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RE: Bird Food

Thanks,the phone number you quote is the one I've been trying without success.
We have been buying off them regularly up to earlier this year. Presume they must have shut down since then. I'll get them on line,probably won't be much more expensive.


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You asked about Bryn Corn Supplies

They seem to have stopped trading in 2012 !!


Their phone numbers are/were 01942 270934 and 01942 724936 - if they ring, someone's paying for the line

But the building doesn't look good if you look at Google Maps - 277 Bryn Road,WN4 8BS


However, APH Pet Foods is active & at the same address - 01942 724936


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Does anyone know if Bryn Corn Supplies are still open,not been answering phone for last few days,alternatively where is best place(cheapest) to buy sunflower seeds (not hearts) from.


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B&M this morning at Westhoughton:

12.55Kg. Wild Bird seed for £3.99




Rumworth List 2019, species to date: 63 Latest: Sand Martin, Reed Bunting, Redshank, Pink-footed Goose, Curlew.



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Thanks Ivan,they've also got the yellow millet which is good news for whats left of the majority of the counties Tree Sparrows populationsmile


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Croston corn mill have a millet seed mix 20kg for £25.45. Free delivery. Also £21.95 for 20kg of sunflower hearts.


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Just wondering if anyone can help.my friend who has large numbers of Tree Sparrows on her feeders is struggling to source any Yellow Millet which they love.Bryn Corn Supplies has been getting them for her but cannot source anymore this winter.She was originally getting it from Haiths but at double the price Bryn were charging so if anyone knows a stockist in the area I would be grateful.
Cheers Pete


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Roger Baker 3 wrote:

David Walsh wrote:

7.5p is the cheapest I've seen them ...............................................................................................................................................

And I'd have a good bet you don't part look hard !!!!! biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

-- Edited by Roger Baker 3 on Thursday 1st of December 2016 02:33:03 PM

I need to, with the burgeoning House Sparrow colony on Huddersfield Road!! Plus I have to keep the Walkerwood squirrels supplied with sunflower seeds.

Many a mickle maks a muckle, as we say up north wink


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David Walsh wrote:

7.5p is the cheapest I've seen them ...............................................................................................................................................

And I'd have a good bet you don't part look hard !!!!! biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

-- Edited by Roger Baker 3 on Thursday 1st of December 2016 02:33:03 PM

Blessed is the man who expecteth little reward ..... for he shall seldom be disappointed.

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Pets at Home on the Snipe Retail Park, Ashton-under-Lyne, currently have fat balls at £7.50 for 2 x 50 tubs. 7.5p per ball is the cheapest have seen locally for a while. Presumably the same offer applies at all their stores.


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12 kg sunflower hearts at Costco for £11.49 at the moment.

Also have the 'feeder supreme' general mix 12.75 kg for £6.75.

No vat on either.

Some pictures on here

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I call at Croston Corn Mill, prices cheaper than delivered. Then to Banks Car Boot then Marshside and then Meresands. Jobs a winner.


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Aldi in Tydesley are selling big bags of wild bird seed for £1.99(normal price £7.99) with sell by date 2017smile


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Tony Darby wrote:

Sunflower hearts at £26.50 for 20kg (actually 22.68kg) from T.W.Bowler, Shady Oak Farm, Offerton, Stockport, SK2 5HE.
For anyone in the southern areas of GM it's well worth a visit.

Croston Mill do 20kg at £21.50 with free delivery.

Alternatively, you could call in on the way to Martin Mere, as I tend to do. Bear in mind that their 'shop' prices tend to be higher than the online prices, so make sure you tell them you want the online price which they have always honored for me.

Some pictures on here

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Try GJW Titmuss online for bird food. Huge selection and delivered to your door.
I recently bough 30kg of sunflower hearts for £28.50 but this was a special offer.


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Sunflower hearts at £26.50 for 20kg (actually 22.68kg) from T.W.Bowler, Shady Oak Farm, Offerton, Stockport, SK2 5HE.
For anyone in the southern areas of GM it's well worth a visit.


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Neil Ferguson wrote:

Can I recommend Bill Oddie's Mealworm Fruit Muesli.It's the first packet mix that goes on my bird table. The Sunflower hearts,Niger Seed and black Sunflower seeds always go and are very popular with the Finches Tits and Nuthatch but I've tried loads of other packet mixes and it never gets eaten.

This mix is really popular and I get Robins,Blackbirds,Dunnocks,Collard Doves,Wood Pigeon and this morning a Magpie all tucking in. Popular birds I know but all are welcome.

I think I now know where all the food goes.

Sunday morning my 17 year old came into the living room to tell me there was a mouse on the bird table.

I went to investigate and had a Basil Fawlty moment.

"It's a rat!!! Don't they teach you anything in school"?

"But it's cute" was the reply !!!

As it didn't look like a Disney Rattigan she was convinced it was a mouse???

It's now been christened Gertrude by the kids.

The Mrs wasn't impressed as you can imagine and none of Bill's food had gone out there since !!!!

-- Edited by Neil Ferguson on Tuesday 25th of March 2014 06:02:22 PM


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Can I recommend Bill Oddie's Mealworm Fruit Muesli.It's the first packet mix that goes on my bird table. The Sunflower hearts,Niger Seed and black Sunflower seeds always go and are very popular with the Finches Tits and Nuthatch but I've tried loads of other packet mixes and it never gets eaten.

This mix is really popular and I get Robins,Blackbirds,Dunnocks,Collard Doves,Wood Pigeon and this morning a Magpie all tucking in. Popular birds I know but all are welcome.


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Been mentioned on here before but croston mill corn supplies now selling 20 kg sack of premium bird seed for 11.99.


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Bryn Corn supplies have moved to the nearby industrial estate, they put the directions up on the gates of the old unit. Their phone number stays the same so if you want directions ring 01942270934. I visited the new unit only three weeks ago to stock up for winter.

Dave Thacker

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Baxter Landscapes 673 Chorley rd BL5 3ND does a 20kg bag for £12.75 birds seem to live it


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Martyn Jones wrote:

Leigh's Animal Feed Store on Hollins Lane in Winwick is pretty good for bulk bird food. They have a Facebook page with a map if you need it:


Pretty near you Nick.

Cheers Martyn. I drive past there all the time. I'll check it out next week.

Some of my photos. www.flickr.com/photos/nickish77

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Leigh's Animal Feed Store on Hollins Lane in Winwick is pretty good for bulk bird food. They have a Facebook page with a map if you need it:


Pretty near you Nick.


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I went 2 weeks ago. They had moved to the industrial estate which is a bit further west, on the right, just past the speed camera. I am assuming that they are still there.


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pete berry wrote:

Bryn Corn Supplies have shut down,in case anyone is planning on going there to stock up for the wintercry

Sorry to hear this. It'd be good if any alternative bird seed outlets could be posted on here.

Some of my photos. www.flickr.com/photos/nickish77

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Bryn Corn Supplies have shut down,in case anyone is planning on going there to stock up for the wintercry


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Charles Coutts wrote:

Dont buy any fatballs from Wilkinsons,for some reason the birds wont touch them

The Long Tailed Tits in Wigan like them very much


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Unfortunately yes, membership fee still applies. But for me it's a steal as my parents go regularly. However I did notice in B&M that same volume is £4.99 but not sure on the quality.

JasonAtkinson wrote:

Collette Collier wrote:

12.75 kilo from Cosco at the moment offer is £4.07 mixed seed

Do you still need to purchase a membership for Costco? If so, not such a bargain!


CC http://www.flickr.com/photos/34864262@N05/

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Collette Collier wrote:

12.75 kilo from Cosco at the moment offer is £4.07 mixed seed

Do you still need to purchase a membership for Costco? If so, not such a bargain!


A Tale of 2 Halves

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12.75 kilo from Cosco at the moment offer is £4.07 mixed seed

CC http://www.flickr.com/photos/34864262@N05/

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ref Wilkinsons fat balls - every one I have bought has been devoured by my garden birds.


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Defo bargain of the month at Costco. £4.07 usually £6 something for a sack not sure how many kilo's will have to check its in my shed. Eve at £6 something's is still cheap but £4.07 is a steal. Sending my parents back for another sack..!!!

CC http://www.flickr.com/photos/34864262@N05/

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Dont buy any fatballs from Wilkinsons,for some reason the birds wont touch them


Greetings from Brownley Green .

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Graham Smith wrote:

Shentons farm shop Handforth opposite the Bulls head sell 25kg Mixed seed £14.80
Fatballs are 49p for 6 at B & M.Pound saver 49p for 6 or wait for it 50 for £5.99

I too have found fat balls in packs of 6 at B&M Bargains, also at Quality Save stores & Poundstretcher (reduced from 99p at the mo!!). As Graham says if you buy in bulk (buckets of 50) it often costs more!!


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Nick / Martyn,

Thanks very much for the recommendations both sound good value and quality will head out that way to replenish stocks in tie for the Big Garden Birdwatch, might try the breakfast trick on the family.


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Leigh Ornithological Society buy their food here - Leigh's Animal Feed Store:

Lower Alder Root Farm
Hollins Lane

Only £10.45 for a 20kg bag of premium bird mixture feed. Comes from Croston Corn Mills Ltd, near Preston.

Looks good enough to put milk on for breakfast!


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Jon Bowen wrote:

Can anyone recommend a good quality / value supplier in or around the horwich / Leigh area - mail order is proving unreliable and expensive. Thanks in advance for any suggestions

Bryn Corn Supplies near Ashton is good. Got 22kilos of sunflower hearts there recently for £29.

Some of my photos. www.flickr.com/photos/nickish77

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Can anyone recommend a good quality / value supplier in or around the horwich / Leigh area - mail order is proving unreliable and expensive. Thanks in advance for any suggestions


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Shentons farm shop Handforth opposite the Bulls head sell 25kg Mixed seed £14.80
Fatballs are 49p for 6 at B & M.Pound saver 49p for 6 or wait for it 50 for £5.99


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We've just bought some seed again from Bryn Corn Supplies,just over £24 for 20kg of good quality wild bird seed,and 15kg of black sunflowers seeds.They are now taking credit cards,and apparently will deliver,£5 if under £50,free if over £50.Excellent value

-- Edited by pete berry on Saturday 8th of December 2012 11:02:21 AM


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Just been in Tesco and they have a 13kg sack of premium bird seed,which looks a good mix for £9.95,it was on the end of the pet food isle in a stack at warrington Tesco,but they all use the same floor plan,so I guess it will be at em all.



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Nick Isherwood wrote:

Pete. I'm in the same position as you and looking for cheaper food.

I've just been told of a place near Bryn just outside Ashton in Makerfield. Its just past the entrance to Three Sisters on the right hand side I think and its a place that sells all ranges of bird food - unfortunately I can't remember its name. Someone on here will probably enlighten me anyway.

I'm going to check it out sometime soon.

Mike Barron told me about this place a few weeks ago:

Leighs Horse Feed & Feed Store
Lower Alder Root Farm
Hollins Lane, Winwick
Tel: 01925 244708

I nipped up today at dinner time, I'm feeding farmland birds so I'm using a combination of wild bird seed (£9.85 per 20kg) and mixed corn (£7.45 per 20kg). I know they sell sunflower seeds as some of the guys at Risley Moss have bought them, but I can't remember the price.


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-- Edited by mike haylett on Tuesday 4th of October 2011 01:56:23 PM


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Yeh,been today,its at 277 Bryn Road,Bryn.15kg of black sunflowers £13.50,no card transactions,only cash in case you intend going for birdfood.


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bryn corn supplies just google it for tel number but dont go off the map for directions I get 50lb bag of hearts 28£ go up bryn road heading towards bryn go past the double glazing conservetry place which is on the right hand side of the road ,on your right turn up the backs on right hand side next to ap plumbers look for long shed.


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I buy sunflower hearts from FRESHPAK at 74 Lostock Road, Davyhulme, M/c M41 0SZ. Tel. no. 0161 202 9555
They do deliver to Irlam but not to north M/c etc. so you need to check it out.

Typical prices. 20 kg. sunflower hearts £32.50, Black sunflower seed 20 kg. £20 .00 approx. (incl. delivery) (I havn't got an upto date price list)

They do smaller quantities - 10Kg or 2.5 Kg.

These are the best prices I know of in the area. If anyone finds better let us know




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Pete. I'm in the same position as you and looking for cheaper food.

I've just been told of a place near Bryn just outside Ashton in Makerfield. Its just past the entrance to Three Sisters on the right hand side I think and its a place that sells all ranges of bird food - unfortunately I can't remember its name. Someone on here will probably enlighten me anyway.

I'm going to check it out sometime soon.

Some of my photos. www.flickr.com/photos/nickish77

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Can anyone recommend anywhere to buy sunflower seeds at a reasonable price in the west of the county,I have been using the Farm Shop at Glazebrook,but when I called today,found they have shut down,disaster!!


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All that fuss about one little letter! ashamed.gif

Sorry guys - it's only a 100g but B&M is still 50p cheaper that Aldi and Wilkos which, if you buy 100kg will add up. biggrin.gif


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Mark Rigby wrote:

Nick Isherwood wrote:


Nick Isherwood wrote:

Martyn. A hundred kilo's? Is that right? Do you not mean 10 kilo's?

that will be 1 kg -ive seen em in theresmile.gif

I was gonna say!! It'd need a low loader to get them out of the shop!!

I think you all mean 100g. smile.gif 1 kg of meal-worms would need one hell of a tub shocked.gif and as for 100kg...........................................................disbelief.gif

Maybe its just 1 mealworm per customer,but buy one get one freesmile.gif



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