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Post Info TOPIC: Alexandra Park, Whalley Range

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RE: Alexandra Park, Whalley Range

Four Shoveler on the lake at present


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Our survivng resident swan died at the end of June but we've had a new Mute Swan visiting for the last two days. Possibly 2nd winter. Little Grebe last weekend seems to have gone now.

-- Edited by Copland Smith on Friday 1st of November 2024 07:41:23 PM


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Little Grebe on the lake this morning


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Common Sandpiper in the tree by the water today


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Greylag Goose 2
Tufted Duck 12
Grey Wagtail male feeding a fledgling

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Eclipse drake Shoveler on Lake this morning


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1 Greylag goose present Saturday and Sunday


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A redhead Goosander has been present for a couple of weeks. From the colouration, it seems to be the same bird. Not today though.
Greylag since 22nd. No sign of Goosander at 10 today. Heron on the only and late nest at the north end of the island. Heard young the other day.


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I'm glad to be proved wrong. There is one occupied heron nest at the north end of the island. Although the nest is small, a heron must have been hunkering down on the eggs, because she(?) was standing in the nest with the sounds of at least 2 young coming from the nest. It's surprising that I've seen so little activity, because I visit often.
There was a Greylag on Monday (reported by Tony O'Mahoney) but wasn't there on Tuesday when I looked.


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A redhead Goosander has been present for a week. From the colouration, it seems to be the same bird. Not today though, probably didn't fancy sharing the lakeside with 300 plus Parkrunners. Quite late to be still here, but so much is late this year. The herons did not return after abandonning their tentative nesting attempts.


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There have been 3 Goosander since Saturday (2m 1rh) and a pair of Shoveler.
The herons seem to have disappeared. The half-built north nest seems to have been abandoned. I did see one on the evergreen at the south end, but no sign of a nest.
Today lots of nuthatch noise and at least 2 chiffchaff.
The surviving swan, although male, is sitting on the old nest on the island again. He's been chasing geese as well.


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Shoveler 2
Goosander 2

-- Edited by yuliababiarz on Saturday 23rd of March 2024 05:22:48 PM


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8:45am. In the centre of the park, over a hundred Ring-necked parakeets were hunched in the tops of trees, making an enormous racket, as if the snow has spooked them. The usual waterbirds were gathered together in the unfrozen portions of the lake. No Goosanders or Cormorants.

-- Edited by Copland Smith on Tuesday 16th of January 2024 10:12:29 AM


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No Cormorants, but 2 very smart male Goosanders, and a Grey heron up in a tree at the south end of the island, close to one of the nests from previous years. Checking the site out already.


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Today and yesterday at about 9:30am - no Cormorants. Perhaps the unprecedented invasion is over.
Yesterday, 5 Goosander (3m and 2 rh), but none today. Perhaps 2 months of daily predation by Cormorants has seriously depleted the fish population.
One Grey heron in the middle of the island, and one on the temporary lake on the football field.
Otherwise the usual plethora of Canada geese, Coot, Moorhens, Mallard and Tufted ducks, and Black-headed and Lesser Black-backed gulls.


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9am a single Cormorant. 5 smart male Goosander and no redheads, which is unusual. There were 2 on Friday, and 3 Cormorant.


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There was a single Cormorant on the lake early this morning, a wing-drying, non-breeding adult. None yesterday, but I was there a few minutes after sunrise, so there may have been later arrivals. With 2 days excepted, they have been seen every day since 1 November.


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There were 5 Cormorants at 9:30 am. They seem to come and go, numbers varyin all the time. Last Sunday, there were 5 when Tony O'Mahoney did the Bird Walk.


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Lunch time walk:

Heron 2
Cormorant 3
Mistle thrush 2
Song thrush 2
Fieldfare 1
Tufted duck 27


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Alexandra Park. Shoveler the other day - no sign today, but the Cormorants still come. 7 at 10:45 this morning. All out of the water, wing-drying on branches near the Kids' Playground.

-- Edited by Copland Smith on Friday 8th of December 2023 03:39:51 PM


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2 Cormorant yesterday after a partial melt; 6 at 10:30am today.


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At 10 am, thanks to the ice I assume, there were no Cormorants for the first day since 1 Nov. There were 4 Shoveler and a lot of ducks and geese crowding the small uniced areas.


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Spotted 1 Northern Shoveler and 1 Common Chaffinch


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Keep spotting the Great Cormorant's, saw 5 of them yesterday around 3pm. I also saw 2 great spotted woodpeckers in a tree just across the street from the park on Mayfield Road.

-- Edited by yuliababiarz on Thursday 30th of November 2023 07:49:50 PM


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Thick fog by the lake. I headed out at dawn, wondering if it would put the Cormorants off. 2 flew in half an hour after sunrise - 8:30am.


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There were 9 Cormorants earlier - 10:30am. 5 yesterday. First mentioned 1 Nov, so they've been there nearly 4 weeks.


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Chiffchaff 1
Cormorant 7
Tufted Duck 21

-- Edited by Pete Hines on Monday 27th of November 2023 02:30:22 PM

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Shoveler pair on lake yday pm, 2 nuthatch also


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On the lake
Wednesday 15th - 6 Cormorants, 2 Shoveler
Thursday 16th - 7 Cormorants
Friday 17th - 9 Cormorants, 1 Heron


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The fish is a Perch.


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At 11 today, there were 5 cormorants hunting in the north pool and three more in the south. Pair of shoveller. No goosander, maybe because all the cormorants are out-competing them for the fish. This one has a roach.


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Sorry I couldn't report earlier, but it was a busy lake in the Park this morning as I passed through, without bins. 10 cormorants,2 goosander (redhead) and a pair of shoveler. Plus the usual - 1 heron, canada geese, mallards, tufted ducks, moorhens, coots, black-headedd gulls. And the mute swan, still solitary.


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Cormorants still present. 5 yesterday and 3 today.


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3 Cormorants at 9:30am today. Feeding busily.


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10am Friday. No Cormorants seen.
8:30am Today. 3 Cormorants.


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Cormorant 6 - 1 adult, 5 juvenile
Tufted Duck 19
Ring-necked Parakeet - 206 minimum, mostly fly-overs S-SW

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Nick Weaver wrote:

This morning I saw what I thought was a young cormorant on the lake ... (I am not very good with colours)  - but looking at the pictures on the Sale water park entry  - I think it was the shag.

Cormorant are not unusual here. I saw a juvenile here on the 10th Oct and 9 nearby at Platt Fields Park on the 27th, the day Sale WP was found when there were only 5 there. As for colour, check for the yellow legs. You never know ...

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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This morning I saw what I thought was a young cormorant on the lake ... (I am not very good with colours)  - but looking at the pictures on the Sale water park entry  - I think it was the shag.


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Yesterday there was a male Mandarin and on Tuesday 23rd two Little Grebes on the lake


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7 Goosander on the lake and a chiffchaff at the northern end of the park.


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No more Avian Flu fatalities that I've seen. The now widower, Mute Swan 4CLX, is still on the lake alone, but has been wing-flapping very vigorously for the past week or so. I expect he'll be off on a hunt for a mate in the near future.
Not much Heron activity yet. Just had a bit of a recce.


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Gary Parkinson saw another Canada goose corpse on Sat 28 Jan. I found a dead Coot on Sun 29 Jan. Both in the western channel - goose under the edge of the island; Coot against the fence.


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Shoveler 1 drake
Tufted Duck 36
Sparrowhawk male (two sightings)
Ring-necked Parakeet minimum of 280 in the pre-roost at dusk. All had departed by 17.00

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Five Shoveler on the ice this morning. The lake is still about 50% frozen. 


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Wednesday 21 December 2022

Returning from a few days away, I found 1 Mute swan dead in west channel of the lake in Alexandra Park M16 8PJ, on the side nearest Alexandra Road South.
The other member of the pair (female?) is still ok on Saturday 24th.
Canada Goose corpse at the north end of the lake.

Sun 25 Dec 2022 Christmas Day

The usual Coot, Moorhen, Black-headed gulls, Mallard, Canada geese, Tufted ducks, plus at least 3 visiting Shovelers (m m f) and the surviving Mute Swan. The corpse of the other has sunk below the surface, but can be seen in the western channel (Alexandra Rd S side) under the island's overhanging bushes.

-- Edited by Copland Smith on Sunday 25th of December 2022 11:06:09 AM


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Shoveler 17 (10 drakes)
Tufted 22
Chiffchaff 1 on the island calling
Mistle Thrush 9

2 dead Canada Geese Black-headed Gull blue darvic 2V23 (2V21 was recorded on 7th and 26th November)

-- Edited by Pete Hines on Tuesday 13th of December 2022 02:59:46 PM

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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12 Shoveler, 0 Goosander this morning, and I didn't see any Teal. Over 50% iced over. The dead Canada Goose reported on the Thu 1 Dec wasn't removed until Tue 6, during which time both Mute Swans were seen feeding on the corpse, taking advantage of the Crow and Magpie damage to obtain useful protein. I hope they didn't also acquire the virus. They looked fine this morning.


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14 Shoveler and 3 Teal seen on WEBS count this morning 6


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Shoveler 2
Teal 3
Sparrowhawk 1
Fieldfare 17 over (in two flocks 7, 10) Tufted Duck 26

-- Edited by Pete Hines on Saturday 10th of December 2022 07:03:28 PM

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding
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