The Red-footed Falcon put on a really good show this afternoon catching dragonflies over the reed beds on the south side of the mere then perching up in the trees for short periods between hunting sorties.. A lifer for me.
Went for a look at the Red-footed Falcon yesterday evening (06/09/22)
It showed pretty well hunting over the fields at the NE corner of the reserve and then flew right past and across the Mere. The initial views were alongside a Kestrel and it looked small and similar in shape, with stubbier wings, but when it covered ground in level flight the wings suddenly looked pointed and confusion with Hobby became much more understandable. I read that this age is actually unusual in the UK, most birds are 2CY in the earlier summer, so a great plumage to get a look at on a great bird
10 species of Warbler present 2 weeks ago. There were 1 each of Grasshopper Warbler and Garden Warbler. Maybe 2 Lesser Whitethroat. Maybe between 3-5 Blackcap, Willow Warblers and Chiffchaff. Maybe about 6-7 of Reed Warbler, Sedge Warbler and Cetti's Warbler. Cetti's Warbler seemed to be second most numerous of the Warbler species I had heard today. The most numerous was Whitethroat. A minimum of 10 were present and singing.
The Fylde's favourite Iceland Gull is back for its 7th winter so I couldn't resist trying for it and eventually found it. I spent nearly an hour on Tesco's car park where it was reported earlier but although there was plenty of large Gulls, it wasn't there. Eventually I decided to try SITA waste round the corner and just as I was going to leave for home, it appeared approx 3pm on a furniture warehouse roof next to the SITA site. It didn't stay though and flew off behind the warehouse and doubled back round to the rear of SITA, I lost it and it didn't show for me again. Twice I've seen this Gull and twice it's given me the slip with not the best of views, but as I reported in my last post from here in Jan 2015, it's an active site and a lot of the Gulls actually go right into the refuse building so you've got no chance of seeing it if it's in there.
Wigeon. Teal. Shoveler. Gadwall. Coot. Moorhen. Cormorant including one cracking bird with white head plumes. Good views of a Water Rail as it walked out on the mud in front of the hide. Very fleeting views of a Cetti's Warbler as it flitted through the reeds .... singing intermittently.
Blessed is the man who expecteth little reward ..... for he shall seldom be disappointed.
1 long-eared owl 2 sparrowhawk 1 kestrel 1 great crested grebe 1 little grebe 18 tufted duck 7 pochard 19 wigeon 118 teal 32 shoveler 6 pink-footed goose 3 snipe 2 grey heron 49 fieldfare 18 redwing 4 song thrush lots of blackbirds all around 4 goldcrest 1 great spotted woodpecker 7 chaffinch 7 reed bunting 3 meadow pipit several cettis warbler & water rails heard all around big starling murmuration at dusk, 15,000+ easily. a female sparrowhawk was hunting the starlings as they dropped into the reeds.
whilst on my walk around I got word of a single waxwing near the north west entrance, I had a look around but no joy.
2 long eared owls (from the Bridle path - no more than 30ft away but devilishly difficult to spot) Black-necked grebe that thought it was a tufted duck at the N.end of the mere
Garden Life List: 58 My UK only life list: 269 My Global Life List: 533 Global 2025 year list: 87 My UK 2025 year list: 87 My 2025 Garden List: 26
3 long eared owls on show this morn/aft seen from the north bridle path. no signs of the Iceland gull on the walk around. plenty of other gulls coming & going, herring, lesser black backed, black headed & common gulls, Mediterranean gull seen in the morning by another birder. lots of coot goldeneye tufted duck pochard shoveler wigeon cormorant great crested grebe 2 little grebe 1 buzzard 1 sparrowhawk cettis warbler & water rail heard only.
-- Edited by steven burke on Sunday 7th of February 2016 08:13:26 PM
Went here today and had great viewing of a long eared owl. It was sat in a tree, 10 metres away. There were lots of others about too, apparently, but unfortunately didn't see anymore.
Wander around yesterday evening from 8.45-9.30: 100's of House Martin and Swift Many Swallow 3 Reed Bunting 5 Reed Warbler Kestrel family Common Buzzard Sparrowhawk 3 Grey Heron Chiffchaff Whitethroat 2 Great Crested Grebe Tufted Duck 1000+ Starling in mini murmurations
Out with the Birding and Beyond crew today and dropped into Marton Mere.
The Long Eared Owl has moved from where I'd seen it earlier in the year but has relocated near by and today was giving stunning full bird views with no obscuring foliage. Also Cettis Warbler and a good sized flock of Fieldfare with 2-3 Redwing. On the mere there were plenty of the usual water birds and despite giving the hulks a good grilling there was no sign of Mediterranean or Iceland Gulls
2 x Long-eared Owls in same spot as Saturday but were positioned ever so slightly different and as a result was just that bit easier to see a few more features.
Thanks to Jon Bowen on Saturday for the Long-eared Owl heads up, and thanks to the few Fylde birders for their valuable info too.
Glad you got on them Rob and good to catch up with you.
Good to bump into the Rochdale Birders and some other familiar faces.
No sign of the Long-eared Owls Nothing in the recent choice of Hawthorn Tree, checked all over that area too. Checked the old location but couldn't see any, but I was astounded as yet more scrub and vegetation has been cleared and it is very open now all round the path network that runs round the back of the scrub, infact I'm surprised the Owls would want to come back at all they've cleared that much as they will be running out of roosting trees! One birder said they'd been spotted this morning and he knew where they were, but it was all in vain as there was no sign.
Other birds of note... Plenty of Waterfowl including Teal Wigeon Tufted Duck Gadwall Mallard Moorhen Coot and approx 40 Pink-footed Geese over
-Plenty of Black-headed, Common and Herring Gulls on the Mere -Some Fieldfare feeding with Starling in ploughed field opposite the mere -Lots of Robin, Dunnock, Blackbird and Wren about -usual Corvids and some Woodpigeon around
Whilst there I thought I may aswell try and locate the Firecrest that was reported, apparently seen with the Long-tailed Tits. I soon caught up with a flock of interest containing... 8 Goldfinch 6 Long-tailed Tits 1 Great Tit 2 Blue Tits 1 Treecreeper and a Goldcrest Unfortunately I didn't see any sign of the Firecrest.
2 x Long-eared Owls in same spot as Saturday but were positioned ever so slightly different and as a result was just that bit easier to see a few more features. Cracking birds!
Lots of Waterfowl most in good numbers including... Mute Swan Wigeon Teal Mallard A few Pochard and Gadwall
Other birds of note... 25-30 Fieldfare (with Starling) 2 Grey Heron 1 female Stonechat 1 female Reed Bunting Plus lots of usuals around ...a few Cetti's Warbler heard and possibly 1 briefly seen in vicinity of the call. ...a Water Rail heard and a Chiffchaff heard too!
Quick visit to the Sita Refuse building over the road produced another Lifer! ...a sensational adult Iceland Gull well found by Simon. Once we were on it though it was hard to miss it. It was mesmerising in flight almost angel-like.
Other Gulls... Lots of Black-headed Gulls Herring Gulls of various aged A few young Lesser-black Backed Gulls 2 Common Gulls
What made us laugh was the fact there was already 40-50 Gulls on top of the building, but as soon as one of the yard refuse buggies came zooming round and into one of the open bays, a mass of Gulls (maybe 250+) came flying out that hadn't realised were even there. Incidentally the Iceland Gull made a couple of trips inside the building.
A quick drive round the fields behind Marton Mere and into Singleton, and we found a field of particular interest. ...large flock of Pink-footed Geese - approx 400-500 4 - Whooper Swans 3 - Mute Swans 2 - Red-legged Partridge We couldn't pick any other Geese out. 1 - Kestrel 1 - Common Buzzard Usual Corvids and plenty of Woodpigeon around.
Thanks to Jon Bowen on Saturday for the Long-eared Owl heads up, and thanks to the few Fylde birders for their valuable info too.
-- Edited by Rob Creek on Monday 5th of January 2015 11:53:22 AM
10.30-11.45: 2 Long Eared Owls roosting in hawthorn. On North path from West to East between the two hides overlooking the mere. On the left as you walk between the hides. Also Merlin, Cettis Warbler(hide in NW corner), 20 Pink Footed Geese over. Many Wigeon and Gadwall No sign of Iceland Gull, either here or by Volkswagon dealership in Great Marton.
Quick visit round corner from Marton Mere to Singleton had us checking local fields and finally finding one crammed full with Geese. I parked the car a few hundred yds away so as not to spook them then we walked back. No sooner had we got out, every single bird was in the air. A micro-lite copter had flown over and shifted them further back into the field when they finally landed. Great!
We scanned as best we could for reported White-fronted and Bean Goose.
The birds present that we saw were... Approx 2000-2500 Pink-footed Geese Approx 75-100 Greylag Geese 1 x female Sparrowhawk gliding low right near them, not a one flinched!
Of note...1 of the Greylag's had a red collar and some of the Pink-footed's were double checked after seeing bill irregularities but none of the ones noted had orange feet. Also it was noted that some of them had whitish patches around the base of the bill and face areas which we thought is to be expected.
1 x Mistle Thrush faffing about in hedge nr entrance. Lots of ... Common Gulls Black-headed Gulls Herring Gulls Lesser Black-backed Gulls
Waterfowl in good numbers... Mute Swans Canada Goose Wigeon Teal Pochard Tufted Duck Mallard Gadwall ...a few Shoveler around 1x Pintail
Usual water birds... Great-crested Grebe, Cormorant, Coot, Moorhen and Grey Heron around.
Eventually got my Lifer, and well spotted by Steve after we were put into them by fellow Manc Birders, cheers!!! LONG-EARED OWL x 3 Roosting spot moved again, 2 quite well hidden, the other was more visible, every so often it moved a smidgen and was face on to us but by no means particularly good views. Well made up though!
Other birds of note... Kestrel Sparrowhawk 1 x Cetti's Warbler seen Blackbirds + Robins a plenty! Fieldfare approx 50-75 with Starlings (On telegraph wires and most on floor) 1 x male Greenfinch 1 x female Bullfinch 1 x Goldcrest 1 x male Reed Bunting Plenty of Woodpigeon and lots of Corvids about Long-tailed Tit and Blue Tit 1 x Little Grebe in the stream to right of path Pair of Stonechat reported to us, we missed them.
At least 4 more Cetti's Warbler and lots of Water Rail heard squealing and grunting.
Came from Starr Gate (under The Fylde) to try for the Long-eared Owls.
We searched the 2 usual locations, and after learning a couple of weeks ago that 1 was disturbed by apple thieves, we were actively looking in most places for a possible new preferred roosting site, but none found. Some of the vegetation has been chopped down below one of the old locations so providing less cover for possible returning birds to that area, something Steve was not best pleased about!
Plenty of Woodpigeon around Few Fieldfare Few Redwing 1 Mistle Thrush Lots of Blackbird, Robin, Wren, and a few Tit / Finch flocks around 2 Kestrel Few Reed Bunting
On the mere... Mute Swan Teal Tufted Duck Pochard Coot Moorhen 2 Grey Heron Approx 400-500 Starlings over and at least approaching 1000 Black-headed Gulls in groups with 1 Lesser Black-backed. A single Common Gull seen too!
Also of note A Jay heard Water Rail and Cetti's Warbler heard all over the reserve with a single Cetti's seen briefly among the Reeds and a Falconer with what I think was a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk, it seems like the closest match to what we saw, Buzzard sized, it had a ringed fan shaped tail although we were a bit confused as this one lacked the white ends to its tail feathers, He didn't release it, he seemed to be trying to flush something out.
A good day all round but a bit disappointed we missed out on the Long-eared Owls, and the Barn Owl for that matter.
a shame about the owls, but still a good day out, thanks again rob for this & hope to do this again soon.
Came from Starr Gate (under The Fylde) to try for the Long-eared Owls.
We searched the 2 usual locations, and after learning a couple of weeks ago that 1 was disturbed by apple thieves, we were actively looking in most places for a possible new preferred roosting site, but none found. Some of the vegetation has been chopped down below one of the old locations so providing less cover for possible returning birds to that area, something Steve was not best pleased about!
Plenty of Woodpigeon around Few Fieldfare Few Redwing 1 Mistle Thrush Lots of Blackbird, Robin, Wren, and a few Tit / Finch flocks around 2 Kestrel Few Reed Bunting
On the mere... Mute Swan Teal Tufted Duck Pochard Coot Moorhen 2 Grey Heron Approx 400-500 Starlings over and at least approaching 1000 Black-headed Gulls in groups with 1 Lesser Black-backed. A single Common Gull seen too!
Also of note A Jay heard Water Rail and Cetti's Warbler heard all over the reserve with a single Cetti's seen briefly among the Reeds and a Falconer with what I think was a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk, it seems like the closest match to what we saw, Buzzard sized, it had a ringed fan shaped tail although we were a bit confused as this one lacked the white ends to its tail feathers, He didn't release it, he seemed to be trying to flush something out.
A good day all round but a bit disappointed we missed out on the Long-eared Owls, and the Barn Owl for that matter.
Chanced a visit on my day off. Searched thoroughly around the 2 supposed locations for Long-eared Owls but sadly none present. Thanks to the 2 dog walkers who said I was at the correct locations, if they were present I couldn't see any. Maybe a little early? There were plenty of Woodpigeon however in these locations and roosting all over the reserve.
Other birds present... 2 Whooper Swans came flying low over the mere 3 Mute Swan flying low over the mere, (Another 3 on the mere) 1m 1f Shoveler Few Tufted Duck Few Teal 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker flying over the marsh 4 Long-tailed Tits moving through 1 single Redwing 2 Buzzard 1 Kestrel Flock of 8 Goldfinch over 1 Greenfinch 1 Grey Squirrel at feeding station NO BIRDS!!! 1 large fem Blackbird appeared with a pale area around the neck and I thought could it be Ring Ouzel at first but it called as it flew off - definitely Blackbird At least 2 pairs of Cetti's Warbler heard ie. 2 calling to each other in the 2 different locations that I heard them in Water Rail heard in a few locations around the marsh - various grunts, squeals, etc
Usuals...Coot, Mallard, Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, Blackbird, Robin, Blue / Great Tit, Starling, Wren, Magpie and the likely Gulls around.
One thing of note...the hides seemed useless as I couldn't see very much at all from hardly any of them, overgrown vegetation put paid to that! Otherwise a good reserve that could be better with a little care. Cheers Rob
-- Edited by Rob Creek on Monday 20th of October 2014 06:59:13 PM
The site secured over £330k of funding through Heritage Lottery Fund last year. Blackpool Borough Council are managing the project.
A scheme to renovate and enhance Marton Mere Local Nature Reserve is due to start winter 2014.
Further details can be found here:,-playgrounds-and-community-facilities/Marton-Mere-Local-Nature-Reserve.aspx#ad-image-0
That is very good news. I should have qualified my post by saying that a ''local birder'' told us that ''the planned funding had been stopped''. He also said that there were no Wardens anymore. I enjoyed my visit here but, relative to a previous visit, things did look a bit neglected. Views from one hide were poor due to vegetation. There was also a problem with dog fouling in numerous places.
-- Edited by keith mills on Sunday 19th of October 2014 09:43:04 PM
Rumworth List 2019, species to date: 63 Latest: Sand Martin, Reed Bunting, Redshank, Pink-footed Goose, Curlew.
The site secured over £330k of funding through Heritage Lottery Fund last year. Blackpool Borough Council are managing the project.
A scheme to renovate and enhance Marton Mere Local Nature Reserve is due to start winter 2014.
Further details can be found here:,-playgrounds-and-community-facilities/Marton-Mere-Local-Nature-Reserve.aspx#ad-image-0
A pleasant morning here with a few of us from Wigan RSPB, but no luck with the Long-eared Owls. This despite checking all the places we had seen them before. Sightings included: Song Thrush Great Spotted Woodpecker. Stonechat (male) observed for sometime. Reed Buntings Goldfinch Common Tits Dunnock Sparrowhawk Mute Swans Grey Heron Cormorant Gadwall Wigeon Tufted Duck Shoveler Moorhen Coot...lots Herring Gull..lots Lesser Black-backed Gull Black-headed Gull Common Gull Pink-footed Geese... 2 skeins, c100 and c35 lowish. There is no warden here now and money ear marked for improvements has been taken away. The unidentified fungi may have been Burgundy-drop Bonnet.
Rumworth List 2019, species to date: 63 Latest: Sand Martin, Reed Bunting, Redshank, Pink-footed Goose, Curlew.
Managed a single Long Eared Owl, showing well in this year's spot Cetti's Warbler heard only Water Rail heard only plenty of waterfowl including Shoveler, Goldeneye, Teal, Wigeon,Gadwall, Pochard Good numbers of gulls mainly Black Headed with some Common Gulls and Herring Gulls single Fieldfare
Lovely crisp,bright morning, Good numbers of fieldfare and redwings over,( over 2000 fieldfare reported earlier this morning.) Approx. 120 swans present at noon-roughly 60 mute,and 50 whoopers!,apparently, a lot of these birds have been spending time on a flooded field near Staining recently. Usual selection of gulls and wildfowl present. 2 water rails heard deep in the reeds. No sign of the long eared owls yet,however the vegetation is still quite dense! Also kestrel,lapwings and a few pink footed geese on surrounding fields,plus usual passerines.
no signs off any long eared owls (sorry roy) 1 buzzard 2 kestrels 1 great spotted woodpecker 1 shelduck (over) 1 skylark 2 g b b gulls plus lots off herring & b h gulls,no sign off iceland gull that was seen earlier. water rails & cettis warblers (heard only) goldeneyes, teals, gadwalls, pochards, tufted ducks, shovelers, lapwings & cormorants on the mere,plus all usual birds around.
visited around lunchtime today to try and catch up with the Iceland Gull and Long Eared Owls, as I arrived the gulls all took flight but fortunately landed back on the water / ice so could get a good view of the Iceland (thanks to the birder who kept it in view as it took off in the crowd of gulls). Walked around the Mere in sunshine and managed to find a single owl nestled down in this year's roosting area. Lots of wildfowl and mixed gulls on the ice and water
Very late post for Monday,16th.Jan..11am-3pm... Highlights: 2 long-eared owls,eventually found in new favoured roost tree. 3 Cettis warbler heard,only one seen. Several water rail heard,again ,one seen. Iceland Gull. Plenty of teal,tufties,pochard,wigeon and shovellers. Excellent views of kestrels and buzzards. Also great views of a bold dog fox,unsuccessfully stalking teal in the margins! Just over the road,the Heronry,at the bottom end of the lake in StanleyPark,appears to be filling up nicely
12.30 til dark. 51 species seen. 1 long eared owl,not in usual spot took a while to find but glad i did 2 little owls 2-4 kestrels 2 buzzards 1 snipe,but several more seen at dusk coming from reed beds. 1 water rail (actually seen ) lots more heard around. 2 great spotted woodpeckers 3 reed buntings at feeders,plus all usuals. all usual gulls,iceland gull reported early on. wigeons, shovelers, gadwalls, tufted ducks, pochards & teals. plus all the usual birds around. no starling roost,all went to north pier & no cettis heard. still a great afternoon/evening
Thanks, I see where I went wrong, I drove up Mythop road then turned towards Staining, when I reached there I decided I had come too far and so returned the way I came. Back in Salford now so will have to wait for another day.
Hi Louise. There are several access points to Marton Mere and I'm sure other people on here will tell you where they are. The ones I use though are as follows:
You can sometimes park up in Marton mere Holiday park (caravan site) which is on Mythop Road to the east of the mere. If you speak to the security guard on the gate then he'll tell you where to park. This access point will bring you nearest to the mere but it's not always available as access is sometimes not possible from here due to the park being closed.
Another access point I've used in the past is from Lawson Road to the west of the mere. Park up near the allotments and you'll see a path that runs off down the side of them. Follow this along and then turn right and it will take you to the mere. It's a bit of a walk but an enjoyable one.
If you can, try and look on google earth/maps and my directions will make more sense.
Following on from Nick's directions to Lawson Road, here is a map.
Hi Louise. There are several access points to Marton Mere and I'm sure other people on here will tell you where they are. The ones I use though are as follows:
You can sometimes park up in Marton mere Holiday park (caravan site) which is on Mythop Road to the east of the mere. If you speak to the security guard on the gate then he'll tell you where to park. This access point will bring you nearest to the mere but it's not always available as access is sometimes not possible from here due to the park being closed.
Another access point I've used in the past is from Lawson Road to the west of the mere. Park up near the allotments and you'll see a path that runs off down the side of them. Follow this along and then turn right and it will take you to the mere. It's a bit of a walk but an enjoyable one.
If you can, try and look on google earth/maps and my directions will make more sense.
good day here today,47 species seen... 1 little owl 1 peregrine falcon (chasing sarlings) 3 sparrowhawks ( 2 off them chasing & catching starlings,right in front off me as well) 2 kestrels 1000+ pink footed geese at least 4 whooper swans 1 oystercatcher 1 little grebe 3 great spotted woodpeckers 1 redwing 3 linnets 1 treecreeper 1 pied wagtail teals/shovelers/gadwalls/tufted ducks/pochards + usual gulls & other birds around the mere. plenty off water rails around but heard only,as with the cettis warblers,at least 4 around but also heard only. and finally 80,000+ starlings in roost this evening,sight & sound absolutely amazing and the best thing about it was they eventually dropped into the reeds right in front off me,thats when the peregrine and 2 sparrowhawks came in did miss out on the barn owl and no signs of long eared owls, yet.
Only a single Long Eared Owl showing today. 5 Goldeneye on the Mere 12 Redpoll in the trees on the opposite side of the Mere to the Caravan park. Plenty of activity at the feeding station including siskin
Then quick visit to Lytham Crem for 4 Ring Necked Parakeets
Late post for yesterday 01/03/11 , 13:00-15:00hrs... Only two long-eared owls visible in original roost ,told of another two in tree nearby ...Apparently the owls have been disturbed on several occasions recently ,by an idiot who sends his dog in to flush the another #&*@^¿%¥ !!! who threw handfulls of golf balls at them, and by some so-called "photographers" ,after a good shot ...Calm down, calm down !! Anyway, on a brighter note , still a decent selection of birds on the mere ,including: teal, tufties,shovellers ,pochard ,coots ,moorhens ,mallard ,bh ,lbb ,gbb and common gulls , 20+ cormorant ,lapwings and three grey herons . Two cettis warblers seen near reebed to the left of the first hide ,going clockwise around the lake ,from the main entrance . Plenty of birds at the feeding station hide ,including: Chaffinch,greenfinch , at least 2m and 1f brambling ,blue, great and lt tits , robins , blackbirds , dunnocks ,gs woodpecker , 4 female pheasants, reed buntings , tree sparrows , and two very frisky bunny wabbits !! Cheers Chris
forgot the two male goldeneye
-- Edited by Chris Greene on Wednesday 2nd of March 2011 09:35:54 AM
Wife and I had a visit to Marton Mere yesterday and thanks to a couple of guys taking photos had excellent views of the Long Eared Owls. No other particular birds of note but plenty of fieldfares, shovellors, tufties, teal. The mere itself was 75% frozen
Had a quick visit to Marton Mere today particularly looking for the Cettis Warblers that I have been assured were present by several folk - nowt
On the way called in at Preston Dock for the Iceland Gull - (not now as colourful as it was early December), Lytham crematory for 5 Ring necked Parakeets, Fairhaven Lake for the Red-necked Grebe - (in much nicer light than last week) also a pair of Red -breasted Merganzer present and finally to Marton Mere.
Although a good search for the Cettis drew a blank found 4 Long-eared Owls (quite well hidden and couldn't see the others anywhere close by), Fieldfare eating mature apples in the next tree and at the feeding station male and female Brambling and several Tree Sparrows.
Hi Sid, One of the wardens was saying the Owls have had a lot of disturbance from dogs and a few photographers going over the fence. The worst disturbance was caused by some one throwing a piece of pipe into the bushes. This may explain why the Owls are more difficult to find if they have moved into denser bushes.