We walked the Ashton canal from Portland Basin to Manchester on Sunday. Pretty quiet really, the highlight being a flock of 10+ long-tailed tits and blue tits not far from MCFC. Also a pied or grey wagtail but it flew away before I could get a decent look. Plus what we think was the caterpillar of an elephant hawk moth.
Peregrine at about 8.15 (flying from roost?) this morning in Dukinfield a few metres from the house, nearly a garden tick. Possibly the bird seen in Ashton in July/August. Flew towards Ashton.
Also two Dippers on River Tame this evening and a noisy Jay in the valley.
-- Edited by Karen Foulkes on Monday 7th of September 2009 07:06:29 PM
-- Edited by Karen Foulkes on Monday 7th of September 2009 07:43:37 PM
On my way home tonight, even though it was raining, I stopped as usual to look for the Dipper from Dukinfield bridge. I couldn't immediately see a Dipper, but something else caught my eye. There was a Kingfisher directly below and to the left of me perched on a couple of rocks. I stood there staring mesmerised by the bird, whilst trying to control my wantaway brolly. Even though the bird must have been aware of my presence it continued to sit there as if it was waiting for the rest of the audience! After the best part of 10 minutes it decided to catch a small fish and landed on a different rock, manoeuvring what looked like a very small fish to a position where it could swallow it. I watched until it managed to swallow it completely, whereupon it took off and started hovering right in front of me. It again landed on the rocks and after a few seconds it left flying down river. and I didn't even get my bins out of my bag.
Success again tonight on the River Tame in Dukinfield with female Mandarin. No rings on this bird.
Also a Dipper showed very well. I was able to see a ring on its right leg.
At least 10 House Martins over Ashton throughout the day today, seen at lunchtime and this evening, and also 250+ Starlings in the town centre (seen from office window).
As I watched the one on the crate, I heard someone shout boo, I turned round and saw a teenage scumbag on a bike, I think I gave him a shock though when I took off after him, nearly catching him until he accelerated away
Oh the joys of birding in "Greater" Manchester. Greater than what exactly???
I started off the morning with a Cormorant flying over the back garden circling round towards the river heading roughly towards Stalybridge. This was an immature bird.
On the way to work as I looked at four grotty Mallards from the bridge, a Kingfisher flew up river, calling a couple of times.
I watched around 200 Starlings from the office window during the morning, keeping an eye open for a raptor (optimistic!)
Then at lunchtime I went to try and get 10 species in Ashton town centre, falling short with 8, although I did see a ninth from the office window, a fun twist on lunchtimes! My favourite was a Goldfinch trying to satisfy two squabbling youngsters.
On the way home two Dippers were showing from Dukinfield bridge before flying a little further up, one perching a crate and preening and the other on a line of rocks, visible from one side, but not the other.
As I watched the one on the crate, I heard someone shout boo, I turned round and saw a teenage scumbag on a bike, I think I gave him a shock though when I took off after him, nearly catching him until he accelerated away
I decided to risk the chance of a good soaking tonight and walk along the river.
It was a good start as I walked past Asda and saw a Sparrowhawk drift over from Ashton into Dukinfield.
I made my way to the river path (avoiding the piles of dog dirt) and was immediately treated to the sight of two Dippers. Our Dippers aren't as tame as some of the ones around and these two birds moved slowly out of my sight and as there is no path along the river past this point I reluctantly left them, but not before a Kingfisher flew past me up river. I carried on and saw the brownest Grey Wagtail I have ever seen I also saw what was probably the same Kingfisher as previously in this area. I saw nothing else until I got to the road and crossed to look over the river on the other side. As I walked up I saw two Herons, one an adult, the other one of this year's birds, and there was also a young Moorhen showing well.
While I was watching this a third Dipper flew onto the rocks below me this one coming from up river and a Kingfisher flew up river, perhaps the same one as previously seen on the lower stretch. The Dipper then also flew off, back up river.
A Tameside tick for me today, with a Mandarin in moult on the River Tame in Dukinfield (female)
I disturbed it unfortunately and although it didn't appear to go far it happened to coincide with two fishermen deciding it was a good time to try their luck
Also two young Grey Wags and three grotty Mallards.
Dipper, Kingfisher Grey Wag and Grey Heron have been around.
Ashton's Starlings are starting to gather in larger flocks now, with large numbers visible if I look out of the office window at the right time!
-- Edited by Karen Foulkes on Tuesday 18th of August 2009 08:03:49 PM
I didn't see the Black Redstarts today, but there is always something to look at if you keep your eyes open!
A mixed flock of 50+ hirundines (Sand and House Martins) over the Whitelands Road railway bridge.
A look over Dukinfield bridge produced a Dipper, which did good impressions on several occasions of a drowning Dipper. This looked like one of this year's birds. I was that engrossed with the Dipper that I don't know how long a Kingfisher had been there, but when I realised it was there I was able to get both in one binocular view at the same time. The Kingfisher caught a fish and flew into a sycamore and the Dipper carried on trying to drown itself!
Oh and there seems to be a good population of House Sparrows in Ashton Town Centre.
Also seen this week around Tulip Foods a returning Lesser Black Backed Gull and one of this year's Black Headed Gulls.
-- Edited by Karen Foulkes on Saturday 1st of August 2009 09:21:37 AM
Also whilst watching these a Kingfisher flew out of water towards me with a fish.
Where abouts was it? We used to always have a pair on River Tame around Portland Basin, Ashton & haven't seem them for a long while. Seen 1 on canal near Newton Hall/Amber fields Dukinfield before too.
On my way home tonight a mixed flock of 100+ Swifts and hirundines on the Dukinfield/Ashton border near Whitelands Road railway bridge. At least 50 of these were Swifts which is the highest number I've seen in the area this summer, shame they'll be gone soon
At least 10 Sand Martins seen from bridge on Dukinfield/ Ashton border, looks like breeding success in the area! Also whilst watching these a Kingfisher flew out of water towards me with a fish. Unfortunately landed out of view.
This am I had a pair of Whitethroat, my first record of Whitethroat in Dukinfield Also two young Grey Wags, possibly part of the party of three I saw earlier in the week.
13.00 Hadfield st, Herriot's industrial estate Dukinfield (off Globe lane roundabout) on grass 11 canada geese plus 13 goslings (looks like 2 age groups of 7 plus 6 older) Road leads down to open canal side
On way to work between Dukinfield and Ashton 2 Blackcap, 1 singing on each side of road by river 1 Dipper, looked to be feeding Willow Warbler, first of the year for this area, between railway and Ashton bypass, singing briefly
Went to my tetrad SJ9899 Brushes for the first time yesterday. I recorded some great birds up there including Green Woodpecker, a Tameside tick for me. Six Lesser Redpoll, also a Tameside tick. My first Willow Warbler of the year also put in an appearance. Two male Pheasants had a fight right in front of me, not realising I was there and six Linnets flew over me.
Male Grey Wagtail Pair Goosander, which have been around the last couple of weeks in the same area. Dipper flew up river towards Stalybridge calling Pair of Mallard and two surplus drakes 2 pairs of Magpies nest building at separate sites 4 Wrens at least 7 Robins, seen and heard 3 Long Tailed Tits Song Thrush and Dunnock singing Also good numbers of Great Tits and Goldfinches singing plus Greenfinches and Blackbirds
1 drake Goosander in Dukinfield Female Grey Wagtail in her usual spot 1 Dipper flew down river on Dukinfield side, couldn't find it where I expected it to be, near Asda 3 Bullfinches (1 male, 2 female) near Asda Lots of birdsong
Pair of Bullfinches in garden, then walked to Portland Basin where I had another Bullfinch and at least 18 Canada Geese and on the way back 3 Goosander, the drake probably being the one from the morning.
5 Goosander (3 males and 2 females) on river in Dukinfield this afternoon, one of the males was displaying to a female. First males seen for a while. Bullfinch over also.
As I was leaving the office today in Ashton town centre, there was a Sparrowhawk being mobbed by about 20 feral pigeons.
There were also about 40 Pied Wagtails coming in. I don't know where they went though, because when I left work at about 4.40 there were only about 10 at the roost site, although each building in the vicinity seemed to have at least one perched on top of it!
New to the site and relatively new to birding to be honest! Just thought I would post and add my sightings.
2 Goldcrests seen in conifers and in and out of my garden (Dukinfield) - for past few weeks on and off. What lovely and charming birds these are - and they seem to be quite bold and friendly too?!
This morning had 3 coal tits on feeders in garden - a nice sight to see in all the fog!
Dipper again on the river in Dukinfield first thing this morning, showed extremely well opposite Riverbank pub. Unfortunately owing to being on way to work, didn't have bins with me, so cannot confirm whether a ringed bird or not.
Took advantage of a rare weekday off work to check if anything was about.
No Goosanders around, probably gone back onto reservoirs, but increased numbers of passerines, I'm sure they've been somewhere warmer until the frost disappeared.
3 Bullfinches in garden, 2 males and a female, garden year tick
Female Grey Wagtail on river near Asda, they normally seem to spend winter away from the river, so perhaps this is a returning breeding bird?
Also noteworthy for the area, when returning from Talbot Road were two Rooks, they are actually uncommon around in this part of Tameside. In fact this is the first time in 30 years birding I recall seeing Rook in Dukinfield.
if you see any colour rings on Dippers can you post details on this forum or send a message to Tony Wilkinson? Tony & Co. have been ringing lots of Dippers upstream from Stalybridge for the last two years. They often disperse downstream in the winter but there doesn't seem to have been much evidence of this happening this year.
I suspected Dippers bred in the area in 2007 but unfortunately was unable to confirm.
Went to have a see what was around this morning. Was on my way out shopping, and made the mistake of not taking my bins
Flock of about 30 Long Tailed Tits on opposite side of river in Dukinfield and good numbers of Blue and Great around. 4 Goosander from bridge on Dukinfield side of river including 3 males.
Walking towards Asda and found a mixed flock of about 20 Goldfinch and Siskin, which fortunately came and bathed at the water's edge. Definitely at least 6 Siskin and still food on the alders.
Nice to hear that someone is keeping an eye on Stalybridge/Ashton. Dippers are early breeders and from another posting it looks as if they are warming up for action in 2009! If you are down there regularly keep an eye open for birds carrying moss; the nests are easy to spot.
6 Goosander including 5 drakes between Dukinfield and Stalybridge pr G S Woodpeckers in valley pr Dipper Bayley Street, Stalybridge near tip from small bridge 5+ Heron on river between Dukinfield and Stalybridge
Pm towards Ashton 7 Goosander including 4 drakes. Another three then flew down river including another 2 drakes 1 Kingfisher flew into tree, perched briefly and then flew up river At least 50 gulls around Dalehead Foods including at least four Common Gulls, 7 Lesser Black Backs and the rest Black Headed.