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RE: Marbury Country Park

Late news for in the week. On Thursday (whilst I was away) a patch mega in the shape of a Bean Goose was found by Mark Payne. The bird was with Greylags along with 3 Pink-footed Geese. At the larger end of the size scale and with a medium amount of orange on the bill the bird proved hard to assign to race. But from Marks photos, and referring to 2 extensive papers one Bean Goose ID, the bird appears to be a Tundra Bean Goose, albeit a large male bird.

I was down early doors on Friday with no luck, but at 8.45am I relocated the bird, still with Greylags & the 3 Pink-footed Geese on Kid Brook spit, viewed from the mereside path in Marbury CP. So far today I have had a couple of visitors into Focalpoint who say there is no sign of the bird there but there are only a handful of Greylags. This goose flock does roost & feed at a variety of locations so could return to Marbury CP at any time, worth keeping an eye out for :)


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Budworth Mere

23rd Feb

1 Black-tailed Godwit
2 Shelduck
1 Curlew
2 Oystercatcher
1 Chinese Goose
woodpeckers heard drumming

Anderton Nature Park

2 Peregrine
3+ Buzzard
2 Jay

-- Edited by James Walsh on Friday 24th of February 2012 02:21:51 AM


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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Budworth Mere

19th Feb

1 Black-tailed Godwit
13 Curlew
2 Pink-footed Geese
2 Oystercatcher
2 Shelduck
1 Chinese Goose


Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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A good couple of hours around the flash this afternoon with both bitterns showing really well from the hide allowing for reasonable photographs (considering the distance). Also both tawny owls were easier to spot today than they have been previously.

Other highlights were a male sparrowhawk bombarding the feeding station in front of the hide but flying away empty handed and a pair of buzzard putting on a nice display above the mere.

Unfortunately no lesser spot (also a bogey bird for me John). I'm sure I'll catch up with one soon.


Scott Reid

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With Mr Barber this morning had really close up views of the female Lesser Spotted Woodpecker in the Alders at the edge of the mere just past the boat house. We were told that this was the ringed female that has been in the park for a number of years.

Also on view 2 Tawny Owls in their roost tree.


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Shame we didn't find the Bittern today but the Lesser Spottted Woodpecker was a real bogey bird for me. At least I can put that one to bed.

-- Edited by John Barber on Tuesday 14th of February 2012 08:46:58 PM

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Saturday 11th February 12.00-1.30pm

2 Tawny Owls in their usual roost spot.
26 Lesser Redpolls
1 Goldcrest
4 Bullfinches
3 Treecreepers
4 Nuthatch
6 Jays
2 Common Buzzard
Curlew heard from fields oppsite the lake.
Also heard a Woodpecker drumming.

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11.30-4.30pm sticking close to the 2 hides when all the sleet started, still plenty off birds about..
2 tawny owls (in usual roost tree)
2 ravens
4 buzzards
1 sparrowhawk
1 goldcrest
at least 4 great spotted woodpeckers
at least 6 treecreepers
lots off nuthatches
1 reed bunting
redwings all over the place inc song thrushes & blackbirds.
plus all usual birds around the feeders.
on frozen lake,small open patch on far side...
300+ teals
47 shovelers
3 shelducks
6 great crested grebes
54 wigeon
3 goldeneyes
29 pochards
7 tufted ducks
7 canada geese
mallards & coots
100+ b h gulls
2 g b b gulls
3 herring gulls
9 l b b gulls
15 common gulls
49 lapwings
all them birds in one small space
3 curlews on the field
2 snipe flew out off the reeds opposite the hide, but no signs off the bitterns or lesser spotted woodpecker.
good day appart from the weather


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10-15 till 13-15
Just missed the Bitterns, pair of them flew into the main reedbed at around 10 ish
Mistle thrush
Long tailed titsxloads
Blue and great tits in front of the hide
GC Grebesx4
Mallards 2 pairs
Report of a Lesser spotted knockin about (no luck there either)
Cheers Jay


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Nice walk today cold and bright

Redwings plenty behind the rangers compound
Great tits
Blue tits
Coal tits
Long tailed tits
6 Bullfinch 5 of which where seen in the trees by the arch leading off the carpark
2 Tawny owls same tree as last winter
1 Buzzard

On the water
12 Great crested grebes
Black swan
Mute swans
Gray lags
9 Tufted ducks
6 Shovelers
12 Pochard
1 Bittern
Black headed gulls


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Graham Smith wrote:

Wet walk round today, none of the feeders seem to be being filled so eyes to the trees and watch
At least 22 Great crested grebes


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Wet walk round today, none of the feeders seem to be being filled so eyes to the trees and watch
At least 22 Great crested grebes
Blackheaded gulls
Tree creepers
Song thrush
Coal tit
Blue tit
Great tit
Long tailed tit

and 3 could have been Scaup they where to big to be tufted duck and no tufts
and on the way home at the M6 roundabout 20-25 Pink foot over

-- Edited by Graham Smith on Sunday 9th of October 2011 06:48:44 PM


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On a family walk around Marbury this afternoon nice to see the Black Swan at very close quarters.


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4 Common Tern yesterday am
Sand Martin
1 Black Swan
Stock Dove
juv W.Warblers
juv Whitethroats

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after nuemanns visited here
1 spotted flycatcher near forge brook,close to mere.
nuthatches, treecreepers, & great spotted woodpeckers all with juvenilles
blackcaps, willow warblers & chiffchaffs all over
+ all usual woodland birds
not much on the mere apart from great crested grebes, coots, tufted ducks & 3 cormorants
again house martins & swifts over, no signs off sand martins or swallows.


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A Garganey was on Budworth Mere this morning and then this afternoon a summer plumaged Black Tern dropped in over the mere for about an hour only. A Yellow Wagtail was by the fishermans path (above the old Sand Martin colony) am only.

The park was like Blackpool seafront this afternoon and if the good weather continues (but we had thunderstorms with heavy rain this evening!!) the rest of the Easter weekend could see similar numbers of folk around having fun in the sun!!



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Reed Warblers now in with a vengance with birds singing all over 'Patch', the highest density around Butterfinch Bridge by Marbury Lane (near Haydn Pool). A Sedge Warbler seen early am by Haydn Pool. A Red Kite over Neumann's Flash at 5pm (sorry easier to summarise in a single thread again!!).



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Haydn's Pool @ 6pm yesterday;

1 Common Sandpiper
1 Black -tailed Godwit
2 Redshank (mating)
1 Green Sandpiper
1 Little Ringed Plover

lots of Reed Bunting,Chiffchgaff and Blackcap.

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A quick update from 'The Patch' for today. In the earlier part of the morning a Common Sandpiper was on Kid Brook Spit over the far side of Budworth Mere but later no sign, just a single LRP and 2 Oystercatchers. Several hundred Sand Martins over Budworth Mere with a few Swallows and House Martins mixed in but hard work to pick out. Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs a plenty and several singing Willow Warblers too.

Ay Haydn Pool (also called Marbury No.1 Tank in case you see that name referred to anywhere smile.gif ) there were 2 Green Sands early doors and 1 still there at lunchtime with the lone Black-tailed Godwit still present. The resident breeding pairs of Redshank and Oystercatchers were still around.

On Ashton's Flash (I suppose this should be in t'other thread, but think I may get away with it as this is a sightings summary wink.gif ) there was a Wheatear early afternoon at least.

Paul biggrin.gif

-- Edited by Doc Brewster on Thursday 7th of April 2011 03:50:28 PM

-- Edited by Doc Brewster on Thursday 7th of April 2011 03:51:31 PM


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11 Bramblings and 1 Little Ringed Plover @ 6pm yesterday.

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Originally posted by Karen Foulkes today:

A trip to Marbury with Iain Johnson this morning.

Superb 10 minute views of Lesser Spotted Woodpeckerbiggrin.gif

Also present:

Several Brambling
House Martin
Sand Martin
Great Spotted Woodpecker
3 Oystercatcher over

Only Green Woodpecker let us down with a no show here and Dunham


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RE: Marbury Park

A couple of hours in the park before the rain this morning produced of interest:- more Sand Martins than I could count over the mere and a Sparrowhawk temporarily scattering them. On the feeders in front of the reed-bed hide Reed Buntings, Coal Tits and and 2 female Great Spotted Wood Peckers. Also watched a Mink swim out to the raft in front of the hide where it sat for a while after having a sniff about. Not much hope for any breeding birds on there then. no.gif Only one of the Tawny Owls in the normal tree and in the tall trees around the woodland hide excellent views of a calling male Lesser Pecker.


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Went to try and spot the common scoter but not seen:: 1 Med gull in summer plumage a 1st for me thanks to the gent who pointed it out Sand Martins by the bucketful 2 Twany owls hard to see them both but after much hard work saw the 2 3 Chifchaf plenty heard 3 Goldcrest 1 Wren 4 Reed buntings Willow tits 2 Chaffinch plus the usual stuff on feeders and on the water We enjoyed watching a Nuthatch in and around its nest


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Originally posted by Jason Dulhanty today:

Marbury park...Hide at Budworth
Black swan
GB Grebes
Heron fishing right next to Hide
Usual Tits
Tufted ducks
Heard Woodpecker not seen
Song Thrush
No Bittern


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I compile the Marbury CP and area sightings and liaise with the ringers here and there hasn't been a verified Marsh Tit sighting for many years now. Willow Tits are holding there own with regular sightings and ringing recoveries. Maybe this was just a typo and Graham meant to post Willow Tits, if it was Marsh Tits that were seen then a rarity form would be great as it would be a first for our 'patch' this century wink.gif

Cheers Paul

p.s. sightings at Marbury CP today included 2 drake Common Scoters, Bittern showing well in Coward Reedbed, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker by the mereside path, at least 3 Chiffchaffs by mereside path, 30+Sand Martins over the mere, Dunlin on Kid Brook spit, a female Goosander briefly am and the 2 Tawny Owls in their usual roost tree.

-- Edited by Doc Brewster on Wednesday 16th of March 2011 09:09:06 PM


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Are there marsh tits at Marbury? I know there are willow tit there.


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Walk on Sunday 13th March

Long tailed tits
Great tits
Blue tits
Coal tits
Marsh tits
1 Black Swan
5 Pink foots
1 Bullfinch(f)
3 Reed Buntings
13 Great Crested Grebes
2 Tawny owls
1 Sparrowhawk
3 Buzzards
2 Goldeneyes
6 Gadwell


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Originally posted by Jason Dulhanty today:

First visit to Marbury , saw the Bittern from the hide at Budworth mere , many thanks to the Guy who pointed him out , watched him for a good half hour, so difficult to spot gave a lot of people a lot of pleasure. Second one this year chuffed to bits.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Monday 28th of February 2011 06:37:42 PM


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Went today and what a treat was in store! I said to the wife before we arrived wouldn't it be nice to see something different today well we did.

on the water
1 BITTERN was showing well for a good 20 mins a 1st for us well happy
8 Goldeneye
15 Shellduck
8 tuffies
6 Great crested grebes 2 dancing
3 Shovellers
plenty of Cormarants
Mute swans

On the walk to other hide
Tree Creepers
2 Tawny owls
Long tailed tits
Great tits
Coal tits
Blue tits
Song and Mistle Thrush

the Bittern was a highlight


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Walked round yesterday {Sunday} lake was at least 70% frozen

1 Great spotted woodpecker
2 Tree creeper
2 Tawny owls
1 Bullfinch
1 Goldcrest
2 Chaffinch
Blue tits
Great tits
Coal tits
Long tailed tits
Nuthatch by the bucketful

on the water
4 Mute swans
Grey lags

and various gulls


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Graham Smith wrote:

On reflection i think your both right mu mistake ,i no they where not coal tits ,sorry

No need to apologise - Marsh & Willow can be a nightmare, but both a super birds and brighten up any day.


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15th Jan 2011;
1 Little Egret
1 Goldeneye male
1 GBB Gull
2 Gadwall (pair)
50 Shovelers pin-wheeling
and 2 Buzzards argueing over a recent Woodpigeon kill were the highlights of a visit over the weekend.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Monday 17th of January 2011 07:06:13 PM

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On reflection i think your both right mu mistake ,i no they where not coal tits ,sorry


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Rob Smallwood wrote:

Marsh Tit unusual at Marbury I think - any chance they might have been Willow?

Was thinking the same Rob!! smile.gif


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Marsh Tit unusual at Marbury I think - any chance they might have been Willow?


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Went for a walk on Sunday the following where seen
1 Great spotted woodpecker
2Tawny owls roosting
12 Nuthatch
2 Marsh tits
Long tailed tits
Great tits
Blue tits
Coal tits
1 Goldcrest

on the water
Shell duck
Shoveler duck


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I passed through Dark Lane Great Budworth close to Marbury CP at around 1130 today en route EP and caught up with four species of swan (Whooper, Bewick's, Mute and Black) and 2 of geese (Canada and Greylag). Apparently the two northern swan species moved on in the afternoon.


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Walk round with the kids today so no bins but saw several Nuthatch, one Tawny Owl in the roost tree and the Robins at the Woodland Hide literally eating mealworms out of the kids' hands - they were amazingly enthused - so anyone who knows any little people that need to be encouraged in all things birdy it might be worth a walk!

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Good sighting of a bittern flying some 300m in front of the reeds from Budworth Mere hide at Marbury CP (SJ651766) at 11:15am.


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Had a pleasant couple of hours in the park late morning/early afternoon. The highlights were:- good close views of a Common Buzzard around the end of the mere near the reed-bed hide, a Water Rail and a female Sparrowhawk that was rushing through putting the small birds up. Then close to the boathouse the resident pair of Tawny Owls showed well sitting out in the sunshine. At the woodland hide we found Wren, Treecreeper and Nuthatch as well as Great spotted Pecker and various makes of Tit. But the highlight was the Robin that took cake crumbs from my hand - I wonder if it was one of those birds that we saw in January 2009 ???? The mere was almost completely frozen but on the one bit of clear water 10's of Canada and Greylag Geese were present. Unfortunately no sign of the Bittern today.


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Female Hawfinch this a.m. in trees behind the bittern hide

Bus pass birdin' great innit?

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Henry Cook wrote:

Those Robins at the woodland hide did the same for me and Sid recently Mike!
Who's watching who?!

Best part of the day for me Henry. I felt a bit guilty that I didn't have any food for them after all that begging.



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Those Robins at the woodland hide did the same for me and Sid recently Mike!
Who's watching who?!


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Very pleasant wander around Marbury this morning.

Perhaps because I turned up not particularly looking for one the female Hawfinch showed well within 5 mins of my arrival.

2 Green Woodpeckers were calling nr the Rangers hut, a Treecreeper and several Nuthatches also present with 6 Bullfinches nearby.

Kingfisher over the Mere with 4 Wigeon and 3 Goldeneye also present. Water Rail showed briefly at the Bittern screen.

In the woodland hide 2 Robins decided to try the view from my perspective and then hovered around me for at least 20 mins, regularly coming within inches of me and completely ignoring my dog, Billy.

On the path back what I initially though was a dog in the undergrowth turned out to be a large fox which nearly collided with Billy, not having seen him! Bill made a half-hearted attempt to chase the fox but soon gave it up as a bad idea.

Lots of other common species around and lots of sun - very enjoyable morning.



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sid ashton wrote:

Had another bash for the Hawfinch today, gave it 4 hours - still no luck birdwise but did meet one Eddie King - nice to meet you Eddie, our chat helped to pass the time.


the Hawfinch at Disley showed beautifully today for 5 minutes at close range (10.30). I had a fly-over and a 2nd perched bird yesterday as well (09.40 and 09.55).

You could try there, site details on the Hawfinch thread.

Cheers, John


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Had another bash for the Hawfinch today, gave it 4 hours - still no luck birdwise but did meet one Eddie King - nice to meet you Eddie, our chat helped to pass the time.


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We three + One were there today, and among the usual stuff saw a Bullfinch, and then about 3.pm a Hawfinch on the top of a Silver Birch behind the "loos"

As there were 4 or 5 others at that time, were any of our fellow forumites there?



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Henry - you forgot the Moorhendoh.gif


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My first visit to the park so thanks Sid for the offer of a good days birding there.
Seems the Hawfinch was seen by someone as RBA published a report but no one we spoke to during the day had any luck! A lovely spot and I hope to return one day soon to work on seeing some of the trickier residents (Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers's anyone?!). Sightings included:
9 Grey Herons
8 Cormorants
20 Great Crested Grebes
c30 Canada Geese
17 Wigeons
c50 Shovelers
1 Kestrel
2 Buzzards
1 Water Rail
2 Lapwings
1 Great Black-backed Gulls (amongst Commons+Black-headeds)
2 Kingfishers
6+ Stock Doves
1 Great Spotted Woodpecker
1 Pied Wagtail
2 Meadow Pipits
3 Coal Tits
4 Nuthatches
1 Raven
2 Song Thrushes
3 Lesser Redpolls
6 Siskins
14 Goldfinches


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Marbury Country Park

At Marbury today with Henry C looking for the reported Hawfinch - no luck. Nothing at Haydns Pool either except the rangers building a Sand Martin bank. However, on the mere we had excellent views of a couple of Kingfisher, a Raven over and at the end really close sightings of a Water Rail - didn't realise how small these birds are but were able to compare with a Moorhen which was about twice the size.

-- Edited by sid ashton at 21:23, 2009-01-14

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Thursday 31st of March 2011 10:11:44 PM

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