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Post Info TOPIC: Goyt Valley

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RE: Goyt Valley

Post for yesterday 11th.
A lovely walk from Buxton & over berry clough.

Swifts, swallows & house martins on route.
Curlews, lapwings, golden plover, at least 7 red grouse, 1 stonechat & 1 reed bunting over berry clough.
Lots of buzzards throughout the day.
2 sparrowhawk
1 kestrel.

1 wood warbler along the Riverside walk, found it hard to get a photo as it was moving around a lot.
3 garden warblers, 2 seen.
7 pied flycatchers
5 redstarts
3 tree pipits
No sign of any spotted flycatcher
5 cuckoo, 4 seen
Willow warblers everywhere
Several blackcaps & chiffchaffs
Plenty of siskin around
2 nuthatch
1 great spotted woodpecker
1 tawny owl
2 common sandpipers
1 dipper
3 grey heron
6 grey wagtails
Cormorant with orange darvic 279
Plus all the usuals.


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Highlights of today's High Peak RSPB group trip to the Goyt Valley from Errwood Reservoir to Derbyshire Bridge:

Minimum 4 pairs of Pied Flycatcher, 4 male Redstart, Tawny Owl, 1+Cuckoo, 2 Ring Ouzel, Common Sandpiper, Tree Pipit, 6 Curlew, Red Kite, Dipper, 2 Siskin, 3 Stonechat, 2 Nuthatch, 2 Sparrowhawk, Red Grouse, Reed Bunting, many Willow Warbler, 3 Goldcrest, Mandarin Duck.


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Friday 28th April

Errwood Reservoir to river side walk:
3 Pied Flycatchers (2m 1f)
2 Redstarts, both male
1 Common Sandpiper
1 Tree Pipit
1 Cuckoo
2 Bullfinch
2 Nuthatch
2 Treecreepers
Lots of Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs and distant calling Curlew

My blog: The Early Birder

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Midday visit

Derbyshire Bridge-Packhorse Bridge circular walk:

1 Red Kite (Heading North through the valley), 2 Ravens, 1 Dipper and a solitary Skylark.

John Williams

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Walk from street carpark to Erwood Hall Cuckoo heard and then seen in area that has been cleared on way up to Hall Tree Pipit in carpark


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My first two Pied Flycatchers (both males) seen near Errwood Reservoir yesterday. Also several Tree Pipits  delivering their wonderful song from the tree-tops. Common Sandpiper heard but couldn't locate it.


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Errwood car park to Riverside Walk:

3 Common Redstarts
2 Pied Flycatchers
4 Common Sandpipers
1 Tree Pipit

My blog: The Early Birder

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Posts: 135

Errwood Res  - 8.20 am - 10.00am   28.04.19 

At least 6 calling male Pied Flycatchers further up the valley and at least 1 female. 

3 Common Sandpipers on the Errwood res dam wall and 2 further up the valley near the river goyt flowing into the res. 

Cuckoo calling near Errwood Hall  (and possibly another across the valley ).

p.s Missed the Osprey yesterday, but got a call mid afternoon from Ray Scally (who first picked it up flying overhead moments earlier) that one was on Bollinhurst Res a few miles away from the Goyt Valley (Lyme Park - Cheshire)  - obviously a chance it could be the same bird.Views distant and access restricted, but still present when I left near tea time.  







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10:30 - 11:45am

An Osprey drifted north over Errwood reservoir just after 10.30
1 Common Sandpiper on the reservoir wall
A Cuckoo heard calling on the southern side of the reservoir

In the wooded areas above Errwood car park:
2 Tree Pipits
4 Common Redstarts (3 male, 1 female)
2 Siskin
1 Great Spotted Woodpecker
Lots of Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs
No Pied Flycatchers seen, but didn't have time to check as many areas as I'd have liked.

My blog: The Early Birder

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Quick hour with High Peak RSPB group from 8.30-9.30 this morning en route to Middleton Lakes. 

Highlights: 4 Pied Flycatcher,  Redstart, Tree Pipit, Dipper, 2 Common Sandpiper, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Curlew, Red Grouse 


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Excellent day out yesterday for the High Peak RSPB group in the Goyt Valley area (The Street, Errwood, Goystclough and Derbyshire Bridge carparks, plus a visit to the Danebower quarries) with a good turnout: over 20 people I think! Highlights included:

Spotted flycatcher (as below, no sign of pied flycatchers)
Willow warbler
Garden warbler
Tree pipit
Buzzard (including one carrying prey)
Grey wagtail
Group (presumed family) of at least 5 treecreeper, with adults feeding juveniles
Cuckoo heard but not seen
Goldcrest heard but not seen
Tawny owl
Red grouse
Whinchat (Derybyshire bridge if anyone wants to go looking)
Pied wagtail
Group of at least 7 raven
Golden plover
stock dove
great crested grebe
sandpiper heard but not seen


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Errwood car park - Riverside Walk - Goytclough Quarry - Stakeside - Shooters Clough.

Spotted Flycatchers 4 (possibly 5)
Redstarts 7 (males singing)
Pied Flycatchers Zero (certainly seem to be thin on the ground this year)
Tree Pipit 3
Cuckoo calling (Shooters Clough)
Willow Warblers numerous

1 Buzzard and 1 Kestrel were the only raptors.

Cheers, John


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Sun 21 May 7.30 am to 3pm Street car park: forest track : garden warbler top of car park: spotted flycatchers, tree pipits Usual pied fly area with nestboxes: female pied fly, briefly. Two redstart. Cuckoo calling from Stakeside area. Dipper, grey wagtail, sparrowhawk at Goytsclough quarry Derbyshire bridge: whinchat, stonechat Danebower quarries: no ring ouzel. About 8 ravens together over the moors. Wheatear. Barn on right further down the road: male peregrine, kestrel, buzzard. Golden plover, swallows nesting in barn.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Sunday 21st of May 2017 04:44:41 PM


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sat 20th may   Errwood Res & riverside walk area

5.30pm -7.00pm

ditto Adam`s sightings re Spotted Flycatchers (4) and alas comments re Pieds.

I staked out several spots where it has been easy to see Pieds in recent years but none seen or heard tonight

Pair of Mandarin Duck in trees near car park

Pair of Treecreepers gave close views in trees above car park.






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Saturday 20th May 6:30am

3 (maybe 4) very vocal Common Redstarts between Errwood car park and the riverside walk. They were quite visible, but always at the very tops of the trees.
4 Tree Pipits
4 Spotted Flycatchers. A pair seen at the riverside walk and two further back towards Errwood car park.
1 Woodcock flushed. My first seen in full daylight.smile
Cuckoo heard calling from the direction of Stakeside, but never seen.
No sign or sound of any Pied Flycatchers for me. Numbers seem low this year.

My blog: The Early Birder

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Posts: 135

sat 13th may 8.00am

Errrwood res

At least 2 Cuckoo calling in opposite ends of the valley

Redstarts  - at least 3 seen others calling

on road towards Stakeside -

Tree Pipits displaying and gathering nesting material

Female Mandarin- high up a Scots pine tree

At least 1 Spotted Flycatcher near the riverside walk beeches.

Pied Flys calling but hidden in leaf canopy - checking out caterpillars I guess




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8.15am - 9.30 am Sat 6th May

Errwood res

Cuckoo distant but visible and calling from the top of a hawthorn tree across from car park.

1 female Redstart gathering nesting material.

3 Common Sandpipers (1 sat in car park as I arrived).

Pied flys calling but not seen.






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Sunday 30th April 10am

1 female Crossbill as I was sat on the bench on the river walk. Very unexpected, then I saw that a pair were reported (below) on Friday. Good news.
2 Common Redstarts
2 Tree Pipits

Otherwise pretty quite again, other than Willow Warblers mainly.

My blog: The Early Birder

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Add two common sandpiper at the water's edge


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Redstart and spotted flycatcher at Errwood Hall car park


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2 Crossbills - Male and Female in a tree two thirds up to the river walk on the Res. side

2/3 Tree Pipits

1 Curlew flying at Derbyshire Bridge

1 Raven flying

3 Red Grouse


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My wife was on a sewing course in Poynton, so more in hope than expectation I decided to visit the Goyt Valley.

Weather was varying between drizzle and rain when I parked up at Errwood Hall Car Park, and as it was full I parked at the side of the road and set off towards Derbyshire Bridge.

I was short of year ticks for both flycatchers, redstart, wood warbler and sandpipers. Two hours later I was still short of them and set off back to the car.

Apart from one jay and a nuthatch the only birds vocalising were willow warblers and chaffinch, even the robins were silent.

I arrived back at the car park to see Buxton Mountain Rescue bring a "client" down the hill on a stretcher to a waiting ambulance.

I decided to try my luck at the north end of the valley and was putting my gear in the boot, when what I thought was a pied wagtail caught my eye.

Closer views with my binoculars confirmed it as a pied flycatcher, with a second in a birch at the side of the reservoir. They were flycatching from the trees on the shore and making their way along the waters edge.

I headed north towards the road bridge so I could get a decent camera shot as they came up, when I heard a bird I didn't recognise calling from a birch copse on the car park side of the road and tried to locate it.

The call started like a willow warbler song and after a couple of notes degenerated into a dry gutteral wheeze, very harsh like the tail end of a goldfinch call.

I never did locate the bird and it could just have been a willow warbler with something in its throat. The search however put me straight onto a spotted flycatcher, catching from the end tree in the copse.

When it spotted me it flew off, so I carried on round to photograph the pieds, but they had gone.

I then scanned the shoreline with my binoculars and found the common sandpiper I needed.

Birding is strange I get soaked and see nothing for 2 hours, then as I am packing up I pick up 3 ticks in 10 minutes.

A further two hours at the north end produced nothing further.

The broadleaf trees here are only just starting to bud, so I think it may be a couple of weeks before the flycatchers settle down to raising a family, and we see the redstarts and wood warblers appear.

I will return on a sunny day in a fortnight.


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Saturday 22nd April 8am

Errwood reservoir area:
2 Common Redstarts
3 Tree Pipits
Many Willow Warblers
Cuckoo heard

My blog: The Early Birder

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Lower Goyt Valley -

Sat 15/4/17

Pied Flycatchers (male and female) -

Willow Warblers & Swallows around Fernilee.

Mon 17/4/17

2 Oystercatchers on dam wall - Fernilee res

2 Treecreepers passing food to each other

1 Woodcock near Fernilee reservoir car parking area.

1 Mandarin  

Dipper on river goyt

No sign of Redstart yet ...maybe Errwood..!?







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Wednesday 27th July

With Steve Burke and Simon Gough, we were all hoping for an eventful evening... well we certainly got that alright!
We were absolutely eaten alive by the swarms of biting tiny flies. Forget Jungle Formula Insect repellant, it was more like Insect attractant.

Of note...
- Spotted Flycatcher possibly 5
- Common Buzzard 1
- Tawny Owls heard only
- Common Sandpiper heard only
- Woodcock heard distantly
...and a large raptor was seen that Steve noticed and I caught the tail end of which we agreed was quite long, unfortunately will remain unidentified as we got nowhere near enough of it to ID it.

2 tiny Bats (Pipistrelle types) and a Weasel seen too!


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Out yesterday evening looking for pied flycatchers, before the dusk woodcock parade.

No pied seen but one spotted fly unexpectedly found up by the quarry. Is this unusual or are they occasionally seen here?

One wood warbler seen down from the river walk path.

In the pines at dusk a continual stream of woodcock, but hard to tell if it was just half a dozen or two dozen.

Evening topped off by a lifer for me.

-- Edited by Andy Voisey on Monday 4th of July 2016 08:41:59 PM


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Sunday near Goytsclough quarry: 4 Whinchats in bracken slope Dipper and Redstart in clough

Z Barrett

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sat 4th june  - lower goyt valley

Cuckoo calling from woodland between fernilee and taxal

Pied flycatchers calling along the lower goyt valley - good to see 2 pairs successfully returning with food parcels to nest sites












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Upper goyt valley - sun 29th May

Cuckoos still calling in earnest near Stakeside and Errwood.

Nice to see a pair of Redstart making regular visits to their nest site with caterpillars.

At least 2 Woodcock roding above Errwood later in the day.

Just 1 Common Sandpiper seen, high up in a tree!

Very busy everywhere in the afternoon with cyclists and walkers but the Pied Flycatchers were still showing well in tree tops from Errwood to Goyt Clough,








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Tuesday 24th May 5.00am to 8.00am

Cuckoos were the order of the day, being heard at Pym's Chair, Errwood Hall, Errwood reservoir and seen singing along The Street.
Male and female Redstarts seen near Errwood car park, and another singing behind Errwood Hall.
Two Spotted Flycatchers at Errwood Hall.
A Wonderful cacophony of bird song throughout the whole valley.

My blog: The Early Birder

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Fri 20th C10.30-2pm

Cuckoo heard and seen at Errwood Hall

Two male and one Female Redstart

4 Curlew wheeling and hovering

-- Edited by Geoff Walton on Saturday 21st of May 2016 08:20:08 AM


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Monday 16th May 7.30pm

Errwood area:

2 Spotted Flycatchers
1 Common Redstart (male)
3 Song Thrush fledglings being fed
2 Mistle Thrush

My blog: The Early Birder

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10.00 Errwood reservoir to Derbyshire Bridge 

Redstart 3 singing

Pied flycatcher 2 singing

Spotted flycatcher 5

Common sandpiper 2

Cuckoo 1

Siskin fledglings

Patch Blog http://robymilling.blogspot.co.uk/

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Yesterday 13 May.  8.30 to 12.30 am. Parked in Errwood Car park and walked on long the road away from the reservoir. (the one way road).  Located several Pied Flycatchers and Common Redstarts. The Redstarts were very active. Over on the moor were Curlew and a Red Grouse was heard. Returned to the car park and heard a close Green Woodpecker to the left of the road by the wall but could not locate it.  On the open area between the car park and the gate leading to the ruined hall were a couple of superb Tree Pipts and a Spotted Flycatcher was in the bushes to the right.  Sit on the bench in the open area and wait!  Two Common Sandpipers were on the  edge of the reservoir by the car park.  There were several singping Willow Warblers but only one Chiffchaff.  Several of the more common species were also seen. 

There were no Cuckoo heard.  A great mornings birding in warm sunshine and I managed some nice photos as well!



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Very quiet tonight. Cold and cloudy.
My first Cuckoo of the year heard calling in the direction if Stakeside.

My blog: The Early Birder

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Visited the area today for the first time. Arrived at 10.45 and walked up from Errwood Car Park to the ruins, beyond to where the trees thin out and then looped back to the car park via the ruins again. Then had a moorland walk via Stakeside, essentially following the track two thirds the way to the Cat & Fiddle before retracing my route. Back at the car park at 14.00 hrs. Amongst others :-

Cuckoo (1-2)
Tree Pipit (1)
Redstart (2)
Willow Warbler
Blackcap (1)
Kestrel (1)
Curlew (1)
Meadow Pipit
Skylark (2)

No Flycatchers showing for me today, possibly because of the strong wind keeping flies well hidden. I stood and waited by the streams several times without luck. Obviously, the birds are around and the habitat is 'bang on,' possibly just one of those days. Early on, there was a Cuckoo calling on the moors, beyond the trees at Stakeside, whilst just before 2pm it/another was calling up beyond the eastern side of the reservoir, ie. well across the valley. Possibly two birds but more likely the same one moving around. The moors were fairly quiet and mirroring the bird sightings up there, just one Green Hairstreak butterfly was seen.



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I was lucky enough to get good views of a Cuckoo in flight this morning over the wood on the walk up to Stakeside Ridge from Errwood car park.


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7th may 10-2.30pm

erwood res/erwood car park/big wood.

5 pied flycatcher, male & female & 3 males.
6 redstart, male & female & 4 males.
2 spotted flycatcher
8+ tree pipit
4 common sandpiper
no sight or sound of any cuckoos & again just like last year no sight or sound of any blackcaps hmm
2 great spotted woodpecker
1 nuthatch
2 treecreeper
3 grey wagtail
lots of willow warblers all around
1 kestrel
1 buzzard
2 tufted duck
curlew & red grouse on the moors.


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Sat 7th May -

an enjoyable early morning trip with Ray Scally.....highlights were

Fernilee -

Spotted flycatcher 

Pied flycatcher 4-5


Pied Flycatchers present but less evident than lower down the valley at Fernilee

Tree pipits singing from tree tops


Common Sandpiper (4)


Cuckoo heard but not seen





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Excellent morning in the valley. Willow Warblers everywhere, plus Chiffchaff, Mistle Thrush and Song Thrush. 3 Common Sandpiper and a Little Ringed Plover on the side of the reservoir. Tree Pipit and Redstart up the track where the Wood Warbler was last year.




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1 male Pied Flycatcher below Fernilee reservoir on sat evening (16th April).... taking cover from the snow storm!

2 male Mandarin on the lagoons.



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Quick visit tonight.
1 male Common Redstart in the woodland above Errwood reservoir car park.
Plenty of Willow Warblers around

-- Edited by Adam Jones on Monday 18th of April 2016 10:24:53 PM

My blog: The Early Birder

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Errwood Car Park. at least 4 willow warblers singing with similar number of chiffchaff. Both song and mistle thrush present. Further up the valley 2 dippers and a grey wagtail. Very mild and quiet with no wind for a change. All usual species present.





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2 Stonechat near Derbyshire Bridge on south facing slope, enjoying the late afternoon sunshine. (sat aft)


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Did a dusk watch above the reservoir, along the forestry path from the street car park last night.

15 to 20 woodcock roding all around us, some birds may have visited us multiple times so counting uncertain.

If you visit to see them go covered and take midge spray....... strong midge spray.

Tawny owl seen on road as we drove out up the valley.


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Singing Wood Warbler behind Errwood Hall car park - bird was ringed on its right leg.

Also Pied Flycatcher here and loads of Midges :(


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Went up to Goyt valley with Jason Adshead last night from around 9pm to 10.10. saw 2 Common Sandpiper on edge of Erwood Reservoir,around 9.30pm a Woodcock flew over Roding ,then about 10 minutes later another(or was it the same one?) went above us between the Erwood Car park and the Street Car park,just after it went out of sight another Woodcock, a Female? came up out of the grass and flew low before we lost sight of it. Several Barn Swallows overhead as well as a Common Buzzard. We then drove back over the Dam and past the toilets and a bit further on saw a Little Owl sat on the wall on the left,which was great to see as not seen Little Owl for a quite a while.We drove on and saw 2 Curlew near the Yacht Club,as well as a great Sunset.
All the best and Good Birding!


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Two visits to the valley yesterday and today.
Yesterday 1000 to 1200 primarily to photograph wood warbler.
Walk from Errwood car park up round the hall and back to the reservoir.
Many goldcrest in the wood.
One photogenic wood warbler just before the hall woods and very vocal.
2 redstart and one pied flycatcher up at the hall and one redstart by the resevoir.
We then walked up the road to Goytsclough Quarry and found two pied flycatchers feeding young half way up the road.
We were told there were owls about early morning, which prompted todays visit.

today 0430 to 0930
No owls seen or heard.
Family of redstarts at the hall with 3 or 4 fledglings
Wood warbler near Errwood car park.
Wood warbler on road to quarry.
Pied flycatchers being very accommodating and posing for photos. The male came in so close I was unable to focus on him.
Fields up at Derbyshire Bridge car park full of curlew, about 12 seen, one perched on fencepost about 5 metres away.
Very light coloured buzzard quartering the fields above the car park and kestrel hunting.

An enjoyable 2 visits with some good photographs plus a tip from the warden on where the owls are.


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Fantastic late evening walk 9 - 10.30pm 11/05
Some great birds seen in a whistle-stop tour of the area with Rob Bell:

Wood warbler singing and showing very well above Errwood carpark. Definitely got to be one of my favourite bird songs.
3 pied flycatchers flitting about in trees above the road
2 tawny owls- one perched out in the open and the other a fly-by
Tree pipit showing well on conifers up onto the heathland
5-6 woodcock flew circuits over the wood, calling continuously as it got dark
2 Kestrel
Canada Geese Geese
Meadow pipit


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On Sunday June 7th went up to Goyt Valley with Jean Cox,parked on the street car park.There approx 4 hours.We walked towards Erwood Car Park,along the road.
The Wood Warbler still around the back of Erwood Car park,though not showing as well as it was for me a few weeks ago,did get a glimpse though,and it was singing well.On Erwood Reservoir on the water lots of Canada Geese and a few Greylag Geese and a Common Sandpiper on the edge of the water,though the water very high and it had to go on to the grass quite a lot,as well as flying low over the water quite a lot to move on,also saw a Grey Heron near the bridge. Heard Curlew in the distance and saw Spotted flycatcher in the oak trees not far from the Wood Warbler,as well as a Tree Pipit.Walked along the higher path which eventually took us to the road and on the way got good views of Siskin and Mistle Thrush. Heard lots of Blackcap but did not manage to see one.Went up on to the road and crossed it to the Riverside Walk,still Blackcaps singing,as well as Common Chiffchaffs which we did manage to see,as well as the usual Great Tits,Blue tits and Chaffinch. rejoined the road and got a glimpse of a male Pied Flycatcher in the trees and 2 Common Swifts flying high above us.Then saw 2 Common Buzzards flying high above Erwood Reservoir, one approached the other at high speed and they both briefly touched talons before separating and then soaring around,one hovering into the wind for a few seconds,not sure what the talon touching was about, seemed like one was trying to see the other off but it did not work and they both just carried on as if it had not happened. Did not manage to see any Redstarts, though met a couple of birders who had seen some that day.
All the best and Good Birding Mark

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