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Post Info TOPIC: Neumann's Flash

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RE: Neumann's Flash

No worries John,

Yes at first I get confussed with these two moth species, Large Yellow Underwings are probably the commonest large moth seen in my area.

Whereas, the open birch areas around Neumanns favour Orange Underwings, and they are also day flying making them much easier to record.

I've learned something thanks to Ben's response, I'm chuffed and grateful.

Cheers guys.

John Williams

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Sorry John,

I completely mis-read your post and missed the last sentence.

Cheers, John


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Thanks Ben,

I've had Orange Underwings in my garden on occasions, they're usually hiding in ivy or other dense foliage. Their bodies seem thicker than most butterflies though.

However, the ones seen around Neumanns were flying 10-15ft above the ground, so there was no way to judge their structure, but they seemed quite delicate and similar in size to Small Copper.

Habitat, season and everything else is spot on for Orange Underwings, so that's a first for 2013 tick, we just need the moth eaters to fly in now and kick start spring.smile

John Williams

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Hi John,

I think Ben is probably right. Are you confusing Orange Underwing (which is small-ish and emerges from hibernation March/April) with Large Yellow Underwing (Largish, flies later in the year and often hides in Ivy just as you decribe).

Cheers, John

-- Edited by John Rayner on Wednesday 3rd of April 2013 06:53:08 PM


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Hi John
The small brown butterflies will be Orange Underwing moths. Worth looking out for amongst birch trees - the caterpillar's foodplant.


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15 Lapwing (The first I've seen on here for quite a while), 1 female Pintail, a pair of Oystercatchers plus the usual waterfowl.

Another of those small brown butterflies, I reported two seen in my last report, was fluttering around the South bank.

None of these insects landed so I was unable to ID them.

According to online data no brown butterflies this small should be flying so early in the year, and with todays icy Easterly blowing definitely not.

It seems likely then that they're a kind of moth that in flight look very much akin to a butterfly, I'd love to know their exact species though?.

Haydn Pool

3 Buzzards, 8 Gadwall, 5 Shovelers plus the usual waterfowl.

With the Buzzard trio soaring over together the prospective Black Headed Gulls looked very agitated, one vented its anxiety out on a Canada Geese, and took several nasty pecks at the tail of the goose.

A large flock of Redwing were feeding in the plantation on the North side, until flushed by a Buzzard.

John Williams

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16.00-19.00 ( Also on Marbury thread) 30/03/2013

Sunny but chilly wind, it gave me the flu, hence the late post.

Ashtons Flash

3 Curlew, 4 Common Gulls in the Black Head flock.

Neumanns Flash

2 small brown butterflies around the hide on the south bank, unsure of the species as they did'nt settle, but same size as skipper or Small Copper.

Lots of Winter Gnats dancing near this hide too, so at least the insect eaters have a chance.

22 Mute Swans, 16 Teal and a pair each of Herring and Great Black Backed Gulls. The water level is still high, so no scrape.

Haydn Pool

6 pairs of Black Headed Gulls seem to be settling in, but no sign of hirundines anywhere.

A Buzzard was sat on the Stock Doves, no doubt causing anxiety to the residents, one of whom sat in a nearby tree.

1 Goldcrest near the old screen.

1 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker on the dead tree near the carved bench and barrier on Marbury Lane, it flushed before I could sex it.

At dusk on the way back to the car a Buzzard was very active along the North bank, 2 Greylag Geese came into roost, and Redwings were gathering in the hawthornes.

John Williams

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The second bird at Neumann's has been IDed from pics as an immature, most likely an immature female to be consorting with the adult male smile


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At least 1 Marsh Harrier present again this morning over Neumann's Flash.


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Two Marsh Harriers present over Neumann's Flash this evening, a male and a probable female, they flew off & the reedbeds are probably too small for this to constitute restricted info. Also the finder popped the news out on the pagers so I think local birders on here deserve the update too. Also 6 Barnacle Geese flew over Neumann's Flash at 5.40pm.


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The male Marsh Harrier was seen this morning, firstly by Greg Baker who was on site before 5.30am!! Then by four other core patch watchers and myself, we watched the bird gain height and thought it may leave but it came down and then stayed tucked almost out of view on the ground until we all left. The flash is best viewed from halfway along the path between Ashton's & Neumann's Flashes as the bird ranges across the whole flash & this gives the best panoramic view,and incidentally was dead opposite where the bird went down.

Also on Ashton's Flash this morning was a pristine adult Yellow-legged Gull which showed well on the water before flying off east showing its gleaming yellow legs in the sun shining weakly through the snow falling all around us smile


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Another good bird on our patch today, one that will be a patch tick for most, in the shape of a male Marsh Harrier. The bird was first seen by ranger Dave Jmes but then went missing. Later Sandbach Patcher Andy Goodwin picked the bird up again quartering over Ashton's Flash. All the core patchers turned out late afternoon and stayed until late but no sign of the bird again. It was seen to go down on Ashton's so a dawn raid is planned for tomorrow. A male Marsh Harrier was seen nearby at Frodsham Marsh this evening and could have been the Ashton's bird if that managed to sneak off without anyone seeing it do so!! Tomorrow may tell smile


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9 Shelduck, 7 Teal (300+ in January), 12 Shoveler plus Tufted Duck, Coot etc.

Haydn Pool

11 Shoveler plus a few Teal, Gadwall, Tufted Duck etc.

A single pair of Lapwings, whilst a pair of Stock Doves seem to be setting up home in an owl box.

A pool on Dairyhouse Meadows held a single Black Swan together with a pair of Mutes.

THe water level on Neumanns is still too high for waders, with no mud exposed, but the Haydn Pool looks good again.

John Williams

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Neumann's Flash, Witton Mill Car Park, Haydn's Pool

Very quiet on Neumann's Flash today with only 3 Mute Swans spotted; generally very quiet apart from 1 Buzzard at the Northern End of the flash heading towards forge pool and a Kestrel close to Witton Mill car park. Several Goldfinch were eating from the Teasels close to Carden's Ferry Bridge on the Carey Park side of the bridge and across the bridge heading right along the lower path towards Haydn's Pool was a large flock of Siskins; Redpolls had also been spotted by another walker. 1 solitary Shelduck on Haydn's Pool along with Teal and Mallard and 3 Mute Swans who had just flown in. Half a dozen long Tailed Tits were by the side of Neumann's flash close to the East Hide and 5 Redwing were seen in the trees right of the path between the Flash and Ollershaw Lane 300 metres from the entrance (lay-by area) at New Warrington Rd.


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RE: Neumann's Flash

For info, an adult Med Gull just beginning to moult into breeding plumage was showing well near the north island this morning.


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Had a short pop onto patch this morning, mainly in the Neumann's Flash area (hence posting here!!). Highlight was a fantastic Woodcock which gave stunning views. Also a flock of 12 Lesser Redpolls fed low in alders by Marbury Lane not far from Witton Mill carpark, showing really close. The seeded triangle produced Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Greenfinch & more Lesser Redpolls as well as a tit flock passing through. On Neumann's a huge number of ducks were present with Teal numbering over 150, over 40 Shoveler and plenty of Tufted Ducks, Pochards, Gadwall, and Mallards. Over 200 Lapwings flew over but the flock didn't contain a single Golden Plover, just a single Starling joined in!! The usual Stock Doves, Buzzards etc were all seen too

-- Edited by Doc Brewster on Tuesday 29th of January 2013 01:27:38 PM


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Most of Neumanns is still frozen. Gathered at the Northern end were 266 Teal, 5 Gadwall, 4 Shovelers, 2 Shelducks and a single Mute Swan, plus masses of Coot and Black Headed Gulls.

6 Common Gulls with Black Heads on the ice. 1 Buzzard and 1 Sparrowhawk hunting the South bank, whilst a single male Kestrel hunted the edge of Dairyhouse Meadow.

The area recently seeded for finches did'nt produce a single bird, unlike my last visit.

Haydn Pool was largely devoid of life, except for 3 Stock Doves, 1 of which was displaying.

The big flock of Feral Pigeons on the former ICI tower looked very nervous, but I could'nt see a raptor.

John Williams

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Another visit to Neumann's Flash area on Sunday 27th January; very quiet for the first hour with strong wind blowing and grey sky to begin with but later the sun and blue sky came into play. Didn't see any Canada Geese on the Flash and birds were down in numbers generally. The one highlight were 2 Kestrels and a Buzzard adjacent to the Hide (N/NE) One Kestrel (a Male) swooped down, collected a Short Tailed Vole and landed on a post just 50ft. in front of me so I managed to get some photos of it which you may like to see ........... prey still alive in his claws ! After a disappointing start, the Kestrels made up for the lack of other birds around.


(I don't mind you downloading the photos for personal use but would appreciate it if you wouldn't publish any) thank you.

-- Edited by Hazel Rothwell on Monday 28th of January 2013 03:13:34 PM


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Hazel Rothwell wrote:

22nd January (11.00am - 2.30pm) Forgive me if I do not give a professional update but I am a newbie to birding and will do my best to relate what I saw yesterday at Neumann's Flash; One female Kestrel, half dozen Long Tailed Tits, flock of 13 Greenfinch, 1 male Reed Bunting, 1 female Reed Bunting in front of Hide (Ollershaw Rd side), 1 male Bullfinch, 1 female Bullfinch, 1 Song Thrush, usual Blackbirds, Blue Tits. Didn't count the various Canada Geese, Teal, B.H.Gull on the Flash but another birder spotted a Barnacle Goose in flight along with the Canada Geese ( 3 x Grey Heron by Forge Pond, 1 white Goose and a 4 Mallard).

Nothing wrong with it Hazel


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22nd January (11.00am - 2.30pm) Forgive me if I do not give a professional update but I am a newbie to birding and will do my best to relate what I saw yesterday at Neumann's Flash; One female Kestrel, half dozen Long Tailed Tits, flock of 13 Greenfinch, 1 male Reed Bunting, 1 female Reed Bunting in front of Hide (Ollershaw Rd side), 1 male Bullfinch, 1 female Bullfinch, 1 Song Thrush, usual Blackbirds, Blue Tits. Didn't count the various Canada Geese, Teal, B.H.Gull on the Flash but another birder spotted a Barnacle Goose in flight along with the Canada Geese ( 3 x Grey Heron by Forge Pond, 1 white Goose and a 4 Mallard).


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All birds were concentrated on the 30% of the mere that was'nt frozen, the North West corner.

Apart from the usual Coot and Black Headed Gulls, 332 Teal, 3 Shelduck, 3 Gadwall and 25 Common Gulls.

Oddly no Shoveler.

2 Kestrels and 1 Buzzard roosting in the North East corner, where 3 Bullfinches were in the Hawthornes.

Alas all the berries have now gone, and with them the thrushes, except for a couple of Redwing.

The newly created winter finch meadow held a mixed flock of around 30 birds, mainly Chaffinches, Reed Buntings and Goldfinches, but a single Greenfinch was with them.

Then a Grey Squirrel ran into the middle of them and scattered the lot.

The Haydn Pool was frozen and lifeless, except for a solitary Woodpigeon.

One look at the former ICI tower revealed it to be teeming with Feral Pigeons, so little point in looking for a roosting Peregrine.

John Williams

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Checked out the wildbird seed -plant meadow between Neumann's Flash & Haydn Pool today. Despite a Brambling having been there on & off since the turn of the year it didn't show today. There were lots & lots of birds using this resource though. A few Bullfinches showed well and Lesser Redpolls came down on seedheads pretty close, otherwise the main finches feeding were Chaffinches, Greenfinches & Goldfinches. A lot of Reed Buntings were present and several Robins tolerated each other. One of the nicest sightings was 3 Goldcrests together at ground level in a spreading bramble bush. All this passerine activity drew attention from a Buzzard which made a couple of low level passes and a Kestrel which perched behind me & watched over my shoulder - but he left too when he couldn't find the Brambling


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Ashtons Flash

210 Lapwing

Neumanns Flash

130 Teal, 5 Pochard, 9 Mute Swans, 11 Shoveler, 2 Ravens, 1 Song Thrush plus the usual waterfowl and gulls.

Several flocks of Lapwing flying over heading South-West totalling 330 birds.

Haydn Pool

1 Buzzard and 2 Snipe.

Waterlevel high on all pools, Ashtons 70% flooded.

John Williams

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This morning 15 Waxwings just behind the Household Waste area on Carey Park, adjacent to the entry road to the car park for Neumann's Flash


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Highlights today - 2 Waxwings in flight viewed from Ashton's Flash (sighting as forecast 2 posts ago!!!), 2 Tree Sparrows with House Sparrows at Marston Hall Fam & 8 drake Pochard on Neumann's Flash.

-- Edited by Doc Brewster on Wednesday 21st of November 2012 10:16:54 PM


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Still 20 Waxwings at 8.45am in the Tesco, Northwich carpark but a Sparrowhawk flew through & spooked them all about 10mins later and there was no sign again by 10.15am at least. There are fewer berries now on the favoured trees but plenty closer to the store entrance, although disturbance would be high there!

-- Edited by Doc Brewster on Thursday 15th of November 2012 02:40:17 PM


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Still 18 Waxwings this am in Tesco car park and occasionally flying off to the patch boundary, so any patient patch watcher could tick them from Ashton's Flash!!!


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Not too far from the flash, but still frustratingly just off patch for us listers - 30 Waxwings yesterday in the Tesco's carpark. Checked this morning & still 13 birds (on the 13th - some sort of omen?!!) in the berry trees by the main entrance road to the store car park. Using my car as a hide I was literally 2m from them Had a report early afternoon that over 20 Waxwings were still present. Very little news from patch other than a Brambling with the Chaffinch flock on 11th Nov around Ashton's Flash

-- Edited by Doc Brewster on Tuesday 13th of November 2012 10:50:36 PM


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Neumanns Flash

130 Teal, 8 Shovelers, 18 Mute Swans, 6 Common Gulls plus lots of Coot, Black Headed Guls etc.

40 Fieldfares with large numbers of Redwings and Blackbirds feeding in the Hawthorne thicket along the North East corner of Neumanns.

Also here 2 Song Thrushes, a single flock of 14 Greenfinches feeding on Sorrel with 2 male Bullfinches and 3 Goldfinches.

A huge Buzzard (female) sat in nearby tree watching the passerines, until a crow decided to chase it away.

1 Common Wasp sat on a fence eating lichen.

Dairyhouse Meadows

1 female Merlin sat on a small tree ( The first time I've seen a Merlin here in the 20yrs I've been visiting), 1 female Kestrel, 1 Sparrowhawk and 2 Buzzards.

2 Reed Buntings.

Haydn Pool

6 Stock Doves, 1 Grey Heron and 1 Buzzard

-- Edited by John Williams on Sunday 11th of November 2012 01:11:25 PM

John Williams

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Still quiet - yesterdays sightings of note include 12 Wigeon & a Barn Owl in the area.


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The juvenile Common Tern that fledged on the nearby Marston Fishing Flashes was still over Neumann's Flash today


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After a really quiet spell a couple of new birds this morning in the shape of a male & female Pintail on the flash. They stayed early morning only but the usual pattern is for these birds to tour local waters & stay in the area. So worth keeping an eye out for them if you're visiting Neumann's, Ashton's or Budworth Mere.


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2 Garganey found by 'patcher' Greg Baker this morning & still present midday at least. At noon they were at the 'scrapyard hide' end.


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A quick update on a very quiet spell on 'Patch' at the mo:

Friday 21st - Greenshank on Neumann's Flash.

Saturday 22nd - 15 Buzzards & a Peregrine thermalling over Neumann's Flash at midday.


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Neumanns Flash

407 Lapwing, 85 Curlew, 2 Cormorants plus the usual waterfowl.

Hayden Pool

32 Lapwing and 2 Goldcrests, no sign of Green Sandpipers.

Budworth Mere

76 adult Great Crested Grebes plus 2 half grown youngsters.

John Williams

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Neumanns Flash

380 Lapwing, 6 Snipe, 15 Mute Swans, 1 Little Grebe, 2 Great Crested Grebes, 2 Cormorants, 2 Herons and a Mistle Thrush.

Ashtons Flash

8 Common Gulls

Haydn Pool

5 Green Sandpipers, 87 Lapwings and 1 Buzzard.

No sign of Sand Martins.

John Williams

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The Common Tern family is still on the nest raft on the Marston Fishing Flashes (20s Club Fishing Pools) just along Olershaw Lane, showing very well in the sunshine. Managed some pictures of the family, junior is getting to be quite a size now, so all the patchers have fingers crossed & great hopes that he fledges The adults have been seen wandering to both Neumann's Flash & Budworth Mere making feeding sorties.

Yesterday patchers watched a juvenile Black-tailed Godwit on Neumann's Flash, present most of the day, an early bird passing back through, adding to the 4 Green Sandpipers that were in the area yesterday too.


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Yesterday afternoon 14.30-18.00

Neumanns Flash

250 Lapwing, 20 Mute Swans, 21 Common Gulls mixed in with large number of Black Headed Gulls and 2 Stock Doves.

Haydn Pool

2 Green Sandpipers and 16 Lapwings. Initially, I counted 7 Sand Martins flying over the pool, then a much larger number erupted from their colony with 23 in the air at one point.

8 Goldfinches and a single Linnet were bathing in a small rainwater pool. 2 Stock Doves.

Marbury Country Park

1 Common Tern, 51 adult Great Crested Grebes plus 3 half grown youngsters. 1 Garden Warbler in mereside bushes with 1 Willow Warbler, a Wren and a mixed flock of common passerines.

Sailing was taking place at the Eastern end of the mere, so there was virtually no birds there, and no sign of the Mandarin anywhere.

A couple of Lord and Ladies plants are in fruit near the car park.

John Williams

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Little Egret on Neumann's Flash at 9.30am & an earlier report of a Barnacle Goose at the same location, don't know if the latter lingered or not.


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A Hobby seen from Ollershaw Lane just N.of Neumann's Flash today, chasing hirundines. Also a Common Tern chick on the rafts on Marston Fishing Flashes in the same area.


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Neumanns Flash

1 juv. Curlew, 240 Lapwings, 20 Mute Swans plus large numbers of hirundines and Starlings.

There had been a large hatch of flying ants, the Swallows, Martins, Starlings and Black Headed Gulls were enjoying a real bonanza.

1 Starling flew vertically straight up for about 20 feet from perching on a dead tree, even jet fighters can't do that.

Ashtons Flash

5 Common Gulls mixed in with a large number of Black Heads.

Haydn Pool

4 Green Sandpiper, 2 Snipe and 1 Linnet plus the usual Lapwing etc.

The Sand Martin colony is still going strong with upto 8 birds in the air throughout.

John Williams

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The 2 Cranes were seen by at least 2 members of the Local Patch group & reported to me as they were being watched at 9.25am. I then broadcast the message via texts to all our Patchers but the Cranes flew through after initially circling over Ashton's Flash. They were later seen back at Whixhall Moss after this extended visit into Cheshire.


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Ashtons Flash

No sign of the Crane reported yesterday, just a couple of Woodpigeons.

Neumanns Flash

Drake Red Crested Pochard still showing well with no sign of moult.

Big flock of hirundines and Swifts over the flash, 70% Swifts.

A falcon flying among them turned out to be a Kestrel(f).

32 Mute Swans including a breeding pair. 2 GC Grebe and a Pied Wagtail.

12 moulting drake Mallards quietly roosting on the small island were

chased off by a Coot with a real attitude problem, I hav'nt seen ducks

move so fast.

The Coot did'nt however intimidate a pair of Canada Geese, they just

stood there watching as it charged right past their legs.

2 Oystercatchers, 1 Reed Bunting(m) and 1 Bullfinch(m) both carrying food.

1 Common Blue butterfly.

Haydn Pool

Again lots of moulting Mallard, 2 Oystercatchers, 2 brooding BH Gulls,

1 Lapwing and 1 Black swan. 4 Reed Warblers showing well chasing each

other about right in front of the hide. A pair of Stock Dove on a nest box.

No Lapwings at all on Neumanns.

John Williams

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Neumanns Flash

1 Red Crested Pochard(m), 25 Dunlin + 1 Ringed Plover ( single very

nervous flock constantly flying between the few scrapes) 1 Little Ringed

Plover, 31 Mute Swan, 1 Oystercatcher, 8 Lapwing, 1 Black Swan, 2 adult

LBB Gulls, 1pr GC Grebe, 20 Gadwell, 62 Mallard (mostly moulting drakes),

1 Garden Warbler, 1 Buzzard, 1 Cuckoo, 2 Linnet, 2 Collared Dove, 2 juv.

Robins, 4 Chiffchaff (singing) and a Song Thrush.

Large numbers of mixed hirundines/ Swifts low over water.

Ashtons Flash

9 BH Gulls and a Fox

Haydn Pool

Just 1 BH Gull still brooding, no sign of any chicks. Coot family with 2 well

grown young.

John Williams

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3 Cuckoo, 2 seen chasing each other over the mere whilst a 3rd bird called

from bushes bordering Dairyhouse.

32 Mute Swans, 2pr GC Grebe, 1 LR Plover, 1 Skylark ( Can't recall seeing

one of these here before), 2 Lapwing, 1 Garden Warbler and a Buzzard.

2 very pale Canada Geese, got the wings of Greylag but head pattern of


Haydns Pool

1 Red Kite soaring high over towards the former ICI plant with a Grey

Heron, 1 day flying Barn Owl, 1 Buzzard carrying what looked a shrew, 12

Sand Martin, 11 BH Gull brooding, Coot still lunging at mobbing BH Gulls,

Mute Swan pair chased of Black Swan. A Black Swan was brooding on the

island last week but no sign of that today. 2 Cuckoos calling flying over

being mobbed by 2 small birds, 4 Reed Warblers showing well.

Marbury CP

19 GC Grebe 1 Comma butterfly

John Williams

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1 Little Ringed Plover showing well on Neuman's Flash, poking round island on flash then flying off low.

Cuckoo heard calling briefly.Distant.


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30 Mute Swan, 6 Shelduck, 1 L.R Plover (displaying over mere amongst

Martins etc, but then gave up & flew off North), lots of Swifts, 2 Linnet,

4 Chiffchaff (2 singing & 1 carrying food) 3 Willow Warblers (singing),

1 G.S Woodpecker (carrying food), C. Whitethroats, 2 Stock Dove &

1 Oystercatcher.

Haydn Pool

1 Green Woodpecker, 10-12 Sand Martin, 4 House Martin, 1 Buzzard, 6

Gadwall, 2 Oystercatcher, 1 Reed Warbler & 2 Reed Bunting.

A Coot & a B.H Gull had a quite a fight. The gull trying to drive the Coot

away by mobbing, the rail leapt clear of the water several times to try

and grab the gull. The Coot meant business and attacked the gull on land

too, if it had caught it I dread to think of the outcome. The Coot then

attacked 3 half grown Mallards and chased them into the reeds. If Coots

were the size of an Ostrich they'd rule the earth.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Friday 18th of May 2012 05:34:46 PM

John Williams

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First Dingy Skipper of the season seen on the path between Neumann's & Ashton's Flashes on Monday, I photographed one showing very well in this area on Wednesday. Not many emerged yet but a sunny spell (some chance at the mo!!) should see numbers increase. Very little to reort bird-wise.


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Neumanns 17.30-19.30

26 Mute Swans, 1pr GC Grebe, 6 Shelduck, 8 Gadwell, 1m Teal &

1 Oystercatcher.

Masses of Swifts moving through with 30+ H.Martin but very few Swallows.

3m Reed Bunting, 1pr Bullfinch carrying nesting material, 1 Greenfinch

(singing), 3 Goldfinch, family party of 6 LT. Tits, 4 Linnet, 1 Fox,

1 pr Collared Dove.

Ashtons Flash

1 large Fox, 2pr Canada Goose ( One on a nest a few days ago, but isn't

now & no sign of young)

Haydn Pool

1 Oystercatcher 6 Sand Martin 2prs Stock Dove 1 Black Swan being

harassed by pair of Mutes, 1 Teal, 1pr Mistle Thrush

John Williams

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Spoonbill on Neumann's Flash today between 11.50am and 1pm, then flew off. Work meant that I never gotto see it

-- Edited by Doc Brewster on Tuesday 8th of May 2012 01:32:10 PM

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