The Shag was found by John Shaughnessy shortly after 14.00 (it hadn't been present earlier). Still remaining in situ on the pontoon, viewed from the boardwalk below the Boathouse Restaurant, at 16.40
3:30pm - 4:00pm, 12 gadwall, 2 teal, 4 shoveler, 1 juvenile dabchick, 8 coot, 2 moorhens. Four mallards flew in as I was leaving. All birds on the pool in front of the hide, the teal pool was deserted.
From 2 pm today 05.09.23 Visitor Centre feeders - Coal tit - 2 ( both constantly on and off the feeders, one looking tatty, possible a pair ). Nuthatch - 1. Also Blue and Great tits.
Main lake - Lots of people boating etc. Great crested grebe - 2. Cormorant - 4 on pylon.
Broad ees dole - Shoveler duck - 1. Little grebe - 1. Grey Heron - 4. Teal pool Water rail - 1. Kingfisher - 1 across.
Cetti's Warbler 1 possibly 2. One singing at the Teal Pool path 53.435633, -2.304545. Later one calling at the riverbank 53.432329, -2.295704 (706.66 metres apart) which flew across to the Chorlton Ees side giving views in Willow and Balsam, constantly calling.
Willow Tit heard at the inflow channel 53.430488, -2.294519
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Thanks Chris. I'm a bit reluctant to approach the land-owner, given that I've only seen mink there once. However, if it starts to happen more often, I might take you up on your offer.
I do not know the definitive answer to the Mink situation but I can share my experience of a similar incident.a few years ago. I witnessed a mink raiding the Sand Martin colony in Urmston.. It was brutal and relentless.
What came clear is you need 2 things, 1. Someone willing to deal with removing the mink 2. The landowners permission to remove the mink
In the area you describe i believe the Environment Agency are responsible for the river up to the top of the river banks. It is the respibsibility of the adjacent landowners beyond that.
To the north of the river I understand the field is a farmer holding a lease from Trafford Council. To the South of the river it is EA / Trafford Council / AMEY. (I won't go into the details here). The issue I experienced became determining where the mink breeding site was so whose permission was required. By the time I determined this there were not many Sand Martin left.
If it would help send me a PM and I would be happy to give you contact numbers for some of the organisations I mention above.
Little Egret at Broad Ees Dole again this morning.
Also, saw a mink kill a moorhen in the river before dragging it onto the bank. I vaguely remember that we're supposed to report mink sightings, but the only place I can find to report them is If I've got that wrong, please let me know.
Cetti's Warbler 1 still, showing and calling frequently at the side of the path by the Teal Pool, then later a brief burst of song from the back of Teal Pool Willow Warbler 1 in song Chiffchaff 8 Blackcap 3 Teal 3 Gadwall 3 Little Grebe 1 Great Crested Grebe 2 Kingfisher 1
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A few birds on this morning's visit that I don't usually see here:-
Common Tern, fishing over the lake (see horrible record shot)
Common Sandpiper, flying low over the lake
Sedge Warbler, in the marshy scrub beside Cow Lane, below the visitor centre
Also unusual (for me) was a group of six Mistle Thrushes that flew out of the woodland behind Broad Ees Dole and across the river towards Chorlton Ees.
Morning visit highlights all at Broad Ees Dole: 2 Lapwing, Cettis & Reed Warblers, 2 separate broods of Mallard with 7 ducklings each and a Peregrine halfheartedly following a Woodpigeon.
Afternoon visit, two lapwings still on Broad Ees Dole, the best I got from the Cetti's Warbler family was five seconds of song from the roses by the teal pool. Five cygnets with the mute swans on the lake. Large mixed flock on Barrow Brook: families of long-tailed tits, great tits and blue tits, juvenile goldfinches, a pair of treecreepers and at least one goldcrest. A pair of willow tits further down the brook.
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Tuesday 6th of June 2023 10:16:39 PM
Dunlin 1 in summer plumage on Broad Ees Dole Lapwing 2 on BED Mediterranean Gull 1 Adult, picked up on call 09.54, then lost to view behind trees flying in the direction of The Boathouse, though wasn't relocated Kingfisher 1 Cetti's Warbler 1 singing and confiding
Highlights of a wander around this morning before heavy rain set in were: Kingfisher, Cettis Warbler loudly singing next to the hide and Willow Tit x2 on the feeders.
This morning 08.25/09.30, twas a lovely morning until we came upon silly season with litter down one bank the dreaded disposable barbeque being the worst item left behind by Mr and Mrs I Don't care. Then at the feeders we had people standing right by the feeders looking for birds and photographing Brown rats.
Now to the birds, highlight being our first GM Cetti's Warbler singing and showing really well near the lakeside hide along with a pair of Reed Bunting. At the feeders we did see two Willow Tit, male Great Spotted Woodpecker and a single Nuthatch being the best.
Shoveler pair at Teal Pool Gadwall 19 Teal 9 Snipe 1 Broad Ees Dole Sand Martin 3 over river Willow Warbler 1 singing at the Teal Pool Chiffchaff 9 Cetti's Warbler 1 singing and showing at the lakeside behind the hide Blackcap 2 singing, Tree tops Cafe and Broad Ees Dole Goldcrest singing Cow Lane Reed Bunting pair at the lakeside behind the hide
The Cettis Warbler singing frequently from cover to left hand side of Teal pool this morning. Also several Shoveler, Teal Gadwall etc,with at least 2 pairs Great Crested Grebe on the main lake. The feeders had the usual birds including Willow Tit and Ring Necked Parakeet and a Brown Rat that was busy picking up all the droppings from the feeders.
Cetti's Warbler was giving a wonderful display right in front the hide this morning. It has been here all winter and hopefully may linger lets hope theres another one somewhere in the reeds
Cetti's Warbler singing at the lakeside behind the hide. More vocal, but more elusive today Chiffchaff 1 silent same area as Cetti's Willow Tit 1 along the inflow channel 53.430495, -2.294814
No sign of the Stonechats
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Stonechat 3. Male and 2 female, generally close to the riverbank at the model aircraft field and Sale Ees Cetti's Warbler singing and showing well around the pylon between the hide and the Teal Pool Willow Tit 2 together along the top path to the river 53.429714, -2.290867 Kingfisher 1
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There was a Mink swimming across the Teal Pool That needs getting rid of - second one I've seen at Sale Water Park, the other one was on the boardwalk in front of The Boathouse.
-- Edited by Richard Would on Tuesday 7th of March 2023 06:34:33 PM
-- Edited by Richard Would on Tuesday 7th of March 2023 06:34:51 PM