Quick visit just South of Marshside on Sunday opposite Pleasureland in Southport gave some excellent close in views of the female Snow Bunting that has been overwintering. A couple of images attached.
10-12 this morning with High Peak RSPB group. Highlights:
Male Hen Harrier, 4 Ruff, Knot, 1000's of Golden Plover and Lapwing flushed by Peregrine Falcon, Merlin, 4 Great White Egret, 100's of Pink Footed Geese, many Teal, Wigeon, Shoveler and Pintail, 5 Skylark, 12 Linnet, Sparrowhawk, 2 Kestrel, 2 Little Grebe, 10 Black Tailed Godwit.
Sun 4th Aug A quick visit to Marshside whilst having a day in Southport with the family.
- 1 Spoonbill Target bird as a Lifer for Lucas, albeit asleep in front of Sandgrounders, but he was made up with it. - 3 Black-tailed Godwits at junction screen - 1 Curlew Sandpiper flew low over us near Sandgrounders, circled round and flew back onto the reserve, smart bird - Black-headed Gull 2E54 outside Silcocks Funland arcade on Marine Drive
Info from Steve Christmas - it was ringed in that area 09.01.22 and has been seen there since on 17.12.23
Marshside from 1:30pm Saturday 22 .06.24 Sandgrounders hide. Lots of Avocet and Lapwing plus - Shelduck, Oystercatcher, Cormorant,Tufted Duck, Teal, Mallard together with a Grt. Black back gull constantly mobbed. Aslo Common Sandpiper - 2. Spoonbill - 1.
Junction pool. Black swan -2.
Nells hide. Lots of Greylag goose , Lapwing,Starling, several Mute Swan. Also Cattle Egret, Little Egret and Several Black-tailed Godwit.
Ps. I've not been to Southport for a couple of years and found the small car park is now pay and display but your RSPB card gives you free entry.
2 little gulls, junction pool but a little distant & not very active whilst I was watching them. 1 spotted flycatcher was a nice surprise at junction pool along the fence line. 1 spoonbill, didn't see this until I was leaving late on, it flew past me heading towards nells hide, looked like it landed so i walked back. As I got back to Nells hide it took flight, circled several times & was trying to land again but didn't & flew off. 4 garganey, a pair from nells hide & 2 males on pollys pool. 14 Mediterranean gulls Loads of Avocets, several with chicks. 9 dunlin 4 ruff 4 ringed plovers Black-tailed godwits Redshanks Lapwings Oystercatchers A pair of black swans Lots of shelducks Shovelers Gadwalls Tufted ducks Few Pintails Wigeons Teal Lots of little egrets Several buzzards 1 sparrowhawk Lots of swifts whizzing around Swallows House martins Sand Martins Meadow pipits & skylarks mostly along the marsh on my way & Crossens outer marsh. Cettis warblers heard Plenty of sedge warblers Whitethroats 1 blackcap Plus usual other stuff around.
1000,s of Dunlin, Oystercatcher, Knot at high tide today from path by car park...Redshank Road. Also many Grey Plover, Black Tailed Godwit and a few Turnstone. 1000's of Pink Footed Geese. 3 Common Snipe flushed.
3 Marsh Harrier and a single Hen Harrier also seen. 100's of Skylark and Meadow Pipit. A Kingfisher was on the stream. Peregrine Falcon hunting and a Raven.
A Water Pipit showed well by the wildfowlers pull in on Crossens Inner Marsh.
Just up the road at Banks Marsh were 3 Great White Egret, Red Breasted Merganser, 2 Marsh Harrier, Goosander, 6 Whooper Swan and 1000's of Pink Footed Geese.
Fri 2nd Dec Working the Ormskirk and Southport route.
- Male Hen Harrier from sand plant, great to watch - Merlin on post from sand plant - Marsh Harrier also from sand plant - Small group of Twite flying round near Sailing Club - few 100 Black-tailed Godwits from Hesketh Rd - 2 Raven over the salt marsh - shed loads of Pink-footed Geese and usual Wildfowl, Tufted Duck, Teal, Wigeon, Pintail, Shoveler
Late post, two free days and two trips. Each with an early start!
24th October, trip 1 of 2
Influenced by the reports of a Lesser Yellowlegs in the area, I made my way here with 54 species seen.
Started of heading straight for the sewage works, only to be told it was last seen 15 mins at first light before I arrived. I eventually settled in one spot to scan the area more carefully, and after half an hour past, I began to debate whether to move on and see if it had moved in a different location. Next thing, a wader landed close to the path next to the fence and bingo! Lesser Yellowlegs popped right in as if to say "don't panic, here I am." Beautiful views and a lifer for me!!!
Other Highlights include: Grey wagtail showed well Curlew briefly very close (Greater) Scaup, young drake. Golden plover in large flocks. Kestrel Skylark Ruff Merlin x2 distant Stonechat x2 And a handful of Twite with Linnet out on the marsh.
Early afternoon visit primarily to see the Lesser Yellowlegs.
Arrived at the visitor centre to be greeted with wind & rain for an hour where besides the usual cast of ducks, geese, Godwits etc
there was 2 Scaup spotted & at least 50 Snipe.
Finally made my way round to the grassed embankment near the sewage works joining a few other birders for excellent & very close views of the Lesser Yellowlegs (a Lifer for me) which seems to favour an area of mud in front of the new perimeter fence no more than 10 yards away.
Also a Hen Harrier was briefly spotted dropping down into Crossen's Outer Marsh with a single Little Egret nearby.
Quick stop at Hesketh Rd and surrounds whilst working in the area.
- Pink-footed Geese in big numbers now - 1 Marsh Harrier hunting near the pier, chasing Shelduck - 1 distant Spoonbill near Suttons Marsh - 1 Cettis Warbler from Hesketh Rd platform - and a smallish wader from Hesketh Rd that flew in, I watched it for a minute or so before it was flushed, I put it down to an odd looking Ruff.
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Saturday 8th of October 2022 09:11:32 PM
Needed a day out, and this seemed to be the best option at the moment due to various issues.
The prolonged hot dry weather we've had this year is certainly taking its toll on water levels,. The best section was in front of the Sandgrousers hide and the central pool on the inner marsh is very shallow that even the Black tailed Godwits could walk across it with ease. The rest has been totally dried out, even those pools that usually escape total evaporation!
Anyway, still managed 51 species, highlights include:
Cattle egret x1 landed briefly Buzzard caught some vole and ate it. Cuckoo juvenile was a fantastic pleasure to see close in flight. Marsh harrier Sparrowhawk Wheatear x1 juvenile Common sandpiper x3 Little ringed plover x1 juv briefly Great black backed gull Snipe x3+ Curlew Ruff x4+
One Pink footed goose had gotten left behind this summer, due to a crippled wing. Looks in good health with the Canada geese.
-- Edited by Richard Thew on Wednesday 17th of August 2022 10:58:25 PM
Which bird is ideal for keeping cakes in? I asked. The answer: a Bun-tin.
1 Lesser Scaup - male - lifer 2 Curlew Sandpiper - 1 in near full summer plumage 6 Little Egret Numerous Avocet including a few chicks Other waders included a few Dunlin, Redshank, Black-tailed Godwit, Lapwing and Ringed Plover. 1 Sedge Warbler singing and showing well Great Black-backed Gull eating a Moorhen chick
17 th May,wheatear, wren ,greenfinch, linnet, starling, swallow, swift,whitethroat , peregrine , spotted flycatcher ,whinchat on south side of sand plant, dunlin ,ringed plover,oystercatcher on the puddles on seaward side of sand plant little egret on redshank rd, from sandgrounders hide avocet, redshank, black tailed godwit, lapwing, pied wagtail,,little grebe,tufted duck, coot,moorhen, buzzard over,little grebe,pinkfooted goose,canada goose, greylag goose,shoveller,shelduck, mallard,more little egrets,mute swan ,dunlin,skylark and meadow pipit, black headed gull, cormorant, ruff ,gadwall, woodpigeon, jackdaw, carrion crow, goldfinch, wigeon, good show all round today
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Wednesday 18th of May 2022 07:21:15 AM
With a Black winged Stilt having turned up at RSPB Marshside, Southport, two weeks previously, we thought that it would be a good place to start from. A full team met in Castleton on a nice dry morning and we set off for Southport. News that the bird had been seen first thing hastened us along. Upon reaching the coastal carpark a line of birders could be seen, is it going to be so easy we thought? Upon approaching the birders it became apparent that the Stilt was not being looked at. After a good look around this large area, still holding lots of geese and ducks that are likely to be heading north to their breeding grounds, a Tundra Bean Goose was found and enjoyed by us all. Then, a message came through that the bird was being watched from Nell`s Hide. We thought that that was strange as we were only 150 yards away from there and the hide looked deserted? After a few minutes of pondering, a new message came through to tell us that the bird was on a small pool on Crossens inner marsh. We all headed off at Twitch Speed in pursuit of this Mediterranean beauty and were soon admiring the bird at a distance of 80 yards, or so. Lots of pictures were taken of it and also around 10 Ruff, which included 5 males in their finest breeding plumage. With Redshank, Little Ringed Plover, Curlew all in all a good assortment of waders.
The Black-winged Stilt was sighted again but went missing from around 8.30am, and despite checking a few locations and looking back over the main areas from a few different angles, it remained a no show for me. Just as I was leaving, I bumped into Steve Burke, then a report came in that it had been refound at Crossens Inner Marsh, where Id not long since left. Typical!
Crossens Inner Marsh (opposite Wildfowlers lay-by). I was the only person here so it was a case of - get scanning and concentrate! - All the Pink-footed Geese were here so I started scanning and picked out a Russian White-fronted Goose with possibly 2 more but I lost them. - Tundra Bean Goose suddenly came into view, a big beast of a bird! - also I noticed a couple of the Pink-footed Geese had orange legs, this doesnt help matters when you are scanning for geese with orange legs in the first place.
Also of note - few Raven overhead at Marshside Rd - Cettis Warbler from Hesketh Rd platform - 1 Red-legged Partridge also from Hesketh Rd - Ruff in stunning plumage dotted about - Avocet numbers building up now - usual Wildfowl & Waders
-- Edited by Rob Creek on Tuesday 26th of April 2022 12:47:12 AM
Decided to have a visit for the black winged stilt and struck lucky. 1 Black winged stilt showed well at Inner Crossens Marsh. 25+ Ruff. 1 Barnacle Goose amongst the 1000+ Pink footed Geese. . 16+ Avocet. Cheers Steven.
Couldn't resist another visit, but this time, for just the afternoon.
Seen 40 species this time, concentrating mostly on the geese.
Highlights include:
Black winged stilt, but much further away. Birdguides said "opposite Nel's hide", but it had since moved between the Hesketh platform and Nel's hide. I sent a correction, but I think the app had glitched and didn't update the information (just so your aware).
White fronted geese showed well but distant. Unfortunately, the Bean goose was last seen in a dip, (popping up occasionally). So I ended up missing out on that.
Pink footed geese x1000s still present. My best surprise was a Whimbrel flew over the marsh calling. Knot Dunlin Avocet x8 entertained by having a dispute over a tiny island. Wigeon Pintail Ruff House martin
-- Edited by Richard Thew on Saturday 23rd of April 2022 10:04:36 PM
Which bird is ideal for keeping cakes in? I asked. The answer: a Bun-tin.
A great day at Marshside today. As Michael said the Black-winged stilt was showing well from Nells hide. A first UK tick for me.
Unfortunately I didnt find the Bean goose or White-fronted geese despite searching!
In addition:
Nells hide:
1 male Wheatear
Wood sandpiper showing well
A scope from the car park produced:
1 Whinchat
2+ Great white egret
Hi Richard, last night when one of the reports came through as the Black-winged Stilt still present, it also said Wood Sandpiper present. Then this morning a report said Wood Warbler showing well in ditch on Hesketh Golf Club. Both birds could be there and I know the Wood Warbler was observed singing this morning, but theres been no mention of the Sandpiper today that Ive seen.
-- Edited by Rob Creek on Tuesday 19th of April 2022 05:57:06 PM
Thanks Rob, much appreciated.
Apparently, both bird were there this morning. But at the time of my breif visit, the wood sandpiper wasn't viewable. This may have possibly been mostly down to the fact the fact that there was an awful lot of haze from when the sun came out over the marsh. Nobody in the hide knew whether it was still about and nobody had seen it up till around 10:30am- ish at least. I received a report this evening from birdguide that it was spotted again. I unfortunately didn't have time to pursue it as I had to get back for work later, my priority was the Stilt.
Which bird is ideal for keeping cakes in? I asked. The answer: a Bun-tin.
Hi Richard, last night when one of the reports came through as the Black-winged Stilt still present, it also said Wood Sandpiper present. Then this morning a report said Wood Warbler showing well in ditch on Hesketh Golf Club. Both birds could be there and I know the Wood Warbler was observed singing this morning, but theres been no mention of the Sandpiper today that Ive seen.
-- Edited by Rob Creek on Tuesday 19th of April 2022 05:57:06 PM
I missed out yesterday on the Black winged stilt, but I thought I'd free up my morning and have at least a few hours.
I didn't have time to see everything, but I managed 47 species with several others heard.
Those seen include:
Black winged stilt (thankfully still present from Nel's hide) lifer! Cettis warbler Sedge warbler Wheatear Garganey (distant from Hesketh platform) Ruff Marsh harrier Sparrowhawk (m) Common gull x2 A likely Great white egret flew along the back, but it was into the sun.
There was a report of a wood warbler nearby, I first went to the wrong spot due to misleading information from birdguides map. Apparently, I would have missed it any case, as it wasn't seen for some time.
Amongst a few hundred Pink-footed Geese on Crossens Outer Marsh were: 1 Snow Goose 1 Tundra Bean Goose 2 Russian White-fronted Geese
5 Wheatear - at Wheatear point! 2 Sedge Warbler singing from dense scrub- neither seen! 2 Cettis Warbler singing - quick glimpse of one A few Avocets Good numbers of Ruff and Black-tailed Godwit 5 Little Egret 1 Great White Egret - very distant 2 Buzzard The usual ducks in good numbers - Pintail, Teal, Wigeon, Shoveler, Tufted Duck
Doing the Southport run so called in at Hesketh Rd screen for a quick look. Nice to chat to a few local birders who were saying theyd not had an Osprey yet, but had a Hooded Crow over just before I got there.
- 1 Cettis Warbler singing, showed briefly - 2 Reed Warbler singing, showed briefly - 1 Raven flying around with something in its mouth
Was up early hours picking up family members from the airport, I was bored so scooted over to Marshside for a couple of hours. Nothing unusual, just the usual suspects around.
- No sign of the Ring Ouzel on Hesketh Golf Club that was found by Stuart Darbyshire. I gave it half hour on there but an increasing number of golfers put paid to my search. Lots of Blackbird around just to get you twitching and keep going for your bins.
- Cettis Warbler (min 4) 1 seen at Hesketh Rd screen, another singing yards away from that one, 1 singing well onto the golf club, another near Marine Drive. - c15 Black-tailed Godwits - 2 Ruff from Hesketh Rd - Avocets - still Pink-footed Geese on salt marsh - Blackcap & Chiffchaff singing in abundance
After the Westhoughton trip yesterday I headed to Marshside as I was halfway there from home so it made sense!
My main target was of course the wee Canada Goose but plenty of other bits n bobs too. I statred at the visitor centre where there were lots of birds out on the inner marshes including distant Golden Plovers amongst the Lapwings, the goldies being a yeartick for me. Also out there as I scoped were Pink-footed Geese, Wigeon, Little Egrets, Black-tailed Godwits and Teal. I walked the road to check the numerous flocks of Pink-footed Geese but no small Canada in with them. with no luck I returned to the car and headed up Marine Drive to park at the limited pull in for Crossen's Outer Marsh. This is a favoured area for the goose so I had hope! On scanning the marsh all the geese were miles out, not great. I picked up 2 Great White Egrets and a lovely Peregrine whilst scanning. There were many more Canada Geese out on Crossen's Outer than elsewhere but still big numbers of Pink-footed Geese too. The bad thing was a few photographers way out on the marshes despite notices saying that this was a conservation area with no access. Eventually though I picked up a group of PfGeese with a lone small Canada Goose in with them, the Richardson's Cackling Goose at last. The birds were low in a dip feeding and the views were of it bobbing up into view and then going missing for long periods but better than nothing!
-- Edited by Doc Brewster on Monday 24th of January 2022 05:44:40 PM
Spent nearly 4 hours searching for the Richardsons Cackling Goose on the outer marsh, without luck, from 10.15 today in sunny and cold weather. Started off from the car park before walking for about one mile to the south and back. Also had 20 mins or so in the hide at the reserve centre. The Goose would appear to have been in the general area since 9th December, Banks/Crossens/Hesketh Out Marsh but also has the tendency to go missing/elsewhere for periods. Still, plenty of decent birds about and just about managed to connect with the Snow Bunting that have also been north of the pier for a while. Views were distant and brief as the birds were flushed by dog walkers and I was unable to relocate them. Amongst others :-
Just seen 4 snow buntings extremely close opposite kfc and the marine lake. 2 very white ones. Also, about 50 Twite flying around there and over to the lake. Amazing. Didn't bring the camera. Ah.
Wow! What a spectacular trip!!!! Giving a much needed break too!!!!!
61 species were seen, and highlights include:
Around Southport pier:
I was sat watching the waders close to high tide, when a fluke flock of Twite landed fairly close to me. Managed a few pictures, but they soon got disturbed by a Cyclist, as it was close to a path. Adding to this, when I was leaving, I was stunned to stumble across 3 Snow buntings, so I enjoyed these for a good half hour.
On the main reserve, I found the Glossy ibis from the Nels hide when a Peregrine came and gave a spectacular show and came fairly near to the hide too. I spotted a Merlin in the distance sat on a fence post when a Marsh harrier made an appearance.
Other Highlights included:
Ruff Snipe Black tailed godwit Curlew Scaup x2 Pintail Shoveler Wigeon (most abundant bird on reserve) Little grebe Sparrowhawk Buzzard Skylark Linnet Meadow pipit
Ps. From Bolton Station, a Tawny owl flew past in front of my bike lights.
Glossy ibis showed well viewed from faircloughs viewpoint on Hesketh Road. Scaup at junction pool. On Crossens outer marsh... Ringtail hen harrier Short eared owl 2 Merlin Peregrine falcon Barn owl Sparrowhawk Kestrel Buzzard 3 stonechat Lots of pink footed geese, skylarks & meadow pipits. Good variety of birds a around included... Little egrets Shelducks Gadwall Tufted ducks Shoveler Teal Mallards Pintail Wigeon Greylag geese Canada geese Lapwings Black tailed godwits Redshank Ruff Snipe 5 red legged partridge.
-- Edited by steven burke on Sunday 14th of November 2021 11:55:17 PM
Got into Southport around 12.30 and had a few drops around the area and was done for around 1.30pm.
Totally missed the Ringtail Hen Harrier that was seen flying N up the coast road around that time. Damn! No Harriers, no Spoonbills, no Cattle Egrets after checking 4 different groups of Cattle.
Just the usuals. - Pink-footed Geese - Little Egrets - Black-tailed Godwits - Wigeon / Teal / Shoveler - 5 Kestrel
Nice to chat briefly with a lady who works with a Hen Harrier project in Bowland.
A few hours today here,gave golden plover, grey plover, dunlin,oystercatcher, common sandpiper, curlew,little egret from the end of the path from the car park seaward,sandgrounders hide black tailed godwit, grey wagtail ,teal, merlin,little grebe,little egret, wigeon,and thousands and thousands of geese ,greylag, Canada, pinkfooted
-- Edited by David Hughes on Saturday 25th of September 2021 05:19:58 PM
Doing the Southport route yesterday, so stopped off for a break around Marshside.
- No sign of the Glossy Ibis for me, checked Rimmers from Marshside Rd up to the Golf Cl but to no avail. - 1 Wood Sandpiper was a nice surprise - Black-tailed Godwits - 2 Ruff - few Avocets - Whitethroat - Chiffchaff - 1 Cettis Warbler singing from near the halfway screen between Nels and Junction Pool. I heard it whilst I was driving passed on initially then could still hear it whilst stood checking Rimmers Marsh.
Booked the day off for a specific trip, but, as migration in some areas has been notably slow due to the cold, I had a change of plans I'm so glad I did......
A duel trip. 7:30-12pm at Marshside, and the rest I went to Martin mere.
Species at Marshside = 61, and combined with Martin mere = 76 seen and 2 others heard only.
Highlights include:
No.1 Wood sandpiper: x4 showed really well near the golf course. No.2 Ruff: several also showing well, and in summer type plumage. No.3 Great white egret: at last, first seen for a few years with good views.
Common sandpiper x4+ Dunlin Avocet (didn't see last year due to covid) White wagtail (with a super example of a female) Yellow wagtail flew over Peregrine flew over my head Buzzard I spotted a Tundra Bean goose in the distant with pink footed geese. I was fortunate that the sun dipped behind the clouds at that moment otherwise there would be too much haze to identify. Whitethroat Sedge warbler Willow warbler House martin Siskin flock over Linnet Great black backed gull
....... continued in Martin mere.
You'll have to wait a couple of hours for any pictures on my Flickr page.
Which bird is ideal for keeping cakes in? I asked. The answer: a Bun-tin.
Dropped Lucas at nursery, Michelle was going shopping with her sister, so I seized the opportunity to do a bit of birding outside of GM for the first time since New Years Eve when I was last here whilst delivering round the corner.
Of note... - c30+ White Wagtails (Crossens Inner Marsh) They were all over the drying up marsh. Not straightforward birds to ID, pale Pieds can make it tricky but these looked ok though - 1 Hobby (CIM) Thought it was a Peregrine at first, as it got closer I realised it was tailing a Meadow Pipit and I could see some red around the legs, it fooled me for a minute though. It flew over the coast road at speed and off over the Outer Marsh. - 2 Little Ringed Plover (CIM) - 1 Marsh Harrier (Crossens Outer Marsh) - 1 Cettis Warbler (near Hesketh Rd platform) - 2 Willow Warblers (1 at Junction Screen, 1 opposite) - 1 Common Whitethroat (opposite Junction Screen) - 1 Sedge Warbler same location - 1 Chiffchaff and 1 Blackcap there too - 3 Ruff (smart transitional male on Rimmers) - Avocets knocking about - Black-tailed Godwits in usual numbers
Wildfowl. - No sign of drake Garganey for me - 1 drake Pintail (Rimmers) - Pink-footed Geese in abundance - Wigeon, Teal, Shoveler, Gadwall, Tufted Duck.
-- Edited by Rob Creek on Wednesday 21st of April 2021 02:16:21 AM
- No sign of any Twite at Yacht club or salt marsh. - No sign of any Scaup on a frozen Rimmers Marsh / Hesketh Rd - No sign of any Raptors on any of the Crossens Marshes. Could the day get any worse?
On way home I drove passed Daisy Way / Moss Lane. - No sign of any Cattle Egrets. Theyve been here in recent days and Ive had them here before too.
A bonus bird was a Little Owl on some machinery in one of the Paddocks.
Then further down the road on Birkdale Cop / Jacksmere Lane I stopped to scan around 5-600 Pink-footed Geese and this time managed to get onto a single Tundra Bean Goose. I tried to get a photo but it was diminishing light and slight mist. I thought it may have been one of the 2 in the flock seen the day before but they were reported as being at Windmill Farm near Martin Mere later in the day so this may be another one.
-- Edited by Rob Creek on Friday 1st of January 2021 02:50:52 PM
Mid afternoon visit whilst working all over the immediate area.
Bit of a come down as I saw absolutely nothing that I was expecting to. No sign of any Twite, Scaup, scarce Egrets, Hen Harriers, or any Raptors of any kind for me, although some of the aforementioned had been seen during the day
Lots of usual Wildfowl... - Pintail - Shoveler - Wigeon - Teal - Gadwall - Tufted Duck - Pink-footed Geese overhead, hardly any on the marshes - Black-tailed Godwits in huge numbers
But one point I must raise is the walkers and dog walkers that were seen in areas I thought were out of bounds shall we say. They didnt look like RSPB, they normally have their gear on and the vans are nearby, like they were last week putting new signs up around the reserve. 2 people walking out onto Suttons Marsh from Marshside Road (they certainly didnt look like RSPB), a dog walker out on Crossens Inner Marsh towards some of the resting Wildfowl, and then unbelievably another dog walker who looked to be carrying gear on his shoulder, well out on Crossens Outer Marsh where I normally see a few Raptors and tonnes of Geese. Got photos but probably not worth posting.
-- Edited by Rob Creek on Sunday 20th of December 2020 08:40:17 AM
Fri 11th Dec Afternoon visit whilst working in the area.
- 74 Twite (2 groups - 55 + 19) Mobile between West Lancs Yacht Club car park to drink and bathe in the puddles, the small trees near KFC on the Ocean Plaza Rtl Pk and then onto the salt marsh just N of pier. - 2 Meadow Pipit and a Skylark over - 1 male Hen Harrier distantly sat up on a tuft out Crossens Outer Marsh. Thanks to the 2 birders who alerted me to its presence in that immediate area, theyd just had it sat on a dead tree / log. - 1 Peregrine distantly in same area - 1 Marsh Harrier distantly towards Banks - 4 Ruff from Marshside Rd / Suttons Marsh - 1 female Scaup just beyond junction pool obscured in the vegetation
Also a birder at Hesketh Rd platform said someone reported to him that a Grey Phalarope had been seen again, this time from the small pools at the eastern edge of Suttons Marsh.
- 1 female Scaup still at Hesketh Rd pool - 1 Great Egret on Crossens Outer Marsh - no sign of the Twite today
Crossens was a bit thin on the ground for Pink-footed Geese with hardly any, I saw plenty elsewhere though today, suddenly a single Goose came flying low / calling over the Wildfowlers pull-in. A lone White- fronted Goose, but it didnt drop in and kept flying towards Banks Marsh.