Adult Mediterranean Gull in near full summer plumage off Pomona at 2.15 this afternoon, very vocal in with small flock of Black headed gulls. 2 Great crested Grebe near Clippers Quay.
Minimum of 8 Goosander between the Old Trafford Road Bridge and Gnome Island this lunchtime, 6 M, 2 red-head. No sign of the Yellow-legged Gull but a possible adult Caspian Gull on the circular concrete structure. Unfortunately not familiar enough with the species to have ticked off all the key characteristics of a bird that looked distinctly different to the surrounding Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls.
Adult yellow-legged gull showing well. 4 great black-backed gulls 2 common gulls Herring gulls Lesser black-backed gulls Black headed gulls 1 great crested grebe 1 goosander 3 pied wagtails 32 cormorants No sign of any peregrines at media city but one was seen distantly at allied Mills.
- 3 Black-headed Gulls Blue rings 26EE, 2V25, 2V20
Also what I think was a 2w Yellow-legged Gull but it didnt move much and I didnt see the legs as they were hidden behind the concrete ledge of the mode wheel.
Obviously all 3 birds were Quays birds, thanks to Steve Christmas for confirmation. 2V25 ringed 08.12.22 2V20 ringed 30.11.21, sighted Turn Moss Jan 2023 266E ringed 15.12.22
Forget the Yellow-legged Gull theory, its a Lesser Black-backed!
- 3 Black-headed Gulls Blue rings 26EE, 2V25, 2V20
Also what I think was a 2w Yellow-legged Gull but it didnt move much and I didnt see the legs as they were hidden behind the concrete ledge of the mode wheel.
The juv. Shag in early September had been ringed on 20th June at Bardsey Island; no other sightings since ringing.
A quick visit early this week: ad. Yellow-legged Gull still there, also a 3cy G. B.-b. Gull at Clippers Quay. 33 Cormorant were all lined up on the boom on W. side of C. Quay, also a Great Crested Grebe on the water. Apart from these, very little else.
Three colour-ringed juv. L. B.-b. Gull seen earlier in Sept. were from the Bowland colonies, and a 2cy bird was ringed nr. Cadiz in Dec. 2023. One juv. Herring Gull was from Walney Island. A Norwegian Black-headed Gull was back at Clippers Quay, and a Polish bird back by the Lowry.
At least 50 Pied Wagtail were going to roost this evening in three Hornbeam near the entrance to the retail complex opp the main Lowry Theatre entrance
3 Ring Necked Parakeet flew west over Exchange Quay c. 8.10 this morning.
Adult Yellow Legged Gull still present around Clippers Quay at lunch time. Little Ringed Plover flew from the mud alongside Pomona c.12.30
Black-headed Gull 2R37 was ringed as an adult at Salford Quays on 1/12/2019. It has been resighted there every winter since, with the exception of winter 2021/22.
Thanks Steve, I was going to send you the details this morning but youve beaten me to it mate.
Black-headed Gull 2R37 was ringed as an adult at Salford Quays on 1/12/2019. It has been resighted there every winter since, with the exception of winter 2021/22.
Delivering to Leopard Pie in the Kargo MKT at The Quays late morning so I was able to have a little break and have a quick scour for some Gulls on the water facing. Some interesting individuals around but after careful consideration with the bright sunlight and the water reflection, I put them down to Lesser Black-backeds.
The Quays - Black-headed Gull blue 2R37
Clipper Quay. - adult Yellow-legged Gull Just chilling out in the shallow water then a few of them took off towards some commotion near ITV, food!
I had a look for the reported 2CY bird by Steve last week but I wasnt so lucky.
19:00 to 20:10, no sign of an adult yellow-legged gull tonight but a second calendar year YLG was lurking round Clipper Quay. More large gulls were incoming as I left so the adult may still be about.
Yellow Legged Gull present at 1pm, on edge of water, couple of islands down from the gnomes. Also Little Ringed Plover around midday. Not present after I'd had a wander looking for the gull.
3 Sand Martins over the Pomona area this lunchtime also my first Mallard brood of the year, 5 on the Bridgewater canal nearby. The adult Little grebe still present on the Irwell along with a pair of Goosander
A first for me in this area yesterday was an adult Little Grebe feeding under the overhanging trees on the north side of the Irwell, adjacent to Exchange Quay.
A bit of a gull watch, viewing from Wharfside 1643 - 1716, later than planned, consequently I missed nearly all the lesser black-backs and a good number of herring gulls, I saw a lot of them flying South on the way over.
Black-headed gulls c.150, about half of these lingered after the herring gulls left
Herring gulls c.120, including two argentatus, an adult and a third-Winter, all gone before dark
Adult yellow-legged gull in one of the last groups of herring gulls to leave
Much better view of the tufted ducks this evening, I watched them from the other side outside Central Bay this time, they were right in front of me. Only 23 of them though 13 males 10 females. 19 goldfinch in roost in the trees there also.
Adult yellow-legged gull at clippers quay whilst on my way to work at 12.30pm.
On my way home from work this evening at 10.15pm there was 94 black blobs on the water along Trafford wharf, a bit further out than usual but definitely the majority of them were tufted ducks, I did notice some coots there.
On my way home from work this afternoon I couldn't locate the adult yellow-legged gull along wharfside & clippers quay, a scan over the other side near the holiday Inn express & then noticed it was on top of a lamp post. I cycled around & then found it in the Dock near the holiday Inn express having a bathe & then perching on a little yellow bouy. Now I know where else to look. Also an adult great black-backed gull amongst the other usual gulls. 2 tufted ducks Peregrine at media city eating prey.
On my way home from work this evening at 7pm I noticed some black blobs sat on the water, got my binoculars on them & there was 14 coots then up popped 2 tufted ducks, then another flew in, all males. As I scanned a bit more there was another 7 tufted ducks, 4 males & 3 females. The first tufted ducks I've seen here this winter.
The adult yellow-legged gull was at clippers quay along with an adult great black-backed gull this morning whilst on my way to work at 11.30 am. 1 peregrine over. 2 goldcrest were with a tit flock in budhlea along the side of the Premier Inn.
The adult yellow-legged gull was flying around when I was passing on my way to work at 12.30pm it then landed on the water with all the other big gulls but was soon back up & headed down towards clippers quay. There was an adult great black-backed gull also.
No sign of the Yellow Legged Gull around Clippers Quay this lunchtime. A Chiffchaff was feeding and calling constantly in the scant vegetation around the Wharfside tram stop.
No adult large gulls at Clipper's Quay when I arrived late morning but by the time I'd walked round to The Lowry to view the distant adults off the Trafford side they had inevitably re-located and the Yellow-legged Gull was back on the concrete structures 12-15 to12-30 at least with an adult Lesser Black-backed and an adult Herring Gull for comparison
Adult yellow-legged gull again at clippers quay at 2.15pm whilst on my home from work. Ignore the time on the attached photo, I never changed the time back in October.
There was also an adult great black-backed gull but disappeared as I went to get a photo.