Just checked the forum stats and it has registered just under 77000 views since it's inception on 22nd October 2006, and is averaging 650 a day currently
The Manchesterbirding forum has just registered it's 100th member, in just around 4 months, not bad going .
My current statistics for the website are just over 14000 visits and 400000 hits for the same period, so a huge thank you to you all
Considering it took me a long time to even get around to thinking about 'doing a website' the response to it has been overwhelming and all of this is of course down to you, it's users. I am, as always, willing to consider any ideas others may have (and will atleast give you a decent reason when I say no ) and would welcome anyone to contact me, though preferably by my private email or telephone (check 'who's who' on the website).
Thanks again and I hope you continue to enjoy both the website and it's forum, roll on spring when it'll be really busy
(after writing this post I realised a delirious Mr Woosey had already beaten me to it and posted one. However, I have inlcuded mine anyway, mainly 'cos it's my forum and I can do that sort of thing and will indeed agree to Mr Woosey's seemingly ridiculous offer of me buying all 100 of you dinner. Sometime during next month I shall be dining out , so no coming round to my house, somewhere in Greater Manchester and if you all happen to be there on that very day at that very location I will indeed buy you all dinner. Where and when? Not gonna tell you that am I now )
A milestone has been reached ! There are now 100 registered members using this Forum.
Ian Mckerchar is to be congratulated, and to celebrate this momentus occasion Ian has said he will take us all out, yes, one hundred of us, and treat us to a slap-up meal........how about that ? ? ! !...........What a guy !