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Burnt Edge

Midday amble around the area.

I just managed to find a single Goldcrest moving through the conifers in the plantation.

4 Ravens were calling loudly, and appeared to be confirming their territories in the area.

2 flocks of Fieldfares were noted around the site, 1 flock of 18 were seen flying West towards

Mast Road. The other, a group of 54 were resting in the taller trees near the parking area on Burnt Edge,

this group had a dozen Starlings for company.

I had a good scan through the flora on and around Burnt Edge but no other passerines could be found, not

even a single stonechat, pipit or lark.

John Williams

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Thanks for the advice on counting birds. Very interesting.


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Today’s moors highlights included:

5 Whooper Swans N

1272 Pink-footed Geese SE in 9 skeins and 90 NW in a single skein

13 Greylag Geese SW and 4 S

89 Fieldfares NW

175 Redwings with 100 SW and 75 NW

268 Woodpigeons NW

8 Siskins NW

1 male Crossbill dropped into Gale Brook Plantation

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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A quieter morning saw highlights of 380 Pink-footed Geese SE in two skeins, 471 Fieldfares NW, 47 SW and 20 SE, 351 Redwings NW and 210 SW, 3 Blackbirds WSW, 37 Lesser Redpolls S and 9 Crossbills S.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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This morning’s highlights during only a couple of hours included 3 male Ring Ouzels feeding on a muck heap along Matchmoor Lane before flying off low calling . From Scout Road, 30 Redwings N,112 SE and 24 SW; 172 Fieldfare with half S and half N in 10 flocks; 380 Pink-footed Geese SE; 12 Lesser Redpolls SE.


Info thanks to Andy Makin


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paulderrig wrote:

Hi, whats the best way/ formula for counting birds. Many thanks

Hi Paul, try putting ‘counting birds’ into the search facility on here and it will bring up the previous threads and answers to this often asked question but feel free to add any further question and queries on there and I’ll certainly answer as I can mate.



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Hi, whats the best way/ formula for counting birds. Many thanks


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Yesterday morning from Scout Road:

627 Redwing S

517 Fieldfares S

12 Song Thrushes S, including a flock of 11

11 Crossbills S in flocks of 7 and 4

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Late highlights from yesterday morning:

1380 Redwings and 1564 Fieldfares mainly SSE, with one flock containing 2 Snipe

1 male Ring Ouzel S

512 Woodpigeons S

5 Bramblings SE

30 Siskin S

61 Chaffinches S

10 Bullfinches S

80 Pink-footed Geese SE

Info thanks to Andy Makin



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This morning:

1798 Fieldfares S/SE and 12 NW

2923 Redwings, with 12 NW and 2911 S/SE

14 Blackbirds S

Imm male type Ring Ouzel SSE

Redhead Red-breasted Merganser SW

34 Siskins S

279 Woodpigeons SW

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Today’s highlights included:

9297 Redwings, with 97 NNW and 9200 S

5345 Fieldfares, with 18 NW and 5327 S

3 Bramblings S

28 Siskins S

1 Golden Plover over

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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This morning’s highlights from Scout Road included:

9763 Redwings mainly S/SE/SW

7756 Fieldfares mainly S/SW

184 Chaffinches, with 161 S and 23 N

16 Lesser Redpolls S

6 Crossbills S

3 Bramblings S among Redwing flocks

859  SW

1 Merlin S

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Moors highlights and totals from this morning include:

1410 Pink-footed Geese SW in 6 and 250 NW in 2 skeins

1288 Redwings ESE

688 Fieldfares mainly NNW 688

Ring-tailed Hen Harrier on the moor above Gale Brook 

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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This morning’s highlights included:

1748 Redwings, with 1030 NW and 718 S/SW

1220 Fieldfares, included 735 W/NW and 485 S

17 Cormorants S/SE

67 Collared Doves S, with two followed by an unprecedented flock of 65! 

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Yesterday morning from Scout Road:


10 Goosanders S

23 Pink-footed Geese SE

1335 Woodpigeons SW

284 Redwings S

1 female type Ring Ouzel S

1 Fieldfare in Gale Brook

67 Chaffinches S

26 Siskins S

3 Crossbills in Gale Brook

18 Lesser Redpolls S 


Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Highlights from Scout Road this morning:

3 Goosanders SE

3745 Woodpigeons SW

191 Redwings mainly SW

1 Coal Tit high S

4 Bramblings S

11 Bullfinches S

65 Siskins S

1 Crossbill S

7 Yellowhammers S

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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From Scout Road this morning:

5033 Woodpigeons S/SW in 83 flocks

475 Redwings W/SW in 10 high flying flocks

12 Twite S in two flocks of 5 and 7

21 Bramblings S with a flock of 20 and a single

105 Chaffinches S

16 Lesser Redpolls S

Info thanks to Andy Makin 


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Highlights from the east slope of Winter Hill yesterday morning:

52 Chaffinches, 10 Brambling, 12 Bullfinches, 53 Lesser Redpolls, 41 Goldfinches, 132 Siskins, 26 Greenfinches S

134 Redwing SW

15 Song Thrushes SW, including a flock of 13

28 Reed Buntings SW

12 Whooper Swans crossing the valley NW

670 Pink-footed Geese W/NW

4 Tree Sparrows S

7847 Woodpigeons S/SW

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Highlights from Scout Road this morning:


669 Woodpigeons SW

215 Redwings S

1 immature male type Ring Ouzel

77 Chaffinches S

12 Crossbills S

163 Siskins S

34 Lesser Redpolls S

8 Bramblings S with small Redwing flock

39 Reed Buntings S in 1-2s

Female type Merlin S


Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Late news for yesterday:

2047 Redwings SW

1 Fieldfare

132 Goldfinches S

7 Swallows together S

1 House Martin S

78 Pink-footed Geese NW 

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Highlights over the east slope of Winter Hill this morning:

1412 Redwings S in 59 small flocks

A couple of Fieldfares

Male Ring Ouzel

35 Lesser Redpolls S

88 Siskin

28 Bullfinches S

11 Crossbills S

35 Reed Buntings S 

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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This morning's highlights from Scout Road:

1178 Siskins over south in many flocks, the largest of 250+

27 Crossbill S

107 Goldfinch S

66 Lesser Redpoll S

2 Brambling S

35 greenfinch S

682 Woodpigeons S

364 Redwing S

2 Fieldfare S

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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This morning‘s highlights from Scout Road:


520 Pink-footed Geese in 3 skeins NW

2 Little Egret low S

2627 Woodpigeons  mainly SW

111 Meadow Pipits S

1 Swallow S

5 Bramblings S

288 Siskins S

4 Crossbills S

20 Reed Buntings S

34 Redwings S


Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Today's highlights included:

55+ Whooper Swans SE

178 Pink-footed Geese in 3 skeins with 40+ S, 60+ SE and 78 NW

16 Greylag Geese in 2 skeins of 8 each

173 Siskins with some dropping into the huge cone crop at Gale Brook

19 Crossbills

27 Lesser Redpolls

105 Redwings N

10 Goosanders S 

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Today's totals from Scout Road:

30 Pink-footed Geese SE

1 Goosander S

1 ringtail Hen Harrier W

7 Jays S

105 Redwing W/NW

1 Golden Plover

303 Siskins S

104 Lesser Redpolls S

1 Swallow S

8 Reed Buntings S


Yesterday's totals:

949 Pink-footed Geese SE

27 Whooper Swans SE in two flocks of 23 and 4

74 Siskins S

30 Lesser Redpolls S

14 Greylag Geese NE

2 Swallows S

7 Jays S 


Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Attached photo of said showy Black Redstart from one of the compounds from this morning. aww


One by one the penguins steal my sanity


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This morning from Scout Road:

2400 Pink-footed Geese in 17 skeins SE

29 Greylag Geese N

320+ Woodpigeons S

38 Redwings N


And on the top of the moor:

200+ Goldfinches high S over Dean Ditch

2 Wheatears

11 Stonechats together

A very showy Black Redstart 

Ringtail Hen Harrier S

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Yesterday morning from Scout Road:

46 Meadow Pipits S

25 Siskins S

39 Linnets S

1 House Sparrow low S

10 Long-tailed Tits with a single Blue Tit flew in high from the N and continued until lost to view half a mile to the south

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Late news for yesterday morning from Scout Road;

133 Siskins S in 14 small flocks

29 Crossbills SW in 3 flocks

6 Brambling S

192 Redwing W/SW in 15 flocks and 33 N/NW in 2 flocks

71 Swallows S

4 single Jays extremely high S

314 Meadow Pipits S

10 Goosander S

337 Woodpigeons SW 

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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This morning:

140+ Pink-footed Geese west

680 Redwings, with 600 S/SW in 22 small flocks 80 extremely high north in 6 small flocks

3 full male Ring Ouzels S/SE from Scout Road and later an immature male type went high north with Redwings

1 Brambling low N

28 Siskins, 45 Goldfinches, 17 Linnets south

33 Swallows south

313 Meadow Pipits south

Male type Merlin chasing the odd pipit and deviating to a couple Swallows as it raced south

Birds down included an immature type Black Redstart around the mast building on Winter Hill

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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This morning, 15 Common Scoters south over Winter Hill, 9 Redwings south with 8 & 1, 100+ Pink-footed Geese SE, 59 Siskins south, 2 immature type Crossbill briefly down then flew off south, 22 House Martins and 33  Swallows south.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Yesterday morning from Scout Road a juvenile Hobby flew low SE and was quickly followed by a female type Marsh Harrier which came in from the north and continued SE at 08:10 

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Four Wigeon and 17 Crossbills SE were the highlights this morning.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Yesterday's birds from Scout Road included:

716 Meadow Pipits south

A Water Rail flushed from around Dean Ditch by a Sparrowhawk dropped back into the peat bog on Smithies Moor

9 Pink-footed Geese SE which turned back NW in an attempt to avoid a wall of mist

18 Jays E/SE, including a single high flock of 11

4 Snipe N

6 Greylag Geese SW

10 Linnets S

6 Swallow S

A male Marsh Harrier low south over Dean Ditch


Also, on Tuesday, 920 Pink-footed Geese SE in 5 


Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Highlights from Higher Meadows this morning included:

62 Pink-footed Geese in 4 skein E/SE and 45 birds in 2 skeins SW

2850 House Martins S

222 Swallows S

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Yesterday saw a phenomenal movement of hirundines over the moors and almost 11 hours of constant movement saw 17,700 House Martins and 2660 Swallows go through.

Other birds included:

2 Whooper Swan south before flying back north

10 skeins of Pink-footed Geese SE totalling 1740+ birds

80 Meadow Pipits S

4 Jays 4 high SE

16 Buzzards S

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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This morning's highlights:

1410 Pink-footed Geese in 9 skeins ESE and 1 skein of 40 SW

88 Meadow Pipits S

41 Swallows S

Female type Merlin S  

1 Wheatear dropped into one of mast compounds on Winter Hill for five minutes before flying of south

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Highlights for yesterday morning from Scout Road:

2 Whooper Swans NW (which briefly landed on Belmont Reservoir and apparently later went to Anglezarke Reservoir)

4 skeins of Pink-footed Geese SE numbering 584 birds

1 Yellow Wagtail S

3 Grey Wagtails S

5 Jays 5 high E

1 Chiffchaff S

1041 House Martins, 735 Swallows and 9 Sand Martins S

582 Meadow Pipits S

10 Snipe N

14 Golden Plovers N

73 Linnets S

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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This morning:

A distant Osprey circling north

200 Meadow Pipit S

2 Siskin S

2 skeins of Pink-footed Geese SE involving 30 birds

10 Buzzard

2 Sparrowhawk

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Yesterday morning included:

522 Pink-footed Geese over E/SE in 12 skeins

1 immature Marsh Harrier low close to Mast Road then flew off south

324 Meadow Pipits S

68 Swallows S, 50 N and 60 feeing over the moors

17 Linnet S

2 Wheatear

20 Crossbill NW in a single flock 

Info thanks to Andy Makin




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Yesterday morning saw 6 skeins of Pink-footed Geese over SE totalling 300+ birds, 2 Greylag Geese east, 1 Merlin high SW, 202 Meadows Pipits south plus another 250 down on the top of the moors and 1 Golden Plover down on the moor.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Sightings for yesterday included:

A Black Redstart showing well on the county border wall east of the mast

16 Wheatear along Dean Ditch, 6 in the horse fields off the bottom of Mast Road and 10 along the Mast Road wall up to the mast.

2 Whinchat along Dean Ditch, 1 along Coal Pit Lane and another in the horse field off Mast Road

120+ Meadow Pipits on Smithills Moor and a further 40+ over south

2 Snipe over south

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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This morning 2 Tree Pipits south, 4 Wheatears and a Whinchat on a muck pile on Lower Matchmoor Lane, a further 4 Wheatears on Fleet Moor and just 3 Sand Martins east.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Late news for 3rd September, Scout Road/Coal Pit Lane/Smithills Moor:

19 Tree Pipits south

49 Meadow Pipits south and 74 down on Smithills Moor

14 along Dean Ditch

1 Golden Plover overhead

1 Spotted Flycatcher in Roscoes Tenement Clough

30 Swallows and 10 House Martins south

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Around burnt edge:

1 Dunlin over, 3 Wheatear, 2 Stonechat, 4 Red Grouse (2 Juv), 2 Kestrel, 1 Buzzard, 6 Raven


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Late news for yesterday when 26 Wheatears were around the moors with another 4 at High meadows and a single Spotted Flycatcher in Burnt Edge.


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An Osprey flew low SE over Brownstones Quarry this morning.


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This morning from the east side of Winter Hill:

24 Tree Pipits south, with a largest flock of 5 birds

570 Swallows, 745 House Martins and 8 Sand Martins S

2 Swifts SSE

1 Whiimbrel low S

Birds down in bracken near the watchpoint included 12 Chiffchaffs and a Willow Warbler

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Some highlights from this morning included 7 Tree Pipit south over Scout Road and also 1 at Holdens Farm, 300 House Martins and 110 Swallow south, also 21 Wheatear mainly on Dean Ditch and Smithills Moor.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Other birds around the moors yesterday included:

9 Tree Pipits over south and a further 5 down around Walker Fold

1 Wheatear

730 Swallows S

425 House Martins S

10 Sand Martins S

9 Swifts

1 Hobby low W

16 Snipe W

2 Spotted Flycatchers in Walker Fold along with 11 Chiffchaffs and 6 Whitethroats

Crossbill flock heard in Gale Brook Plantation but not seen

12 Stonechats in Burnt Edge and a further 4 along Scout Road

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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