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RE: Zurich in May

Just on our fifth day in Switzerland in glorious hot and sunny weather. Too hot in fact. A couple of nights in Bern and since then in Zurich. Have managed to get up to Klingnauer Stausee where we did a full circuit of the river/lake and then today up to the top of Mount Pilatus via cog railway, down via cable car. Unfortunately, we've had to cut the holiday short and fly back home tomorrow. We were to have spent another four nights in Luzern and had had one or two mountain walks planned. Not a birding holiday, more sightseeing and walking with bins. More interesting birds being :-

Great Egret
Ruddy Shelduck
Red crested Pochard
Red Kite
Black Kite
Wood Sandpiper
Yellow legged Gull
Alpine Swift
White Wagtail
Reed Warbler
Tree Sparrow
Alpine Chough

There have been some great sightings over the last few days in the Obwalden area south of Luzern including Golden Eagle, Lammergeier, Rock Thrush, Alpine Accentor and Red backed Shrike. Never mind, there's always a next time.


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We stayed overnight in Zurich on the 14th and 24th of July 2013 on our way to and from Meiringen and the Haslital.

There was a Black Kite near the Hauptbahnhof on arrival late afternoon of the 14th, and 20-30 Alpine Swifts over the river near Schipfe later in the evening. Next morning we strolled a short way along the eastern shore of the lake where there was a Red-crested Pochard with young. Returning on the 24th, the Alpine Swifts seemed to be very interested in the concrete counterweight on a crane behind the Grossmunster.

The highlight of our time in the Alps was a flock of about 100 Alpine Choughs at Grosse Scheidegg.


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- Rather a misnomer under this heading as we are here in June this year.
Have not ventured far this trip (as we are here largely partying and celebrating particular birthdays), but nice nevertheless to connect with the usual culprits - Black Kites over the house and the lake and the Red kites in the main over the woods and pastures on the northern edge of the city. My son showed me a tree this morning where he had once seen a Black Woodpecker (a species I still have only ever found in Sweden); - needless to say it was not around still.
The Alpine Swifts are nesting under the eaves of one of the department stores in the city, my attention initially drawn to the calling of the nestlings as we supped coffees just below. As it was rather cool and overcast last Friday the adults were feeding relatively low down, often skimming in groups of a dozen or so over the River Limmat, their staccato piercing trills almost blotting out speech. - Always an impressive bird, especially alongside their commoner cousins which they outnumbered perhaps 6 to 1 during the hour or so I watched them; - I imagined what a rush of blood it must be to find one in Manchester!

News of the Greenish Warbler was potentially frustrating, though it appears (mercifully!) to have been on the Lancashire side of the county line.

Mike P.


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Nice to be back (though nervously keeping tabs on what may turn up in Gr. Manchester in the meantime).

Not much opportunity for birding (as we are with none birding family members) except for a couple of annual year tick bankers over the city (Black Kites and a few Alpine Swifts). I amused myself by practising picking out high Alpine Swifts without optics on their flight mode - (much action with the "hand" only and rest of wing with a relatively leisurely carriage); - result was, I almost walked into the lake.

Mike P.


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Over in Zurich for five days last week - on Thursday caught the train to Koblenz and did my favourite walk - the woods at the top end of Klingnauer Stausee before walking down the full length of the lake and getting the train back to Zurich from Dottingen.

Weather cool and unfortunately, wet. Was out around four hours, the last three and a half it rained steadily.

Generally quiet, only had bins (no scope), best of birds being :-

G C Grebe
Little Grebe
Great White Egret (2)
Pintail (c.35)
Buzzard (2)
Red Kite (4)
Common Sandpiper (1)
Curlew (13)
Yellow Legged Gull
G S Woodpecker (2)
Green Woodpecker (1)
S T Treecreeper
Jay (5)
Siskin (c.30)
L T Tit
Tree Sparrow
Grey Wagtail (2)

Until the next time........


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- A pity I originally named this as such, because it`s September, (a month in which I`ve never visited before).

We`re here on a family visit and so no real scope for birding this week. It`s only a 6 minute brisk walk down to the lake from my son`s house and my main focus birding wise has centred on the Juv/first winter Med Gulls loafing around the area where the R. Limat flows into Zurichsee.
Here, up to 10 individuals are easily found each morning. I suspect they roost on the moored up pleasure boats during the night.
Very few Med Gulls actually nest in Switzerland and I speculate that they come from colonies in the Po delta, the Camarge, or Eastern Europe. I have never seen any adults in Switzerland and indeed before this week, only on juv. previously which was on the R.Rhine in August 2009.

With blackish bills and longish black legs they look as close as they ever will, at this age, to Juv. Laughing Gulls, although with a more compact structure and with shorter bills.

Most are now showing more obvious blackish masks developing, though several last week had quite plain heads. They seem to have the edge when squabbling for bread and scraps with the Black-headed Gulls.
Mike P.


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Cracking list Phil - I'm looking for any kind of excuse to get back to Switzerland for however short a period - You've just given me it!


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I've just returned from an extended weekends walking in Switzerland landing at Zurich on the 9.6.11 and then driving onto to my brothers house at Mostelberg nr Sattel.
We bird watched and walked on the 10.6.11 at a place called Natschen just above Andermatt hoping for alpine species and were spoilt first bird out of the car was Water Pipit quickly followed by Snow Finch a lifer for us both. Shortly after we located the first of two pairs of Rock Thrush another lifer and a tremendous bird. We kept climbing to the summit and there were plenty more Snow Finches and a superb Golden Eagle Fly past - first time I've ever looked down on one!

On returning to the car we heard Quail in one of the alpine meadows not something expected so high up.

Next we headed up the Furkha Pass a climb in the car to 2767m - not for the faint hearted. Here we had plenty more Snow Finches, Alpine Accentor, Crag Martin, Alpine Chough, another Golden Eagle.

On the Saturday 11.6.11 we headed to a lowland marsh area called Kaltbrunner Riet - a brilliant place, even in the pouring rain! Quickly located Marsh Warbler, Great Reed-warbler and Reed Warbler. A male Little Bittern flew over the reeds.

From there we headed to Voralp which lies above Grabs and Buchs. After much searching in the woods we located one of the target birds Three-toed Woodpecker, not one but two. We also found Nutcracker and Crested Tit. This is a known site for Hazelhen but we had no luck again! Our fourth visit here. On arriving back at the car the much hoped for Black Woodpecker flew passed us - excellent a bird we've struggled to find over large parts of Europe not just Switzerland, another lifer. It was at carpark number 7 from Wildhaus if that helps anyone on a future visit to Switzerland.

The next morning and final trip was a local walk around where my brother lives Mostelberg on a mountain called Hockstuckli. We had Crossbill, Tree Pipit, Cuckoo and Red-backed Shrike. The place is a popular area for local walkers and sight seers there is a bridge called a Sky Walk at 300m long and 50-odd metres high the single span bridge is quite a challenge.

All in all a great weekend stunning scenery, wildlife including Alpine Marmot and Chamois, mixed weather, great birds and fine beers.

List of all we saw below.

Cheers Phil

1. Black Grouse Natschen nr Andermatt
2. Common Quail Natschen nr Andermatt
3. Mute Swan Seedorf, Canton of Uri
4. Mallard Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
5. Red-crested Pochard Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
6. Tufted Duck Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
7. Common Eider Seedorf, Canton of Uri
8. Common Goldeneye Seedorf, Canton of Uri
9. Goosander Zug
10. Little Grebe Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
11. Great Crested Grebe Seedorf, Canton of Uri
12. White Stork Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
13. Little Bittern Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
14. Grey Heron Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
15. Great Cormorant Seedorf, Canton of Uri
16. Common Kestrel Natschen nr Andermatt
17. Red Kite Uznach
18. Black Kite Voralp, St. Gallen
19. Eurasian Sparrowhawk Voralp, St. Gallen
20. Common Buzzard Voralp, St. Gallen
21. Golden Eagle Natschen nr Andermatt
22. Common Moorhen Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
23. Common Coot Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
24. Yellow-legged Gull Seedorf, Canton of Uri
25. Black-headed Gull Uznach
26. Wood Pigeon Sattel/Mostel
27. Common Cuckoo Natschen nr Andermatt
28. Common Swift Furkha Pass
29. Great Spotted Woodpecker Voralp, St. Gallen
30. Three-toed Woodpecker Voralp, St. Gallen
31. Black Woodpecker Voralp, St. Gallen
32. Red-backed Shrike Sattel/Mostel
33. Eurasian Jay Voralp, St. Gallen
34. Eurasian Magpie Voralp, St. Gallen
35. Spotted Nutcracker Voralp, St. Gallen
36. Yellow-billed Chough Furkha Pass
37. Carrion Crow Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
38. Common Raven Natschen nr Andermatt
39. Great Tit Sattel/Mostel
40. Blue Tit Sattel/Mostel
41. Coal Tit Voralp, St. Gallen
42. Crested Tit Voralp, St. Gallen
43. Barn Swallow Natschen nr Andermatt
44. Eurasian Crag-martin Furkha Pass
45. House Martin Furkha Pass
46. Eurasian Skylark Natschen nr Andermatt
47. Grasshopper Warbler Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
48. Great Reed-warbler Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
49. Eurasian Reed-warbler Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
50. Marsh Warbler Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
51. Common Chiffchaff Voralp, St. Gallen
52. Blackcap Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
53. Garden Warbler Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
54. Goldcrest Voralp, St. Gallen
55. Eurasian Wren Sattel/Mostel
56. Eurasian Nuthatch Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
57. Treecreeper (species) Voralp, St. Gallen
58. Ring Ouzel Natschen nr Andermatt
59. Eurasian Blackbird Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
60. Fieldfare Sattel/Mostel
61. Song Thrush Voralp, St. Gallen
62. Mistle Thrush Sattel/Mostel
63. European Robin Sattel/Mostel
64. Black Redstart Sattel/Mostel
65. Whinchat Natschen nr Andermatt
66. Stonechat Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
67. Northern Wheatear Natschen nr Andermatt
68. Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush Natschen nr Andermatt
69. Spotted Flycatcher Sattel/Mostel
70. House Sparrow Voralp, St. Gallen
71. White-winged Snowfinch Natschen nr Andermatt
72. Alpine Accentor Furkha Pass
73. Grey Wagtail Voralp, St. Gallen
74. White Wagtail Sattel/Mostel
75. Tree Pipit Sattel/ Mostel
76. Water Pipit Furkha Pass
77. Chaffinch Sattel/Mostel
78. European Goldfinch Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen
79. Eurasian Linnet Natschen nr Andermatt
80. Common Crossbill Voralp, St. Gallen
81. Eurasian Bullfinch Voralp, St. Gallen
82. Reed Bunting Kaltbrunner Riet, St. Gallen

-- Edited by Phil Mansfield on Tuesday 14th of June 2011 07:15:23 PM


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Hi Mike

From memory I had Black Woody on four occasions, twice at Rupperswil (not to be confused with Rapperswil) and twice at Gippinger Grien, which are the woods at the top end of Klingnauer Stausee. The latter was just about my favourite spot.

For Klingnauer Stausee you catch the train to Baden where you then change for the S27 (I think!) to Waldshut, but get off at either Dottingen or Koblenz. At Dottingen you cross the river bridge at the southern end of the Stausee and then have to walk up the full length of it to the woods. Walking up the left hand side is better because you pass the birding watch tower and have good views of the reedbeds. If you get off the train at Koblenz (the first Koblenz station, because there are two) you cross the road and enter the woods at Girix Grien. Walk to the river, turn left and walk to the hydro plant where you can cross to the other side and enter the woods at Gippinger Grien which was my Black Woody spot. Beware mozzies at this time of year.

For Rupperswil you also change trains at Baden and then it's only 20 mins or so until you arrive. Walk out of the station northwards through the village until you reach the river. Turn left and walk upstream and after half a mile or so you can leave the path and go left into the woodland - this is where I had the pecker(s). It's a lovely walk, you can continue walking upstream as far as the bridge at Biberstein, cross and then walk back on the other side.

I think you may have put me on to www.ornitho.ch but if you didn't, it's a brilliant site with map sections that you can look at when deciding your routes etc.




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Hi Mark,
- Good to hear from you again.
Paul has a book "The breeding birds of Switzerland" which is in German (and helpfully French) which I have been working through. Following on from my comments below I now see that Fieldfares are of course breeders here.

An ongoing puzzle has been why are Black Woodpeckers shown as breeding all over the place and yet Paul has not yet encountered one in Switzerland. (We could hardly miss them in central Sweden in 1976, where as an 11 year old he found one peeping at us from behind a tree trunk just north of Lake Vennern).
It doesnt help perhaps that he knows no Swiss birders, (and demonstrates again that local knowledge counts for a hell of a lot).

I wonder please Mark where you saw Black Woody in Switzerland?

Mike P.


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Hi Mike - Good to see you're keeping the thread going! If you have time for somewhere else, Flachsee is a good day out and a place I wish I'd found earlier. You can catch the bus by Wiedikon railway station in Zurich and get off just past Unterlunkhofen at Zum Hecht which is an inn/restaurant by Rottenschwil bridge. Have a pint and a bite to eat in there after a good few hours birding! Regards, Mark.


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Two years since I was last here in May, and in context of visiting family not really inclined to be zooming off twitching all over the place; nevertheless have enjoyed some relaxed "year listing" within short train rides of the city as far as Rapperswil and Greifensee, with best so far:

Black Kites, Red Kites, White Storks (nesting), Ruddy Shelduck (pair), Red-crested Pochard (abundant), Yellow-legged Gulls, Common Terns (incredibly, - a Swiss tick), Fieldfares (I wonder if they nest here?), Alpine Swifts, Firecrest, Black Redstarts, plus one Serin.

I have been keeping a wary eye on the Manchester scene, (waiting for the inevitable "Mega" to turn up any day now).


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Visited the southern and eastern areas of Greifensee yesterday. Train to Egg, then walked down to the lake through rolling farmland. Walked up the eastern side of the lake via Rällikon and Nieder Uster before reaching the small town of Greifensee where I caught the train back to Zurich. Weather cool and grey, out around four and a half hours. Amongst other stuff :-

Little Grebe
Great crested Grebe
Great White Egret (3)
Grey Heron
White Stork (3)
Mute Swan
Bewick's Swan (1)
Wigeon (1)
Gadwall (25+)
Shoveler (20+)
Tufted Duck
Goldeneye (6)
Goosander (10)
Red Kite (5)
Buzzard (3)
Lapwing (20)
Yellow legged Gull
Kingfisher (1)
Green Woodpecker (1)
Great spotted Woodpecker (2)
Fieldfare (40+)
Long tailed Tit
Tree Sparrow

Swiss List 138

Until the next time....


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Visited Flachsee today. Bus to Unterlunkhofen, walked down the western side as far as the bridge. Crossed the river here and returned back on the other side before going south of the Rottenschwil bridge and walking around Stille Reuss. Out five and a half hours, weather cool and grey before brightening up mid afternoon. Amongst other stuff :-

Little Grebe
Great crested Grebe
Great White Egret (3)
Grey Heron
White Stork (10)
Mute Swan
White fronted Goose (20)
Greylag Goose (min 60)
Wigeon (min 35)
Gadwall (min 45)
Pintail (2)
Shoveler (6)
Tufted Duck
Red Kite (3)
Buzzard (6)
Kestrel (1)
Lapwing (1)
Yellow legged Gull (35)
Green Woodpecker (1)
Great spotted Woodpecker (1)
White Wagtail
Long tailed Tit
Marsh Tit
Short toed Treecreeper (1)
Tree Sparrow (1)
Reed Bunting


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Back for a long weekend - Train to Koblenz and walked the full length of Klingnauer Stausee after a sortie into the woods was cut short after being bitten by flies like never before. Mrs J was with me so it was a walk rather than proper birding. Added four to my Swiss list and good uns they were - Hobby, Reed Warbler, Wood Sandpiper and Little Gull.

Swiss List - 137


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All good things come to an end - my last full day in Switzerland - back to work on Monday, as the saying goes.

Couldn't really decide where to go today - ended up at Klingnauer Stausee, catching the train to Dottingen and walking the full length of the lake, into the woods at Gippinger Grien and then walked the full length back.

Quietish today, similar birds on the lake to those seen on Monday, although I added Redshank and Spotted Redshank (one each) to my Swiss List. Nice views of a male Black Redstart near the start of the walk.

Weather superb again, mixture of blue skies and cloud and with the temperature peaking at 22 degrees in Zurich on the way home.

Swiss list - 133

Over and Out!


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Paid my last visit today to Flachsee. Another warm day, around 19 degrees with clear, blue skies. Arrived at 9.15 and was out about five and a half hours. Walked the full length of Flachsee and then crossed over the river bridge, walking back via the other side. Quick look in the hide and then went south of the Rottenschwil bridge for a walk through the woods and farmland there. Amongst other stuff :-

Little Grebe
G C Grebe
Grey Heron
Great White Egret (3)
White Stork (2)
Greylag Goose (25+)
Ruddy Shelduck (1)
Wigeon (25+)
Pintail (2)
Tufted Duck
Goosander (2)
Red Kite (7)
Black Kite (7)
Buzzard (8)
Kestrel (6)
Lapwing (15+)
Ruff (1)
Snipe (3)
Green Sandpiper (1)
Mediterranean Gull (1)
Common Gull (11)
Yellow Legged Gull (150+)
Kingfisher (1)
Greeen Woodpecker (4)
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (1)
Swallow (3)
White Wagtail
Fieldfare (1)
Chiffchaff (10+)
L T Tit
Jay (2)
Tree Sparrow (20+)
Goldfinch (2)
Reed Bunting

Swiss List - 131


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Not finished just yet, Mike, added another two today, so I'm now on 129!! - Thanks for your comments.

Paid my last visit to Kaltbrunner Riet today. Last time I was here in February, everywhere was covered in deep snow and all the pools were frozen over. Today was very warm, around 19 degrees and sunny, blue skies. What a difference, the place looked beautiful with snow capped, high mountains offering a stunning backdrop a few miles to the south.

Annoyingly, I again dipped on White Spotted Bluethroat, a recent arrival. No one else had seen it today, so it wasn't just me. The bonuses were two to add to the Swiss list, Crag martin (flew fast through the reserve heading south east) and Stonechat. Amongst other stuff :-

Little Grebe (4)
Grey Heron (20+)
Great White Egret (1)
White Stork (22)
Wigeon (3)
Teal (7)
Garganey (6)
Tufted Duck
Red Kite (3)
Black Kite (3)
Buzzard (8+)
Lapwing (27)
Ruff (1)
Snipe (3)
Curlew (1)
Crag Martin (1)
White Wagtail
Stonechat (1)
L T Tit
Reed Bunting

Fox (1)
Roe Deer (2)

Swiss List - 129


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Hi Mark,
I'm delighted you have so enjoyed your stay in Switzerland and have seen some great birds there. You will also be pleased to know that you have edged past me by one on your Swiss list; ( so it's perhaps about time you did come home to the UK now!)

Best Wishes,
Mike P


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Paid my last visit to the woods at Girix Koblenz and Gippinger Grien today. Decent day again for woodpeckers with a pair of Lesser Spotted, one Middle Spotted, three Great Spotted and at least three Green.

Walked the full length of Klingnauer Stausee adding Garganey to my Swiss List and having decent views of Kingfisher, Little Egret, Great White Egret, Black Kite and Water Rail. Unfortunately dipped on the White Spotted Bluethroat which was seen at some point today after arriving on Saturday.cry.gif

Called at Baden on the way home and added Dipper to the day list but failed with Alpine Swift - don't normally arrive until April but some were seen on Saturday.

Amongst other stuff :-

Little Grebe
G C Grebe
Little Egret (1)
Great White Egret (1)
Mute Swan
Garganey (1)
Tufted Duck
Black Kite (2)
Water Rail (1)
Yellow Legged Gull (25+)
Kingfisher (1)
Green Woodpecker (3)
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (Pr)
Middle Spotted Woodpecker (1)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (3)
White Wagtail
Dipper (1)
LT Tit
Short Toed Treecreeper (2)
Tree Sparrow
Hawfinch (1)
Reed Bunting

Otter (1)

Swiss List - 127


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Fantastic day today, bird wise and weather wise. One of those days that bird watchers don't want to end. Caught the train to Birmensdorf and then got the bus to Unterlunkhofen, fifteen miles or so south west of Zurich, travelling through delightful, rolling countryside. The weather was sunny, blue skies and a balmy plus 21 degrees. Not bad for mid March.

Just over a quarter of a mile west of Unterlunkhofen is Flachsee, a sort of lake created within the River Reuss, with a nice muddy area in front of an impressive hide and a few hundred yards further upstream, an area of shingle and islets. All this surrounded by mixed woodland and farmland. South west of Unterlunkhofen (south of the river bridge) is another nice area of woodland by the river and a large area of streams, pools and open ground.

With time running out in Switzerland, I have over the last couple of weeks made an effort to see Grey Headed Woodpecker, without success. Would be a new species for me - very similar to Green Woodpecker and the 'yaffle' (to me anyway) is identical. Every day brought several Greens and Sod's Law prevailed. Until today that is and what a relief. Brilliant scope views of a male in a tree three hundred yards away!

A great day today, also, for birds of prey. Black Kites are arriving now thick and fast with at least five today along with several Reds. Plenty of Buzzards and another two Hen Harriers.

Amongst other stuff :-

Little Grebe
G C Grebe
Grey Heron
White Stork (1)
Greylag Goose
Tufted Duck
Red Kite (12+)
Black Kite (5+)
Buzzard (10+)
Hen Harrier (2)
Little Ringed Plover (2)
Lapwing (20+)
Ruff (6)
Snipe (7)
Green Sandpiper (3)
Common Gull (1)
Yellow Legged Gull (50+)
Woodpigeon (4)
Green Woodpecker (5)
Grey Headed Woodpecker (1)
White Wagtail
Song Thrush
Chiffchaff (15)
L T Tit
Marsh Tit
Tree Sparrow
Reed Bunting
Egyptian Goose (3)

Swiss List - 126

-- Edited by Mark Jarrett on Friday 19th of March 2010 08:16:47 PM


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Enjoyed yesterday's birding so much, I went again today. This time just walked on the Rupperswil side of the river (Aare) then retraced my steps.

Similar birds to yesterday, although no Black Woodpeckers today. The bonus was five Black Kites and a pair of Kingfishers.

Additions to yesterday :- Grey Wagtail, Kingfisher, Hawfinch, Collared Dove, Short toed Treecreeper & Fieldfare.


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Caught the train to Rupperswil today and had just over four hours out by the River Aare. Walked a couple of miles or so along the southern bank, through mixed woodland and farmland. Crossed over the bridge at Biberstein and walked back via the northern bank through more mixed woodland. Amongst other stuff :-

Little Grebe
G C Grebe
Grey Heron (15+)
Great White Egret (1)
Mute Swan
Black Kite (1)
Red Kite (4)
Buzzard (10+)
Black Woodpecker (3)
Green Woodpecker (4)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (6)
Woodpigeon (10+)
White Wagtail (2)
Song Thrush (2)
Chiffchaff (5)
L T Tit
Marsh Tit
Rook (5) Hens' teeth!

Red Squirrel (1)

Swiss List - 121


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Another five hours out in Gippinger Grien and Girix Koblenz, the two areas of woodland just to the north of Klingnauer Stausee. Excellent woodpecker day, which was the main reason I went. Amongst other stuff :-

Great White Egret (1)
Tufted Duck
Hen Harrier (1 x Ringtail)
Red Kite (1)
Buzzard (6)
Sparrowhawk (1)
Green Sandpiper (2)
Yellow Legged Gull (15+)
Woodpigeon (1)
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (1)
Middle Spotted Woodpecker (1)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (3)
Green Woodpecker (3)
Black Woodpecker (2)
White Wagtail (7)
Song Thrush (15+)
Redwing (5+)
Long Tailed Tit
Marsh Tit

Red Squirrel (1)


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Went back to Marthalen yesterday and the area of woods that I had wanted to go to last week. Mixed coniferous and deciduous - huge. Amongst other stuff :-

Green Woodpecker (1)
Middle Spotted Woodpecker (1)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (3)
Hawfinch (20+)
Brambling (10+)
Long Tailed Tit
Mistle Thrush
Jackdaw (8) En route
Woodpigeon (3) En route
White wagtail (5) En route
Red Kite (c.8)
Buzzard (c.5)

Heard quite a few other woodpeckers but it was like looking for a needle in a haystack at times. Made up for it with plenty of cracking views of Hawfinch.

-- Edited by Mark Jarrett on Saturday 6th of March 2010 01:37:27 PM


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To the Jona area today, a mile or so east of Rapperswil. Large bay with reedbeds on the southerly reaches of Zurichsee. Called at Rapperswil on the way back and went to the boardwalk area for half an hour. Fine but cold, out just over 4 hours. Amongst other stuff :-

Little Grebe
G C Grebe
Black necked Grebe (1)
Bittern (1)
White Stork (3)
Red Crested Pochard (29)
Tufted Duck
Eider (10)
Red Kite (2)
Buzzard (2)
Yellow Legged Gull (8)
Collared Dove (1)
White Wagtail (1)
Fieldfare (4)
Redwing (9)
Rook (1) - First in Switzerland!
Starling (85) - Not that common
Brambling (6)
Reed Bunting (1)

(Swiss list now hit 120 since end Oct 2009)


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Back to the Girix and Gippinger Grien woods, north of Klingnau, today. Loveley, mild, blue skies weather, around plus 11 degrees. Unfortunately the birds didn't show. Other than cracking scope views of Middle Spotted Woodpecker and a Great White Egret, nothing much to write about.cry.gif

PS - on Saturday, had Nutcracker just below Frakmuntegg cable car station on Mount Pilatus at around 4500 feet.

-- Edited by Mark Jarrett on Monday 1st of March 2010 03:48:59 PM


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Went by train to Marthalen, walked down through the village, then west towards the large woods which are a couple of kilometres away. Passed through pleasant farmland en route but, having googled it, it didn't feel just right. Turned out I was north of the area I had wanted to be in, which would have taken me through the woods and to the Rhein. I was actually on the extreme northern tip of the woods. Walked back via the farmland. Added Yellowhammer and Meadow Pipit to my Swiss list, amongst other stuff :-

Red Kite (12+)
Buzzard (12+)
Kestrel (2)
Middle Spotted Woodpecker (2)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (1)
Green Woodpecker (4)
Coal Tit
Marsh Tit
Meadow Pipit
Yellowhammer (3)
Mistle Thrush
White Wagtail (4)
Great White Egret (1) Seen en route
Stock Dove (2)

-- Edited by Mark Jarrett on Thursday 25th of February 2010 07:35:48 PM


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Bodensee/Lake Constanz has been good for divers and grebes all winter, so I headed back up there today, to Kesswil, five miles or so further up the shore from Arbon, where I went last time.

From the railway station it's a 250 metre walk down through the village to the front and a tiny jetty area and a bay, where it was teeming with birds. After an hour or so, I walked for a mile up shore passing through and adjacent to some nice woodland. Walked back to the original spot to finish.

Excellent day, especially for Divers and Grebes, amongst other stuff :-

Black Throated Diver (10)
G C Grebe (25+)
Red Necked Grebe (2)
Slavonian Grebe (2)
Black Necked Grebe (16)
Gadwall (4)
Teal (8)
Red Crested Pochard (250)
Pochard (200)
Tufted Duck (150)
Goldeneye (35+)
Red Breasted Merganser (5)
Red Kite (4) - Seen en route
Buzzard (2)
Common Gull (150)
Herring Gull (1)
Yellow Legged Gull (15)
G S Woodpecker (3)
Short Toed Treecreeper (1)
Brambling (15+)
Hawfinch (3)


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Back up to the Klingnau area today and the two woods either side of the river, Gippinger Grien on the west side and Girix on the east. Started at Girix across from Koblenz railway station, walked up the river, crossed over by the hydro plant and then into Gippinger Grien. Walked back to Dottingen station via the western length of Klingnauer Stausee. Out around five and a half hours.

Wanted a woodland type day with woodpeckers high on the agenda and they didn't disappoint. Five Middle Spotted, one Great Spotted and one Green at Girix. One Middle Spotted and a female Black at Gippinger. Added bonus of 2000+ Brambling that flew over mid morning plus a further four Hawfinch. Amongst others :-

Little Grebe
G C Grebe
White Fronted Goose (51)
Greylag Goose (3)
Tufted Duck
Red Kite (1)
Sparrowhawk (2)
Buzzard (5)
Snipe (4)
Curlew (35)
Green Sandpiper (2)
Yellow Legged Gull
Kingfisher (1)
Green Woodpecker (2)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (1)
Middle Spotted Woodpecker (6)
Black Woodpecker (1)
Water Pipit (1)
Grey Wagtail (2)
White Wagtail (2)
Song Thrush (1) - Very Uncommon Here
Mistle Thrush (3)
Tree Sparrow
Brambling (2000+)
Hawfinch (4)


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Went back to Hurden/Rapperswil today, as I didn't really spend a great deal of time there yesterday.

First bird noted a Great Grey Shrike. Nowhere near as many Yellow Legged Gulls today with a minimum of 8 and one each of Common, Herring (rare) & Caspian Gull (uncommon). The 10 Eider were still around, as they have been now for a number of weeks, fly past Red Kite. Other duck numbers etc as per yesterday.

-- Edited by Mark Jarrett on Thursday 18th of February 2010 04:21:29 PM


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Visited Kaltbrunner Riet Reserve today, a mile or so beyond the eastern tip of Zurichsee/Lake Zurich. Fine and cloudy, temperature around zero. Everywhere covered in thick snow and unfortunately the pools were frozen over. Consequently, very quiet bird wise with only Buzzard, Jay, Nuthatch & Grey Wagtail worth mentioning.

Decided to head back in the direction of Zurich and call at Hurden/Rapperswil where the lake narrows. A small lagoon has been created, there are two or three little islands and some small reedbeds.

Great Black-backed Gull was added at Hurden and three Wood Pigeon seen from the train - both birds like hens teeth in Switzerland!

Amongst others :-

Little Grebe
G C Grebe
Bittern (1)
Red Crested Pochard (1)
Eider (10)
Buzzard (1)
GBB Gull (1) !
Yellow Legged Gull (25+)
Wood Pigeon (3) !
Grey Wagtail

An otter swam across the lagoon - great to see.

-- Edited by Mark Jarrett on Wednesday 17th of February 2010 03:58:11 PM


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Visited Gippinger Grien today which is the area of marshy woodland at the northern end of Klingnauer Stausee. There are a few pools within the woods and the River Aare flows to the east, just after the dam and before it meets the Rhein. There are some shingle type islets in the river and also some nice areas of exposed mud on a river section within the woods. A good day overall, but a little bit disappointed as Middle Spotted Woodpecker, Grey Headed Woodpecker and Goshawk have all been seen in the area over the last few weeks - sod's law prevailed today. Amongst other stuff :-

Little Grebe
G C Grebe
Great White Egret (2)
Ruddy Shelduck (68)
Tufted Duck
Goldeneye (14)
Red Kite (3)
Sparrowhawk (2)
Buzzard (14+)
Snipe (20)
Green Sandpiper (2)
Yellow legged Gull (3)
Kingfisher (1)
Green Woodpecker (1)
G S Woodpecker (2)
Water Pipit (5)
Grey Wagtail (2)
Fieldfare (1)
L T Tit
Marsh Tit
Redpoll (5)

-- Edited by Mark Jarrett on Tuesday 16th of February 2010 05:04:29 PM


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Visited Klingnauer Stausee today. Five and a half hours out and it turned out to be a good day weather wise and bird wise after a real pea souper to start with. Didn't bother counting the ducks because visibility was down to about 30 yards before clear blue skies broke through at about 2pm. Added five species to my Swiss list including 18 Hawfinch which I was pleased about, a flock of 52 White fronted Geese, Linnet, Bullfinch and Green Sandpiper. Amongst other stuff :-

Little Grebe
GC Grebe
Little Egret (1)
Great White Egret (3)
Whooper Swan (8)
Greylag Goose (7)
White fronted Goose (52)
Ruddy Shelduck
Tufted Duck
Red Kite (1)
Hen Harrier (1 x Ad Fem)
Buzzard (2)
Curlew (1)
Green Sandpiper (1)
Common Sandpiper (1)
Snipe (7)
Yellow legged Gull (15+)
Green Woodpecker (1)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (4)
Grey Wagtail
Long Tailed Tit
Marsh Tit
Tree Sparrow
Bullfinch (2)
Hawfinch (18)
Reed Bunting

Total species seen - 58


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Another visit to Greifensee today. Caught the train to Egg and walked the mile and a half down to the lake through farmland a foot deep in snow. Did the southern end of the lake and then walked up the eastern side as far as Greifensee town, where I caught the train back to Zurich. Dull but fine after a sunny start and around zero degrees.

Usual cast bird wise with the addition of Smew, and amongst other stuff :-

Little Grebe
G C Grebe
Grey Heron
Great White Egret (1)
White Stork (1)
Black Stork (1)
Gadwall (30+)
Teal (5)
Tufted Duck (150+)
Smew (1)
Red Kite (2)
Sparrowhawk (1)
Buzzard (2)
Water Rail (1)
Common Gull (14)
Y L Gull (2)


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Visit to north eastern corner of Greifensee today. Weather dull, fine, cold and around minus 3. A few inches of snow fell last night. A bit on the quiet side generally, best of the stuff being :-

Common Gull (16)
Yellow legged Gull (1)
Buzzard (3)
Red necked Grebe (1)
Bittern (1)
Shoveler (48)
G S Woodpecker (2)
Jay (1)
Nuthatch (1)

-- Edited by Mark Jarrett on Tuesday 12th of January 2010 04:35:58 PM


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Went back to Klingnauer Stausee today. A good six hours out, weather fine to start with and about minus five, snowed for the last couple of hours. A Black throated Diver had been about for a few days but would appear to have moved on. Amongst other stuff :-

Little Grebe (14)
G C Grebe (26)
Cormorant (40)
Little Egret (1)
Great White Egret (3)
Mute Swan (24)
Whooper Swan (2)
Greylag Goose (7)
Ruddy Shelduck (17)
Shelduck (16)
Gadwall (150+)
Teal (60+)
Pintail (24)
Shoveler (25+)
Pochard (90+)
Tufted (150+)
Godeneye (8)
Goosander (4)
Hen Harrier (1 x Ringtail)
Buzzard (2)
Red Kite (1)
Curlew (24)
Common Gull (4)
Yellow Legged Gull (19)
Stock Dove (24)
G S Woodpecker (1)
Green Woodpecker (1)
Water Pipit (3)
Grey Wagtail (2)
White Wagtail (1)
Jay (1)
Tree Sparrow (c.6)
Brambling (c.100)
Reed Bunting (c.10)

-- Edited by Mark Jarrett on Tuesday 12th of January 2010 08:53:05 AM


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An hour and a half by train, east of Zurich, brings you to Bodensee, some 50km long and up to 15km wide in places. Some decent stuff has been seen recently in a variety of places, so I today ended up in Arbon on the Swiss shore. Germany is on the opposite side of the lake, with Austria to the south east. At Arbon is a small marina, quay and sheltered bay. Amongst other sightings :-

Little Grebe (6)
G C Grebe (50+)
Little Egret (1) - Seen en route
Whooper Swan (31)
Bar Headed Goose (2)
Gadwall (20+)
Pochard (75+)
Tufted Duck (100+)
Long tailed Duck (1 imm)
Ringed necked Duck (1)
Goldeneye (25+)
Goosander (c.6)
Buzzard (5) - Seen en route
Red Kite (35+) - Seen en route - one group
Common Gull (45+)
Caspian Gull (2)
Y L Gull (4)
White Wagtail (2)


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Decided to go back to Baden and have another search for the Wallcreeper - got it!!

Two and a half hours again looking up into falling snow in minus six. Kept doing half an hour on each side of the river. Was just about to call it a day when in it flew for a 2 minute cameo, flitting here and there, a couple of flycatcher-like jumps and then it was gone! Five hours over two days and all it gave me was two minutes! Still, my only other Wallcreepers were a pair, last year in the Pyrenees, so it was well worth it.

Bit players today were Goosander (8), Dipper, Nuthatch, Cormorant and Black Redstart.


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Wallcreeper has been seen over the last couple of days in Baden, north west of Zurich. Spent two and a half hours scanning the main river bridge, mostly looking up into falling snow flakes in minus 7, to no avail.

Had to make do with Red Kite, Dipper, Goosander and a 50 strong group of Brambling.

When I got home, I looked on the Swiss Website to see it had been recorded between 11.45 and 12.00 - I arrived just after 12.00no.gif You win some, you lose some!


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Been to the northern end of Greifensee today. Fine, sunnyish, +2 C with a nice snow covering.

Amongst other stuff :-

Little Grebe
Great Crested Grebe
Grey heron
Great White Egret (4)
White Stork (1)
Teal (1)
Shoveler (4)
Tufted Duck
Red Kite (3)
Buzzard (2)
Water Rail (1)
Snipe (2)
Common Gull (4)
Yellow Legged Gull (2)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (2)
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (1)
Fieldfare (6)
Marsh Tit
Tree Sparrow (c.10)
Siskin (c.15)

Missed out on Black necked Grebe and Hen Harrier that were around yesterday.


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Thanks John - You took a risk there biggrin.gif - I'll pm you and just hope you receive it before you are officially barred!no.gif

Been back to Greifensee again today and saw the two Scaup that I missed yesterday. Also had Tufted Duck, Pochard, Teal, Wigeon, Goldeneye, Gadwall, Goosander, Shoveler, G S Woodpecker, Siskin, Brambling, Nuthatch, Marsh Tit, LT Tit and Jay amongst other stuff.


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John Rayner wrote:

If I dare mention another forum on this website

Yer barred...


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Hi Mark,

If I dare mention another forum on this website you may be interested in the 'Rare Birds in Switzerland : Week by Week' thread on BirdForum. Better than the usual drivel you get on there.

Cheers, John


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Thanks again Mike - I'll be in touch in the new year re contacting Paul. My son is coming over with his girlfriend on Saturday, then we return to Darwen until the 3rd January. Looking forward to getting on Darwen Moors for the owls!

I've been a bit of a Swiss twitcher this week, chasing good birds rather than just going out somewhere. I missed Scaup (2) today - not sure just where they were and if I had walked another three or four hundred yards I would have seen them. Wallcreeper was seen in Baden yesterday but the guy who saw it didn't say where in his report! Probably on one of the churches. There have also been a few Hen Harriers about in the farming areas around Schaffhausen, the odd Great Northern Diver (not just Hollinworth Lake has them!), Black Woodpecker and then there are the Brambling flocks.........so much to see!


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Hi Mark,
-Great that you saw Bittern, (neither Paul or I have managed that in Switzerland).
Yes, it's rather weird that you can see Eider down at Rapperswil; when I saw them with Paul, I recall it was a little party(of 10 or 11 or so) which had taken up residence there.
I was talking with Paul on the 'phone earlier today, (he was working from home) when a Goshawk flew over the garden; - a "bogey bird" nailed at last.

If you wish to liaise with him, send me a private message and I can give you his E-mail address, as he has no Swiss birding companions, though he is now very busy with his work and I'm sure he wouldn't be free to go out that often, he would nevertheless enjoy the occasional outing from time to time. There are many European species which he has never seen anywhere, (such as Bittern, Red - throated Diver and Bearded Tit for example).


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Another visit to Greifensee today, this time up in the north east of the lake. Very cold again, minus five but no snow. Amongst other stuff :-

Great Crested Grebe (264)
Red necked Grebe (1)
Cormorant (c.150)
White Stork (1)
Gadwall (8)
Tufted Duck
Goldeneye (10)
Buzzard (2)
Common Gull (5)
Yellow Legged Gull (6)
Marsh Tit
Brambling (c.6)

Talking of Brambling, this week there have been sightings of the following flock sizes, around 20 miles north west of Zurich :- 5k, 10k, 50k, 100k and 1million!!

-- Edited by Mark Jarrett on Thursday 17th of December 2009 02:13:07 PM


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Mike - Thanks for the tip about Stein am Rhein. I had read up about it and it's on my 'going to go there' list, but not sure when!

Today, I've been to the southern end of Zurichsee around Rapperswil, two separate lakeside areas about a mile apart. On the hunt for three birds which I knew were about - an over wintering (so far) Common Sandpiper, Eider and Velvet Scoter - bagged them all, what a day!

Cloudy, very light snow, very cold, -3 all day. In fact after 5 hours out, I was frozen.

Amongst other stuff :-

Little Grebe
G C Grebe (30+)
Cormorant (100+)
Bittern (1)
Great White Egret (1)
Gadwall (30+)
Shoveler (c.6)
Red Crested Pochard (8)
Eider (10)
Velvet Scoter (2)
Goldeneye (c.10)
Goosander (40+)
Red Kite (2)
Buzzard (4)
Sparrowhawk (1)
Water Rail (1)
Common Sandpiper (1) - Poor bugger in minus 3
Yellow Legged Gull (c.10)
G S Woodpecker (1)
White Wagtail (1-2)

Last time I saw Velvet Scoter was many moons ago, I think near Nairn in Scotland. Before I came here I would never have dreamt of seeing either them or Eider in Switzerland. Together with the Sandpiper, Great White Egret, Bittern and Water Rail, it's been a great day.


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Hi Mark,
-Nice to see you are getting out and about.
One place you might consider visiting this winter is Stein Am Rhein on the German border, a really lovely place about 45 mins drive N. of Zurich.
Both banks of the R.Rhine just here are in Switzerland.
I found that in January a few years ago when we spent a few hours there, it was a superb place for big numbers of ducks and I should have loved more time to really grill everything. About 800 metres upstream is a footbridge out over to an island and the viewing from here was stunning, both for the bird spectacle and the picturesque scenery per se.
I'm sure some interesting stuff must get picked up here.
Mike P


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Visited Klingnauer Stausee again today - that horrible wetting rain as Peter Kay would say and just 2 degrees. Disappointed because of the rain. Brought my tripod over from the UK but couldn't use it. Contents of rucksack wet. Stood on the watchtower (open to the elements) for an hour before I gave up. Fantastic structure of wood and metal and very tall with superb views over the river/lake/reedbeds. But why not go one stage further and roof it?

Anyway, glad I made the trip because virtually the first bird I saw was the now over wintering Great White Egret, which I missed last time, followed by Little Egret. Also had a Reed Bunting (not that common here), 25+ Tree Sparrow and the usual ducks. Didn't venture past the tower.

I like this place and now that I have my tripod (essential because there are no hides) I will return on a fine day and give it the time it deserves. Bittern and Water Rail are resident and recent sightings have included Whooper Swan and Goshawk in addition to the superb numbers of duck.

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