paul, well said that man,it,s all to easy after a good days birding to 'gush' your latest find onto the forum but please consider the birds welfare before you post it,s location,after all if your willing to put it on your g m list it doesn,t matter if you post your sightings as 'private' or 'undisclosed' 'in my garden cover,s a thousand sins, so birds first, lists and locations witheld although frustrating for us newbies is a nessaceray(spell check) eviel.
Hi, Please can you take some time out to read the STICKY WELCOME NOTES at the top of the county bird sightings section and all the other links. Mr McKerchar has gone to a great deal of trouble to have a safe web-site, but in his own words a numbers of unscruplous individuals do and can visit this site. Egg collectors will and do travel around the country to do there thing, YOU may be helping them with your news and location details Please take care, as we now come into the nesting time, to be careful who you tell and what you report. That goes for mammals as well. many thanks keep birding