With the work taking place on the long running Queen's Pk Rd bridge the path to the main park from the river has been closed for a good amount of the summer. As a result the vegetation has grown (5ft high in many places) I decided to have a walk along the path given that the wildlife will have been a lot less disturbed.
Feeding on the river was a Kingfisher which after a few plunges flew up river under the Bamford Rd bridge towards the park. Walking up towards the park I spotted a Grey Wagtail through one of the gaps in the vegetation. Just beyond the Queen's Pk Rd bridge was the third of the aquatic trio, a Dipper. I watched it feeding for about 5 minutes just down river from the footbridge over the river in the park itself.
Seeing all three is rare when the path is open and there's more disturbance. A nice 45 minutes or so.
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Wander around lake today 13:00-14:00 in chilly wind. Red breasted Goose (escape?) still - got pecked by a Canada, tufted duck 9m 3f, Dipper singing on Roche bank noeth end of lakeand 18 Siskins feeding in treetops
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Monday 8th of January 2024 03:30:36 PM
Red-Breasted Goose still present
Herons starting to guard there nest sites wont be long before they are nesting
2 Redhead Goosander feeding on a very swollen river Roche
Kingfisher flew down river under the Bamford Rd bridge (early before too much disturbance is the best chance for them here) Grey Wagtail Dipper (male in full song)
River Roch skirting the lake
2 x Goosander (f)
Lake itself
2x Common Gull amongst the black heads (1w juv and an adult)
Garden Life List: 57 My UK only life list: 263 My Global Life List: 528 Global 2024 year list: 196 My UK 2024 year list: 176 My 2024 Garden List: 39
My now regular Saturday morning mooch around QP brought the following highlights
Wrens were prominent and very active all along the river much singing and staking of territories Grey Herons on the lake island were as active as I've seen them so far this year with much nesting material being brought in A fem Goosander was fishing alone in the middle of the lake My first Dipper of the year was looking for breakfast as I walked back under the QP Road bridge
Activity in general amongst the usual protagonists had been stepped up with Coots particularly vocal
Garden Life List: 57 My UK only life list: 263 My Global Life List: 528 Global 2024 year list: 196 My UK 2024 year list: 176 My 2024 Garden List: 39
Brief walk late afternoon today 2/2 before the heavens opened
Redwing 16 in straggling flock crossed river by bridge between trees, 2 later seen feeding on muddy path by river before lake
Dabchick 5 sheltering in roots on east end of island M swan family of 5 joined by a browner/younger juv at opposite end Coot c 20 with 2 optimistic individuals on nest platforms Moorhen c 10 Mallard c 70 Canada Goose c 100
Wed 6/1/21 morning exercise walk Kingfisher flying up & down river by hooley bridge Dipper male singing and displaying gto very intetested female(?) Grey wagtail 1+ around river Redwing 20+ feeding in leaf litter Siskin singles calling over and a flock of 12 flew across river Nuthatch G S woodpecker
Lake half frozen
Dabchick 3
M swan ad plus 4 juvs
Goosander m &f
-- Edited by Mike c cooper on Wednesday 6th of January 2021 02:51:12 PM
Wood Pigeon Blackbird Mallard Kingfisher (4th bird of the year!!) Cormorant Robin Wren Carrion Crow Nuthatch Coot Black Headed Gull Canada Goose Moorhen Mute Swan Common Gull Little Grebe Dunnock Goosander (Male) Collared Dove Tufted Duck Great Tit Treecreeper (some how alluded me in 2020!! Hit on Jan 1st in 2021... Blue Tit Redwing Magpie
Fleeting glimpse of a wagtail on the river almost certainly "grey". No Dippers or Herons
Garden Life List: 57 My UK only life list: 263 My Global Life List: 528 Global 2024 year list: 196 My UK 2024 year list: 176 My 2024 Garden List: 39
Treecreeper a busy building their nest, could even see inside when zoomed in enough.
Mute swans having many disagreements
Herons gathering lots of nesting material
Dippers getting ready for spring
Grey wagtails on the river
Male goosander on the river
Nuthatches calling
Blue tit
Coal tit
Great tit
Long tailed tit
Tufted duck
Black headed gull
Canada goose
Song thrush
Sparrow hawk hunting by crimble mill
Chiffchaff calling
Walk round this lunch time Dipper singing from two positions on opposite bank down from road bridge Kingfisher flew past as well Redwing c 20 in trees by loop in river Nuthatch
2 Blackcaps singing 2 Grey Wagtail 1 Treecreeper 2 Grey Herons 3 Chiffchaff 4 Sand Martins 2 Little Grebe 4 Coots on nests (others on the water) 3 Mute Swans 1 Moorhen 1 Goosander on the river Roch Plus lots of the usuals
This evening along the river Roch, a Dipper flushed an otherwise unseen Kingfisher. A Grey Wagtail also seen along the river 2 Treecreepers 1 Raven over cronking
15 Goosander on the lake 2 Little Grebe 1 Mistle Thrush 1 Redwing 2 Nuthatch 1 Goldcrest 2 Dippers on the river Roch (2 yestseday also, in song) 1 Grey Wagtail
Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming from the woods behind the cricket club. Dipper on the River Roch Several Bullfinch moving around the trees along the river.
In the woodland by the river, a pair of coal tits checking out potential nest sites in the old wall by the path and a pair of great spotted woodpeckers courting in the trees.
A small, loose, mixed flock (of eight species) included 3 lesser redpoll, 2 treecreepers and a goldcrest. Another goldcrest seen separately. 2 or 3 nuthatches seen and/or heard today.
Heronry - of the 10 or so nests that are clearly visible, at least 5 are definitely occupied. Also on the lake - 1 goosander, 4 tufted ducks.
Gavin Ashworth tells me he saw a pair of adult swans with a cygnet a few weeks ago some distance downstream from the park on the Roch, so perhaps we have some survival.
Yeah i live in Heywood and its disgraceful alas nothing will happen to those responsible and also both adults seem to have disappeared having been here for years
Sickening news in the Heywood Advertiser that most (or indeed all) of the seven mute swan cygnets at the lake have been killed by dogs. There's a lot one could say but I think it speaks for itself.
This is absolutely disgusting, the low-life's responsible should hang their heads in shame, and should be arrested and charged with whatever the police can get them with. Cousin and family live in Heywood they will be sickened over this!
Sickening news in the Heywood Advertiser that most (or indeed all) of the seven mute swan cygnets at the lake have been killed by dogs. There's a lot one could say but I think it speaks for itself.
A visit early afternoon failed to turn up any Sand Martin's yet...
Did see Magpie, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Wood Pigeon, Mallard, Great Tit, Canada Goose, Mute Swan, Moorhen, Coot, Wren, Heron, Black headed Gull, Nuthatch, Robin
Garden Life List: 57 My UK only life list: 263 My Global Life List: 528 Global 2024 year list: 196 My UK 2024 year list: 176 My 2024 Garden List: 39
Great anxiety amongst birds at the small Sand Martin colony on the banks of the river, where a mink was scrambling up and down the riverbank attempting to inspect holes. Didn't appear to get anything - this time.
Mute Swan pair appear to be down to just one of this years cygnets. Successfully raised seven last year. No idea what happened to the rest of this years brood.
Coot - four young on rim of one nest.
Adult dipper feeding a juvenile on the river.
-- Edited by Colin Ramsden on Thursday 13th of June 2013 08:48:35 PM
Nuthatch pair 'barneying' with a GS Woodpecker close to the lake. Riverside trees - Willow Warblers singing and Chiffchaff x 2 Sand Martin c6 over the river. Goosander male on river
Lake Mute Swan x 2 Canada Geese c40 Tufted Duck - 2 pairs still present Swallows x 6 hawking over the water Coots c 3 pairs
-- Edited by Colin Ramsden on Monday 15th of April 2013 07:44:51 PM