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RE: Stockport to East Didsbury



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At least 8 Common Whitethroats displaying/singing between pyramid and Burnage Rugby club all week.
Swallows scraping what little mud left from 'horse' field
Unidentified raptor from end of Vale Rd yesterday( No bins as usual on my bike)
Buzzard size, thin wings, flapping to gain height, not soaring, then a few sparrowhawk type lunges at a tree. Drifted off North. any ideas?
Chris H


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Hobby today over the town centre, low above viaduct at first after swifts, but then gained a lot of height before drifting East.
Other weeks highlights:
Mon: Young Long Tailed Tits near pyramid, Young Canada's near Sewage Farm(Maybe a lowlight?)
Tue:All 4 aerial feeders together around Sand Martin colony, Black Headed Gull back, Peregrine in the evening 'returning' to Stockport going up-river.
Thu: Displaying Common Whitethroat, Coot(not often seen)
Fri: 2 Coots(near 'Patch' Island) by Rugby club
Chris H


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A few of the main highlights of last week were:
Wed pm Green Woodpecker calling from trees to South of Geoff's bridge
Kestrel there a few mornings adjacent to pyramid
Lapwing in horse field Wed am
Sand Martin colony now well established, Swifts joining them often around the water.
Many singing Blackcaps, Willow Warblers, Chiff Chaffs and Whitethroat
Bullfinches along the length of TPT
Grey Wagtails around Cheadle Bridge
Still 4 Goosanders around Burnage Rugby Club
Mallard with 8 young South of M60 bridge
Chris H


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Late news of a Barn Owl near J2 of the M60 on March 10th.

Judith Smith __________________________________ Lightshaw hall Flash is sacrosanct - NO paths please!

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A couple of swifts today with martins at Cheadle Bridge.
No sign of White Wagtail(there on Wed afternoon)
Chris H


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First swift of year over mersey, near to motorway bridge.


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POSSIBLE female redstart by large pond just past rugby club. Flew fast in front as I cycled past. Quick stop to look in hedge behind pond, near industrial estate, but couldn't find the bird.(15.45 this afternoon)
5 Goosander
Plenty of Sand Martins
Drumming Great Spot
Obliging Whitethroat and Blackcaps
Good numbers of butterflies too
Chris H


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2 Raven this morning on pylon by Salmon weir.
Common Sandpiper flying upstream by rugby club
Plus all the usual other goodies
Chris H


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5.30 - 7.45. Evening walk upstream from the Galleon

Grey Wagtail 1
Grey Heron 1
Blackcap 2
Goosander (1, m)
Common Sandpiper (near The Galleon and on the Stockport bank of the river smile.gif)

Cheers, John


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2 House Martins with the 'sands' by Cheadle bridge.
Swallow on 'horse' field
4 Lesser Black Backed Gulls along the Mersey in shallow parts.
Plenty of the more 'common' early warblers about.
4 Bullfinches
Male Goosander still
Lapwings calling near the usual spot.
Chris H


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Friday16th 1.45 to 2.45.
Quick visit up River Tame from Tesco's Portwood - to Harrison's Weir (10 mins walk).

2 Grey Wagtail
1 Dipper

On way back to car park - 1 very obliging Male Blackcap in full song.


-- Edited by Richard Donkin on Friday 16th of April 2010 04:38:22 PM

-- Edited by Richard Donkin on Friday 16th of April 2010 04:39:26 PM


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Sparrowhawk this morning near the excavating Sand Martins, Lapwings joined them in seeing her off.
3 fearless Blackcaps singing their hearts out at 7.40am
Bullfinches near felled shrub
2 male Goosander still(3 females)
Chris H


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Thurs 11.30 to 16.30.
Took the bike and the bins along the Mersey from Cheadle to Stockport and then on to Reddish Vale.

Sand Martin flock of 25 to 30 birds just up river from Cheadle Bridge.
Lapwing in field on opposite side of river.
2 Pied and 1 Grey Wagtail in field at Vale Rd Farm.
Lots of Blue, Great and LT Tit, Wren and Chiffchaff, 2 Willow Warbler.
More Sand Martin (approx 10) from King St Bridge.

Along River Tame Path towards Reddish Vale plenty more Chiffchaff, 5 Jay together near weir with Grey Heron and a few Mallard.

Reddish Vale.
Kingfisher on Tame near sluice gate and 2 Buzzard soaring overhead towards motorway.

Nothing else of note on way back - too tired and saddlesore.



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Common Whitethroat singing opposite 'salmon' weir this morning.
Also Stoack Dove near Cheadle Bridge
30+ Sand Martins along the river too.
Chris H


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Chilly cycle this morning, but still a fair bit about.
Highlights: 3 Blackcap, 2 Willow Warbler, 4 Chiff Chaff, 12 Sand Martins(opp rugby club),
2 Female Goosander,2 Bullfinches, Jay
Chris H


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John Rayner wrote:

The Galleon - Cheadle Heath Sewage Farm

Sand Martin (8)
Goosander (1m, 3f)
Lapwing (pair)
Chiffchaff (3)
Willow Warbler (brief snatch of song)
Woodcock (1)

Cheers, John


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The Galleon - Cheadle Heath Sewage Farm

A walk along the Mersey produced:

Goosander, 4f
Teal, pair
Lapwing, 3
Sand Martin, 2
Chiffchaff, 3
Kingfisher, 1

Cheers, John


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Four Sand Martins on the Mersey at 09:00 today, just downstream from Heaton Lane roundabout.


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Sand Martins back just downstream from viaduct again
Still a good number of Chiff chaffs
Lapwing mobbing crow
Female Goosander
Grey Wagtail with a Pied on the same bit of sand

Chris H


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At least 5 Chiff chaff this morning between Geoff's bridge and sewage works.
Bullfinches near newly chopped scrub under pylon
2 Grey Wagtail under pyramid bridge
Kestrel and Sparrowhawk around yesterday afternoon 3ish
Chris H


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If it is the section just before the weir coming from cheadle bridge end , then it is because national grid are having some tree work done as they were getting too close to the power lines.

They were starting yesterday as i did my circuit around the park. I suspect that they will be doing some just past the weir as well.


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Chiff chaff again just downstream from M60 bridge.
2 Goosander
Grey Wagtail near landslip
Any ideas why half the trans Pennine is shut off?
Chris H


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I heard chiffchaff near the 'horse field' at vale farm, possibly another bird, otherwise similar birds to Chris, without sand martin today and only 4 redwing.

2 Lapwing opposite rugby club
Gt Spot in orchard.


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Chiff chaff just up from Geoff's bridge.
2 Sand Martins downstream from viaduct
6 Goosanders
10 redwing in 'horse' field
Chris H


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Walk along river and around nature park.

10 Goosander
9 Canada goose
7 Mallard
2 Gt Spotted woodpecker (one heard only)
Lapwing (heard only)
Moorhen (heard only)
2 Grey wagtail
5 Jay, in a flock together
30+ Carrion crow in one loose group
2 Buzzard
Usual tits and finches (inc 2 bullfinch)
A few black headed gulls

And my first 2 sand martins of the year, flying around the area they frequented last year.

Bit disappointed no chiffchaff today, but only a matter of time.

No sign today of the flock of 80+ starling, 14 Fieldfare or kestrel I failed to post last Monday


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Buzzard over at 3.15.
Lapwings freaking, opp. rugby pitch
6 Bullfinches, one pair nearly always in hedges around Acorn Business Park
10 Goosander
Many Canada Geese and Mallard(one Mallard 'sleeping' on top of old bracken near sewage works)
A few Moorhens and Cormorants
Surely not lomg until the first Chiff chaff or Sand Martin?
Chris H


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A different Little Grebe today, almost summer plumage, by weir with salmon sculpture.
Kestrel on viaduct
Lapwings again
5 Grey Wagtails around Cheadle Bridge.
Chris H


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Tue 9:
Little Grebe, downstream from Geoff's bridge( Sorry, said George's yesterday-doh!)
Lapwings opp Parrs Wood playing field
100+ Redwings on Rugby club pitch
8 Goosander
At least 7 Bullfinches along trans Pennine
GS Woodpecker still drumming
Chris H


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A pair of Goldeneye near Parrs Wood playing fields early on.
8 Goosander near George's bridge
Drumming GS Woodpecker near kennels
Bullfinch in shrubs opposite Crown Pub, 2 near pylon/metal bridge
Chris H


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2 lapwing displaying on field opp Rugby club on Thu morning.
Bullfinches by pylon, and around matel bridge.
6 Goosander today, and a few Grey Wagtails
Redwing under road bridge by pyramid Thu am
Landslide still looking quite impressive for those with a geological bent.
Chris H


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Almost spring like today.
40 Fieldfare on field opposite Burnage RFC
8 Redwing in horse field near kennels
8 Goosander(Pairs)
200+ gulls on Parr's Wood fields. Mostly Black Headed, a few Common's.
Plenty of finches and tits

Chris H


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female kestral flying low over , the tesco extra carpark at 12.15 , saturday morning


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Noticed Kestrel seemed to be more regularly about last years winter site around the Pyramid(wasteground just down stream). 2 Bullfinches, too.
Of interest, a landslip on the bank opposite has resulted in tree in the middle of the Mersey. Magpies were still on the nest in the middle of it on Wed, maybe retrieving sticks?
A couple of pristine looking Goosander on the river, too.
Chris H


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Wander around Mersey Vale towards Cheadle bridge.

Nature Park

Bullfinch 3 f, 2 m
Blue, Great and Long-tailed tits
Greater spotted woodpecker
Carrion Crow

on river

2 Little grebe
Grey heron
Goosander - pair
Mallard 7
Moorhen 3
Pied wagtail
cormorant 5 on usual pylon

Fields outside nature park

Stock dove 3
Black Headed Gull c60
Common Gull 11
Carrion Crow 13
Jackdaw 14
magpie 10+
Fieldfare 37 (flyover)

Also had a Nuthatch and common gull whilst walking to park.


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20 Fieldfare this morning on Northern bank of the Mersey near Parrs Wood playing fields. This is snow free, and am sure may be worth a look later in the day. (It's only just light as I cycle past.)
Female Goosander
4 Redwings
25 Canada Geese
Lapwing(heard but not seen)

Chris H


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I regularly cycle to work on the Trans Pennine here, and wonder if it's snowbound at the minute?
Went in the car last week, but itching to do some early morning bidwatching as I cycle in.
I have seen some great birds in the last few years, including female Redstart, Stonechat, Woodcock, and Goldeneyes.
Opp sewage works is usually the first Chiffchaff of the year for me too.
If I get back up and cycling, will definately post anything of note on.
Chris Harper


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Wander around Mersey Vale towards Cheadle bridge in sunshine.
Nature Park

5 Lesser redpoll
Bullfinch - fem
Blue, Great, Long-tailed and coal tits
Greater spotted woodpecker
Carrion Crow
Mistle thrush
house sparrow
grey wagtail

on river

Grey heron
Goosander - 1 male, 2 fem
Mallard 15
Moorhen 3
Pied wagtail
cormorant 5 on usual pylon

Fields outside nature park

Stock dove 3
Woodpigeon 18
Black Headed Gull c150, 100 of which were over UU site
Common Gull 1 (although probably more in flock in the air)

Also had a Nuthatch whilst walking to park.

-- Edited by Paul Dewey on Thursday 10th of December 2009 06:13:25 PM


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27/10/2009 - A wander along the East Didsbury part of the Mersey this murky afternoon around the golf courses revealed:

1 Goosander (redhead)
39 Fieldfares
12 Redwings
1 Pied Wagtail
c30 Goldfinches
2 Siskins
1 Bullfinch
5 Long-tailed Tits
5 Black-headed Gulls
1 Moorhen
19 Mallards


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Wander around Mersey Vale Nature Park and along the river.

Chiffchaff still occasionally singing
Song thrush
Blue, Great and long tailed tits
Goldfinch, approx 35 in very mobile flock
2 Grey heron
3 Cormorant
Carrion crow
3 Jay
6 goosander
Grey and pied wagtail
Heard a great spotted woodpecker

Also 2 buzzards, both seen to land in trees which must be somewhere in or near Abney hall, one briefly mobbed by a sparrowhawk. A possible 3rd buzzard also seen slightly later heading west

Still a few butterflies inc painted lady and a common darter

-- Edited by Paul Dewey on Wednesday 9th of September 2009 03:49:49 PM


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Wander around Mersey Vale Nature Park and along the river.

2 Blackcap
4 Willow warbler
4 Chiffchaff
Song thrush
Mistle thrush
Sand Martin (7 or 8 visiting holes in river bank)
Blue and Great tits

Lots of butterflies (orange tip and speckled wood) in the sunshine


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Had my first sand martins of the year on the mersey. Four birds busily looking for a place to nest.

Looking back at my previous posts had a first today in the form of 2 coot on the river, not that exciting i know but a first for me at this site.

Also 5 chiffchaff, single lapwing and pied and grey wagtails. Usual tit species, corvid and wood pigeons.


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Perhaps should re-name this Mersey Vale nature park, as again only did this bit.

Highlight today was a single swallow over the river near to burnage rugby club.

3 Chiffchaff
Pied Wagtail
Grey wagtail
3 Lapwing
40+ woodpigeon
Blue, great and long tailed tits


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Walked mainly around Heaton Mersey nature park.

2 Buzzard over field at end of UU site, may have crossed motorway.
2 Lapwing
Pied Wagtail
Grey wagtail (3)
46 wood pigeon in flock on pay and play course
2 Chiffchaff
Carrion Crow
Grey heron
Goosander (pair)
Great, Blue, Coal and Long tailed tits


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Having seen singing chiffchaff reported on birdguides late last week for Heaton Mersey went out this morning to find one myself and picked up one singing smile.gif in the sun near Vale farm plus kestrel.

4 Lapwings on farmland at end of UU site as well.


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Walk today turned up less birds than I hoped but sightings as follows

Chaffinch 2
greenfinch 1
goldfinch 8
dunnock 2
robin 4
wren 4
redwing 2
fieldfare (1 in fields nr cheadle bridge)
blackbird (loads)
mistle thrush 6
starling (a few)
cormorant 3 on usual pylon
grey heron 1
magpie, 14 in vale farm field alone
carrion crow
mallard (20+)
blue, great and long-tailed tits (3 flock of latter)
wood pigeon (hods of em)
moorhen 6
Buzzard (1 in fields nr cheadle bridge).
black headed gulls
Goosander 2 fem, 1 m

Most maddening was seeing a wader flying over industrial estate near pyramid, which I was unable to id fully. Unfortunately it was flying away from me at some distance and only got a brief glimpse of its bill and its back. It was either a woodcock or a snipe and as it looked quite bulky and brief look at bill seemed quite chunky I would plump for woodcock if pressed, but not with enough conviction for it to be a record.

-- Edited by Paul Dewey at 15:47, 2009-01-09


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Not quite all the way from Stockport today, but from Mersey Vale nature park to East Dids.

Most birds were around vale farm area.

Chaffinch flock 25-30 birds and a number of other smaller groups
robin (lots)
wren (lots)
song thrush
mistle thrush
cormorant 4 on usual pylon
grey heron 2
magpie, 30 +, counted a dozen sharing spoil heap from stable with a cat.
carrion crow
blue, great and long-tailed tits
wood pigeon
moorhen (on river as well as ponds)
Black headed and common gulls, group of about 200+ birds on school fields, counted 14 common gulls before they flew off.

Also yesterday in same area
Buzzard over UU site
Sparrowhawk in nature park
Male Bullfinch on Heaton Mersey Pond


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Hi Paul,

Sand martins were back at the breeding site in Stockport Town Centre on Wednesday last week - possibly earlier because I didn''t check earlier in the week.


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This weeks sightings, nothing earth shattering, but my first sand martins along here.

Sand Martin approx 8 - 10 birds
blue tit
great tit
long tailed tit
Song thrush
pied wagtail
Grey wagtail
Goosander 1male
Cormorant 2


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Stockport and environs to East Didsbury

On walk from town centre to bridge at East Didsbury saw the following: Sparrowhawk - female by pyramid Kestrel - near bridge for M60 Bullfinch - pair near vale farm Chiffchaff - definately 4 birds possibly 5, in several places but 2 birds near vale farm blue tit great tit long tailed tit dunnock mistle thrush Song thrush pied wagtail Grey wagtail (3 pairs) Mallard Goosander 1male 2 female Cormorant Buzzard - 2 birds, at least one calling over United Utilities site. One did land briefly and same bird was later mobbed by 3 lapwing.

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