I picked up the calls and wingbeats from a low flying flock of Common Scoter heading NE over Ashton last night at approximately 19:00. Impossible to guestimate numbers.
No one on their death bed ever said they wished they'd spent more time at work. http://bitsnbirds.blogspot.co.uk
A Merlin flew south over my garden at 12:29, being harassed by a Pied Wagtail.
Other things on the move - mainly south - over the garden earlier in the morning included: 24 Pink-footed Goose (east) 1 Jay 10 Skylark 419 Redwing 32 Fieldfare 1 Song Thrush 1 Grey Wagtail 10 Pied Wagtail 105 Meadow Pipit 19 Chaffinch 11 Linnet 1 Lesser Redpoll 13 Siskin 2 Yellowhammer 2 Reed Bunting
Other "recent" garden highlights include: 2 Crossbill south on 14 September 1 Spotted Flycatcher on 25 August 20 Black-tailed Godwit south-east on 22 August 1 Little Egret west on 12 June 1 Quail heard overhead at 23:47 on 11 June
A probable Red Kite flew south, pursued by a Lesser Black-backed Gull, just before 1pm. It was lost to view behind neighbour's house before I could get enough on it to confirm.
A Reed Warbler sang briefly at Old Cookson's Pig Farm, early afternoon. Also at least 26 House Martin were feeding over George's Pond, and a Kingfisher and 2 Grey Wagtail were along Millingford Brook.
Sunday 15 May 2022
A Yellow Wagtail flew over Jameson's Farm, late morning.
Wednesday 11 May 2022
A Whitethroat was singing alongside Princess Road, and a Kingfisher flew over Peter Street, carrying a fish.
Saturday 07 May 2022
A Whitethroat was singing in my garden briefly, before flying off over the neighbour's garden, and not seen or heard again. Also had my first garden Swifts of the year this day.
A female Goosander was on George's Pond, early afternoon, for it's second day.
A flock of 5 Goosander flew north-east over my garden at 16:35.
Yesterday, at dusk, 8 Pink-footed Goose flew south over my garden, and I could hear what sounded like quite a large skein a few minutes later, but didn't manage to see them.
A Little Egret flew east over my Garden at 16:22. Probably same bird as Wednesday. 69 Pink-footed Goose over my garden: 37 south-west at 11:14, 32 west at 16:45. 2 drake Goosander were on George's Pond with twenty-odd Canada Goose, early afternoon. 1 Redwing flew west.
All the full nightly counts are now on Trektellen.org (https://www.trektellen.org/count/view/3092), including links to sound recordings (xeno-canto) for most of the highlights mentioned above.
9 -12.30. Skitters Wood and accross motorway bridge to Horseshoe Wood and the Long Cover. Highlights were... 2 Nuthatch.. 1 Willow Tit.. 1 Oystercatcher over..Lots of Blackcap... Lots of Chiffchaff... But only a couple of Willow Warblers.
3 Tree Pipit between Jameson's Farm and the Harrow Pub just after midday today, including one bird quietly singing from the top of a tree (photo). A Whitethroat there also.
Late news:
A male Yellow Wagtail was in the sheep fields at Jameson's Farm last Saturday, 17 April.
A Bittern was recorded on my nocmig recorder at 5:39am on 10 April.
Managed to catch up on the nocmig just now, so i'll start off with that:
Nocmig recording stuff:
Tuesday night (23-24 Mar): 5 Wigeon events, totalling 36 calls. 1 Redshank. 22 Redwing. 1 Common Gull.
Wednesday night (24-25 Mar): 1 Pink-footed Goose skein, counted 35 calls, but no idea how many geese. 4 Redwing. 1 Water Rail. 1 Moorhen. 1 Common Gull.
Thursday night (25-26 Mar): 2 Curlew.
Daytime birding stuff:
Thursday 25 March 2021: from the garden, mainly before work: 5 Siskin north. 5 Meadow Pipit north. 3 alba wagtail north. 1 Linnet west. 1 Lapwing west. 1 Kestrel. 3 Cormorant. 1 Grey Heron.
presumably the same Blackcap was singing again, this time from along the footpath between Moxon Way and Ashton Town football ground, early afternoon.
Friday 26 March 2021: not much time spent watching today: 2 Goosander (pair) south. 2 Raven west. 2 Buzzard.
Wednesday 24 March 2021: Spent some time out in the garden before work this morning for the first time in ages, and it was a half decent morning, 35 species with some garden year-ticks, highlights: 3 Sand Martin north. 16 Fieldfare east. 42 Redwing east. 29 Meadow Pipit north. 1 Siskin north. 1 Linnet west. 4 Oystercatcher flying around. 2 Cormorant. 2 Grey Heron. Loads of Woodpigeon going in all directions.
Sunday 21 March 2021: What was presumably the same male Blackcap from last week was singing along the path between Cleveland Drive and Flemming Drive just after 6am. Late morning / early afternoon in the garden and a flyover Woodcock was a garden lifer for me. Plus: 30+ Meadow Pipit north. 1 Bullfinch. 7 Buzzard together. 4 Raven together.
The Coot seen on George's Pond last week don't appear to have hung-around.
Nocmig recording stuff: Since my last update, the highlights have been as follows: Friday night (19-20 Mar): 22 Redwing calls. 1 Curlew. 1 Moorhen.
Saturday night (20-21 Mar): 5 Redwing calls. 1 Moorhen.
Sunday night (21-22 Mar): 18 Redwing calls. 1 Song Thrush. 1 Wigeon. 1 Curlew.
Monday night (22-23 Mar): 10 Redwing calls. 1 Fieldfare. 1 Water Rail. 1 Shelduck. 1 Wigeon. 2 Curlew. 1 Moorhen.
I've ended up a day behind processing my nocmig recordings, so I'm yet to process Tuesday night. Excited to see if I managed to get any of Craig's Wigeons!
As per Craig's post, started doing some nocmig from the garden this week, and last night had some Common Scoter passage. I recorded 3 flocks; 22:26, 23:01 and 00:14. I've attached a sonogram of the 00:14 flock. 11 Redwing calls recorded, one group of 5 calls, the rest singles. 1 Curlew 1 Moorhen
On Wednesday night I had: 7 Redwing 1 Curlew 1 Moorhen 1 Coot
Tuesday night: 7 Redwing 1 Moorhen 1 Coot
Monday night: 20 Redwing 1 Snipe 1 Coot
Daytime stuff from this week included: 1 Blackcap singing near George's Pond on Tuesday (thought I'd heard one briefly on Monday nearby) A Coot on George's Pond was I think a site first for me, and had been joined by a second on Tuesday 35 Meadow Pipit and 3 alba wagtail flew north over the garden between 7 and 8am today (Friday) Also today, late morning, 5 Buzzard soaring around, briefly joined by a Sparrowhawk.
A pair of Grey Wagtail have been seen daily from the garden since around xmas time (one was feeding on the patio xmas morning) and recently heard singing nearby.
I was out and about before work this morning, so the only garden watching was stuff I noticed whilst not in meetings or on a coffee break, still: 1 Brambling heard twice as it flew overhead unseen. 4 Chaffinch north. 5 Redwing north-east. 3 Pied Wagtail south. 4 Skylark west. 2 Meadow Pipit, 1 south, 1 north. 79 Pink-footed Goose east (17 + 62).
After yesterday being a total washout, today could only be an improvement, and it turned out to be a pretty productive morning! Still can't believe it's actually October already! 1 Marsh Harrier east at 10:42. Looked like an immature - very dark! 1 Crossbill west at 10:55. 1 Chiffchaff hanging around neighbouring gardens and the green, and singing briefly. 201 Pink-footed Goose: 72 east at 07:36, 7 south at 08:09, 4 west at 08:27, 118 east at 08:28. 25 Meadow Pipit south. 12 Skylark south, including a flock of 7. 6 Swallow south together. 7 Pied Wagtail, 5 south, 2 hanging around. 1 Grey Wagtail south. 1 Reed Bunting south. 1 Dunnock south, flying high and calling continuously. 5 Mistle Thrush west. 1 Jay east.
A quiet morning in the garden, misty at times and not much on the move: c250 Pink-footed Goose east at 10:35. Another skein heard-only at 11:00. 9 Skylark south in one flock. 14 Meadow Pipit south. 2 Chaffinch south. 3 Linnet south. 1 Grey Wagtail west. 2 Pied Wagtail - 1 north, 1 east. 2 Goldcrest.