitement, in better than forecast conditions. Very windy, but the rain held off.
1 Tawny Owl calling from the trees at Middle Bank, just before first light
2 Green Woodpeckers, one at Middle Bank, the second down towards Ogden Brook
1 Kestrel over Lees Hill
1 Meadow Pipit struggling over south west
Couple of Goldfinch


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Saturday 17th October 2015, 8.00 - 10.00am

Higher Bank, and the southeast slope of Lees Hill, towards Middle Bank

c260 Fieldfare over this morning, as follows:
100 SW, 70 SW, 60 W, 10 W, then 20 down into the hawthorn trees at Higher Bank
1 male Ring Ouzel briefly down into the trees at Middle Bank, called a few times, then headed off south east towards Arnfield
1 female / imm Black Redstart
1 Green Woodpecker in the same tree as the Ouzel
1 juvenile Stonechat
c40 Goldfinch feeding in the marsh grass at Lees Hill
1 Raven cronking over Lees Hill
c10 Meadow Pipits
c290 Pink-footed Geese over in four skeins between 9.00 and 9.45am

I've had worse mornings smile


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Saturday 3rd October 2015, mid-morning

Lees Hill to Middle Bank, then back to Brushes

1 juvenile Wheatear at Lees Hill
1 juvenile Stonechat
1 Green Woodpecker
20+ Meadow Pipits
Several Goldfinch
1 Kestrel
3 Red-legged Partridge
Several Wrens


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Hollingworth farm-Hobsons Moor-Middle Bank 9.20-12.20:
Golden Plover
78 Pink Footed Geese over west at 9.40
60+ Meadow Pipit
Peregrine Falcon
40+ Linnet
2 Kestrel
4 Red Legged Partridge
3 Stonechat
2 Wheatear
Red Grouse
Common Buzzard
Grey Wagtail
2 Pied Wagtail


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Wednesday 9th September
Approx 2.45 - 3.30pm. Delivery again to Dig and Partridge Pub.

Birds of note...
Lots of Black-headed Gull around
2 Common Buzzard
1 Kestrel
Countless Rook and Jackdaw over
Plenty of Woodpigeon
Few Meadow Pipit over
Few Swallow moving through


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This afternoon, parked up in one of the lay-bys on Hobson Moor Rd after a delivery to the Dog and Partridge pub round the corner.

- 1 Whimbrel flying over and calling
(Chances are it was the same bird I saw some 10 mins later doing the same, great views in fairly low flight)
- 4 Linnet
- few Meadow Pipit
- 1 Common Swift
- few Swallows
- 7 Rook
- 3 Carrion Crow
- plenty of Woodpigeon
- small party of Black-headed Gulls over

Also 3 Mistle Thrush feeding in the field near to where I was parked

-- Edited by Rob Creek on Wednesday 29th of July 2015 06:48:53 PM


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Saturday 2nd May 2015, 8.00am

Lees Hill

8+ Wheatear
3 Curlew in the fields, more calling
7 Ring Ouzels
Several Skylark singing
Linnet singing
Mistle Thrush
30+ Meadow Pipits
2 Red-legged Partridge

-- Edited by David Walsh on Saturday 2nd of May 2015 07:16:40 PM


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Saturday 25th April 2015, early morning

8+ Wheatear
Pair of Curlew, more calling
6 Ring Ouzels (4m, 2f)
Skylark singing
2 Mistle Thrush
Male Chaffinch singing away next to a female Wheatear on a drystone wall in the middle of nowhere??
6+ Wrens singing around Lees Hill


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Fri 24th April. 18.30-20.00 hrs.

Hobson Moor.

Kestrel (f)
Golden Plover.
Meadow Pipit.
Blackbird (in middle of moor).
Mallard. (in middle of moor) ?


-- Edited by Roger Baker 3 on Friday 24th of April 2015 10:31:02 PM

Blessed is the man who expecteth little reward ..... for he shall seldom be disappointed.

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Friday 17th April 2015, 7.00 - 10.15am

Around Lees Hill, having wandered round from Brushes Valley

The 13 Ring Ouzels increased to 15 in the end. 10 of the original 13 were on a wall, with 3 in the grass. They kept on disappearing then reappearing, and I managed a few counts of 11. Finally, 9 were in a field, then 6 flew up together from the juncus into a hawthorn tree, giving the 15. I do think there were actually more, as they covered a large area, and were very mobile, but 15 is the maximum I saw at once.

Other sightings:

5 Wheatears
5 Curlews
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Plenty of Skylark singing
Dozens of Meadow Pipits

-- Edited by David Walsh on Friday 17th of April 2015 02:03:07 PM


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13 Ring Ouzels on Lees Hill this morning.

Info thanks to David Walsh


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Thurs 16th April. 19.00-20.30 hrs.

Golden Plover.


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Yesterday afternoon:
3 Wheatear
2 Curlew
3 Snipe, 1 displaying
20 Lapwing
2 Red Grouse
50+ Meadow Pipit
Peregrine Falcon
5 Linnet
5 Swallow
2 Blackcap
4 Chiffchaff
3 Skylark


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Tues 14th April. 06.00 - 11.30 hrs.

Very cold first 2 hrs. Hard work with not much movement.

Ring Ouzel. 3 f & 1 (poss 2) m Weren't shy but very elusive.
Wheatear. Most I had together was 6 but poss 9 ..... mostly male.
Mistle Thrush. 5.
Curlew. 2 but plenty more bubbling away.
Pied Wagtail. 3
Swallow. 1.

Watched a pair of Ravens tumbling for about 15 mins ........ ended up like a pair of pin-pricks way out over t' Boar Flats !
This is sort of thing that makes it all worth while to me.


-- Edited by Roger Baker 3 on Tuesday 14th of April 2015 01:28:25 PM

Blessed is the man who expecteth little reward ..... for he shall seldom be disappointed.

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Ring ouzel x 3 at the quarry
Raven x 6.
Curlew x 2 .
Chaffinch x1.
Chiffchaff x 1.
Nuthatch x 3.
Stock dove x 2 .
Greenfinch x2 .
Lots of meadow pipit. . . I left at 12pm and the ring ouzel's had disappeared .

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Monday 13th of April 2015 05:36:52 PM


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Roger Baker 3 wrote:

Spent half an hour in the company of the "David Walsh Travelling Canine Circus" ....... educational to say the least ??


You were with us for well over an hour, Roger. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun? biggrinbiggrin


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Thurs 9th April. 05.45 - 11.00 hrs.

Lees Hill.

Pied Wagtail mating.
Meadow Pipit.
Skylark singing.
Red-legged Partridge pair ....... been told these are a shooting syndicate release.

Sparrowhawk ..... (m) near Landslowe Green.

Golden Plover whistling off top of Hobson Moor.

Spent half an hour in the company of the "David Walsh Travelling Canine Circus" ....... educational to say the least ??


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22/2/15 from 7:45-10:15

Brambling heard once high in the beech trees near Landslow Green Farm. c10 with some Chaffinch beyond Hollingworth Hall Farm and 1 just before the farm.
8 Redwing flew over.
30+ Blackbird grubbing under trees and shrubs all along the lane also joined in places by Song Thrushes, with at least 6 seen out in the fields.
1 Little Owl that took cover inside a drystone wall when a Carrion Crow flew directly at it.
3 Common Buzzard further up the valley on the moor edge.
2 Raven up on the hill.


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Late morning visit Hobson Moor Road to Higher Landslow Green Farm

Fairly quiet

12+ Chaffinch along Hobson Moor Road
2 Mistle Thrush
8 Brambling seen in hedges opposite Higher Landslow Green Farm

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2nd Jan. 14.00 - 14.45 hrs.

In the hedges down to Higher Landslowe Green farm.

Blue Tit.
Great Tit.
Brambling ..... probably about a dozen with a couple of well coloured males.


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28/12/2014 8am till 11:30

A few sightings from a circular walk along Hobson Moor Rd past Hollingworth Hall Farm up onto Lees Hill and back past trig point on Hobson Moor then down onto Hobson Moor Rd. Stunning views over the snow covered hills.

A few Brambling were flying over and perched in the beech trees near Higher Landslow Green Farm, 4 Jays were foraging on the ground here also. A female Stonechat was a surprise to see flying up from the direction of Lower Swineshaw to land on a wall at the top of the hill.
From Hobson Moor a flock of 42 Golden Plover were seen circling for a good 10 mins on the south side of the hill, they almost landed a couple of times but were put off each time gaining height quickly and then circling over a wide area.
3 Reed Buntings were flitting about the snow covered gorse on the way back down to Hobson Moor Rd also nice to see and hear plenty of Red Grouse up on the top.


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Just about to drive off and a female Sparrowhawk has just come racing passed the car chasing what looked like 2 Chaffinches.


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Today 12pm - 3pm mainly around the lay-by's on Hobson Moor Road.

Fair size flock of around 40-50 Chaffinch and from what I could see around 10 Brambling in there. They were mobile though and were constantly being spooked by the slightest thing, even Woodpigeons flying over put them all up. They kept flying down to the fields behind the Beech trees before being flushed from there too.

There was another separate flock further down of around just 15-20 birds that were all Brambling. Again, very flighty!

Other birds of note...
1 pair of Bullfinch
3 Jay (including 2 together)
2 Treecreeper together
1 Great Spotted Woodpecker
2 small flocks of Long-tailed Tits
A few Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits, Blackbird, and Wren knocking around
Rooks, Jackdaws and Woodpigeon feeding in the field behind the Beech trees
Couple of Carrion Crow over

...and at least 15-20 Grey Squirrel.

-- Edited by Rob Creek on Sunday 30th of November 2014 07:44:16 PM


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Quick visit about 3 pm, sort of on way home from Dovestones. Large ,very mobile flock of Brambling and Chaffinch, 100+ birds approx 70/30 in favour of Chaffinch,with a few Blue and Great Tits for good measure. Initially they were feeding on Beech mast in the fields to the right of the road down to Landslide Green Farm,plus around the surrounding hedgerows.The majority of the flock then moved down Hobson Moor Road to the area near the first lay-by. Cheers Chris.


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Fri 28th Nov. 12.30 - 14.00 hrs. Damp and misty.

Only real activity was in the hedge on L/hand side of slope down to Higher Landslowe Green farm.

Brambling and Chaffinch ..... guestimate around 30 birds.
Great and Blue Tits plus Goldcrest (1).

Also counted 22 Rook feeding in the fields with all the Jackdaw.
3 Jay.
c17 Blackbird in a Hawthorn hedge with a Mistle Thrush standing guard.


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Any chance of you NOT scattering any more seed so that perhaps the bramblings might nip over to Stockport (and especially my garden)! Nothing personal, you understand.


Andy, it may be simpler to make the short journey up the M60/M67 to Mottram. Depending upon which beeches they choose, you may not even have to leave your car smile


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Any chance of you NOT scattering any more seed so that perhaps the bramblings might nip over to Stockport (and especially my garden)! Nothing personal, you understand. wink

Sorry about that Andy,

Was only feeling sorry for all those poor starving Wood Pigeon ....... the Brambling never entered my head ! biggrinbiggrin

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Roger Baker 3 wrote:

If anybody fancies a ride up I have scattered plenty of seed in the lay-bys under the beech trees on Hobson Moor Road.



Any chance of you NOT scattering any more seed so that perhaps the bramblings might nip over to Stockport (and especially my garden)! Nothing personal, you understand. wink


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If anybody fancies a ride up I have scattered plenty of seed in the lay-bys under the beech trees on Hobson Moor Road.


Blessed is the man who expecteth little reward ..... for he shall seldom be disappointed.

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Thursday 27th November 2014, midmorning.

Meanwhile, back up north,

Two mixed flocks of Brambling and Chaffinch, with an even split between species.
c100 birds on Hobson Moor Road
c50 at Landslow Green
3 Rooks on the pylons


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Friday 14th November 2014, 11.00am

Half an hour in the rain at Landslow Green

Brambling - a similar estimate to Karen's on Sunday, c70, including a few very smart males
c30 Chaffinches
Mixed Tits, with a good number of Coal Tits mixed in


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From Hobson Moor Road to Lees Hill

This morning with Simon Ghilks

70+ Brambling near Higher Landslow Green Farm plus another 30 closer to Hollingworth Hall Farm
70+ Chaffinch including a flock of c50 birds
3 Goldcrest
3-4 Fieldfare around Higher Landslow Green Farm
1 Redwing

Lees Hill area

Juv Rough-legged Buzzard seen from Lees Hill over Swineshaw Moor. On looking at the map after, we think it was heading roughly towards Carrbrook.

100+ Woodpigeon passing through
2 skeins of Pink-footed Geese - 64 and 109
9 Fieldfare plus smaller numbers going through
Dribs and drabs of Meadow Pipits and Chaffinches going through

Only the obsessed understand!
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