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1 Willow Tit - presumably the same bird that was around last winter though I hadn't seen it since early May - wonder where it's been in the meantime

1 first year male Redstart in bushes behind Big Hedge on edge of Turnough Hill - obviously a different bird from the long-stayer at end of August

1 Kingfisher
2 Willow Warblers
10+ Chiffchaff
40+ Swallow
1 Sparrowhawk

As for accessing the Lake Mike - do you mean where to park? If so prob the visitor centre cr park (although you have to pay) or on Hollingworth Rd next to Akzo Pond (where you don't).


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hi, could someone tell me the easiest way to access the lake, regards mike


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1 Common Tern
1 Oystercatcher
2 Grey Wags over
1 Green Woodpecker
3 Chiffchaff
344 Canada Geese

No sign of the Redstart today


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Simon,thanks again for keeping track ,theres,an outside chance I might find one in davenport greenno.gifand that,ll be in me dinner hourbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifif not i,ll make the pilgrimage at weekend.

cheers geoffbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



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Female Redstart in usual spot
Wheatear 1
Willow Warbler 2
Chiffchaff 4+
Teal 3
Weather absolutely pants


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Had a text from Simon this morning the redstart was showing this morning in the regular area,very nice of him to keep track,but very fustrating as I can,t get back up till weekend
and i.m sure it will fly the tescowink.gif before longfurious.gifmaybe I should just sit in my bathchair by the bench at horrocks and wait till one turns updisbelief.gifdisbelief.gif

cheers geoffbiggrin.gif



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Nice to meet you Geoff. Sorry there were no birds - a common problem here!

Cheers, Simon


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Despite a daybreak assualt for the redstart it stubbornly refused to show,nice to meet simon ,it,s reassuring to know that you,ve been staring at the right bushbiggrin.gifhope for better weather next time up here.

cheers geoffbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



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Female Redstart again this evening
2 Chiffchaff
1 Sparrowhawk
8 Grey Partridge


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Geoff Hargreaves wrote:

Simon ,are just teasing me wink.gifi,ll probably get back up there at the weekend,confuse.gifeven though I know it,ll have flown the coop.

cheers geoffbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Hi Geoff,

I really hope the Redstart is still there for you at the weekend. If you do come over and have the time and also want to have a look eyepopping.gif at Piethorne (which is just over the hill), literally and metaphorically! and take in another of the Rochdale birding blackspots or do I mean hotspots? whilst you are here, then just send me a pm. At least then you will know where the valley is.......when that male Smew and a Great Grey Shrike finally get around to landing here this winter! cynic.gif

By the way, did you know that Rochdale was the birthplace of the Coop! giggle.gif I just can't resist a silly pun!!

Best wishes,



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Simon ,are just teasing me wink.gifi,ll probably get back up there at the weekend,confuse.gifeven though I know it,ll have flown the coop.

cheers geoffbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



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Female Redstart again this morning in same area- it can be elusive at times but it has been calling quite frequently which helps locate it - never tire of seeing that shivering tail

1 Lesser Whitethroat in Big Hedge - even did a bit of subsong in the brief sunshine
2 Chiffchaffs - also doing a bit of singing
4 Willow Warblers
1 Kingfisher
1 Green Woodpecker
35 + Linnet


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The female Redstart was still around at 8am this morning - sorry to hear you dipped on it Geoff - it was in hawthorns at the back of the horse paddock that is on your right as you walk up the track away from the lake from behind the TSPalatine cadet centre. However it can be quite elusive at times.

Also this morning 1 Ringed Plover flew through, 1 Green Woodpecker and 2 Grey Partridge.

For anyone thinking of visiting this site it's best avoided except early in the morning, especially at weekends, as you'll find most of Rochdale (and their dogs) are also there too. Also the rowing club are usually out and about by 8 am and therefore scare anything off - it gets more like a glorified boating lake every year.

Sorry I missed you Geoff - please PM me if you ever come back this way - I'd be more than happy to try to help find the Redstart if I'm around.

Cheers, Simon


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Had a prolonged search for the redstart this morning but dipped,probably not the best of mornings to be looking as the lake was very busy and the boats were only outnumbered by the dog walkers who were out in droves.Still a nice nosey in the far east of the county 23 species noted all common,and sadly no shag,(can,t help the school boy humor)

cheers geoffbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif
p.s. the T S Palatine and track are easily foundwink.gif



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Green Sandpiper 1 - first for 3 years here!
Teal 2

No sign of Redstart today but only a brief look - the bird was in bushes off the track running back from the TSPalatine cadet centre and has been quite showy. Will post if I see it again in next few days.

Cheers, Simon


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Dave,wish I had found/seen a redstartno.gifno.gifI,ve never been to hollingworth birding but it,s not that big of task to get there and beat the bushes,also it,s worth considering that hollingworth is THE place in gm to get a shag on your list of birds seen in gm,but i,m
only telling the wife i,m looking for the redstartwink.gif

cheers geoffbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



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Hi Simon,
Sorry In my excitement I gave the credit to Geoff , hope you can help with the location
Cheers Dave Phillips

D J Phillips

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Hi Geoff,
nice find at the lake the Redstart is it possible to be more specific as to its location could pop up today.
Cheers Dave Phillips

D J Phillips

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Please,it,s a bit sad as I missed the pennington redstart last year (cos I was sulking over broken optics) can you keep us updated on this little gem.It might be old hat for long term county listers but it,s pretty mega for us new boys,cant, get up there till saturday thoughfurious.gif hope it hangs around.

cheers geoffbiggrin.gifand fresh ticks are getting hard to come byeno.gifno.gif



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Redstart 1
Teal 1

Otherwise dead - no mud again this yearcry.gif


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Willow Warbler 25 + - seemed to be a bit of an influx
Sparrowhawk 1
Green Woodpecker 1
Great-spotted Woodpecker 2
Bullfinch 2 juvs
Linnet 20+

Quite a decent morning


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The Ruddy Shelduck you are all talking about was originally found by Steve Atkins at Watergrove Reservoir on or about the 12th July,it has since wandered from Akzo pool to Hollingworth Lake.It was not the one that was resident on Cowm Reservoir,Whitworth for many years!
Dave Ousey.


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Tree Pipit - 1 over calling
Siskin - 1 male - presumably an early migrant as not aware of any breeding locally
Whitethroat 1
Bullfinch with 2 juvs
Green Woodpecker 1

No sign of the Ruddy Shelduck this week - presumably gone back to Turkey/Martin Mere (delete as appropriate)


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Mark Rigby wrote:

Looks like a genuine one to mewink.gif

Forward it to BOURC for their consideration then biggrin.gif

Will do Ian, but you wont mind if I put your name on it would you?rofl.gif

-- Edited by Mark Rigby on Saturday 25th of July 2009 07:14:03 PM


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Can some one local please go and conduct a 'bread test' confuse.gifsoon as you canbiggrin.gifthe engines running if it doesn,t respond

cheers geoffbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



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Mark Rigby wrote:

Looks like a genuine one to me:wink

Forward it to BOURC for their consideration then


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Ruddy Shelduck still present today at 1130hrs with Canada's in fields by Akzo Pond. Looks like a genuine one to me:wink

Which is more than can be said about some of the Canada'sblankstare.gif


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The female Ruddy Shelduck still with Canadas in fields by Akzo Pond - noticed there have been a few reported in the uk recently - haven't tried it with the bread test yet -given that the nearest breeding grounds appear to be in Turkey maybe I should see if it comes to kebab.


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Ruddy Shelduck this morning - presumably an escape


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9 Arctic Terns this morning


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3 Arctic Terns through this morning ( info from Alan Nuttall)

2 Common Sand
6 Lesser Redpoll


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HOBBY 1 this evening - new site tick for mebiggrin.gif
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Gropper 1
Swift 1
Common Sand 2
Lesser Redpoll 4
Common Gull 2 - very late


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Gropper singing - also one at Clegg Hall
2 Blackcap
1 Chiffchaff
2 Lesser Redpoll
1 Pink-footed Goose with Canadas at Littleborough - unsure whether plastic or not

yesterday a drake Shelduck

-- Edited by Simon Hitchen on Thursday 30th of April 2009 07:39:20 PM


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Arctic Tern - 1 flew straight through and off east - makes you wonder how much goes through unseen
25+ Swallows - quite an influx
1 Sand Martin
1 Cormorant
1 Redshank
2 Oystercatchers
5 Teal at Shaw Moss


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Sandwich Tern present on the lake at 8am this morning.

Info thanks to Simon Hitchen


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First Swallow of the year today at Longden End - also 5 Sand Martins here and a male Wheatear nearby. 2 Fieldfare at the Lake and a Kingfisher - otherwise pretty dead - no Willow Warblers yet.


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Absolutely nothing on it at 3.45 pm on the way back from Light Hazzles.


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9 Waxwings this morning at 0730 just back from Lake bank on the junction of Bank Close and Woodbank close in Smithy Bridge but no signs of them this afternoon. Ian Kimber found these birds yesterday when there were 10 present.

Also in the area today 1 Tufted Duck 1 Chiffchaff 1 Wheatear 2 Little Owls 1 Stock Dove 1 Green Woodpecker yaffling and 2 Great -spotted Woodpeckers drumming. Also a pair of Stonechat - I think Stonechat seem to be thin on the ground around here this spring - wonder if the colder winter has had an effect - anyone else noticed this?

Cheers, Simon

-- Edited by Simon Hitchen on Thursday 2nd of April 2009 10:14:20 PM


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4 sand martins at the site of last years colony at Longden end this afternoon.


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Some signs of ducks on the move today:-

6 Shoveler (3 pairs) - quite a count for Rochdale
3 Wigeon
2 Teal
3 Cormorant
2 Redshank
2 Oystercatcher


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Willow Tit this morning - presumably the same bird that was seen on several ocasions last autumn, although I hadn't seen or heard any sign of it since December until today.

Also today 1 Chiffchaff singing, 4 Redshanks, 2 Oystercatchers, 1 Curlew over.

Nearby a male Wheatear singing at Chelburn Res'r.


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Spent part of a very busy morning by hiring a rowing boat and hurtling frantically back and forth across the lake. For some inexplicable reason there didn't seem to be too many birds about but I did notice one irate birdwatcher on the shores making what looked like a rude gesture peace.gif towards me! giggle.gif Also at one time I could have swore that I heard the sound of gunshot - or maybe that was just my imagination? hmm.gifgiggle.gif



-- Edited by Bill Myerscough at 22:32, 2009-03-07


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1 Shelduck & 2 Wigeon early morning but scared off by the dawn bird-scaring rowing boat patrol - sounds like the Wigeon may have headed off to Piethorne and the Shelduck to Ashworth Moor.

Is it illegal to shoot people on rowing boats?furious.gif

Cheers, Simon


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Another Shelduck this morning
Also Alan Nuttall had 2 Redshank and 2 Grey partridge at Shaw Moss


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pair Wigeon
2 Tufted Ducks
8 Goosander
3 Cormorant
3 Oystercatcher

2 Redshanks at Shaw Moss - the first of the year here. Also 11 Teal


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That's interesting Marvin - I suspect some birds are moving back through the area on their way further north.

2 Shelducks on the lake this morning - a scarce passage migrant here. Also 4 Oystercatchers and Alan Nuttall had a Curlew over.


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I know what you mean about siskins being rather scarce.I used to get them regularly visiting the feeders in my garden.This year I was beginning to give up hope,but one male visited a nyger seed feeder last week.[My garden is in Prestwich,near to Whitefield]


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A male Siskin was singing in my garden in Littleborough this afternoon. Siskin in general seem to have been very scarce in Rochdale this winter so to have one in full song in my garden was quite a surprise - presumably it just got carried away in the afternoon sunshine.

Yesterday a Jack Snipe and 35+ Snipe at Clegg Hall marsh but unfortunately on private land.

Cheers, Simon


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8 Wigeon this morning and a drake Goldeneye. Wigeon seem to be on the move this week - there were also 5 on 16th & 13 on 21st - presumably all trans-pennine migrants starting to head back on their spring migration.

The first Oystercatcher returned on 19th and had my first 2 Curlews of the year over Littleborough on 22nd so Spring seems to be coming.


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An adult Yellow-legged Gull was on the Lake this afternoon and showed extremely well from 1410 to around 1430 when it flew off west - it unfortunately didn't return in the roost.

Also today 15 Wigeon 1 Tufted Duck 4 Cormorant 1 Goosander and a Stonechat at Shaw Moss

Also received a belated report that there were 6 Waxwings near the visitor centre on 2nd January.

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