2 Red-breasted Mergansers (fems); Avocet, 3 Oystercatchers, 1 Redshank. Smew still there too. The mergansers could not be seen from c10:45 onwards and were presumed to have left.
Redhead Smew on no 3. Other birds included 20 Teal, 18 Shoveler, 8 Gadwall, 2 Wigeon, 5 Pochard, 2 Goldeneye. 1 Goosander and the regular adult Caspian Gull.
This afternoon, c60 Teal, 17 Shoveler, 1 Pintail, 31 Wigeon, 49 Gadwall, 4 Pochard, 7 Goldeneye, 20 Goosander, 1 Little Egret, 156 Lapwings, 1 adult Mediterranean Gull, 1 adult Caspian Gull and 1 adult Yellow-legged Gull (the Caspian and Yellow legged Gulls appeared to be the same as recent birds).
This afternoon, adult Caspian Gull again on the bank of no 3 (same as Sunday), 87 Teal, 18 Shoveler, 3 Pintail, 52 Gadwall, 72 Wigeon, 7 Pochard, 6 Goldeneye, 2 Goosander, 258 Lapwings, 3 Dunlins, and 2 Chiffchaffs.
10/11/24 from 7,15 this morning with another site regular 6 Whooper Swans, 2 adult, 4 juv. dropped in for an hour 46 Pink-footed Geese over east 1 Greylag Goose over east 2 Bar-tailed Godwit 1 Curlew flew through 1 Green Sandpiper 1 Grey Plover flew through north at about 9,30 2 Redshank 3 Dunlin C150 Lapwing 3 Pintail 4 Goldeneye Similar numbers to recent counts of Teal, Shoveler, Gadwall and Wigeon. 1 Caspian Gull, looked like the bird photographed at Redgate recently 2 Chiffchaff 6 Meadow Pipit Linnet and Redpoll heard.
With recent additions of Purple Sandpiper, Golden Plover and Bar-tailed Godwit an amazing 29 wader species have occurred here this year. Incredible for an inland urban/suburban area.
Purple Sandpiper was on number 3 reservoir near the main gates when I was there about 12:15. Great White Egret flew over number 2 at 12:45. Also a single Red Knot, 2 Pintail, Ring Necked Parakeet, 6 Lapwing, 4 Goosander ,uncounted Wigeon, Teal and Shoveler in an hour long visit.
-- Edited by Chris Harper on Tuesday 5th of November 2024 02:34:18 PM
This afternoon-the Slavonian Grebe remains on no 3. Other birds included 59 Teal, 84 Gadwall, 62 Shoveler, 3 Pintail, 87 Wigeon, 1 Goldeneye, 6 Goosander and 3 Lapwings.
Picked a bad day. No Little Egret and many of the Teal etc were hiding on the east side of the large island. Viewable from railway side of No1 at considerable distance in high wind at times so was almost impossible to check which ducks were present on the
island. As I was leaving a female/imm. Merlin flew past me, low along embankment of 1 then lost to view. 2 mins later it appeared low overhead then disappeared along railway towards Denton station. First Merlin I've seen for many years at Audenshaw Res.
Highlight this morning was a Short eared Owl, which flew in from the south, landed on the bank of no 1 before being chased off south again by corvids. Later a female/immature Merlin flew straight through west over no 1. Other birds included the Garganey, c40 Teal, 59 Gadwall, 1 Pintail, 52 Wigeon, 27 Shoveler, 15 Goosander, 1 Little Egret, 1 Lapwing, 7 Swallows and 2 House Martins.
This afternoon the Little Stint still present sticking to the small island south of long island on No. 1. Other birds included 2 Pintail, 1 Little Ringed Plover, 1 Greenshank, 1 Dunlin and 2 Stonechats.
This morning the Garganey still present, 2 Pintail, 38 Wigeon, 2 Goosander, c135 Pink-footed Geese SE, followed by c200 W, 1 Buzzard, 1 Little Grebe, 132 Lapwings, 2 Common Sandpipers, and c10 Ring-necked Parakeets
This morning- c70 Teal, 1 Garganey, 52 Gadwall, 23 Shoveler, 3 Pintail, 27 Wigeon, 1 Pochard, 4 Goosander. 29 Lapwings, 13 Ringed Plovers, 2 Dunlin, 3 Common Sandpipers, 5 Ring-necked Parakeets, 1 Skylark, several Meadow Pipits, 1 juvenile Yellow Wagtail, and 5+ Chiffchaffs. The Pintail are split with 2 birds on no 1 and a different bird which arrived with a small flock of 8 Wigeon on no 2.
3 Sanderling, 2 on number 2 and 1 on number 1. Dunlin, 3 Ringed Plover, Little Grebe, Grey Wagtail. Good numbers of Swallow, House Martin and a few Sand Martin.