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Post Info TOPIC: Silver Lane Pools, Risley

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RE: Silver Lane Pools, Risley

Thought I'd go here before work at Grisley Risley today. A lot more birdlife than there seems to be at Moore these days so quite a treat to hear all the morning birdsong including a three Chiffchaff and a Cetti's Warbler. 97 Pinkies SE, four Redwing over the tip, Skylarks in sub-song, small passage of Meadow Pipits and a Peregrine over S were nice highlights.


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Despite yesterdays foggy start, a few interesting records as the fog lifted

Shoveler - 10

Greenshank - 1, flew SW along with

Redshank - 2

Common Snipe, 1 dropping onto summit

Swallows - 14 south

Chiffchaff - 8, 2 actually singing

Common Whitethroat - 1,

Blackbird & Song Thrush - overnight influx of 20+ each around the area

Skylark & Meadow Pipit - light southerly movement under the fog

Gulls - mixed flock of 90+, on local fields & pools. Mostly Lesser black back adults & juveniles but several Herring Gulls &

Common Gull - 3, among them

Having monitored and submitted records of Silver Lanes wildlife for over 20+ years, it will be a sad day when these projects impact on the general ethos and wildlife of the area. Over that period I have liaised with Biffa to finance the rafts on the west pool, bird boxes and on occasions management of the landfill. In 2011, after several years of monitoring I submitted data and a report to Cheshire Wildlife Trust recommending it be recognised as a site of wildlife interest, in response they designated it as a Local Wildlife Site which was a start and which I had hoped they would build on that designation in the future to give the site some sort of protection, sadly that has not happened and we are now where we are!

For me the real problem over time, yes productive and important habitats will be lost in the shortish term, but the installation of steps leading up to the summit from the MSA area will undoubtedly encourage increased access to and across the area generally & all the problems that folk bring with them! I've enjoyed how the area has matured over the years, the wildlife it attracts, so it will be a sad time as that begins to changes because of the pressures from the MSA & the solar farm and who knows what else!


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A significant area of the patch of Greenbelt and peat moss land on the eastern side of the patch will disappear very soon under the new Motorway Service Station taking up all of the south end of the easter arable land that has been a wintering site for Corn Bunting, Yellowhammer plus many more and  one of the best wild flower meadows I've ever seen this summer . This area will be completely obliterated, an established stream redirected, all the hedgerows removed in fact the area I saw the Wryneck last week will be totally gone.It looks like the building part starts in October. The parking area at junc 11 also disappears so nowhere to park at that end,to even get on the patch. and then more work will start also  by Biffa , putting a massive solar panel farm on top of the landfill removing the area 12 pairs of Skylark normally nest , and the stonechats winter. The Whole area will totally change leaving just the pools of interest in the main . Apparently the area bult on with a hotel and service station will have a 19% net gain of biodiversity according to the ecology reports, not sure how that works when the whole area will be under concrete . Its tragic that we keep losing these significant wildlife sites. We did our best to fight it and initially it was rejected but after they appealed and the council withdrew their objection the plan went through about 3 years ago.

 This is the end of the planning. Work actually started on the site 2 years ago doing the peat and water surveys etc 

If you wish to see the full plans and maps they are here https://online.warrington.gov.uk/planning/

planning application number - 2024/00963/REMM

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Saturday 14th of September 2024 08:09:26 AM

Potentially even worse is the double-whammy of the Service Station opening up access to J11 from the North side and the fact that HS2 isn't going to go through the Linear Park at Culcheth; the 1960s plans for the A580 Leigh - M62 Culcheth / Glazebury bypass (S/ SE side of Culcheth, then NW of Glazebury to join the A580 2 miles west of Bents) are ressurected - a friend has been working on the pre-planning study for a few months. One hopes Warrington BC being skint means that this wouldn't go ahead (nor the Western Bypass which would cut through Moore NR Eastern Reedbeds and Black-fields Pools). The funding sounds though for the capital of the build like it has been kicked to the Road Improvements Scheme Tranche 4 (2030-2035). 

-- Edited by Andy Slee on Monday 16th of September 2024 09:35:14 PM


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The Last few days Thurs and Friday 12th/13th

Whinchat - 4 (12th) 2 (13th) always illusive and hard to find


Hobby - 1 > ne (13th)

Marsh Harrier - 1 imm Male > S (12th)

Plenty Swallows both days 100+ South Same with House Martin

decent Movement South of Skylark and Meadow Pipit both days


Shoveler - 7

Pink Footed Geese - several flocks between 30 and 70 west both days 

plus the usuals

A significant area of the patch of Greenbelt and peat moss land on the eastern side of the patch will disappear very soon under the new Motorway Service Station taking up all of the south end of the easter arable land that has been a wintering site for Corn Bunting, Yellowhammer plus many more and  one of the best wild flower meadows I've ever seen this summer . This area will be completely obliterated, an established stream redirected, all the hedgerows removed in fact the area I saw the Wryneck last week will be totally gone.It looks like the building part starts in October. The parking area at junc 11 also disappears so nowhere to park at that end,to even get on the patch. and then more work will start also  by Biffa , putting a massive solar panel farm on top of the landfill removing the area 12 pairs of Skylark normally nest , and the stonechats winter. The Whole area will totally change leaving just the pools of interest in the main . Apparently the area bult on with a hotel and service station will have a 19% net gain of biodiversity according to the ecology reports, not sure how that works when the whole area will be under concrete . Its tragic that we keep losing these significant wildlife sites. We did our best to fight it and initially it was rejected but after they appealed and the council withdrew their objection the plan went through about 3 years ago.

 This is the end of the planning. Work actually started on the site 2 years ago doing the peat and water surveys etc 

If you wish to see the full plans and maps they are here https://online.warrington.gov.uk/planning/

planning application number - 2024/00963/REMM

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Saturday 14th of September 2024 08:09:26 AM



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Of note this morning 

Teal - 7

Great Crested Grebe- 6 (2 Ad with 4 Juvs)

Swallow - 10

House Martin - 5

Tree Pipit -1

Lapwing - 60

Tufted Duck - 17 

Pochard - 4 

Willow Warbler-1 

Chiffchaff- 5

Cormorant- 2 

Little Grebe - 8

Grey Partridge - 4

Kestrel - 4



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Only things of note this morning 

10 Swallow

25 House Martin 

6 Buzzard 

1 Imm Male Marsh Harrier (record shot below) heading towards LWM.



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Wryneck at Silver Lane Pools very briefly 9.30 but flew off over the eastern arable and no further sign. Saw it at 3 feet . Great bird first for sight . 


No further sign up to 1pm , but wasn't really expecting to see it again as it flew off originally SE . 

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Friday 6th of September 2024 01:11:17 PM



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Two visits today 10am-1pm then 5.30-8pm with my mate Karl Bishop

first visit of note 

Swallow - 200+ south 

House Martin - 200+ South some lingering

Sand Martin - 10 > S 

Reed Warbler - 1 (Different bird to Robs this time in the entrance pool reed bed)

Willow Warbler -5

Chiffchaff - 10+ 

Blackcap -3

Kingfisher -1

Buzzard -6

Kestrel - 4

Tree Pipit - 3 > South 

Late Visit of Note 

Stonechat - 1 when nearly dark on east slope 

Ruff - 1 - Strange one and new bird for me at site , flew NE slow, low heading towards LWM, could possibly have landed on edge of middle pool .

Kestrel 4 



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7.30 - 10.00 cool start, definite nip in the air very little vismig happening

Reed Warbler - 1, adult & a bit of a surprise & the latest recorded here

Blackcap - 3, among two mixed flocks

Chiffchaff - 9

Long tailed Tit - 30+, 2 separate flocks (20 & 10)

Goldcrest - 2

Swallow - 10/hr

Meadow Pipit - 10/hr

Teal - 8

Gadwall - 8

Mallard - 33

Tufted Duck - 21

Canada Geese - 250, but small parties in/out

Raven - 2, over north

Common Buzzard - 5

Kestrel - 3

Great spotted Woodpecker - 2


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The early promise with a  fall of about 30 Willow Warbler/ Chiffchaff lead to a rather dismal morning with the 1mile by 1 mile landfill a completely bird free zone apart from 3 Kestrels hunting . 

Pools were as normal with 500+ Canada Geese roosting on West pool . 

The place seemed like grandparents had been let out of jail after a summer holiday indoors looking after grandkids , as most youngsters don't do outdoors unfortunately these days. There were more dogs than birds today on the landfill. 

Swallow, House Martin and Sand Martin still present in small numbers.

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Thursday 5th of September 2024 09:12:56 AM



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7.30 - 11.00 An interesting morning stroll.

Whinchat - immature female, my first of the year locally!

Tree Pipit - 1, over south

Common Whitethroat - 1

Blackcap - 1

Chiffchaff - 8

Nuthatch - 1, uncommon here

Kingfisher - 1

Canada Geese - 380,

Great crested Grebe - 6, juveniles growing quickly

Pochard - 4

Tufted Duck - 14

Kestrel - 2

Sparrowhawk - 1, male

House Martin - 6


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of note

Hobby - 1, with juvenile House Martin in its claws being closely shadowed by Kestrel

Kestrel - 2

Common Buzzard - 6

Swallow - 15 over west pool

House Martin - 10

Large mixed flock of small birds flitting through trees & in/out of broad bean crop included:

Common Whitethroat x3 - Blackcap (f) x2 - Willow Warbler x4 - Chiffchaff x10+ - Long tailed Tit x15+ - Goldcrest x3 - Reed Bunting x3 - Blue & Great Tits


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Of note today

Swift - 7 over West pool

Swallow- c70 > S

House Martin c 40 > S

Sand Martin - 2

Kestrel -4 

Buzzard - 4

Great Crested Grebe - Still 6 .young are becoming

Independent, catching fish for themselves today

Canada Geese flock contained 1 Greylag and an hybrid

Sedge Warbler -1 

Blackcap- 3

Willow Warbler- 2

Chiffchaff- 4

Grey Heron - 3 > W



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7.00 - 9.30am

Marsh Harrier - female drifting south

Buzzard - 3, around area

Kestrel - 2

Kingfisher - 1

Canada Geese - 160

Great crested Grebe - family of 6 still

Little Grebe - 6

Cormorant - 2

House Martin - 80/hour south

Swallow - 20/hour

Nuthatch - 1, rare here

Chiffchaff (2 singing!)

Blackcap - 2

Common Whitethroat - 1

Willow Warbler - 2

Coal Tit -2


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Of note am 

Redstart - 2 (juv male and adult Male seen briefly)

Swallow -  uncountable 1000+ south

Hobby - 1 Chasing Swallow flocks (pic belo)

Great Crested Grebe - 1 Pair with 4 young still

Teal -4 

Pochard - 12

Willow Warbler - 6

Buzzard -4 



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Northern pools only this pm

Mallard - 88, new maxim

Tufted Duck - 22

Pochard - 14

Gadwall - 7

Canada Geese - 61

Cormorant - 3

Great crested Grebe - 6, adults & immatures

House Martin - 15+/10' = c50-100/hour, feeding high as they drift south

Sand Martin - 1


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This morning pretty average of note

Gadwall - 7

Pochard - 13 

Grey Heron - 2

Buzzard - 6

Kestrel - 2

Great Crested Grebe- pair still with 4 large young in tow 

Little Grebe - 8

House Martin - 15

Swallow - 10 

Sand Martin -1

Swift - 1

Willow Warbler - 2 

Raven - 1 over West 



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out for a walk this pm, generally quiet.

Yellow Wagtail - 5, immatures dropped onto field briefly before heading out south

Swallow - 10+ around farm along with

House Martin - 6, and

Sand Martin - 1

Tree Pipit - 1, over south

Willow Warbler - 3, present

Rook - 60+, noisy flock along east side trees

Kestrel - 2

Little Grebe - 3, adult & 2 young c5 days old


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7.30 - 10am, a cool start to the day, but livens up

Great White Egret - as said not around

Grey Heron - 1

Canada Geese - 44

Great crested Grebe - family of 6 still together in middle of west pool

Pochard - 19, overnight increase, probably dispersing from Woolston Eyes

Mallard - 51, highest total this year so far

Tufted Duck - 29, also highest total so far this year

Gadwall - 1

Willow Warbler - 7, mostly contact calls but some juveniles attempting to sing but not quite getting it!

Chiffchaff - still a few calling

House Martin & Swallow - 5 of each hawking over pool

Swift - 2, overhead & south

Buzzard - 4 juveniles making a racket!

Sparrowhawk - male into tree

Earlier in the week

Tawny Owl - 2

Grey Partridge - 2

Starling - 500+, local fields

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Saturday 17th of August 2024 03:09:17 PM


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No sign of Imm Great Whie Egret this morning. 


14 Pochard were the only thing of real note


-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Saturday 17th of August 2024 08:59:10 PM



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Further information on the Great White Egret . It Seems like it was a this year's young one ringed 16th April 2024 Avalon marshes  ..just had the email back from the rspb

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Saturday 17th of August 2024 10:55:51 AM



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Imm  Great white egret on sl pools this morning adult with red ring on its left leg first one down on a pool here for me although I've had flyovers.  See post above for details 

Also of note today A Kingfisher family flying round , not sure we're from, Newly fledged Buzzards being chased by parents,  plus the usual 

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Friday 16th of August 2024 09:04:00 PM



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This morning 

Great Crested grebe - pair still with 4 young

But only feeding 3 , the other they have washed 

Thier hands of catching more fish on its own than 

The rest combined.


Pochard - 8

Little Grebe - 8

Tree Pipit - 1 

Grey Partridge - pair with 8 young

Hobby chasing Swallows on the east side

Still plenty Swallows, House martin.

Swift - 10 

Sand Martin - 10

Kestrel -2 

Sparrowhawk -1 

Willow Warbler - still a few about

Greylag Geese - 32 flying east 



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Same as previous week at Silver Lane if anything even quieter

Seems the same everywhere to me apart from the honey pot reserves these days. 

Of note on the way back while searching for Grasshoppers, I flushed a Quail from under my boots on the MSS land which looks superb if they don't start building on it   Unfortunately the Quail took off across the M62 South low and fast . 

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Monday 12th of August 2024 06:42:41 PM



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This Morning

Great Crested Grebe - Still have 4 surviving young

Goldfinch - 60+

House Martin - 300+ over eastern arable 



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Last 2 visits almost bird less onsite apart from the main pool


Great Crested Grebe - Still have 4 surviving young but adults were attacking the smallest young one every time,  it begged for food so likely that they are thinking 3 survivors is better than none .  



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Friday 1st Aug 9-1300 of note

Cuckoo - 1 Juvenile seen twice flying North west across the Eastern Arable 

Hobby - 1 Male > East

Marsh Harrier - 1 male Flying NE

Great Crested Grebe - Still have 4 surviving young on west pool 

Lots of young Warblers including Juvenile Sedge, Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, and Reed Warbler 



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Early morning walk 5.30 - 7.00, a bit on the cool side so limited passerine activity, so highlights were

Mallard - 35, numbers steadily increasing & most in moult

Tufted Duck - 29, including 7 young, also in moult

Pochard - 1,

Great crested Grebe - 6, 2 adults with 4 young who are now swimming on their own

Lesser black backed Gulls - 27, 8 adults the rest noisy immatures

Herring Gull - 5, 2 adults 3 young

From 23rd July

Grasshopper Warbler - 3, reeling males during dusk walk


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Of note today

Great Crested Grebe - Pair still actually have  4 young so lost none only noticed from picture as very distant ,hopefully they will be ok and be the first to survive on the pools see attached shots

Tufted Duck - 3 new broods of young with females today - 12 young in total

Marsh Harrier - 2  over east an hour apart  A first Summer Male in heavy moult and a very dark Juvenile both headed towards Little Wooldon Moss

Hobby - 1 large Female heading east towards little Wooldon Moss

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Saturday 27th of July 2024 08:02:54 AM



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Tuesday 25th of note

Great Crested Grebe - pair with young . Still Carrying 3 young on females back 

Lesser Black Backed Gull - 50 on west pool


Sedge Warbler - 4 singing on landfill still.




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Great crested Grebe - 2 adults feeding 2 young, nice to see after previous several years of failures

Mallard - 19,

Tufted Duck - 16,

Pochard - 1

Cormorant - 3

Lesser black backed Gull - 7, adult & 6 immatures

Coot - 20,

Peregrine Falcon - female immature flew low to east

Grasshopper Warbler - 1, reeling on north slope

Reed Warbler - 2, singing males, must be on 2nd or even 3rd brood?

Three separate mixed flocks noted moving/feeding as they flitted along hedgerow with some chasing & competition between species, do they choose which flocks to join or is it a random act??
Flock 1 had - Blackcap x8 - Willow Warbler/Chiffchaff 15+ - Blue & Great tits 5+.
Flock 2 - Long tailed tit 15+ - WW/CC 10+ - Bullfinch - Blue & Great Tit 10+.
Flock 3 - Reed Bunting 10+ - Linnet 5+ - WW/CC 10+


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Finally today after loads of failed attempts over many years,  the Pair of Great Crested Grebe finally

Hatched eggs and have 3 ,possibly 4 young record shot Below.

Over the last few weeks the regular birds Little Grebe etc 

Have also hatched several young .

In the last week the Oystercatchers up to 4 have Been present on the eastern arable and flyover

Marsh Harrier and Hobby on several days and a Week ago an adult Black Necked Grebe graced

The pools for a single day before departing. 



-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Tuesday 16th of July 2024 05:17:28 PM



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Full sight mooch this morning and seemingly

Despite the aweful weather birds are doing OK

Of note.

Marsh Harrier- Juvenile Male (pic attached)

Gadwall - Adult female with 5 young

Grey Partridge with newly hatched young

Lapwing - At least 20 large flying Juveniles from early broods on the MSS site

Pochard - 1 Male

Lots of fledged young of common species 



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Back from surveying & from yesterday's walkabout & interest

House Sparrow - single male, a real on site rarity, feeding along hedgerow

Greenfinch - singing male, another rare bird here.

Pochard - single male, here on & off for c10days now

Mistle Thrush - 2

Lapwing - adults with only 2 chicks (c14 days), that I could find

House Martins - c20 over pools

Swift - 5, only skimming around area


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Despite the poor weather there seems to be plenty

Fledging success at the patch this morning with 

newly fledged young of the following seen

Song Thrush

Long Tailed Tit



Little Grebe


Meadow Pipit

Willow Warbler

Reed Bunting







House Martin

Great Crested Grebe - siiting on eggs on a new nest

After losing the first nest to floods.





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Of note today First time confirmed breeding of Cettis warbler, and also Garden Warbler feeding fledged young .



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Quick mooch on the eastern side proved worth it in the end with a new potential breeding species.

Moorhen - pair with 2 fledged young 

Willow Tit - pair with 4 fledged young

Cetti's Warbler - Pair seen ,Male singing in potential breeding area , new site record for me of a pair, only hearing a single bird once before . 





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From yesterday morning & of interest

Yellow Wagtail - pair, which only became visible & vocal when a kestrel swooped out of trees & onto their cover in broad bean field

Yellowhammer - 1, singing along east side

Greenfinch - 1 singing, quite a rarity here these days

Blackcap - 10, singing birds around area. An improving presence than in many previous years.

Sedge Warbler - 1 singing, continues to be a scarce breeder these days.

Reed Warbler - 7 singing males. Increasing breeding numbers as reed beds slowly expand.

Mute Swan - 2, they come & go sporadically.

Great crested Grebe - 2, another attempt at nesting by, assumedly, the same pair as previous years.

Mallard - 17, flying around the area & seemingly unable to settle anywhere.

Great spotted Woodpecker - 2, different birds in different locations

Starlings - 50+, a good mix of noisy adults & young around farms & fields


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Of note this morning

Great Crested Grebe - Pair finally have one egg , how they managed to keep the nest above water I'm not sure ,and it's about thier 8th attempt in 5 years and they have never fledged young .Fingers crossed this year.

Gadwall - 5

Mute Swan - 1 pair

Swift - 40 +

Plus the usuals


-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Saturday 25th of May 2024 08:19:04 PM



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No Terns today when I was there

Reed Warbler - 6 Singing

Great Crested Grebe - 1 pair 

Kestrel - 2 

Plus all the regulars . 

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Saturday 18th of May 2024 08:18:55 AM



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Common Tern pair seem to be Summering on the raft on the west pool , no signs of any breeding ,just seem to be chilling this summer, nice to see after lean years .

Great Crested Grebe the same they seem to stay every summer for the last umpteen years without ever getting young off , both showing no signs of breeding.

Plenty of regular summer visitors and residents to see this morning, looks to be a decent season so far without anything spectacular.


-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Friday 17th of May 2024 08:22:04 AM



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Am of note

Common Tern - Pair hawking round then off NW at 11am no feeding or display today, they obviously know they have no chance with Heron on one side and 2 Cormorant sat on the other side. No further sign up to me moving.

Wheatear - 1 F Greenland type

Hobby - 1 over high NE

Sparrowhawk - 1 Pair 

Plus the usual everyday stuff .



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From this afternoon & despite a motor bike racing around paths

Common Tern - 2, with in 2 days of same date as last year, with male making several return trips with fish in beak

Lesser black-backed Gulls - 12, 2 adults & 10 immatures

Mute Swan - 2, first birds here since April 2023

Gadwall - pair

Swift - 7, overhead, the most I've seen together so far this spring!

Green Sandpiper - 1, up off middle pool & out east

Sparrowhawk - 1, soaring very high but still being harassed by crow


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As predicted the other day the farmer was Ploughing the flood field as I left hopefully the Lapwing young moved off to another area 

of note 9-1

Common Tern - A pair have taken up residency on the raft on the west pool displaying and chasing other birds off ,which is an unusual sight in the last few years but unlikely to breed as its mainly a hollow raft.I normally see a few through at this time of year but not passing fish , which the male seemed to travel across to partridge lakes to collect , it was coming back with decent size Rudd. we can only hope and  see if they hang about. pic below 

Mute Swan - 1 Pair on West pool (see pic below) The Female Common Tern has a ring 

Cuckoo one that sounded like it had a sore throat on the Northern edge railway line 

Coot - First brood of 7 hatched on the entrance pool , always nice to see


plus all the usual stuff


-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Tuesday 7th of May 2024 06:53:07 AM



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There's always something of interest on SLP general wildlife but from pm yesterday, highlights were:

Arctic Tern - 2, hawking around west pool before heading out NW. A first for the reserve.

Wheatear - Greenland female on ploughed fields

House Martin & Swallows - a few more of each noted than on previous visits, but still way less than usual!


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Last 2 days nothing of great note apart from 7 singing Sedge Warbler ,pools almost birdless apart from 2 Great Crested Grebe ,a few Tufted Duck Little Grebe. Floods in fields rapidly drying up ,so expect the farmer to plough them soon ,as he was spraying the fields today so forget any insect life on those from now on . Pretty dour really for the time of year .



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1st May AM Pretty quiet relatively

Of note

2 Ringed Plover

2 Redshank

2 Female Greenland type Wheatear

Plus the usuals.

All regular Summer Breeders now present in good number on the site 

Too much disturbance from the groups of pro Dogwalkers that swarm the area everyday.

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Thursday 2nd of May 2024 07:07:01 AM



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Of note for me this morning 

Redshank - 2 not a common site here

Ringed Plover - 2 

Wheatear - 4 all Greenland types ( 2 in pic attached)

Swift - 4

Plus the usual 



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Friday 26th 9.30 -1 full site covered 

A bit of of wader fest in silver Lane terms as normally waders are few and far between, the motorway service

Station build not started fully yet, but imminent, means a decent area ,Is at the moment fallow, and disturbance low ,apart from pro dog walkers straying on there. 

Also flooded field is preventing the other farmer from ploughing the Eastern Arable at the moment.


Previous days Cuckoo seems to have moved on , no sign today

 Whimbrel- 3 flying NE at 12.00

Ringed Plover - 1 pair(pic of one below, rare on site)

Oystercatcher- 1 Pair

Redshank - 1

Lapwing - 2 pairs with young, and 2 pairs on eggs.

Yellow Wagtail - 1 disturbed by entrance pool flew south

Yellowhammer- 12 feeding on mss area

Corn Bunting - 2

Skylark - at least 6 pairs feeding young , more nesting but on the site again that will soon be lost to a Solar Panel farm :( 

Sedge Warbler - 3 singing

Marsh Harrier - 1 female through NE

Wary note for anyone on west side of summit ,There is a Tree pipit lookalike with short hind Claws that's a meadow pipit. 

Plus the usuals 


-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Saturday 27th of April 2024 07:31:12 AM



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A frosty start, but started to warm fairly quickly.

Garden Warbler - 2, first of year

Sedge Warbler - 2,

Reed Warbler - 3

Grasshopper Warbler - 1

Willow Warbler - 23

Blackcap - 6

Whitethroat -6, numbers well down on previous year

Willow Tit - 1

Lesser Redpoll - 1

Mistle Thrush - 2

Shelduck - 2,

Cormorant -2

Grey Heron - 2

Great crested Grebe - 2

Canada Goose - 3,

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