Liverpool Docks. My old friend was back, the yellow legged Herring Gull, as friendly as ever. Still got what Im assuming are breeding plumaged legs with an excess of hormone giving the pink legs a bright yellowy hue.
Possibly the friendliest Pied Wagtail Ive ever seen outside Home Bargains on Edge Lane up to within a foot. One of the homeless guys had a bird feeder on the floor and had sprinkled seed around it, loads of people coming and going but it just went about its business and resting up every few seconds.
Delivering on Albert Docks today and an old friend turned up whilst I was having a Sandwich break. The yellow legged Herring Gull from summer, legs now turning pink. Needless to say I didnt eat all my sandwich.
No sign of the Waxwings recently seen at Trefoil Close near Sefton Park. It was en-route between 2 delivery points so I was able to check the location a few times but no joy.
Peregrine on Liverpool Cathedral (Georgian Quarter) as usual. Its there nearly every time I pass.
2 skeins of Pink-footed Geese over the family home in Maghull at lunchtime today. C 40 overjust before noon, the later skein about half-an-hour later heard only. My brother reckons they're early this year.
The yellow legged Herring Gull still present last week and again yesterday. It was diving for clams / mussels (?) then dropping them on the dock cobbles to break them open. Then it flew over to me, to within a foot, reached over and gently took a piece of biscuit from my hand. Never expected a large Gull to do that.
Albert Docks. - Yellow legged Herring Gull still present and becoming very friendly, showing down to a foot away. Im here twice a week and its here every time, still with its favoured partner.
Tuesday 29th March Foster Street, Bootle, couple miles from Seaforth.
- Argenteus Herring Gull with seemingly yellow legs. I waited until it settled then took a photo and camera seemed to show the same, but I still suspect a trick of the light here.
ps. If anyone goes to this site just bear in mind the Gulls disappear into thin air. Then I realised theres a massive hole in the roof which you cant really see, they all literally fall off the edge into the recycling centre building and reappear flying out the other end!
Tues 22nd Feb Late post - 3 Ring-necked Parakeets over Lark Lane, Sefton Park - 1 paler bird with them, bluish tone and shorter tail - 2 Peregrines over Liverpool Cathedral, Georgian Quarter, seeing off a passing Sparrowhawk
Tues 1st March - 1 Ring-necked Parakeet over Lark Lane - 1 Nuthatch over Sefton Park Rd - 1 Raven over the docks / The Strand
- 2 Raven over end of M62 / The Rocket - 1 Ring-necked Parakeet over Lark Lane (Sefton) - 2 more over Sefton Park itself
Then an unusual sighting on the M62 back to Manchester. Id just passed J7 for Clock Face approaching Griffin Wood when I saw a small group of Red-legged Partridges running up the hard shoulder. I should be able to get the footage from the van to confirm what they were.
2 Ring-necked Parakeets flying around over Lark Lane nr Sefton Park mid morning whilst delivering. Then 2 Siskin flew over at the Aigburth Drive end of Lark Lane on to Sefton Park.
Has it been a better breeding year than usual for Siskin or is it just a winter influx? Ive had a few chance sightings recently whereas normally, Siskin arent a bird I see with great regularity unless i was at a site I know theyre likely to be.
Delivering to The Quarter restaurant on Hope St in the Georgian Quarter of Liverpool.
I could hear a Peregrine calling, I looked up and one was circling high around Liverpool Cathedral. At one point it tucked its wings in a little and put the burners on as a few Pigeons were flying nearby but it was a half-hearted attempt and just circled back round towards the Cathedral.
-- Edited by Rob Creek on Tuesday 9th of November 2021 10:47:59 PM
-- Edited by Rob Creek on Tuesday 9th of November 2021 10:48:26 PM
Delivering in the area so called in at Sudley House in Mossley Hill and got brief views of the Firecrest thats been there a few days. It is mobile around the grounds with Blue Tits, a Great Tit, 2 Blackbird, and a Robin, a Goldcrest is tagging along too. The Firecrest is very elusive. Still, not a bad way to spend 15 minutes on a tacho break!
-- Edited by Rob Creek on Friday 2nd of October 2020 12:04:51 PM
Back home near Lunt checking on my brother's progress yesterday. A lot of small groups of Pink-footed Geese passing low N.E. over the house during late morning into the afternoon. Numbers varied between 8 and 60. Noticed they seem to have 'outside lane idiots' too. .One small group came quite low over the roofs in classic V formation, with a single bird off to their right. For some reason it decided to cut right across in front of them and head off at right angles to the line of flight of all the other gees we'd seen that day! Not sure what the Pinkfoot call for 'Pillock' is, but I'll bet at least on of them made it
1 Sparrowhawk over the house 1 Collared Dove (nesting in a holly in the garden) c6 House Sparrows, several juveniles 30 Starlings 2 Great Tits Dunnock c300 Pink-footed Geese eastward around 9 a.m. this morning, looked to drop down somewhere between Ormskirk and Skelmersdale.
1 Common Buzzard (Melling) 2 Common Buzzards (Aintree Hospital) 1 Kestrel (Aintree Hospital)
Late lunchtime visit today to Walton Hall Park near Everton.
1 drake Red-crested Pochard What a belter, an absolutely fantastic individual that showed really well. It kept upending itself doing a bit of dabbling and then it caught a fish, bit bigger than a Stickleback and as it held it in its bill a couple of the Mallards tried to snatch it. Pretty sure they are predominantly vegetarian but will supplement their diet with aquatic invertebrates, amphibians and small fish.
Other birds around... - Tufted Duck - Great Crested Grebe - Song Thrush - playing field full of mainly Common Gulls - approx 200 Starling in treetops near car park
A red kite flew over my house in wavertree, south Liverpool this morning at around 7:45. Headed off in the direction of Sefton park, getting mobbed by a herring gull
Spent just under two hours today in Liverpool alongside the R Mersey between Albert Dock and Atlantic Way, 80 Meadow Pipit logged moving SE along the river between 1115-1300, 1 Siskin S over the river, singles of Chiffchaff and Goldcrest in small planted shrub beds, 6 very confiding Turnstone
Last Friday spotted Marsh Harrier hunting over the field next to the slip road from the East Lancs to the M57 out of Liverpool. Not thinking I would spot it again but at 14 50 today there it was close to the Home Bargains depot, pity there was nowhere to pull over for better ID.
A good passage of Pink-footed Geese over the family home in Maghull this morning. My brother reported 'a couple of thousand' with most skeins passing over just after first light SW to NE.
Large bird of prey circling high over Liverpool City Centre, late morning today, mobbed by large gulls. I was a good distance away, looking through an office window without binoculars, but it looked too slim-winged/long-winged to be a Buzzard, I'm pretty sure it was an Osprey.
Jay (1) Buzzard (pair +1?) Sparrowhawk (pair- display) Skylark (pair- song flight) Chiff-chaff (4 min) Song Thrush ( 3 - 2 singing, 1 stuffing its' beak in the family backgarden)