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Post Info TOPIC: Flixton, including Lagoons and Barton/Irlam Locks

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Flixton, including Lagoons and Barton/Irlam Locks

Irlam Locks

Great White Egret 2 together, picked out over the locks flying up the canal before turning west. Photographed between 07.09 and 07.10. Poor record shots attached.
Peregrine 1 flew across the canal then chased Pigeons over the Flixton estate c06.50
Gadwall 1
Little Grebe 1
Kingfisher 3-4
Raven 3
Swallow 1
Chiffchaff 2

-- Edited by Pete Hines on Thursday 19th of September 2024 11:16:11 AM

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Hobby over Jack Lane NR at 10:40
Tawny Owl in the Jack Lane area for the last week or so.


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020924...Grey Misty + Rain

Walk from Boundary Road Garage (Irlam) area of Ship Canal to Barton Locks including Salteye Brook

9 Mute Swan

1 Goldeneye

32 Robin

2 Coal Tit

2 Kingfisher

15 Cormorant

25 Chiffchaff




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Late morning/ midday visit to Irlam locks just incase the juvenile shag had turned up here, but no signs.
2 great black-backed gulls
12 cormorants
1 grey heron
1 willow warbler singing
4 chiffchaffs, 1 singing
1 kingfisher
1 great spotted woodpecker
4 swallows
2 house martins
2 great crested grebes
1 little grebe
12 pied wagtails
1 sparrowhawk
1 stock dove
1 collared dove


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Irlam Locks

Common Sandpiper 1
Hobby 1 again hunting Swallows over the stables at 08.50

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Irlam Locks

Garden Warbler 1 in mobile tit flock last seen at the Towngate Farm entrance at 10.30 (the flock arrived from across the Ship Canal)

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Irlam Locks

Great Black-backed Gull 1
Kingfisher 1
Hobby 1

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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20 House Martins over the house yesterday afternoon.

Phil Greenwood

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A evening walk to Jack Lane nr...

2/3 juvenile Reed warblers being fed by an adult.
Several water rails heard
2 chiffchaffs
1 grey heron
Tawny owl heard next to railway.


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Flixton ETW/Ship Canal.

Kingfisher 1
Grey Wagtail 1
Pied Wagtail 1 male, 3 juvs.
Swallow 6
Sand Martin 2
Grey Heron 2 juvs.
Cormorant 4
BH Gull 140+
LBB Gull 5+
GBB Gull 1 adult.
Herring Gull 1 adult.
Mallard 8
Moorhen 1 juv.
Buzzard 2

Phil Greenwood

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Willow Warbler calling at junction of Jack Lane and Dunster at 08:30


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Hobby over Dutton's Pond 09.05

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Flixton ETW/Ship Canal.

Oystercatcher 3
Grey Wagtail 3
Pied Wagtail 3
Goldcrest 3+
Swallow 2
Sand Martin 10+
Swift 1
GBB Gull 1 juvenile.
LBB Gull 4
BH Gull 50+
Herring Gull 1
Starling 120+
House Sparrow 50+
Mallard 30+
Grey Heron 1
Magpie 20+

30 species.

Phil Greenwood

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Sorry for a late report for Wellacre CP from yesterday, June 30th.

Flixton ETW:

Sand Martin 20+
Swift 20+
Swallow 10+
House Martin 5+
Herring Gull 1 adult.

Jack Lane NR:

Reed Warbler 3 singing.
Reed Bunting 1 singing.
Water Rail 1 heard.

Green Hill:

Green Woodpecker ...just 1 yaffle from a passing bird. A new one for me.
Little Grebe 1
Kestrel 1 male.
Buzzard 1

General Sightings:

Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Goldcrest 1
Nuthatch 1
Grey Wagtail 1
Chiffchaff 10 singing.
Blackcap 3 singing plus 1 male and a juv.
Willow Warbler 2 singing.
Whitethroat 5 singing.
Song Thrush 9 singing.

44 species in total.

Phil Greenwood

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Carrington Lane Flixton. 6:00pm 27 May 2024

Steep bank by Mersey at Lafferty's

Treecreeper 2

Blackbird 2 

Chaffinches 2

Collared dove heard 1 

Common crow 1 

Chiffchaffs heard 2 


Green Hill: Goldfinch 1

Blackbirds 5 

Magpie 2

Chiffchaffs 6 heard separately

SkyLark 2 heard down at Lafferty fields below Green Hill

Crows 4

Chaffinches 3 heard 


Wellacre Park

Blackbird 3

1 chiffchaff hear

Barnswallows 2

Feral pigeons 3

Magpie 1

Great tits 1 seen, heard more


7:00 Jack Lane 

Mistle thrush 1

Magpies 8

Feral pigeons 9

Wood pigeons 2

Common gulls 2



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Swifts and Hirundines in large numbers at the ETW including 2 House Martins


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Evening visit to Jack Lane nr.

A hobby was circling around, gained hieght & then went into a stoop & disappeared.
Cettis warbler heard, briefly seen.
Water rails heard
At least 7 Reed warblers
8 chiffchaffs
3 blackcaps
1 Reed bunting
1 chaffinch
2 great spotted woodpeckers
1 jay
5 stock doves
Swifts, swallows & sand Martins over.
2 kestrels
1 sparrowhawk
2 grey herons

Nice to meet & chat with Wendy olsen.


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Irlam locks this evening...

2 common terns
10+ sand martins
2 swallows


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Whilst waiting for the bus at woodsend circle at 5.15pm I had 3 house martins over, also 5 swifts, 2 swallows, 2 sparrowhawks & 2 ring-necked parakeets.


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2 House Martins have arrived back at Woodsend shops.

Phil Greenwood

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Cetti’s Warbler singing just NE of Barton Locks early this morning, in between there and the AJ Bell stadium, where two Ring-necked Parakeets also flew over west.


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Post for yesterday 28th around 5.30pm whilst passing on my way to the mosses.

Irlam locks/ etw...

2 common terns
3 tufted ducks
30 + sand martins
2 swallows
1 kingfisher
1 grey heron

-- Edited by steven burke on Monday 29th of April 2024 11:42:47 PM


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Flixton ETW/Ship Canal.

Common Tern 2
Tufted Duck 4
Mute Swan 1
Great Crested Grebe 2
Grey Wagtail 2
House Martin 1
Sand Martin 30+
Swallow 10+
Linnet 1 female.
Goldcrest 1
Sparrowhawk 1
Buzzard 1
BH Gull 10+
Cormorant 2

etc.etc.etc...33 species.

Phil Greenwood

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A quick look after work, thought I had my binoculars in my bag on my bike but didn't ! Flixton etw/Irlam locks.

3 swifts
60 + mostly sand Martins
Several swallows
Both resting on the wires also.
Couldn't make out any house martins.
2 common terns
2 great crested grebes 2 ring-necked parakeets.

-- Edited by steven burke on Monday 22nd of April 2024 08:39:31 PM


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All Wellacre CP plus Flixton ETW/Ship Canal highlights.

Blackcap- 11 singing.
Chiffchaff- 13 singing.
Whitethroat- 2 singing...Green Hill.
Willow Warbler- 1 singing...Jack Lane.
Chaffinch- 3 singing.
Greenfinch- 3 singing.
Song Thrush- 4 singing.
Goldcrest- 2 singing.
Reed Warbler- 4 singing...Jack Lane.
Cetti's Warbler- 1 singing...Jack Lane.
Sparrowhawk- 1 male.
Raven- 2
Great Crested Grebe- 2...Ship Canal.
Sand Martin- 50+...ETW.
Swallow- 4
Grey Wagtail- 3...ETW/Ship Canal.
Oystercatcher- 1...ETW.
Mute Swan- 4...Canal.
Tufted Duck- 7...Canal.

Phil Greenwood

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April 16 2024. 8 am.


Green hill near Flixton.

5 magpies

Three mistle thrushes (heard, each 300m from the next)

3 goldfinches

3 great tits,

2 crows nesting

heard a blue jay, saw 1 blue jay

2 blackbirds

1 dunnock.

7.30 pm Jack Lane 2 blackcaps. Acting like a couple, preening in a small tree. I will check i.d. because unsure if blackcaps.


Thursday April 18 2024, 7pm. Jack Lane Farm nature preserve.

Two chaffinches.

1 Collared Dove. >6 each of wood pigeons , pigeons, and magpies.

5 Long-tailed tits.

2 Blackbirds.

1 sparrow.

3 siskins.


Heard: 3 chiffchaffs.


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Morning visit.

Etw/Irlam locks & ship canal...

Just 1 common tern at the locks.
1 common sandpiper
1 oystercatcher
70+ sand martins
At least 2 house Martins
At least 3 swallows
2 buzzards
1 kestrel
1 linnet
1 mute Swan
4 cormorants
1 chiffchaff
1 chaffinch

Jack Lane nr...

At least 4 Reed warblers, 1 seen.
Cettis warbler seen again.
Water rails very noisy, 2 were seen flying out of the reeds having a but of a chase.
5 chiffchaffs
2 willow warblers
2 blackcaps
2 swallows over
5+ buzzards
1 sparrowhawk
1 kestrel


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Late report for Tuesday 16th

2 Common Tern at the locks , 10:30 am


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Evening visit.

Etw/Irlam locks & ship canal...

58+ sand martins
2 swallows
2 common sandpipers
2 great crested grebes
1 chiffchaff
2 grey wagtails
1 pied wagtail

Jack Lane nr...

Cettis warbler finally seen, nice full views.
1 Reed warbler eventually seen.
Water rails heard
5 chiffchaffs
4 blackcaps
1 swallow over
1 treecreeper
1 jay


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Numerous Swallows at the ETW this morning


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Morning visit, etw/ Irlam locks.

1 willow warbler
2 chiffchaff
1 blackcap
2 Mediterranean gulls over, headed towards Wallace Country Park.
22+ sand martins
8 cormorants
2 grey herons
3 grey wagtails
3 pied wagtails
4 stock doves
2 linnets
3 mute swans
1 kingfisher Jack Lane nr.. 2 Mediterranean gulls went over at 11.30am most likely the same 2 I had earlier, they came from over the railway & headed towards etw. 2 swallows over, they also headed towards etw. Cettis warbler heard Water rails heard 1 willow warbler 8 chiffchaffs 1 blackcap 2 Reed buntings 1 treecreeper 1 goldcrest 1 great spotted woodpecker 1 kestrel 1 raven 3 buzzards 2 stock doves 1 chaffinch

-- Edited by steven burke on Saturday 6th of April 2024 12:39:56 PM


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Wellacre CP (north side only) but including ETW/Ship Canal.

Sand Martin 6+ at Irlam Locks.
Grey Heron 1
Cormorant 10...but no Scoter.
Kestrel 1 female.
Mute Swan 2

General sightings:

Cetti's Warbler 1 Jack Lane.
Sparrowhawk 2
Buzzard 5
Goldcrest 1 singing.
Blackcap 3 singing.
Chiffchaff 17 singing.
Chaffinch 2 singing.
Song Thrush 8 singing.
GS Woodpecker 2

etc.etc.etc...42 species in total.

Phil Greenwood

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Female Common Scoter still present at 11.30am upstream of locks.

2 Grey Wagtail - pair
2 Oystercatcher


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A quick visit before heading to work.

Female common scoter still currently present at Irlam locks.
36 sand Martins
4 grey wagtails
2 pied wagtails
2 kestrels
1 sparrowhawk
3 chiffchaffs
2 oystercatchers

-- Edited by steven burke on Thursday 4th of April 2024 12:53:39 PM


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Female Common Scoter on canal above the locks at 09:30
12 Sand martin
1 Blackcap in hedge


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Flixton ETW/Ship Canal.

Sand Martin 2
Grey Wagtail 4
Pied Wagtail 3
Oystercatcher 2
Mute Swan 3
Great Crested Grebe 1
Mallard 8
Cormorant 3
Grey Heron 1
Kestrel 1 female.
Herring Gull 6
LBB Gull 6
BH Gull 15

Phil Greenwood

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Walk from Boundary Road Garage (Irlam) area of Ship Canal to Barton Locks including Salteye Brook

Noting that most of the overwintering Waterfowl had now departed for Spring


11 Wren

10 Chiffchaff...in song

18 Cormorant

23 Gadwall

2 Song Thrush in song

6 Mallard

16 Robin

2 Bullfinch

1 Kestrel

2 Linnet in song

1 Mute Swan

Salteye Brook Area

7 Mallard

3 Chiffchaff in song

27 Teal

2 Reed Bunting

2 Ring-Necked Parakeet...flew over to Millennium Park @ 1018





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Very Late Record...220124...Car MOT Day

Walk from Boundary Road Garage (Irlam) area of Ship Canal to Barton Locks including Salteye Brook

Boundary Road up to and including Boysnope Wharf...

27 Cormorant

27 Gadwall

11 Goldeneye

12 Blackbird

33 Tufted Duck

3 Little Grebe

6 Teal

31 Mallard

2 Goldcrest

5 Redwing

1 Great Spotted Woodpecker

Boysnope Wharf to Barton Locks

32 Teal

18 Cormorant

6 Great Crested Grebe

74 Tufted Duck

1 Scaup...Male

6 Little Grebe

Barton Locks Area

36 Teal

4 Cormorant

175 Black-Headed Gull

51 Gadwall

2 Lesser Black-Backed Gull

4 Mute Swan

3 Common Gull

11 Mallard

Salteye Brook

46 Teal

2 Grey Wagtail

2 Bullfinch

1 Meadow Pipit






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Three swallows over Irlam Locks at 3:30pm and a flock of nine sand martins over the water treatment works just afterwards.


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Common Sandpiper on the fenced off jetty at the locks 10:30


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Female Merlin hunting around the horse paddocks adjacent to the locks/etw at 12:30


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Afternoon visit.

Jack Lane nr / duttons pond..

1 sand martin over
Water rails heard, 2 eventually seen
Cettis warbler heard
1 Reed bunting
12 chiffchaffs
1 goldcrest
2-3 sparrowhawks
2 buzzards
2 stock doves
2 pied wagtails
1 grey heron
4 redpoll

There was a large flock of greenfich & goldfinch along main footpath at green hill, amongst them there was at least 4 chaffinch & 2 siskin.


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Morning visit to ETW and Ship Canal.

Kingfisher 1
Great Crested Grebe 3
Mute Swan 4 adults.
Oystercatcher 2
Cormorant 7
Gadwall 2
Mallard 15+
Pied Wagtail 2
Grey Wagtail 4
Chiffchaff 1
Stock Dove 1
Skylark 1
BH Gull 30+
GBB Gull 1 immature.
LBB Gull 2
Herring Gull 6
Canada Geese 4
House Sparrow 40+

Phil Greenwood

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Morning visit, flixton etw & ship canal...

2 sand Martins at Irlam locks.
Now 3 oystercatchers
300+ black-headed gulls
1 great black-backed gull
3 lesser black-backed gulls
4 Herring gulls
3 cormorants
2 grey wagtails
Only 1 pied wagtail
1 grey heron
5 mute swans
2 stock doves
1 chiffchaff
4 buzzards

-- Edited by steven burke on Saturday 16th of March 2024 03:06:19 PM


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11.15 - 12pm, Flixton etw & ship canal.

600+ black-headed gulls
1 common gull
6 Herring gulls
3 lesser-black backed gulls
4 cormorants
2 mute swans
2 oystercatcher
28+ pied wagtails
4 grey wagtails
1 stock dove
2 chiffchaffs, 1 singing
1 goldcrest


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ETW/Ship Canal:

Buzzard 2
Kestrel 1 male.
Sparrowhawk 1 female.
Grey Wagtail 4
Pied Wagtail 10+
Coot 1
Moorhen 1
Mute Swan 2 adults.
Cormorant 10+
Mallard 15+
Herring Gull 4
LBB Gull 2
GBB Gull 1 2nd cy.
BH Gull 200+

Jack Lane:

Cetti's Warbler 1 seen singing in NW corner.
Water Rail 2 heard.
Goldcrest 2 singing.

General Sightings:

Chiffchaff 1
Willow Tit 1 short song, south of ETW, near pylon.


Phil Greenwood

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We saw 5 buzzards circling high above Urmston Meadows on Friday - Church Road direction, so very likely the same column you saw Steven.

Some pictures on here

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Midday visit.

Flixton etw & ship canal...

200+ Black-headed gulls
5 Herring gulls
1 lesser-black backed gull
1 oystercatcher
5 pied wagtails
3 grey wagtails
3 cormorant
1 kestrel
1 great spotted woodpecker
Chiffchaff heard on the Irlam side of the locks.
A dead great crested grebe was along the roadside near townend farm.

Jack Lane...

Cettis warbler heard only as were numerous water rails.
1 Reed bunting
2 bullfinch
2 ravens
8 buzzards, 5 together in the air
1 kestrel
1 meadow pipit
Plus usuals.


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A walk down to the locks this morning

Black-headed Gull
Blue Tit
2 Buzzard
3 Canada Goose
Carrion Crow
2 Coal Tit
Collared Dove
Feral Pigeon
Great Tit
Grey Wagtail
Herring Gull
House Sparrow
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Mute Swan
2 Oystercatcher
Pied/White Wagtail
Robin (

-- Edited by Martin Whittam on Monday 19th of February 2024 10:03:53 AM


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Flixton ETW/Canal:

Oystercatcher 2
Grey Wagtail 2
Pied Wagtail 20+
Mallard 10+
Mute Swan 2 adults.
Cormorant 5
Gadwall 2
Coot 1
Moorhen 2
Goldcrest 1
BH Gull 20+
LBB Gull 5
Herring Gull 1
Magpie 20+

Phil Greenwood
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