all above flushed by a Dog Walker who freely wandered this field whilst he was on his phone the whole time completely unaware/uncaring about the disturbance caused to these permission to roam this field by the say I despair would be an understatement....
20 Great Black-Backed Gull...resting before flying off North @ 1212
3 Herring Gull
11 Lesser Redpoll
3 Woodcock
2 Peregrine
12 Lapwing
...and the joyous sighting of yet more Dog walkers with multiple dogs moving even deeper in the very last refuges of our beleaguered birds on the moss....the end is nigh for our wildlife...ahh well...we could all sit at home watching Attenborough and the plenitudinous wildlife still remaining in the rest of the world...Oh wait a minute isn't
Yesterday: 1 Gadwall 20 Great Black-backed Gull, 3 Herring Gull and a large group of Black headed Gulls loafing and bathing in flooded pools. Plus 1 very brief sighting of a pale brownish gull overhead heading east with pale primaries that hinted of juv Iceland Gull but due to trees obscuring my view I couldnt get enough on it to be sure.
Today: 1 Black Grouse - male in flight 1 Merlin - male sat on fence post 1 Marsh Harrier - female 1 Sparrowhawk- female 3 Kestrel 1 Buzzard 1 Little Egret 3 Stonechat 3 Snipe - 2 flushed by Marsh Harrier 2 Grey Partridge 1 Greylag Goose c750 Pink-footed Geese. c700+ in f52 plus c50 overhead (c30 + 18 + 2) c40 Linnet 60+ Reed Bunting 5 Skylark 5 Bullfinch 2 Lapwing 4 Cormorant over
1 Black Grouse seen twice in flight - LWMNR c600+ Pink-footed Geese in f5 this morning then moved back to f52 this afternoon 2 Stonechat - pair 24 Grey Partridge - coveys of 11 + 13 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 Woodcock 1 Snipe 3 Great Black-backed Gull 1 Lesser Redpoll c130+ Fieldfare 6 Redwing 1 Greenfinch 2 Bullfinch 40+ Chaffinch 1 Buzzard 2 Kestrel
With Respect to Steve's Post...the Field belongs to Natural England as part of a proposed Nature reserve and as such the Metal Detector man had no right on this or any other of the Fields now owned by NE...
-- Edited by Dave Steel on Saturday 30th of December 2023 12:12:42 AM
-- Edited by Dave Steel on Saturday 30th of December 2023 03:46:18 PM
Pink-footed Geese: c600+ still in f52 plus a further 21 in f5 but these flew off west due to disturbance from a bloke with a metal detector in the field 1 Marsh Harrier - female 2 Bullfinch 2 Buzzard 35 Fieldfare 1 Snipe 300+ Starling 2 Yellowhammer
I too saw the Pink-footed geese just before 9:30 but they were all flying around somewhere over the east end of Twelve Yards Road probably somewhere around field 5 & Bartonmoss Farm - presumably they came back to field 52 later.
Also as I drove in there was a large flock of Fieldfare in field 2 - presumably those are the ones Dave saw on Irlam Moss
Quick visit to both the East and West ends of Little Woolden Moss NR - very, very quiet on the actual reserve, apart from a few crows and Wood Pigeons flying over, some Reed Bunting and 3 Meadow Pipits (presuming I ID'd them correctly against the light)
Everything else; Buzzard, Kestrel, Jay and other common birds (but not many) were outside the actual reserve.
A sizeable flock of Pink-footed Geese roosting on the pools on the bare peat of Croxden this evening. Too dark to see clearly to count but lots of frequent calling heard between the birds. Maybe grounded by the strong winds?
181223...noted during a Carbon Landscape Winter Bird Count...
Chat Moss
35 Yellowhammer
55 Reed Bunting
1 Kestrel
6 Skylark
Little Woolden Moss LWTNR
3 Lesser Redpoll
1 Black Grouse
2 Redwing
2 Marsh Harrier
9 Snipe
2 Herring Gull
1 Peregrine...Male
Little Woolden Moss
165 Skylark
20 Yellowhammer
100 Fieldfare
140 Starling
26 Linnet
1 Stonechat....sadly a lot of the ditches and their accompanying weedy edges have recently been cut hence a lot of habitat for such birds lost...this bird was on
ditches not tidied due to different ownership of the land i.e. not quite farmland usage (turf) the past my questioning wrt to this 'tidying' appears
to come from the way farmers receive their subsidies...basically I was led to believe that if the land is not 'tidy' the farmer loses his government grant...
don't quote me but I feel this is the case....the rules of the madhouse govern our farmland's wildlife's survival I would say...