Juv M Marsh Harrier hunting over fields on far side of River.
2 as Little Grebe with 2 fully grown young on canal.
10or so Swallows, adults and jus, over.
Sankey Bridges - Gatewarth Mute Swan pair at Sankey Bridges had 4 fledged young. The only Swift nest site locally I am aware of, behind the Sloop Inn, also had young birds fledged. Other fledglings on site included Goldfinch, Willow Warblers and/or Chiffchaff , Reed Warblers.
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Monday 8th of July 2024 08:41:12 PM
Sankey Bridges - Gatewarth
high tide
1 Common Sandpiper by main outflow channel near wind pump
2 Buzzards
Pair Mute Swans nesting by car park at Sloop Pub
yesterday pm
Warbler sps for year here reached eight with several Whitethroat singing from bushes on grassed over tip area.
Numbers of Reed Warblers and Blackcap into double figures. Six m Blackcaps all together in one of the taller willows seemingly vying for the tree as their territory, all singing and chasing others off.
First Swallow of year
Lesser |whitethroat still present, singing a lot more and moving up and down the main hawthorn hedge at top of riverbank. Hopefully settling up territory.
Fiddler's Ferry - Gatewarth
Not been able to get down here for a while so, despite typical Spring conditions (Hail, Rain, Wind) not surprising that the number of warblers seen / heard were up on previous visit...
1 Reed Warbler
1 Lesser Whitethroat
4 or 5 Willow Warblers
At least 10 Chiffchaff
4 Cetti's Warblers
Fiddlers Ferry - Gatewarth
20 plus Golden Plover on River
A few Curlew on far side fields
1 Kestrel hunting. The only raptor present despite high tide.
Fiddlers Ferry - Gatewarth
Bit of a Red Letter Day as the last of the paths still closed for the now completed works was finally re-opened. Access to the site now unrestricted.
4 Little Grebes together on canal (2ad 2 juv)
1 Kestrel
1 Jay
Relatively large loose flock of finches along hedges, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Chaffinch 100 plus birds.
I have added a post onto the Richmond Bank thread as you can get down to the river and get good views over the bank now the filter station works have finished.
Fiddlers Ferry- Gatewarth
F Grey Wagtail at horse paddock midden piles. Looking beautiful in bright Winter sunshine. (The wagtail...not the middens.)
Fiddlers Ferry - Gatewarth
Early PM
Scattering of snow on ground. Standing water and most of canal iced over.
3 or 4 Siskins in canalside alders.
Great Spotted Woodpecker calling nearby
2 Little Grebe on canal
1 Kestrel hunting over the area where work recently finished.
Small numbers of Fieldfare over
2 Buzzards hunting in tandem on far bank putting up flocks of Curlew (30plus birds) and smaller numbers of Lapwing.
Anybody regularly birding the cheshire mersey estuary , have you considered submitting counts as a weBs counter ? The currents weBs team is seriously undermanned in our attempt to map the estuary , some more info on the mersey estuary weBs facebook page or contact the area co-ordinator of the team on dermot.smith@fsmail.net
I've picked up Norton Marsh / Fiddlers Ferry / Penketh Bank & Bar since last summer.
Also got the Gatewarth / Richmond Bank section for the 2024 Win GS Gull Survey.
1 juv Little Grebe on canal
Mute Swan pair with 3 young
1 Juv Male Kestrel
1 Buzzard
Lots of classic Autumnal sights (unsurprisingly) A Jay carrying a large Acorn in its beak; Flocks of Starlings on pylons ; 20 plus Pied Wagtails feeding on ploughed field inc many young birds.
Main site still inaccessible, no sign of work scheduled to finish months ago being completed. The work on the brook outflow near the Stables has finished though, and the horse fields returned to grass.
Small numbers of post breeding tits and warblers flocking in canalside trees, mainly Long Tailed Tits Two Reed Warblers still singing very half heartedly in reeds.
Fiddlers Ferry Marina
Poor year for swans on the canal, only one nest seems to have produced young. 2 juv Mute Swans with parents at the marina.
Kestrel hunting over was been mobbed by swallows.
Sankey Bridges- Gateewarth
Yday AM
Pair Bullfinch
Several Herons including young birds
Reed Warblers seem to have got their second wind, more singing today than recently.
Two new warbler species on site since my last visit....Whitethroats and Sedge Warblers.
This brought the number seen here year to date to nine.
Seven seen today, including Lesser Whitethroat, still singing from same area I saw it three weeks ago.
Also seen, a Great Spotted Woodpecker calling repeatedly as flew into a small stand of trees near canal.