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Post Info TOPIC: Neumann's Flash

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RE: Neumann's Flash

Mid afternoon yesterday (12th) two Ringed Plover on the flash, Hobby hawking far end, good views of female Marsh Harrier and a brief view of Osprey


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10.00-12.00 (Highlights)

Neumanns Flash : 6 Avocets, 1 Black tailed Godwit, 1 Buzzard and 2 Great Crested Grebes.

A group of 6 Swifts were seen above Ashtons Flash.

John Williams

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Over four and a half hours around the flashes, this morning from 6.35, including Dairy House Meadows and Witton Brook. Fine with sunny spells, light winds, 10-17*c. Highlights :-

Shelduck (12)
Shoveler (3)
Gadwall (6)
Tufted Duck (12)
Little Grebe (3)
Great Crested Grebe (2)
Stock Dove (4)
Water Rail (2)
Avocet (6)
Oystercatcher (2)
Curlew (1)
Sparrowhawk (2)
Buzzard (3)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (1)
Sedge Warbler (5)
Reed Warbler (23)
Willow Warbler (12)
Chiffchaff (18)
Cettis Warbler (9)
Blackcap (10)
Garden Warbler (4)
Whitethroat (14)
Bullfinch (2)
Reed Bunting (9)

A total of 58 species seen.


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Spent an hour at the Flashes this morning from 5.45 in fine but slightly overcast weather, 9*c. Highlights :-

- Whimbrel (1)
- Avocet (4)
- Common Sandpiper (2)
- Whinchat (1m)
- 8 Species of warbler


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Eight species of warbler around the flashes, this morning, with three Garden Warbler an increase from the seven over the last few days. Fifty two species in total.


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Female Brambling by gate to Pods Hide this morning.

Seven species of warbler, again, around the flashes and adjacent areas.


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Forty seven species around the flashes, early doors this morning, also taking in Dairy House Meadows, Haydns Pool and part of Witton Brook. Sunny spells, light north westerlies, cold to start with, becoming milder. Bit of a warbler day with :-

- Willow Warbler (13)
- Chiffchaff (24)
- Sedge Warbler (1)
- Reed Warbler (8)
- Blackcap (6)
- Whitethroat (2)
- Cettis Warbler (10)


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Osprey drifted over the flash towards Budworth Mere this morning (07.51)

Also 2 Willow Warbler singing 


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Three hours around both flashes, this morning, and back to car park via Dairy House Meadows, Haydns Pool and Witton Brook. Weather sunny with light north westerlies, 6-8*c. Highlights :-

- Shelduck (2)
- Shoveler (17)
- Teal (10)
- Tufted Duck (14)
- Great Crested Grebe (2)
- Stock Dove (7)
- Water Rail (6)
- Oystercatcher (2)
- Sparrowhawk (1)
- Buzzard (3)
- Great Spotted Woodpecker (2)
- Raven (2)
- Willow Warbler (1)
- Chiffchaff (42)
- Cettis Warbler (8)
- Blackcap (2)
- Lesser Redpoll (2)
- Reed Bunting (6)

Forty six species in total.


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Slow and enjoyable walk round Neumann's Flash for three hours from 10am this morning. Highlights; 1 female bullfinch 3 greenfinch 4 chiffchaff seen and plenty more singing 1 Reed bunting 2 song thrush 1 oystercatcher Lots of shelduck and teal 2 wren


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Midday visit

Ashtons Flash : Surprising numbers of waterfowl were to be seen, with the pool at the Western end noticeably swollen,

or more viewable due to vegetation being cleared. 28 Shovelers, 3 Little Grebes, 8 Gadwall and 14 Teal were amongst them.

7 Lapwings and 1 Buzzard were also around the flash.

Neumanns Flash : A further 17 Shovelers were seen here, with 7 drakes trying to woo a single female, eventually 4 of them

gave up and flew off towards Marbury CP. 20+ Teal were also on the flash, plus 9 Wigeon, 2 Great Crested Grebes, 4 Shelducks and

a resplendent pair of adult Herring Gulls. In addition to the numerous Chiffchaffs, a Cettis Warbler and a Blackcap were also singing

along the Eastern side of the flash.

A pair of Stock Doves appear to have taken a liking to an owl box on Dairyhouse Meadows.

John Williams

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Nearly 4 hours around both flashes this morning from 7.20am, also taking in Dairy House Meadows and back via Witton Brook. Sunny and clear after early fog, light southerlies, 5-14*c.

49 species noted, amongst others :-

Greylag Goose (2)
Canada Goose (6)
Shelduck (4)
Shoveler (27)
Gadwall (14)
Pintail (3)
Teal (22)
Tufted Duck (18)
Little Grebe (5)
Great Crested Grebe (2)
Stock Dove (1)
Water Rail (4)
Oystercatcher (2)
Lapwing (4)
Buzzard (2)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (3)
Chiffchaff (32)
Cettis Warbler (9)
Long-tailed Tit (8)
Nuthatch (1)
Redwing (1)
Lesser Redpoll (12
Reed Bunting (9)

Water levels remain high and much of North Island and Stilt Island are still under water. Doesnt bode well (yet again) for the wader passage. The last decent one was autumn 2018. Cettis in very good voice this morning and Chiffchaff seemed to be everywhere.


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Ashtons Flash : 12m+2f Shovelers, 6 Gadwall, 1 Little Grebe and 1m Pintail.

Neumanns Flash : 2m+1f Pintails, 1m Wigeon, 3 Great Crested Grebes, 2 Sand Martins, 1 Little Grebe, 4 Shelducks

and 10m+2f Shovelers.

Also seen around the flash were a flock 7 Lesser Redpolls (On birch cones), 1 Kestrel, 2f+1m Reed Buntings (Male seen fly catching),

6 singing Chiffchaffs and a pair of Lapwings.

Dairy House Meadows : A pair of Stock Doves that were sat on top of an owl box, plus 2 Buzzards.

John Williams

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Posts: 1231

Three and a half hours this morning from 7.55 in cloudy but clear weather, 10*c, moderate southerlies. Viewed both flashes then walked up Witton Brook, spent ten minutes in the hide at Haydns Pool and back via Dairy House Meadows. Amongst others :-

Greylag Goose (2)
Canada Goose (11)
Mute Swan (2)
Shelduck (15)
Shoveler (6)
Gadwall (9)
Wigeon (22)
Teal (24)
Tufted Duck (16)
Little Grebe (8)
Great Crested Grebe (4)
Stock Dove (3)
Water Rail (4)
Lapwing (4)
Grey Heron (1)
Cormorant (2)
Buzzard (1)
Chiffchaff (1)
Cettis Warbler (2)
Long-tailed Tit (6)
Song Thrush (4)
Redwing (25)
Reed Bunting (7)


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Neumanns Flash : 50 Wigeon, 9 Shelduck (Most now paired and highly territorial), 2 Great Crested Grebes,

16 Tufted Ducks, 5 Gadwall and a pair of Mute Swans (Resident swans have been hit hard by bird flu over the winter).

Amongst the usual raft of gulls were 9 Common and a single adult Great Black Back.

Ashtons Flash : 22 Curlew and at least 1 pair of Lapwings. 2 Common Gulls were amongst a small group of Black Headed.

A Buzzard made a number of passes over the flash, and after each flight returned to the same perch, on top a nearby pylon.

John Williams

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Posts: 1894

11.00-13.30 (Highlights)

Neumann's Flash : 112 Wigeon, 12 Shelducks, 1 Kestrel and 2 (Highly vocal) Oystercatchers.

A Water Rail was showing quite well by Pods Hide, as was a confiding Wren.

Ashton's Flash : At least 11 Shovelers and 5 Gadwall were on the pool at the Western end of the flash.

John Williams

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Neumanns Flash : 73 Wigeon, 7 Shelducks, 1 Great Crested Grebe, 12 Tufted Ducks and 9 Gadwall.

21 Common Gulls amongst the usual raft of Black Headed.

Around a dozen Teal were tucked in close to the reedbed and clumps of sedge.

Several small flocks of Redwings moved through heading East.

Ashtons Flash :1 Buzzard, plus on the pool at Western end of the flash at least 17 Shovelers and 9 Gadwall.

John Williams

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Posts: 1894

Hi Andy,

I'm afraid that was not me you met near the Marsden entrance to the flash, the Bullfinches I came across were

amongst the birches near to the bench/Ashtons Flash view point. I was probably in Pods hide at 12.45ish, or

en-route to Marbury CP along Marbury Lane.

Best Regards


John Williams

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Did we meet at the Eastern end of the bund between Neuman's Flash and the layby watching a pair of Bullfinches at around 12:40 - 12:50. Both of us cold from the biting wind and keen to keep walking? (I had wellies, pale blue jeans and a red coat on as I'd just come from work and hadn't my birding gear outerwear with me).

I saw a second pair of Bullfinch at the Marbury Lane end of the bund 5 minutes later so I think at least two pairs knocking about.

Also a pair Reed Bunting at the Witton Mill Feeders (bushes to the side, not on the feeders).

I returned back to Neuman's / Ashton's Flash after a mooch up to Budworth Mere (two Oystercatcher at the boating club and 17 Heron in the Heronry with a Little Egret being only things of note). 31 Curlew were settling / coming in to roosting on Aston's at around 14:55 pm.




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Midday visit

At one point 10 Shelducks were on the flash together with 12 Tufted Ducks, 2 Teal and a pair of Gadwall.

Waterfowl numbers appear well below what they should be in winter though, even Coots seem less abundant than usual.

There was a nice big raft of gulls on the flash though, mostly Black Headed, but also included10 Common, 2 Herring

and several Lesser Black Backs. 4 Redwings and a group of 3 male Bullfinches foraged amongst the birch trees.

A male Kestrel hovered over the reedbed for a while, and what may of been the same bird was seen above Dairyhouse Meadows at 3pm.

John Williams

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Two Avocets present mid afternoon


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Midday visit

Neumanns Flash looked a little soul destroying due to the almost complete absence of waterfowl, no swans or geese

were to be seen, except for the rotting carcass of a Canada Goose on Stilt Island.

Duck numbers have dropped dramatically too, just 4 Wigeon, 2 Gadwall, 3 Shelducks, 6 Teal, 9 Tufted Ducks and a few Mallard.

Coot numbers have clearly dropped too, nice to see 2 confiding Moorhens alongside Pods Hide though, and for a short while they were

joined by a very nervous Water Rail.

Gulls were there in reasonable numbers, mostly Black Headed, but also 2 Common, 4 Herring and 5 adult Lesser Black Backs.

A pool on Dairyhouse Meadows contained a female Goosander, a drake Tufted Duck and 6 Mallards.

John Williams

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Neumanns Flash : 8 Wigeon, 4 Gadwall, 2 Shelducks and 1 Grey Heron.

Ashtons Flash : 1 Shelduck.

Large numbers of gulls were on Neumanns (Mostly Black headed but also Herring, Lesser black back and Common).

However wildfowl numbers were noticeably down, with no swans, geese (Except for a dead Canada), Shovelers,

Teal or Tufted Ducks.

John Williams

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Posts: 1894

Midday visit

Ashtons Flash : 5 Shovelers and amongst a group of 40 Black Headed a single Common Gull.

Neumanns Flash : 76 Wigeon, 8 Shelducks, 1 2nd winter Great Black Backed Gull, 10 Gadwall, 7 Shovelers,

25 Tufted Ducks, 20+ Teal and 4 Common Gulls.

A bold Water Rail gave close views by Pods Hide, where 3 Moorhens and a semi-tame male Reed Bunting were

attracted to birdseed that had been left there.

An adult and 2 1st winter Mute Swans were on the flash, there were sadly none to be seen on my last visit, and a local

birder advised me that the usual flock had been more or less wiped out by bird flu.

John Williams

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Neumanns Flash :

1m Sparrowhawk, 100 Teal, 6 Shelducks, 24 Wigeon, 2 Common Gulls and 8 Tufted Ducks.

A pair of Ravens were seen high above the flash.

Ashtons Flash :

2m Shovelers (On the pool at the Western end of the flash which is difficult to view so likely more Shovelers were hidden there)

Also 1 Common Gull amongst a small gathering of Black Headed.

John Williams

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Neumanns Flash : 1m Goosander, 8 Shelducks, 1 Snipe, 1 Raven, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Buzzard, 4 Pochard, 7 Shovelers

and 60+ Tufted Ducks.

The Sparrowhawk was seen vigorously chasing the Raven and making contact with it's talons a couple of times.

Wisely the Raven made a quick exit, especially when a crow appeared to join forces with the hawk in mobbing the big corvid.

The Snipe got a surprise too as it relaxed beside Stilt Island, when a crow made an attack on the wader.

The attack seemed more bravado than a hunger driven assault though, after really startling the wader the crow simply let the anxious

Snipe amble off. Nearby a pair of Magpies were plucking what appeared to be the corpse of a gull.

Puzzling behaviour too from an immature Mute Swan in the pool behind Stilt Island, the bird spent at least ten minutes spinning round the

same spot like a Whirligig Beetle. I have previously witnessed this behaviour from Shovelers, but never from swans, perhaps the youngster

was suffering from some ailment?.

Ashtons Flash : A single Buzzard was the only bird seen here, probably as the large shallow pool appeared to be frozen.

-- Edited by John Williams on Monday 22nd of November 2021 03:55:20 PM

John Williams

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Posts: 1894

Brief visit 15.00-16.00

Neumanns Flash : 90 Wigeon, a compact raft of 46 Teal, 1 Shelduck, 7 Curlew, 2 Ravens (1 vocal), 1 Buzzard, 1 Grey Heron,

and 1m Pochard. Water Rail heard squealing near Pods Hide.

Oddly not a single Shoveler was seen on Neumanns, and there was no waterfowl at all in the SW corner of the flash, notably around Stilt Island where

what appeared to be the freshly dead corpse of a Canada Goose lay. The dead goose had been partially plucked and lay in the water just off the island.

At one point several Canadas swam close to their dead comrade, and posed for while watching the deceased bird intensely as if waiting for it to awaken,

behaviour which I have not witnessed before. The pair of Ravens flew high over the centre of the flash, mobbed by a couple of crows. The presence of the

big corvids clearly upset and flushed the ducks, but not the Curlews, until the Buzzard arrived too.

Ashtons Flash : 66 Curlews (Probably including the 7 flushed off Neumanns), 10+ Shovelers and 1 Kestrel.

John Williams

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Just over two and a half hours from dawn, this morning, viewed both flashes, walked along Witton Brook and then back via Dairy House Meadows. Weather fine and cloudy, light winds, 10*c. Amongst others :-

Canada Goose (178)
Greylag Goose (16)
Mute Swan (8)
Northern Shoveler (10)
Gadwall (3)
Wigeon (17)
Pintail (1)
Teal (16)
Tufted Duck (12)
Water Rail (3)
Curlew (43)
Snipe (2)
Kestrel (2)
Buzzard (3)
Cettis Warbler (6)
Long-tailed Tit (9)
Nuthatch (1)
Redwing (187)
Fieldfare (81)
Bullfinch (3)
Greenfinch (40)

Other than a few that dropped in to feed on berries, the Redwing and Fieldfare all moved through west and were made up of several smallish flocks. The Curlew left their Ashtons Flash roost shortly after dawn. The Greenfinch numbers are very impressive for this site, normally only seen in twos or threes, they were in a mixed finch flock on Dairy House Meadows.


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Neumanns Flash 13.00-15.00

120+ Wigeon, 4 Shelducks, 1 Grey Heron and 1 Kestrel.

2 Greylag Geese amongst a huge gathering of Canadas.

1 Treecreeper moving around with a small flock of Blue and Great Tits.

No sign of the Blue winged Teal again, although a noticeably paler duck was briefly seen amongst a group of Shovelers on

Ashtons Flash. However they were in a part of the flash that is difficult to view, the best option being to check the pools at the

Western end of the site from the overlooking mound.

John Williams

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Marsh Harrier (presumed juvenile )-mid day, seen briefly flying north over western side of the flash. 

Also Cetti's Warbler and Water Rail. Kingfisher along Wincham Brook and reasonable views of a crayfish-probably Signal Crayfish-the brook is perhaps unlikely to support the UK's native species (White-clawed)  


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Neumanns Flash : 55 Wigeon, 1 Curlew, 1 Snipe, 2m+2f Pintails, 1 Buzzard and 5 Little Grebes.

No sign of the Blue winged Teal and oddly just 1 Lapwing seen, and that was an overflying bird.

A single Common Gull rested amongst 30 Black headed Gulls on Ashtons Flash.

Cettis Warblers heard by Pods Hide and near the bench overlooking Ashtons Flash.

A Water Rail was also heard calling close to Pods Hide.

Amongst the huge numbers of Canada Geese seen on Neumanns was a single Greylag with a thin band of white at the base of it's beak.

John Williams

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Good views of the Blue-winged Teal on Neumanns Flash this morning. Initially picked up within a group of Shoveler out in the middle of the flash. Then it swam over to Stilt Island for a snooze. Lifer for me.

4-5 Cettis Warblers heard but all remained out of view even though a couple were very close to the path.
10 Snipe

-- Edited by Steven Nelson on Saturday 9th of October 2021 09:04:59 PM


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Rob Creek wrote:

Cheers for that Doc. Cant go for the LT Stint today (fingers crossed still there tomorrow) but may get opp for this.

 Snap re Long-toed Stint as I'm at work all day today!! Blue-winged Teal still present mid morning after the earler pre 9am report smile


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Cheers for that Doc. Cant go for the LT Stint today (fingers crossed still there tomorrow) but may get opp for this.


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Rob Creek wrote:

Reported as present again today.
Presumably easiest access is off Ollershaw Lane, ample roadside parking?

Thankyou for any info.

 The layby on Ollershaw Lane plus the few bits of hard standing at the Northwich end of the layby do get full, I got in yesterday at lunchtime on a weekday with only 3 or 4 spaces left!! But also the Witton Mill car park has spaces and usually a few free there. You'd be very unlucky not to find a space over the 2 places. Blue-winged Teal seen from Pods hide looking towards the scrapyard corner this morning, but of course the flock are mobile!

-- Edited by Doc Brewster on Saturday 9th of October 2021 10:51:11 AM


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Reported as present again today.
Presumably easiest access is off Ollershaw Lane, ample roadside parking?

Thankyou for any info.


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Doc Brewster wrote:

The last update was that it left at 1.05pm and hadn't returned by 1.35pm. It will still be in the area and just needs finding again, maybe even when/if it returns to Neumann's Flash.

 Still no sign by 3pm but I am reliably informed that the flock circled and landed again on Neumann's Flash so the Blue-winged Teal may be roosing up in cover and will come out to feed eventually.


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A quick lunchtime dash from work to Neumann's today for a great find by Greg Baker this morning. After a short wait the Blue-winged Teal lifted its head and swam around revealing the heavy bill and pale loral spot, as it shook a tiny patch of blue was discernible on the wing but was only in view for a second. It had been asleep for some while but showed well once it woke as all the other ducks around it had started milling around disturbing it from its slumber! As it settled to drink I had to leave but was only just back at the car when news came through that the flock had flown off, the Blue-winged Teal with them. The last update was that it left at 1.05pm and hadn't returned by 1.35pm. It will still be in the area and just needs finding again, maybe even when/if it returns to Neumann's Flash.

-- Edited by Doc Brewster on Friday 8th of October 2021 01:54:04 PM


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First visit for a while, ventured out after the heavy rain hoping for waders having dropped in but out of luck. Of note :-

Greylag Goose (c.15)
Canada Goose (c.25)
Shoveler (6)
Gadwall (10)
Wigeon (7)
Pintail (2)
Teal (c.50)
Tufted Duck (4)
Little Grebe (8)
Water Rail (1)
Lapwing (2)
Curlew (1)
Snipe (3)
Great Egret (1)
Buzzard (1)
Green Woodpecker (1)
Cettis Warbler (3)
Long-tailed Tit (15)

Didnt do a circuit of the two flashes, just stayed in Pods Hide at Neumanns. The Great Egret has been present since 7 August. A couple of bridge camera photos from today plus a better one from a couple of weeks ago.


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Lunchtime visit

Neumanns Flash : 12 Curlew, 77 Lapwings, 1 Pintail and 1 Grey Heron.

Ashtons Flash : 6 Snipe, 280 Lapwings and 1 Buzzard.

John Williams

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Posts: 1894

Midday visit

Neumanns Flash : 1 male Chloe Wigeon trying to woo 3 female Eurasian Wigeons. 1 Avocet and 5 Snipe.

Ashtons Flash : 1 Water Rail, 19 Curlews, 9 Snipe and 1 Buzzard.

John Williams

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Posts: 1894

Afternoon visit. (Highlights)

Neumanns Flash : 1 Great White Egret.

Ashtons Flash : 300+ Lapwings, 40 Curlews and 7 Snipe.

A Greenshank had been reported on Neumanns during the morning.

John Williams

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A brief visit in drizzle prior to Lancaster City's triumphant outing at Witton Albion produced a great white egret fishing on the main flash


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Midday visit.

Neumanns Flash : A pair of Little Grebes feeding a full grown youngster.

38 Lapwings and 2 Linnets. A Lesser Whitethroat called briefly by the path leading to Dairy House Meadow.

A flock of at least 12 Long tailed Tits with 5 Chiffchaffs and a few Blue and Great Tits moving through the birches on the bund.

Ashtons Flash : 9 Curlew, 190 Lapwings and 1 Oystercatcher. 3 Buzzards rode thermals high above the flash.

John Williams

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Three Common Sandpiper on Stilt Island midday. Two Egyptian Geese on North Island yesterday.


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Wood Sandpiper still present at 18.22 hrs today, if anyone is thinking of visiting tomorrow. Park either in the lay-by on the B5075 on the east side of the flashes, or at Witton Mill car park on Old Warrington Road. View from the bund bench in between the two flashes. The bird is on Ashtons Flash.


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Four hours around the flashes this morning from 7.15 am in fine and clear weather, 9-17*c, light westerly winds. Also walked around Dairy House Meadows, on to Haydns Pool and back to the flashes via the lower section of Carey Park. Sixty two species in total.

The Wood Sandpiper was still present both first thing and at around 10.45 am. The green flag on its left leg is actually a geolocator and, together with two other rings on its legs, confirms that this bird was ringed in northern Scotland in 2016 as part of a ringing programme at that time. It is a returning bird and currently making its way back to Western Africa (Senegal/Gambia) where it will winter and is expected to arrive there by mid July. All interesting stuff and thanks to Greg Baker for this info.

Back to todays sightings, of note :-

Mute Swan (11)
Shoveler (2)
Gadwall (2)
Teal (6)
Tufted Duck (24 incl various broods)
Little Grebe (1 ad, 2 juv)
Great Crested Grebe (5)
Stock Dove (2)
Swift (3)
Water Rail (1 ad, 1 Juv)
Oystercatcher (1)
Lapwing (8)
Curlew (1)
Green Sandpiper (1)
Wood Sandpiper (1)
Buzzard (3)
Kingfisher (2)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (2)
Sedge Warbler (2)
Reed Warbler (6)
Willow Warbler (7)
Chiffchaff (9)
Cettis Warbler (5)
Blackcap (4)
Garden Warbler (1)
Whitethroat (3)
Nuthatch (1)
Bullfinch (1)
Linnet (1)
Reed Bunting (7)


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from our Whatsapp group : Wood Sandpiper still on Ashton's Flash 9.30am.


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Still working every day at the mo so no birding for me. But couldn't resist dropping into Ashton's Flash on the way home tonight. Earlier in the day Greg Baker had found an interesting Wood Sandpiper on Ashton's, a bird sporting a green 'flag' on its leg. A bit of digging revealed that this could be a bird from a Hungarian marking scheme, something though that I'd never seen previously. On arrival a couple of birders there said that the bird had gone missing, one had seen in just over 30mins before and the other had been there 20mins without a sighting. A bit of scanning reavealed a distant half hidden bird that looked to me like a Redshank. Then I picked up the flag-bearing Wood Sandpiper picking its way along one of the pool shorelines. I got the other two onto it and we had reasonable, if distant, scoped views. Nice to see this unusually marked bird and add it to my yearlist!


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2 Avocet this morning (09:15) along with 2 Oystercatcher.

Several Swift

A number of vociferous Cetti's including a brief glimpse of one as it flew across the path.

Glimpses of Sedge and Reed Warbler

Several Whitethroat

1 x Shoveler on Ashton's

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