A dawn repeat of yesterday with pool numbers the same. I guess the higher than usual number of wildfowl on Pumphouse is due to the loss of habitat at the Black-fields Pools.
Kestrel and Sparrowhawk both seen but the best was a Tree Pipit (year first anywhere for me and only my second at Moore) flitting around the conifers at the Green Woodpecker fields.
Lunch wanders both yesterday and today. First Wigeon back, but on Birchwood Pool rather than the usual haunt of Lapwing Lane Pool. Yesterday an Osprey flew West over Lapwing Lane Pool, 35 Coot, 10 Little Grebe being other highlights. Walking to Birchwood Pool a mixed Tit etc flock was moving along the edge of the tip drain and included Goldcrest, Treecreeper and a Nuthatch joined in briefly. A couple of Swallows and singles of House and Sand Martin flew over Birdwood Pool.
Today the river end, an ad+juv Peregrine was a nice treat on the Stobarts warehouse South of the Ship Canal. 238 Canada Geese at the river with 30 Lapwing, 105 Black-headed Gull, four Little Egret, four Cormorant, one Common Gull, 13 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, eight Herring Gulls. On the way back up the Ship Canal a freighter disturbed from the Northern bank of the Ship Canal a pair of Common Sandpiper that the flew down the canal ahead of the freighter which was a nice treat.
Yesterday lunch a wander to the river. 300+ Shelduck back on the Astmoor side of the bend at Halfway House. Juv Marsh Harrier (sightings in the last three/four years for me have gone from less than annual to more than twice annual in this area on a roughly similar amount of time spent down this end the reserve) flew from Curdley Marsh over to Astmoor. 37 Curlew on Penketh Bar, little else though, one Little Egret, two Grey Heron, 37 Curlew, 23 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, one Great Black-back, seven Black-headed but no Herring Gull or anything rarer.
Coming up Moss Lane 350+ Starlings feeding in the fields with another 13 Curlew.
A few Long-tailed Tit groups about, Robins, Corvids and a single Chiffchaff still singing but winds kept everything else at bay.
One of those days that make patching all worthwhile,even the death by clegs experience that Upper Moss Side can be.
Lapwing Lane a Grey Heron flew along the length to get harangued by a buzzard near Moss Farm. Two Curlew in the fields, Jay but otherwise apart from3 Blackbirds very quiet to Norton Marsh ex-hide. On the marsh fences posts was a beautiful female Whinchat (first for a while; 2- 3 years for me here) and just a Wren and another Buzzard over. A lot of gull movement over the river and Fiddlers Lagoons, so I set back to Halfway House (path from Tree Sparrow feeder to Ethelyene Station is almost fully overgrown in places, got a few bramble scars for my efforts going that way) as the tides should be falling and the Bars and Banks emerging.
What a treat awaited, a count of birds on the Bar and Banks from Round Cherval gave 294 Canada Geese, 1 Great Egret, 3 Little Egret, 3 Grey Heron, 125 Lapwing, 274 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (50:50 ad/sub-ad), 1850 Black-headed Gull, 16 Great Black-backed Gull, 1 Common Gull, 7 Herring Gulls. More and more birds were arriving over time (at between 5 - 50 birds a minute over the two hours I watched), there must have including 200-300 birds circling over Fiddlers Ferry been over 4,000 gulls present.
I started looking at non Gulls, 22 Cormorant, 2 Gadwall, Mallard, 12 Tufted Duck fly-by, two Buzzards, one Kestrel, Stock Dove and plenty Woodpigeon over, 59 Curlew, three Ruff, one Godwit, one Greenshank, 11 Redshank and four Oystercatchers.
Cetti's Warblers starting to sing again at three points on the ship canal which included Coot, more Tufted Duck, Little Grebe and Great crested Grebe.
Photo attached of just a quarter of the Banks and Bars covered with Gulls for those who reminisce for gulling at Moore.
Posted originally three years ago......re anyone regular at Moore......
I know Mike Mullholland, Andy Dutton and Mark (Moorepatchbirder) were fevrant posters here or on their own blogs of years lists up to the 130/140s.
There are a few peeps I see who engage socially to a more or less communicative level (God, you'd think most Birders were AHAD or autistic from the ones you meet at Moore NR (There is one that is a supported person who)) - the ladies from the Mersey Gateway Trust occasionally, Harry who doesn't do this website, and whats me name "Keith, from Lowton"
Down the river again, male Yellowhammer on the Norton Hide path so still hanging on somewhere round here (wouldn't be surprised if displaced from near Creamfields back to the old badlands of Upper Moss Side which are getting increasingly unkempt and briary) was a nice treat.
30 Curlew at Halfway House, one Redshank, Great Black-backed Gull, six Shelduck, 35 Canada Geese, four Mallard and the black Muscovy / Mallard hybrid that hangs around the Ship Canal with them. Two Grey Herons, 16 Cormorants. No Little Egrets for a change. Swallows and Swifts over the estuary southwards. 416 Black-headed Gulls, one odd looking gull, I think from body shape and size a Common Gull but minimal black in the primaries. Seven Herring Gulls and thirty one Lesser Black-backed Gulls. Couple of Buzzards over Fidlers Ferry. Not seen the Peregrines there since early Spring, wonder if they have moved to a new home with the decom of the power station.
Best bird of the day a Spotted Flycatcher (patch year tick) on the old canal path back to Lapwing Lane, where the old Forestry Screen used to look over the Snipe fields.
Couple of ploughed fields coming into the reserve held good numbers of Gulls (00s near Mos Lane 99% Black-headed) wonder if the bass beat from Creamfields fools the worms to the surface as that is what most seemed to feed on despite it being dry, Wood Pigeon and three more Curlew but no small passerines - have had Wheatear around this time of year on some of the ploughed fields.
Lapwing Lane Pool - eight Little Grebe (4 Ad, 4juv), 35 Coot, seven Mallard, three Tufted Duck, one Cormorant.
Birchwood Pool - Great Crested Grebe juv, 45 Canada Goose, three Coot, 35 Tufted Duck, four Pochard.
Pumphouse Pool - two Green Sandpiper, three Coot, 27 Tufted Duck, one Mute Swan, eight Pochard, Moorhen.
Ship Canal - 17 Coot, 22 Tufted Duck.
Anglers quarry - nothing on view, limited sight lines with vegetation overgrown.
Ploughed fields on the way into the reserve held Curlew, Black-headed, Herring, Common and Lesser Black-backed Gull, Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, Magpie, Jay, Stock Dove (1), Wood Pigeon and Grey Heron.
Eight Swallows, a few parties of Long-tailed Tits, Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff still.
Eastern End yesterday (Reedbed, Lagoon, Pumphouse Pool and the forlorn Black-fields no pool).
Couple of juv Reed Bunting and a Reed Warbler at the Reedbed, Black-headed and Lesser Black-backed Gulls over. Five Gadwall and one Coot.
juv Treecreeper (a beauty) near the Lagoon and lots of Long-tailed Tits families (at least seven groups of between 7-9).
Snipe and juv Stonechat on Factory Marsh. Grey Wagtails seen on the South bank of the Ship Canal, I suspect their home is the Waste Water Treatment works there as never see them further into the reserve than Colins Hide (~200m distance).
Pumphouse Pool had 47 Coot, seven Gadwall, three Little Grebe, seven Tufted Duck, four Mallard.
A racket from the sky at Colins hide and above were four House Martins and a juv Buzzard in a tussle. Not quite sure who was annoying who more, but another couple of Long-tailed Tits families went into alarm.
Starlings gathering on the wires at the pylons at Arpley (~55).
Early morning to the river at Halfway House / Round Cherval / Norton Marsh produced four Redshank, first Ruff for a couple of years, 17 Lapwing, three Common Gull, eight Grey Heron and seven Little Egret, 43 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and four Herrings Gulls plus 87 Black-headed. Quiet otherwise on the walk down there and back (from Wigg Island for a change) with just a couple juv Reed Warblers, juv Titmouse, Buzzard and Great Crested Grebes.
This morning (0:530 - 07:00) down the East two Greenshank at Colins Hide on Pumphouse Pool and a very brief fly in then of three Black-tailed Godwits which flew around the pool a few times but seeing no suitable grounds flew to the Black-fields Pools and came pretty quick back from there (filled in now) and left high over the WCML Bridge. Juv Kingfisher sat on the fence that goes into the pool for a long time and a juv Kestrel was trying desperately to hover over the tip to the west but was very unsteady on its wings. Redshank and Oystercatcher heard calling over towards Richmond Bank.
Snipe flushed on Factory Marsh.
Woods very quiet even clegs have been low in numbers this year, not worn DEET once (not sure that is a welcome sign of diminished insect numbers or not...). Juvs of Long-tailed, Blue and Great Tits about, with Blackbird young and Thrushes also.
Common Gull on Birchwood Pool and four Great-crested Grebe with two young.
Curlew at Moss Lane and Swallows much diminished in numbers since a couple weeks ago, single House Martin.
Carrying on with my addiction to the river at the moment at Halfway House / Round Cherval / Norton Marsh.
A couple more Common Gull at the ebb of the tide, 37 Lesser Black-backed Gull imm and 18 ad, 3 ad Great Black-backed Gull and ~200 Black-headed Gull, though very mobile going towards Astmoor/Wigg and back much more than the other gull species.
Greylag Goose with broken wing in with the Canadas. Seven Little Egret, five Grey Heron.
Three Curlew and two Whimbrel, 45 Lapwing, Redshank heard but not seen. Two Oystercatchers downriver.
Lots of Magpies on the walk in and back inc. juv (est 50). Lots of Woodpigeon and on Moss Lane again 30+ Swallows on the wires.
Late post for Sunday 28th. First visit for a while. I walked down Lapwing lane and all the way to the Mersey where the old forestry commission hide was. Birds of note seen on the route included:
East End for a change today and some nice birds seen for the first time in the second half of the year (Jul-Dec) running total now 88 species for second half year vs. 127 species seen Jan - Jun.
Shoveler returning to Millbrook Pool was first of these, calling Green Woodpecker near Colins Field and Tawny Owl made up three of the new second half of the year species today.
Eastern Reedbed - Reed Warbler still singing, four House Martin over (fourth species), juv + Ad Reed Bunting. Cetti's Warbler also trying song without the usual gusto; perhaps a juv. Dead Mute Swan floating at east end.
Millbrook Pool, two Teal, two Shoveler, three Gadwall, seven Coot, Water Rail Calling, ad Mute Swan and two Cygnets. Lots of Jackdaw and Carrion Crow flying over to Capped Tip.
Pumphouse Pool - Canada Geese, Tufted Duck, Pochard pair + 2 juv, Grey Heron, Swift, Swallows, the very pale (almost white underwing) Buzzard soaring above the WCML bridge.
Canal path back to Eastford Road - Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, lots of Robins (15+), Blackbirds, couple Common Whitethroat and Song Thrush. Quick peek at the now empty Black-Field Pools area, nothing, now just an arid wasteland save for a couple Long-tailed Tits.
Wader numbers being the main interest again this week...Thirteen Redshank at Round Cherval Thursday just gone (25th July) is my new highest path record.
Lapwings between 45-90 on each on three visits.
A Whimbrel like bird in with the Curlews today finally gave up its identity with a curleewee call so I'm going juv Curlew on that bird. There were 27 Curlew today, peak was 41 on Weds (24th).
11 Oystercatchers still a good number and the first returning Common Gull.
Back to Moss Lane, 37 Swallows (18 + juvs) on the telegraph line, God'speed yee birds South for the winter.
From the Ship Canal looking S, five Buzzards were very high up over Oxmoor with another bird I just could get with the Binos but looked possibly Osprey, as the whiter bird went South the Buzzards all dropped back down.
But the rarest sighting I had today was another birder at Round Cherval / Halfway House. I haven't had one there for my patch list since 2019! Welcome Zilo if you join this forum!
A much, much (MM) wiser man than me who was a Moore Patch Birder for many years always tells me he has better bird experiences on falling tides at the Banks and Bars at the River Misery bend in the river at Round Cherval / Halfway House so the next few visits are putting that to the test........on todays falling tide or an hour and a half from when the Bars first expose until they reach full size on small tides like these.........(compare against the three visits below on rising tides when birds get flushed up the Mersey).
Three Herring Gull, 35 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, only 5 definite adults, remainders in plumages in juv-sub Ad, three Great Black-backed Gulls, 235 Black-headed Gulls (2/3 juvs) when the rate of dropping in dropped to less than one a minute.
18 Canada Geese, four Cormorant, five Tufted Duck, 18 Mallard, one Great Crested Grebe, 18 Canada Geese, two Gadwall, one Teal.
Two Kestrel (one juv), one very distant Buzzard over Fiddlers Ferry.
One Curlew, one Common Sandpiper (downriver rom Richmond Bank - Astmoor, never grounded), 28 Lapwing an numbers building in from all directions slowly over the time I was there, seven Oyster catchers, five Grey Heron and one Little Egret.
About 20 Swift south in front of the rains that came at 5pm, Cetti's Warbler calling, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Chaffinch all flyovers at Round Cherval.
Three Stock Dove, eighteen Carrion Crow and four Jackdaw also graced the sandbars.
So 50:50 in terms of birds being and better/different/worse on a rising or falling tide. All I know is that they are rubbish on a full tide at the river, unless it is going to top the Marsh.
Down to the bend in the River for the tides coming in, Black-tailed Godwit and Redshank seen for the first time this "autumn". 67 Lapwing, two Oystercatchers, one Common Sandpiper, seven Little Egret, four Grey Herons, 246 Black-headed Gulls, two Great Black-backed Gulls and seven Herring Gulls, but no Lesser Black-backed Gulls - very odd. There did seem in the distance a lot more gulls than usual towards Astmoor / Widness Warth and all the Shelduck were well down the river in that direction.
An hour afternoon trip from Yellow gate at West end of Lapwing Lane to Halfway House had sightings of Reed and Sedge Warbler (Chiffys heard of course), Great and Blue Tit juv, Mistle and Song Thrush, juv Magpies but not much else.
The river held the interest as the tide had started turn turn and rushed over the bars with three Common Sandpipers individually upriver, two Oystercatcher, three+two flyover Curlew and numerous (50+) Lapwing providing the waders.
A juv+Ad Grey Wagtail (year tick) were flushed as the tide rose on the bank - not seen this end of the reserve before, wonder if like at the East End they breed/roost at the WWTs on the Ship Canal south bank then come onto the reserve to feed.
Seven Little Egret, three Grey Heron, constant circulation of Lesser Black-backed, Great Black-backed and Herring and Black-headed Gulls. Quite otherwise and clegs biting madly.
Lunchtime visit around the pools today very quiet apart from really being bitten badly by clegs. Birchwood Pool held a Pochard brood and a couple of Coot. A nice Goldcrest displayed well on the path back to the ex-feeding station and Lapwing Lane Pool held 34 Gadwall inc juv and 34 Mallard inc juv plus Great Crested Grebe and eight Little Grebe.
Monday lunch a walk to the Marsh produced Grasshopper Warbler still reeling away by the ex-Tree Sparrow feeder location. 23 Curlew and 64 Lapwing were on the river bars and Gull numbers building up with 146 Black-headed Gull, four Great Black-backed Gulls, 27 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 11 Herring Gulls being the first of the 'autiumn'. Still a few Reed Warbers, Common and Lesser Whitethroat, Chiffchaff and Blackcap singing away along the Ship Canal and west end of Lapwing Lane.
Greenshank circling over Pumphouse Pool before flying high over the railway was a welcome addition to the year list for the patch. Two Little Grebe, two Great Crested Crebe, 11 Canada Geese, single Mallard eclipse, six Gadwall, 19 Coot (3 juv) and a single Moorhen juv. Three Swift and two Sand Martin over.
Why the Greenshank wasn't on the usual Black-fields they traditionally stop at was clear from noise and then viewing - the Pools have been emptied and inert material is being added to fill them (part the Port Warrington Plan to turn the Pools and Arpley Meadows into Light Industrial during 2025/6). A single Coot and a Magpie were the only inhabitants. Shame, always been a good corner of teh patch to view, even if just out the bounds of the reserve itself.
Reed Buntings calling away at the Eastern Reedbed with a few Chiffchaffs still singing away, only a single Coot on both pools (again not suprising if the roost site at Black-fields has gone and no Grey Herons in the Heronry either).
-- Edited by Andy Slee on Friday 5th of July 2024 04:14:34 PM
I think this is my highest species day list of 74 species (and missed an Owl that was roosting near the car park).
Visit over whole reserve from 07:00-14:00. (dumb copy of EBird (paste special/no format) would be nice to format as list + localation but doesn't seem to)
Black-headed Gull, Blackbird, Blackcap, Blue Tit, 4 Bullfinch inc juv, 3 Buzzard, 21 Canada Goose, Carrion Crow, 2 Cetti's Warbler, Chaffinch, 13 Chiffchaff, 2 Coal Tit, 2 Collared Dove, 1 Common Sandpiper, Coot, Cormorant, 19 Curlew at the river, Dunnock, Feral Pigeon, Gadwall, Garden Warbler, Goldcrest, Goldfinch, Great Black-backed Gull, Great Crested Grebe, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Great Tit, Greenfinch, Grey Heron, House Sparrow, Jackdaw, Jay, 2 Kestrel, 2 Kingfisher, 87 Lapwing, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Lesser Whitethroat, 11 Little Egret, Little Grebe, Long-tailed Tit, Magpie, Mallard, Meadow Pipit, Mistle Thrush, Moorhen, Mute Swan, 5 Oystercatcher, 3 Pheasant, Pied Wagtail,5 Pochard, 5 Raven, Reed Bunting, Reed Warbler, Robin, Rook, Sand Martin, Sedge Warbler, Shelduck, Skylark, Song Thrush, Sparrowhawk, 11 Starling, juv Stonechat, Swallow, 11 Swift, Teal, Tufted Duck, Water Rail, Whitethroat, 3 Willow Tit inc juv, Willow Warbler, Woodpigeon, Wren, 3 Yellowhammer
Kingfisher on the Ship Canal and one ad Great Crested Grebe.
Reed Warbler still singing along the path along the Canal, Buzzard, Grey Heron, Cormorant, Little Egret all flying along the Canal.
19 Curlew back on Penketh Bar at the bend in the River and 65 Shelduck visible over towards Astmoor from Halfway House. Three more Grey Heron around the river and seven Little Egrets, four Oystercatcher, three Swift, a single Swallow.
Seven juv starlings were on the roof at Stobarts warehouse and lots of Magpie, everywhere (gave up counting after 80).
Quiet on patch the last few visits but todays loop around Lapwing Lane and Pool was pure gruntling serenity. 41 species, nothing out the ordinary but juvs and first sign of return passage.
Two juv Pochard with Ads on the side pool to Lapwing Lane Pool - where did they breed?
Juvs of Coot, Little and Great Crested Grebe on Lapwing Lane Main Pool, Water Rail in Reedbed to right of hide, plus Gadwall young.
Three Curlew by Moss Lanewhen I left; start of the return passage? Could see Lapwing moving from the River to Fiddlers Ferry at High tide at 5:30pm-ish but not countable due to treeline.
Something made me think a lunchtime wander to the river at Halfway House was in order today and I am very glad I did so. Starting out from the Yellow Gate on Lapwing Lane I dropped onto West Dock to see an adult Kingfisher passing a sprat to a juv. Pure patch magic. This set the tone for the day in terms of Adults and Juveniles.
Blackcap, Song and Mistle Thrush, Blackbird, Wren, Blue, Coal and Great Tits, Greenfinch, Bullfinch, Chaffinch and Goldfinch were all singing away along the track down the Ship Canal going west. Star of the morning though in terms of numbers were Common Whitethroat, 13 Ad and 7 juv in the dead-on one mile from West Dock to Halfway House. 11 Cetti's were heard calling on the Moore side plus 2 or 3 more from Oxmoor. A couple of Reed Warblers tried to impress with their singing but were pale compatriots to the Whitethroats and Cetti's.
The between Round Cherval and Halfway House I heard a Sedge Warble song start up. Watching the thin patch of reeds a juv climbed up a reed to full view only a few feet from me; I froze; in flew an adult with a cleg in its beak and passed it to the juv............whilst a few reeds away a juv Cettis Warbler popped it head up and watched on enviously (I don't know if birds know envy but the look on this little Cetti can only be described as such). Pure patch magic #2!
Looking over the Mersey sandbanks to the sound of a Raven family (2 ad, 2 juv) performing acrobatics. The stayed for around 20 minutes then flew off high South over Oxmoor. One ad Great Black-backed Gull, 17 Lesser Black-backed Gulls of all ages, two Blacked Headed adult Gulls, one Little Egret, 47 Lapwing, two Grey Heron, two Oystercatcher, Mallard, Great Crested Grebe and two Cormorant made up the birds on the river. Five Swift spent time over the river.
On the return walk a Buzzard, ad+juv Kestrel flew over and a male ad Stonechat was in the Stobart horse paddocks with final birds of the day at the swing bridge being a flyover Great spotted Woodpecker and Canada Geese.
A very pleasing 51 spp. for a two and a bit mile walk over an hr and a quarter, especially with the sprinklings of patch magic applied!
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Tuesday 11th of June 2024 09:46:51 PM
WEBS Count on Upper Moss Side yesterday - quietest I've ever seen that part of the patch - 11 Canada Geese (7 gos), 1 Gadwall (m), 10 Mallard (all m), one male Teal, one Coot, single flypast Oystercatcher and Cormorants, 61 Lapwing flushed off Fiddlers Ferry Lagoons but never settled onto the river and 12 (6 pr) Shelduck. Three each of Lesser Black-backed, great Black-backed and Black-headed Gulls and one Buzzard, one Reed Bunting and two Skylark.
The walk in / out via the Tree Sparrow feeders though had a family of four Stonechat present on almost adjacent fence posts, Cetti's, Reed, Sedge and Grasshopper Warblers singing with Common Whitethroat at the Snipe Fields by Lapwing Lane. All four Corvids present grubbing on farm fields with Sparrowhawk over and pleasant numbers of Titmouse flitting about.
Chaffinch and Greenfinch at Moss Farm, Bullfinch at the start of the path into Upper Moss Side, Great Spotted Woodpecker at Lapwing Lane and Mallard, Moorhen, Shoveler, Tufted Duck, Coot, Great Crested and Little Grebe on Lapwing Lane Pool.
Pleasant lunchtime brief trip. Had lunch at The Shed (cafe on the way to Moore village) and the horse paddocks being formed there look to have some promised. A reasonable chattering of 50-60 Starling including juv were moving from field to field, juv Pied Wagtails present and swallows nesting in a couple of the sheds.
Lapwing Lane Pool was all I had time for but there were six (2ad, 4juv) Little Grebe, 2ad+2juv Great Creasted Grebe, juv Moorehen and juv Water Rail in front of the hide, seven juv Coot.
Tufted Duck, Mallard, Gadwall and Shovler (unexpected) all present
Pleasant couple trips around Moore today, one early avo to take a friend to the patch and then picked them up early eve to take them home as they don't drive. On the way home out of Moore to Sandymoor we checked a `flooded field that has good numbers of Wagtails hoping for a Yellow.......only to see a Western Cattle Egret in there!!! Now I know the patch rule is if your feet are on the patch and you can see the bird off-patch it counts......................but what about if the bird could see the patch from where it was..... Umpire disqualified the bird for Moore patch!
But all was not lost on patch listing. Tree Sparrow male + juv at Big Hand Ranch, plus 19 Swallows was a great start.
Everything after that was until the WCE a bit of a lower buzz, Canadas with 7 juv, 32 Shelduck at the river, no waders , plenty juv Titmouse, no raptors (not even Buzzard on the Marsh), Gulls almost all Lesser Black-backed at the river and overhead (around 65 in total but could be double counting overheads).
Three Cetti's Warblers, very few Chiffchaffs (time of day), couple of half hearted Willow Warbler, one Garden Warbler, two Reed and one Sedge on the walk to the River. 12 Grey Heron visible from Halfway House including seven juv.
Stock Dove on Moss Farm roof and friend whilst doing a second lap whilst I'd gone home had Little Owl on one of the farm buildings off Lapwing Lane which I haven't seen this year.
Three family groups of Greenfinch from Lapwing Lane - the Ethylene Station they seem to be recovering at Moore and juvenile Starling at Ethylene Station.
(The pipeline through Moore that runs along the ship canal via the two Ethylene stations and out at Eastford Road is possibly due to be upgraded as part of the HYNET green Hydrogen work - wonder what changes that may bring).
Finally for the year, Common Swift (2) over Lapwing Lane Pool in front of the weather this afternoon. Three Coot Broods (4,3,2), 2 juv Great Crested Grebe, 2 juv Little Grebe. Possible juv Reed Warbler to left of hide - seems early considering the Warblers arrived late this year.
The river was quiet at low tide, three Oystercatcher were the only waders and Lesser Black-backed, Herring and Black-headed Gulls loafed back and forth.
An interesting sight was a patch of sprats of some sort that were in a river wye isolated by the falling tide. An Otter came over from Fiddlers Ferry and made short work of a few of them with Corvids coming in to clean up remnant left as the tide further dropped.
Greenfinch were seen in three new places on the walk - they seem to have had a good couple of years. Little else over the farmland or Horse fields.
Early doors one day late WEBS trip to Norton Marsh and the adjacent banks as the tide dropped.
Waders: Common Sandpiper (1), Oystercatcher flyby (2), Dunlin (2) beauties in summer plumage stopped on the Bar for a few minutes as tide dropped then flew off high north over Fiddlers, Ringed Plover (2) under Norton Marsh Bank, Snipe (1 on Marsh itself), Lapwing (3), Redshank one flyby.
Six Shelduck , three Cormorant, 4 male Mallard, one male Gadwall, pair Mute Swan, oners of Tufted Duck and Little Egret, two Grey Heron, 3 juv Black-headed Gull, one ad Common Gull, 22 Lesser Black-backed Gull (20 imms).
Buzzard, Kestrel, Reed Bunting, Skylark and Raven all present over the Marsh.
Year list at 123 which is fairly typical for this time of year now spring migration is dropping off; bumped up slightly by new sightings for the patch of Januarys Long-tailed Duck and Waxwing and recent Sandpiper and Avocets but lacking usual ticks like Common Swift and hirundines in general have been poor, warblers [Reed, Common Whitethroat, Willow and Sedge] all lower at the Marsh (though Garden Warbler seem to be having a good year) and as for Nuthatch away from the original and alternate feeders - none existent since April.
-- Edited by Andy Slee on Tuesday 14th of May 2024 07:29:31 PM
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Tuesday 14th of May 2024 07:51:31 PM
6-8am after Oxmoor down to the river at Moore from Bens Bridge. Greenfinch + Juv at Etheylene Station with family parties of Titmouse including juvenille - Long-tail, Blue and Geart. In addition four Cetti's Warblers on the way down, one Reed Warbler between Halfway House and Round Cherval and towards Randles tip an observable Chiffchaff going 'Chaff-chiff'. Even when close Cornell did not identify the audio! In total three Tufted Duck, five Gadwall and two Great- Crested Grebe on the Ship canal with two Cormorant. Lots of Magpie inc juv (40+) in Stobrats Horse Paddocks.
River on the falling tide held two Whimbrel, four Shelduck, three Canada Geese, 44 Lesser Black Backed Gulls (all sub Ad), and two Mallard. Curlew calling to the North of the river but not visible. An Osprey came from Fiddlers Ferry direction, made a couple of half hearted swoops / dives towards the river but then rose high and carried on South - surely wrong direction! But birds of the day (and I suspect will be bird of the year for me here) was a patch lifer I've long awaited - three Avocet flew East up the Mersey.
Four separate Swallow on the way back via the back path to Norton Marsh, Mistle and Song thrush singing, Lesser Whitethroat in the usual spot near the Tree Sparrow feeders and a House Martin over Lawing Lane.
Five hours wandering down to the marsh brought a mix of birds starting in Lapwing lane by the car park where Goldfinch, Chiffchaff and Blue and Great Tits plus a Dunnock were all seen. In the woods near the triangle female Blackcap.
Rejoining Lapwing lane and a Nuthatch was seen entering the nest. The walk down past the fields and a Common Whitethroat was seen in the scrub on the left along with a resting Buzzard.
Turning towards the marsh down the path brought us towards the picnic table and from there down to the marsh we had Willow Warbler, Chaffinch, more Whitethroat and a distant Bullfinch. A Kestrel hovering over the field at the side of the path. Not much of note on the marsh but I didnt have a scope so couldnt determine if the bird on the cooling tower was a peregrine or not.
Returning from the marsh brought the two birds of the day. A patch first Garden Warbler on the path back up to the farm and a Little Owl in the grounds of the farm!
Returning back to Lapwing lane and the woods and the final two birds seen were Sparrowhawk quartering over the woods and a GS woodpecker flying across the path near the old feeding station.
A good day with some of the more unusual birds seen even if it did five hours.
Lapwing chicks alongside Lapwing Lane, two single Swallows. Pied Wagtail and Teal pair and Gadwall pair on the drying out scrape on Triangle field also. Common Whitethroat finally for the year (3) along Lapwing Lane in the Snipe Fields. Again, the bizarre sight of a Kingfisher flying down Lapwing Lane following every twist/turn of the road, as far from open water as you could get from anywhere in the patch (happened in Jan 2022 from memory). Cuckoo on Capped Tip, faint, probably Gatewarth side, Reed Warblers, Sedge and Cetti's all singing from Capped Tip area. Two Raven over Lapwing Lane.
Constant stream of Herring Gulls over west in ones and twos, must have been a few hundred in total as I looped out to the Marsh.
Another Common Whitethroat by the old Tree Sparrow feeder picnic bench, Lesser Whitethroat in the same bush as the last two years on the way to the old Norton Marsh Hide after the picnic bench and Grasshopper Warbler in the scrub to the NE of the path. Two more Lapwing with young in general area.
No Grasshopper Warblers in the usual spot on Norton Marsh but Sedge and Reed Warblers now in song and Red Bunting plus Skylark. White Wagtail with two Pied on Wader scrape. Distant views, high 10s of Lesser Black-backed and Herring Gull loafing on Penketh Bar at low tide.
Further Grasshopper Warbler in Balloon Hut field on the back path to the Etheylene station and Song Thrushes galore.
Greylag Geese and four Gosling on Lapwing Lane Pool, four Little Grebe, one Great Crested Grebe in beautiful plumage, two Gadwall, two Tufted duck, young Coot and Moorhen.
Nice walk around yesterday, approx. 4.30pm - 7pm. Of interest:
Cuckoo heard and seen near raptor viewpoint; Linnets also heard but not seen. Whitethroat seen by the path that runs to the north of Lapwing Lake, and parakeets (at least 2) on Lapwing Lane. Reed warbler heard and briefly seen by the hide on Lapwing Lane, quite a few blackcaps around also. Not much of interest on Birchwood or Pumphouse pools, aside from a couple of lesser black-backed gulls chasing off a common buzzard. Didn't see any hirundines or swifts at all.
Is there a map for this site/the surrounding areas with the names that people in this forum use? I'm not super local to the area (closer to Wigan!), and I can't seem to find things like Norton Marsh, Big Wood, Black Fields Pool etc when I search them online.
Two Wheatear on Norton Marsh today - one looking possible for Greenland. Finally Reed and Sedge Warblers (patch year tick) back on the Marsh. Plenty of Cetti's Warblers to though at least seven between the Marsh / Upper Moss Side and Snipe fields.
Still quiet otherwise down on Upper Moss Side, couple Bullfinch, Chiffchaffs and Corvids the main avifauna.
More Coot, Mallard and Canada Goose chicks on Lapwing Lane Pool.
Green Woodpecker on field next to Big Wood and Hobby over briefly.
Still no Whitethroat of either species in the usual spots, House Martin or Swift. Strange times.........clegs are back though
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Wednesday 1st of May 2024 09:47:45 PM
Rare due to work these days a rare chance to traverse the whole reserve early. Birdsong was fantastic as the ground frost gave an eirie mist close to the ground in places. Came in from Wigg Island and heard Common Whitethroats twice on Randles tip and from Oxmoor, as soon as I passed Halfway House not one more all morning. Mind other warblers seem missing in usual places this year - still no Reed Warblers down the West. 13 Cetti's Warblers heard in the whole traverse from Halfway House - Owens Wood - back path to ex Norton Marsh Hide, Lapwing Lane Wood / Pool - Birchwood Pool - Pumphouse Pool - Black Fields Pool - Eastford Road - Morely Common.
31 Canada Geese on Cuerdly Marsh had goslings present, difficult to see in the long grass. Redshank (1), Little Egret (2), Grey Heron (5), Black-headed Gulls (49), one Herring Gull, three Lesser Black Backed Gulls and two Great Black Backed gulls came through Round Cherval whilst watching the tide fall and the mudbanks revealled but no waders seemed to be dropping in as the sun rose. Two Oystercatchers "peeped" their way upriver and a couple of Gadwall and four Shelduck were on the river but little else.
Snipe, Kestrel, Reed Bunting and Skylarks over the Marsh. No Warblers apart from Cetti's on the Marsh.
Five (!!!) Ring-necked Parakeets flew from the direction of Promenade Park to a house with feeders on Lapwing Lane.
Great Spotted Woodpecker and Garden Warbler by the new aquatic scrape. with a nice showy Treecreeper.
Juvenille Coot and Mallard on Lapwing Lane Pool. Two Little Grebe.
Pumphouse Pool still very high little suitable wader ground, eight Tufted Duck, two Shoveler, eight Mallard, two Little Grebe, two Gadwall, 13 Sand Martin, 1 Little Egret, two Siskin in the Alders behind Colin's Hide.
Two Oystercatchers dropped into the Black Fields Pool which has been drained to leave a decent amount of muddy shore, where a Little Egret flew in (from Pumphouse?). Two more Grey Heron present. Mallard, Little Grebe, four Tufted Duck on the pool with a Common Sandpiper the the back of the West cell and resplendent in the morning sun on the back of the East cell a Wood Sandpiper (patch first for me and thus patch first for year).
Very similar to last week on the Marsh or Eastern Reedbeds except for stayover(?) Siskin singing in the alders near the Eastern Reedbed. Not usual for them to stay to the breeding season.
Willow Warbler numbers seem very low as do Chiffchaff - Blackcap equalling Chiffchaff for territories down the Eastern End and no Chiffies up the Marsh end. Still no Whitethroat (either spp.) or Grasshopper Warblers or Reed Warblers on the Marsh at the West End, three Reed Warblers round the Eastern Reedbed / Black-fields Pools.
East End today. Morely Common a couple of times a year has big numbers of Wagtails and today was no different with approx. 32 Pied and nine White Wagtail.
Moving round to the Black Fields Pools where the water is being pumped out a Common Sandpiper was flitting about. Star birds though were 29 Sand Martin dropping over the pool calling away. One Little Egret was present, Canada Geese, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Little Grebe and Grey Heron.
Pumphouse Pool conversely the water is getting higher and higher. A second Common Sandpiper was here - a much paler individual than the one on the the Black Fields. Further Sand Martin, single Black-headed Gull, Cuckoo heard calling towards East entrance to Capped Tip, two Pochards, Tufted Duck, and single Mute Swan. Flyover Oystercatcher.
Eastern Reedbeds held at least three Reed Warblers to make up for the dearth in the marsh at the West End. Seven Cetti's Warblers on the loop around the East End and a Tawny Owl watching from a roost spot near one of the paths. Blackcaps almost outnumbering Chiffchaff at the end of the reserve.
Started at the canal crossroads and went over the boardwalk past the new aquatic scrape where a Garden Warbler was showy and singing, first for year anywhere and thus patch first for the year. Two Blackcap, Willow Warbler and five Chiffchaff also in the glade around the scrape.
Carried up Lapwing Lane to more Blackcap, three Swallows, Greenfinch.
Ring-necked Parakeets feeding at the bird feeders of a house on Lapwing Lane.
Taking the back paths to Norton Marsh apart from Chiffchaff and Blackcap these were very quite, a couple of Blackbirds and a Great Tit made up the other birds.
The Marsh is still a scene of destruction from the floods last week. Many of the reedbeds have been flattened or broken / beaten down by the high tide, which judged by the detritus line topped out only just below the bund top, meaning some parts the Marsh would have been 2-3 metres under water. Lots of detritus (plastic mainly, bottles, croc shoes, footballs - Liverpool balls in excess of any others!!!) etc trapped in the broken down reedbeds, but at least new shoots are already showing so regrowth will be quick. The lack of Reeds probably explains lack of Reed and Grasshopper Warblers which I'd usually expect here at this stage of Spring / Migration. Four Skylarks were seen, one Meadow Pipit, three Reed Bunting and two Snipe, with a Buzzard overhead and a Kestrel drifting over from fiddlers Ferry.
Three Whimbrel flew calling over North looking to drop in on Penketh Bar but deciding not to and carried on over Fiddlers Ferry. A Single Redshank was on the river. A Curlew was also calling but unseen under the banks. Seven Shelduck, a few Mallard, Gadwall and Canada Geese made up the ducks, whilst the Gulls were 11 Lesser Black-backed and three Great Black-back - including one of very large size towering over the other two. A few Cormorants hung about drying their wings.
Greenfinch and Cetti's Warblers seen on the walk back to Lapwing Lane Pool, the clearances along the north bank of the canal now give good views into the old Snipe Fields from the south edge - scrub looks good for Whitethroats when they arrive. Willow Tit pair near the old Forestry Commission hide in the wood. Lapwing Lane Pool held seven Tufted Duck, male Pochard, two Little Grebe, three Gadwall and a Great Crested Grebe and a Reed Warbler flew across the hide between the adjacent reedbeds.
Today, Eastern End, still very muddy. Curiosity being in the small Heronry at the East End of the reserve there look to be Egrets in the same tree area. Four Mallard ducklings on the Black Fields Pools, Reed Warblers on Black Fields, and Eastern Reedbed.
Late report for Tue am just gone. Parked up at the Crossroads intending to go to Halfway House for the Big Tide - then seeing the storm surges hitting the Welsh coasts decided for once rather than watch the action on the Marshes as raptors and Corvids find prey to come down the Eastern end and see what gets displaced to the Eastern Pools. (Possibly a good decision as the 6.5ish metre floods in Feb/Mar I watched almost blocked off return paths, this storm surge put the gauge at Fiddlers to 7.12m which will have been very close to the bund wall overtopping on Norton Marsh).
Pumphouse Pool, nothing apart from two Shelduck, eight Tufties and 92 Black-headed Gulls. Very quite.
Nothing on Millbrook Pool or Eastern Reedbed.
Glad I left my car at the centre of the reserve as I walked towards Eastford Road to go to the Bridgewater Canal to walk back to Moore, the Mersey burst its banks (the 7.12m flood is second highest ever recorded at that modern station!) and trying to go through Eastford Road Bridge I was getting toward welly deep in flood water at the end of the track to Eastford Road so 180degree turned at the Ethylene Station and walked back past the old canal to Pumphouse Pool (canal and Eastern Reedbeds now backfilling from the Mersey).
Typically I get a text to say Harrier sp. on the Marsh and Little Gull over the Mersey at Halfway House/Astmoor!!! Wrong end again.
PS - re flooded water and walking on roads - one safety aspect drummed into us at work is when rivers burst their banks, drains tend to burst also. There have been a couple of really unfortunate drownings in the last few years when people have walked into floods thinking "only knee deep" and then stepped where a burst manhole cover was and get sucked into a drain, stuck and drowned. Be careful out there folks in floods.
To Halfway House from the centre of the reserve, Willow Warblers and Blackcaps now adding to the morning chorus, with Tits, Song Thrush, Bullfinch (my favourite finch song) and gronking Ravens. Five Cetti's Warblers between Yellow Gate and Round Cherval and a distant hint of possible Reed Warbler from Oxmoor direction.
WEBS Count on Norton Marsh / adjacent Mersey.
Canada Goose 32, three Curlew, one Lapwing, 1 Mute Swan, five Shelduck, two Coot, three Gadwall, six Little Egret, two Oystercatchers, six Teal, six Cormorant, three Grey Heron (plus another six on the Ship Canal), four Mallard, two Redshank and three Tufted Duck.
Additional birds over the rier / Marsh. 42 Black-headed Gull, 17 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (3 imm, 14 Ad), one Great Black-backed Gull, three Herring Gull. Three Buzzards, one Kestrel and four more Raven.
Not a bad count but quiet wonder if Moore is giving me JuJu after quite a few visits to Woolston in the last two weeks to see their Quaternate of special duck species and adding nicely to my Cheshire list whilst ignoring my Moore year list during migration.
A male Wheatear on Moss Side farm field refuted any thoughts of bad JuJu though the rains started to come in on the return walk. Reed Bunting, Skylark, Yellowhammer (male again, hope they are hanging on) all flitting about the path back to Lapwing Lane then from Lapwing Lane back through the reserve, three great Spotted Woodpecker and two Willow Tits made up the rest of the day.
The numbers are going up on patch, five patch year firsts today (in bold). Early trip before the rains round the Eastern Reedbeds, Black-fields and Pumphouse Pool. At first from Firecrest Alley, very faint Cuckoo call from over the Capped Tip from Black-fields. Walked over via the dog walker path towards Gateworth / the Bridge over the Mersey - the call sounded like it was coming from the scrubby area by the Capped Tipp Gas Plant (no public access - look for the NOx brown fumes for the gas plant if viewing from South).
On the return to the path North the Eastern Reedbeds the Black-fields had seven Sand Martin hawking about. A single Little Ringed Plover (patch and also year tick) was on the usual pool. A few Teal, Shoveler, single male Pochard left on Pumphouse Pool, 52 Black-headed Gulls, seven Lesser Black-backed Gulls came in for a wash, male and female Blackcap by the borehole at the East of Pumphouse Pool and three Willow Warblers calling in the woods, south of Birchwood Pool which held a few Teal two Little Grebe and four Great Crested Grebe (2 pair displaying).
Early Hobby reported passing through over Eastern Reedbed this morn by another regular.
-- Edited by Andy Slee on Monday 1st of April 2024 08:07:35 PM
Another visit to Moore today brought my first Blackcap of the year. A male. GS Woodpecker, Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Mistle Thrush, Dunnock, Chaffinch, Coal Tit, Blue Tit, Long-tailed Tit and Great Tit, as well as a Jay.
A walk down to the river to look out for any passing Osprey. Reports of one being on Frodsham Marsh gave me hope of a sighting over the marsh on the site of the now demolished hide. No Osprey but I did get four other raptors: Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard and a Peregrine sitting on top of one of the cooling towers. Usual birds in the woods on the walk down and back included Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Chaffinch, and Goldfinch.
A visit to the river, marshes and farmland noticeably not as many Chiffchaff as last year - they seemed to be every 100yrds apart down the back path and canal shore last year - this year every 300-400 yards. And no Blackcap or Willow Warbler (yet), first sightings previous four years have been around 1st weekend in April and given a seemingly early push this year of migrants strangely absent?
2m+f Bullfinch at Yellow Gate, four Cettis Warblers between Yellow Gate and Round Cherval, and three Greenfinch at Round Cherval.
Coot, Moorhen (unusual), Great Crested Grebe, Gadwall, Mallard, Grey Heron and Kingfisher on the Ship Canal with a Common Sandpiper (patch year and year tick) on the sandbank by Stobarts m Stonechat on fence in Stobarts field.
On the river on the falling tide very little wildfowl just a couple Canada Geese, couple Mallards and a fly through Cormorant. Single Oystercatcher, three Curlew, one Black-tailed Godwit (patch year tick 100), three Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 17 Black-headed Gull and four Herring Gull.
Two Snipe, four (m) Reed Bunting, three more Cetti's Warblers, unusual number of Wren (12), Kestrel, Carrion Crow and Raven on the Marsh.
Farmland / scrub / woods / hedges all absolutely sodden - wettest ground I have ever seen and very quiet apart from Blackbirds, Song Thrush, Blue and Great Tits and Dunnock until virtually back at Lapwing Lane a male Yellowhammer was singing away in a field hedge - could they still be holding on?
Wigeon still on Lapwing Lane Pool - if they hold on a day moore they will be my first April tick on patch! Or they won't.....
Doh! Edited to add when re-reading last years joys of spring....on 4th April 2023...a lonely Wigeon was still on Lapwing Lane Lake
-- Edited by Andy Slee on Sunday 31st of March 2024 07:36:06 PM
I did not manage to get to Moore as planned for a dawn visit but my late afternoon/early evening visit today brought my first Brambling of the year. Other birds included GS Woodpecker (making quite a racket), Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Jay, Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush, Blackbird, Redwing. Chaffinch (with the Brambling), Blue tit, Great tit, and Long-tailed tit and a Chiffchaff.
A brief visit to my local patch for a late afternoon wander. After four visits without one I had six GS Woodpeckers. I was beginning to wonder what had happened to them. The usual suspects included a Dunnock, Goldcrest, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Blue Tit, Long tailed Tit, Great Tit, Redwing, Blackbird and a Wren. My first Chiffchaff of the year at Moore. My bird of the day was Redpoll (a pair by the boardwalk where they have created a pond). No raptors. A dawn raid planned for tomorrow to see what else I can get
Chiffchaffs have arrived, at least six singing during a loop of the Eastern Reedbed alone. Other passerines of note eight Siskin, four Bullfinch, two Greenfinch and 10+ flock of Goldfinch. Previous four years 1st dates for migratory Chiffchaffs, 20th Mar (2023), 14th March (2022), 19th March (2021), 19th March (2020).
Pumphouse Pool held main interest, eight Shoveler, two Pochard, four Grey Heron, 29 Teal, three Little Grebe, eight Tufted Duck, nine Gadwall, seven Mallard, one Cormorant, one Herring Gull, one Common Gull, two Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 89 Black-headed Gulls. Looks poor for wader passage this year as water level is too high (same with the Black-fields Pools) due to drainage off the landfill coming down this end the reserve currently.
A pale overflying Buzzard was the only raptor.
Invoking the Moore patch predictor for the year, divide total species (98 so far for the year) at first migrant by 0.7 to give total patch species per year, then take 7% off as unlikely to see every patch species = 130 species guestimate for the year.
-- Edited by Andy Slee on Friday 15th of March 2024 07:21:36 PM